Which oven is better: gas or electric? The oven gas, built -in: which is better, reviews. Choosing an oven type of cleaning. Rating of popular models of gas oven cabinets

Which oven is better: gas or electric? The oven gas, built -in: which is better, reviews. Choosing an oven type of cleaning. Rating of popular models of gas oven cabinets

The options for choosing a built -in oven.

Now in household appliances stores a huge number of ovens are both gas and electric. Recently, a rampant fashion for the purchase of electric ovens has gone. In this article we will tell you which oven is better.

Which oven is better?

In most cases, it is necessary to focus not so much on the popularity of one or another household appliance, but on your financial capabilities and accessibility of a particular type of energy. If you live in a village in which there is no gas, then it makes no sense to purchase a gas oven, because it will work from a gas cylinder.

Choice parameters:

  • Such costs are inappropriate because gas consumption is quite large and there are problems with connecting gas cylinders. Accordingly, in such villages, in any case, an adequate solution will be the acquisition of electric ovens.
  • If you have gas, and it is connected to the house, you heat the house with a gas boiler, then in this case the purchase of a gas oven will be appropriate. But there are other subtleties that will help you choose the right oven. The fact is that in most cases the electric oven is equipped with a huge number of programs. Modern models can not only bake, but also fry, make a grill. With installed knitting needles, you can measure the temperature regime of the product itself.
  • In the presence of convection, this allows you to achieve beautiful brown crust, as well as homogeneous frying from all sides, without turning products. In addition, in modern models that can now be found on sale, there is a function of defrosting, heating, fermentation, as well as the preparation of yogurt. What is the gas oven deprived.
  • There are undoubtedly fewer functions, but many believe that the food cooked in the oven on gas, that is, with the help of an open flame, is much tastier. It is considered alive, as it is prepared with fire. But recently, this opinion has been questioned, because gas supply bursts are very often in the gas oven. Accordingly, the flame can burn stronger or weaker, which negatively affects the quality of baking.
Oven with convection
Oven with convection

Gas or electric oven: which is better?

The fact is that many housewives who are engaged in baking cakes noticed that it is quite difficult to bake biscuits in the gas oven. Because in them twice as often such a dough settles, due to the fact that there are fluctuations in the supply of gas and burning flame. The electric oven is deprived of such shortcomings, because there are no hesitation in it. There is no open flame in it, heating is carried out from the spiral, which is located on top or below the device.

Oven of burning
Oven of burning

The pros and cons of gas and electric ovens:

  • Recently, indeed electric ovens are especially popular. Combined stoves are quite popular, in which the hob is gas, and the oven is electric. Therefore, if you are looking for not an oven, but a stove, then this option will become perfect, if you are in a big city, you have access to gas and electricity. The fact is that gas is really much more economical than electricity. Its costs are many times less than, for example, for baking chicken with electricity. You can save significantly if you cook food every day on gas. In addition, a container with a liquid or a product on gas is heated much faster.
  • In the same way as the oven, it will turn it out to a certain temperature several times faster than an electric oven. But at the same time, the temperature inside the gas oven drops faster than in the electric oven. Because when the door is opened, fluctuations in the flame occur, which negatively affects the quality of baking and the temperature inside the chamber itself.
  • If in your village there are regularly interruptions in electricity, then of course it is better to purchase a gas oven. If you live in an area where there are no sources of energy, then of course it will be advisable to purchase a gas oven. For ordinary apartments in which there are no problems with gas and electricity, of course it is better to purchase electric oven. They have a lot of advantages.
  • In particular, a large number of various programs and functions. Many of the devices are equipped with a timer of automatic switching and off. In addition, there are probes that can check the temperature inside the product, as well as its readiness.
  • The most interesting thing is that electric oven can also replace a microwave oven. Now there are models that combine these two household appliances. That is, in an electric oven now, it’s just that it is also very easy to warm up food, bake it, fry, grill it. Modern oven is equipped with such functions.
  • We do not recommend purchasing electric oven if you have an old electrical wiring in your house, there are a lot of electrical devices. Accordingly, traffic jams are often knocked out. The power of the electric oven is high, so the wiring simply will not pull, it will burn and can provoke a fire.
  • We recommend that you install gas ovens in houses and apartments with new electric wiring, which is designed for modern power. That is, which takes into account the work of modern washing machines, computers, microwave furnaces, ironing, dryers, multicoars, as well as ovens.
Beautiful oven
Beautiful oven

