How to make you ask for the forgiveness of the husband, beloved, offender, girlfriend: conspiracy. Conspiracy, so that the person apologizes and ask for forgiveness

How to make you ask for the forgiveness of the husband, beloved, offender, girlfriend: conspiracy. Conspiracy, so that the person apologizes and ask for forgiveness

Do you want the people who offend you sincerely repenting and ask for forgiveness? Our article has incorporated a whole collection of conspiracies, allowing to make a husband, a loved one, a friend, an offender, an enemy and a former man to apologize.

When the resentment burns the soul, and the rejoiced ambition appeals about retaliation, most people turn to otherworldly forces for help, naively believing that innocent, “white” spells will help restore their family or establish relations with loved ones.

Some are convinced that conspiracies are the only chance to protect the family from decay, keep her husband, maintain close relations with friends or work colleagues. Blind confidence in the need to conduct mystical rites, the desire to achieve the opponent’s apology in a mild and less humiliating way for himself, makes many magic rituals take many at home, calling for spirits to help.

However, before deciding on a deal with the other world, carefully think - what is pushing you to hold rituals? A sincere desire to maintain an old relationship or the desire to amuse your pride, by force to impose his will to a person.

Important! Any, even the most harmless spell that you said, will have not only positive consequences. The other world does not tolerate debts, and if you call for help, get ready to give something in return. Perhaps the fact that the unclean force will pick up will be a hundred times more expensive than acquired!

How to make you ask for forgiveness of my husband, beloved: a conspiracy

The husband, according to the covenant of the Lord, is with his wife one flesh. If you are striving to conduct a rite on a person associated with your bonds, try to analyze your decision. What caused this desire - revenge, covered by pride or hopelessness? The value of the “rennation” of the other world depends on the answer.

Before you decide to fulfill the conspiracy, try to talk with your lover and calmly convey your point of view to him.
Before you decide to fulfill the conspiracy, try to talk with your lover and calmly convey your point of view to him.


In addition, any ritual on her husband will touch the spouse itself, therefore, if your thoughts are not clean, and intentions are ambitious, the conspiracy will provide an unpredictable result in the future. Think for yourself - can a continuation of relations built on magic?

If the ritual is the only way to keep and reason your beloved, then try to abandon the rites based on the blood. Despite the fact that such conspiracies are endowed with incredible strength, any incorrect movement and word can take a completely opposite effect, which is fraught with a deterioration in the well -being of the beloved, his loss and detachment in relations.

Important! If you decide to speak your beloved through a mystical rite, try to free yourself from negativity and resentment during the conspiracy, otherwise the ritual can greatly harm your loved one.

  • Watch for water

There are a lot of magical rituals that allow you to get an apology of the noble. A simple and effective way to force the spouse to repent of their actions is to conspire the water.

To do this, you need to prepare a church candle and a glass half filled with water. The candle should be placed in a glass of water and set fire to it, reading the conspiracy until the fire fades, in contact with water.

The words of the conspiracy must be pronounced calmly and confidently. Try to spell as much as possible before the candle goes out.
The words of the conspiracy must be pronounced calmly and confidently. Try to spell as many times as possible before the candle goes out.

Put the formed ogar in a secluded place for 3 weeks, during which the offender will return and ask for forgiveness for the deed.

  • Conspiracy on the icon

It is possible to hear the words of forgiveness from the lips of a loved one, using a ritual based on a prayer-speaking prayer, pronounced to the icon image of the three saints. To do this, you need to cover the table with a snow -white tablecloth, put the icon of three saints on it, and on the contrary, arrange three candles.

You need to speak the icon calmly and clearly, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy three times.
You need to speak the icon calmly and clearly, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy three times.
  • Conspiracy for her husband's repentance

If you can’t convince your beloved in words, but he makes fun and gloating at the sight of your suffering, then you can enlighten it with a conspiracy on the stars.

To do this, open the window at night, tap the wall or corner of the room with your right hand, and, looking at the sky, say the words of the conspiracy.

This brutal request is a strong enough effect, therefore, before using the rite, look at others, preferably, not mystical ways to solve your problem.
This brutal request is a strong enough effect, therefore, before using the rite, look at others, preferably, not mystical ways to solve your problem.
  • Conspiracy for forgiveness

To get rid of the burning resentment of a loved one, which destroys faith in love and does not allow living further, you can use a rite of the forgiveness of a loved one.

