What is the best, ideal difference in age between a man and a woman for a happy marriage? Description of marriages with different age difference between spouses

What is the best, ideal difference in age between a man and a woman for a happy marriage? Description of marriages with different age difference between spouses

Description of marriages in which spouses of different ages.

Girls, before getting married, carefully consider their decision and will definitely pay attention to how old or younger the man. In this article, we will talk about what difference between spouses is considered optimal for a happy marriage.

5 years older

It is worth paying attention, most of us are of the opinion that the best option for creating a family is the difference between partners 3-7 years, while the man should be older. It is believed that a man is somewhat late in development relative to a woman, so the difference of 5 years will make spouses almost equal. It is proved that such partners have the most children.

Happy family
Happy family

Husband 10 years older

Marriages are also popular, where the difference between spouses is about 10 years. It is believed that if a man is about 10 years old, marriage is the most durable and stable. The man is already wealthy and held, understands the value of family relationships, is fully matured for the family, is ready to educate children and patience to treat his lover. In addition, if a man is older, he treats his wife as a princess and queen, idolize her. He believes that having a young wife is prestigious.

Husband 15-20 years old

Less commonly, you can meet marriages in which a man is 15 years older than a woman. The people are wary of such marriages. The fact is that many of the men believe that such a marriage is short -lived. After all, most young girls turn their attention to men older only because they have a stable financial situation, and there is no need to live in poverty. In this case, you can afford everything you want. It is believed that if the difference between spouses at the age of 15, then the girl most likely married for money or for some stable position in society. A man can be in power and help his lover advance up the career ladder. Often such marriages break up due to jealousy.

Big difference in age
Big difference in age

Woman 3-5 years old

But besides this, there are non -standard marriages, where a woman is older than a man. The difference in the age of 3-5 is not terrible. She is young, beautiful, active, purposeful, she knows what she wants and she is pleased with courtship, attention from a young partner. At the same time, a woman at this age tries to take care of herself, so the difference between spouses is not very visible.

Wife 10 years older

If the difference between a man and a woman is 5-10 years old, while a woman is older, then some difficulties may be observed here. After all, a woman ages much faster than a man, and at the same time just a wife dominates the family. Most often, men who are difficult to manage their lives, as well as take care of the family, go to such a marriage. Therefore, a woman takes the role of a dominant partner. She leads the family. As practice shows, such families are also quite stable and there are not many divorces among them, because a man receives a wife, a stable financial situation. All worries are assigned to his wife. At the same time, the woman also suits everything. She is used to being the first in life, rule and dominate.

A woman older than her husband
A woman older than her husband

Wife 15-20 years old

If the difference between a man and a woman is 15-20 years old, while a woman is older, it is believed that this is a marriage by calculation. The man and woman until then, while she arranges him financially and is able to encourage him financially. Otherwise, marriages break up.

The ideal difference between spouses: the opinion of American scientists

Recently, American scientists conducted a number of research and found that the ideal age between a man and a woman is one year. Thanks to surveys, it was revealed that spouses who have a difference of 1 year are less likely to be divorced. Scientists also noticed that if the difference between a man and a woman is about 5 years old, then they are 18% less often than those couples who have a difference in the age of 10 years.

Unusual married couple
Unusual married couple

You should not pay attention to such studies, if you are feelings between you, and are confident in them. Not only age, but also the level of education of partners are of great importance. An important understanding of each other. If the husband and wife are on the same wave, they reason equally, they have a lot in common, then such marriages are quite strong and are able to exist until the end of the life of both partners.

Video: Optimum age difference

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