Rating of the best electric ovens

Braving rating:

  1. Bosch HBG 633BB1
  2. Bosch HBG 634BS1
  3. Gorenje BO 73 Cli
  4. Electrolux EOB 93434
  5. Bosch HBG 635BW1
  6. Gorenje BO 635 E11
  7. HotPoint-Ariston FT 850.1
  8. Gorenje BO 635 E20
Oven cabinets
Oven cabinets

Building oven Built -in: which is better, reviews

Rating of the best gas ovens:

  2. Maunfeld MGOG 673W
  3. Zanussi zog 51411 xk
  4. Electrolux eog 92102 CX
  5. Indesit IGW 620 BL
  6. Bosch HGN22H350
  7. HotPoint-Ariston FHR G (AN)
Gas oven
Gas oven


Oksana, 22 years old. I recently got married, so they decided to purchase household appliances for wedding money, including a gas oven. We focused on bad electric wiring in our old apartment. We live in a rented apartment, so we cannot redo the electric wiring, and it knocks out plugs quite often. Therefore, we purchased the gas oven HotPoint-Ariston FT 850.1, since it is much easier to maintain. The price is more than affordable.

Oksana, 48 years old. They purchased an oven for a rural house, opted for the Gorenje BO 635 E11 gas. We use the oven quite rarely, since in the village we live mainly in the summer. I cook meat products from pastries, as well as a variety of fruit pies from what grows in the garden. We are satisfied with the gas oven because it does not require a large number of financial costs. It is quite primitive, but I did not need a large number of functions and programs, since I do not use it often.

Svetlana, 50 years old. They made repairs and decided to replace the old oven. We bought Electrolux EOB 93443. I will not say that I am very pleased. For that kind of money, I thought that the cabinet was of better quality. As a result, a fairly ordinary oven.

Fresh bakery
Fresh bakery

Which oven cleaning system is better?

When you choose a built -in oven, it is worth focusing not so much on the manufacturer as on the number of functions and the cleaning system. For many housewives, this is a decisive aspect. Now there are three cleaning options.

Open cleansing methods:

  • Pyrolysis
  • Hydrolysis
  • Catalysis

The most expensive is the system of purification by pyrolysis. During the cleaning, the oven heating the process of up to 500 degrees occurs. Thus, all fat, which is sticking on the walls, simply burns with the formation of ash. The main disadvantage is the unpleasant odor and high fuel costs.


High -quality products are options with hydrolysis. The essence of cleaning is that water with a small amount of cleaning agents is poured at the bottom of the baking sheet, put in the oven at a temperature of 50-90 degrees. When heated, part of the cleaner evaporates, so it settles on the walls and corrodes soot, fat. As a result, you will have to turn off the oven, wipe it with a damp cloth, everything that was on the walls.

The most unsuccessful option is the use of catalysis. The fact is that the oven cleaning is carried out in a special way. Its walls are covered with a special composition of copper, zinc and nickel. This helps to decompose fat. The disadvantage of this method is that such oven does not serve for a very long time. The cleaning system has been working for a maximum of 5 years. The service life is only 300 hours. Therefore, if you cook quite often, then the oven will become unusable quite quickly.

Bake products
Bake products

As you can see, the choice of a gas and electric oven depends on many factors. Moreover, not your personal preferences have a decisive role. And the possibility of connecting to a particular energy carrier and certain requirements for household appliances.

Video: Choosing an oven

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Comments K. article

  1. I looked on the Internet, I really like the oven at Indesit, and quite inexpensively by the way, I thought I would see prices and eyes will climb on my forehead))

  2. I bought a hotpoint oven brand, it is good to prepare all kinds of goodies, excellent backlight, five levels for the location of the dishes.

  3. I agree with Kristina, at first I also thought that the Indian oven will be very expensive, it turned out that it was not) nice))

  4. I somehow never really delved into what I pull in the light, but I use my XOTPONTARTAL Electric Duration quite often, but somehow it does not pull a lot

  5. i have a gas oven indisit (from the list), a great thing!

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