You will need a blank sheet of paper (without drawings, stripes, squares) and three new church candles.

  • Pour a pen on paper with all your grievances caused to lover, not stinting on overwhelmed emotions.
  • Turn the scribbled paper sheet three times to make a triangle.
  • Install three candles on the table in the line and light them.
  • With your left hand, bring a triangular leaves directed by the corners in your direction to the fire. First, light the left corner, then the second from the central candle, and the last from the right wick.
  • When the fire covers all three sides of the leaf, transfer it to the right hand. When the flame begins to burn the palm, put the leaf in the dishes.
  • Candles should be completely burned out.
  • At night, opening the window, changing the ashes in the wind, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy.
This conspiracy will allow you to look at the resulting problem with my husband from a different angle, without malice and resentment.
This conspiracy will allow you to look at the resulting problem with my husband from a different angle, without malice and resentment.

How to make you ask for forgiveness of the enemy, offender: conspiracy

The person to whom you are hostile often causes grievances or simply bad mood. Before conducting the rite, you must be sure of the enemy’s involvement in your troubles.

If from evidence of guilt you have only vague suspicions, then it is better not to use the rituals on the photo card of the offender or conspiracies in which you need to pronounce the name of the culprit.

  • A conspiracy that makes the offender apologize

At midnight, take a new candle, install it on the bottom of the glass and fill it to half of running water. Light a candle and say a conspiracy 3 times.

Say the words of the spell clearly, confidently, looking at the flame of the candle.
Say the words of the spell clearly, confidently, looking at the flame of the candle.
  • Wait until the candle burns out and goes out with contact with water.
  • Take the ogarik, say the words of the spell 3 times, hide it in a secluded place.
In the evening, for 21 days, you need to get a candle rod every day and pronounce these words 3 times above it.
Every evening, for 21 days, you need to get a candle rod and pronounce these words 3 times above it.

In the morning, pour water from a glass into the toilet.

The spell on the candle core has a sufficiently great power that can bring a person, enemy or even a witch on the threshold of your house. At this moment, it is important to understand that your petition is the liberation of the torment of the culprit.

To get rid of the torment of the offender, just say the word: "" Forgive me"And burn the cherk of a candle to the end.

If you came to you a person whom you did not expect to see (usually a witch or enemy), and asks him to forgive him, then this person carried out evil deeds directed in your direction.

Usually, to the question: “Why forgive you?”, The person replies: “Just sorry.” The aim of such a visit is to get rid of torment caused by a rite, but not a sincere repentance in them. In this case, reply: "" Let the Lord forgive you!»

  • Ritual, encouraging to experience remorse of conscience

To carry out the rite, prepare a new church candle and holy water. Wake up at 3 in the morning.

  • Pour the holy water into a basin or a small bowl.
  • Light a candle and melted wax boil a circle at the bottom of the basin, saying the words of the conspiracy.
Say the words of the spell three times.
Say the words of the spell three times.

Put a candle in the center of the circle and hide under the bed.

How to make a friend ask for forgiveness: a conspiracy

Friendship is a multifaceted relationship with a person that allow you to calmly treat his disadvantages, antics and unexpected words. A true friend, without conspiracies, understanding his wrongness, will try to go to reconciliation and settle the resulting conflict as soon as possible. This requires only time and patience.

If a girlfriend is dear to you, try to talk to her, convey your resentment and indignation to her. Perhaps the situation is resolved without the intervention of magical forces.
If a girlfriend is dear to you, try to talk to her, convey your resentment and indignation to her. Perhaps the situation is resolved without the intervention of magical forces.

If you intend to make a ceremony, incapitizing a girlfriend to ask for forgiveness, think about your attitude to her. Perhaps your understanding of friendship is far from sincere affection and respect for a friend, especially if the misunderstanding that has arisen pushes to magic.

If a girlfriend inflicted an unexpected blow to you in the back, without experiencing remorse, then the ritual will awaken the feeling of repentance, prompting the desire to ask for forgiveness for the deed evil.

  • Ritual with pepper and photo card

You can call your friend to shame and repentance with a conspiracy on a photo card and red acute pepper.

Rubbing a burning cheek pepper in the photo of the offender, say a conspiracy.

Try to pronounce a conspiracy without evil and hatred, so as not to bring on yourself and a friend of a serious trouble.
Try to pronounce a conspiracy without evil and hatred, so as not to bring on yourself and a friend of a serious trouble.
  • White spell

If the betrayal of the friend is so great that the spiritual wound does not heal, and grows even more, then only the Lord God will help to heal it. To do this, you need to get rid of any negativity to a friend and sincerely forgive her, despite the insult in the heart.

A very simple and effective ritual based on the help of “good” forces that can make the offender repent and ask for forgiveness. We must go to church, purchase a candle and put it for healthy girlfriends, sincerely appealing to the Lord to forgive the sins of the offender and save her soul.

Upon arrival home, type running water into a transparent glass, and looking at the bottom of the container, imagine the face of a girlfriend and read the magic words.

This conspiracy will only work if your heart is not evil and negativity to a person who offended you.
This conspiracy will only work if your heart is not evil and negativity to a person who offended you.

After the ritual, pour the spilled water into the sink or toilet and rinse with running water.

  • Ritual according to the method of Stepanova

On the growing moon, purchase the heart of the animal in the store, boil it in salted water by coming home, put it on a plate. Light the church candle, bite off a piece of boiled heart muscle and say the words of the conspiracy.

In this conspiracy there is no message for negativity, so your emotions should be creative.
In this conspiracy there is no message for negativity, so your emotions should be creative.

Conspiracy so that the former apologizes for forgiveness

A breakdown of relations with a lover sometimes becomes the cause of disappointments, mental pain and depression. An abandoned, with a trampled sense of self -esteem, the girl most often chooses the help of otherworldly forces in order to take revenge on the offender, make it apologize.

Advice! If you firmly decide to use the conspiracy to force your ex -man to ask for forgiveness, do not rush to carry out a spell. In any problems, both sides are to blame for the relationship, and if you blame your lover in everything, then you need to “cool down” a little and soberly look at the situation.

There are times when the girl learns about the vile actions of the former chosen one after a break of the relationship. The accumulated resentment in the heart due to the meanness and betrayal of a former beloved person, filling the female nature, asks for retaliation. In this case, magic comes to the rescue of deceived and abandoned young ladies.

The most correct solution in relation to the former is to let him go without harming it. A little time will pass- a year, two, three- and he himself realizes his wrong. Try to start life from scratch, without desecrating the future with evil spirits.
The most correct decision on reprisal against the former is to let him go without harming it. A little time will pass- a year, two, three- and he himself realizes his wrong. Try to start life from scratch, without desecrating the future with evil spirits.

To cause remorse among a former lover, you do not need to resort to heavy, black spells. The most optimal option would be prayer and sincere forgiveness of the offender.

  • Prayer to forgive and release the former

Creative words will help to cope with the negative and resentment, forgive yourself and release the offender.

Repeat the prayer at least once a day after awakening.
Repeat the prayer at least once a day, immediately after waking up.
  • Ritual on the rose

Buy one red rose, put it in sight until it wags. Tear off one spike, making a spell from the stem daily.

These words of the conspiracy are aimed at a former beloved person who is birching old wounds, gossiping and slandering you.
These words of the conspiracy are aimed at a former beloved person who is birching old wounds, gossiping and slandering you.

Video: Prayer for punishment of offenders

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Comments K. article

  1. Hello. I made a ceremony for repentance. The person I thought on, but: he does not ask for forgiveness, but says that he has the feeling that someone sends him and he wrote to me to send him. What can this mean?

  2. ritual with red pepper .. and then what to do with the photo? Where and how to store it?

  3. Please tell me the conspiracy for water_ what to do with water ???? And what to do with cores of candles after 3 weeks ?????

  4. A difficult life situation has developed. The husband changed and went to his mistress. The help of a magician, psychic, clairvoyant was urgently needed. I watched the entire Internet, read a bunch of reviews about magicians. I accidentally saw the Center for Magic for NTV. I called the hotline and talked about the problem. I was appointed a specialist and diagnosed. After the work, the spouse returned on the third day with things. All my problems were removed as a hand. (I don’t want to go into my troubles, all of my own have enough of our problems), first of all, people close to us suffer (in my situation are children), I understood my problems. The only thing I will say excellent specialists, the lowest prices that have encountered during the search, and the prices are all on the site, not like scammers, it is convenient that reception is remote. In my life, everything worked out very quickly, which I did not even expect. Give very good, useful recommendations. The site is called mystic info Especially for those who are very bad or confused in life and do not know what to do. A lot of free rituals and rituals. I hope they will help you!

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