How to make a man make an offer to get married: tips, methods

How to make a man make an offer to get married: tips, methods

Every girl wants to hear the cherished words from her beloved: "Marry me." But sometimes, it happens that you need to push a man to take such a serious and responsible step.

Women often fall into relationships in which they feel uncertain. The desire to gain stability is understandable - this is security and confidence in mutual feelings. How to avoid a woman of such a fate - to gently push a man to make a vital decision, and make him get married? Several faithful tips will help to cope with the task.

How to make a man make an offer to get married: tips, methods

Sociologists say, unlike women who consider themselves married in any relationship, men who are building free relationships tend to attribute themselves to bachelors. This situation is beneficial for men, but extremely inconvenient for women.

In addition, any relationship should have a development. Most men in this case try to evade this topic, and if the conversation cannot be avoided, they try to assure the woman that the lack of a stamp in the passport does not affect their relationship. A woman in fear of losing a lover - agrees to a similar role. Sometimes this situation lasts years, the couple can have children, but the man is in no hurry to change anything.


So what to do:

  • Refusal of cohabitation - The very first condition that a woman who wants to live in an official marriage should put a man. Men are characteristic of clarity - it is necessary to prioritize before the start of the relationship. So the man will understand that the woman does not intend to enter into a relationship without obligations. And this will save a woman from frivolous candidates. However, you should not show the initiative on the first date - this can frighten any man. It should be noted that men are quite prudent in such issues and do not make spontaneous decisions - they part with freedom for a good reason.
  • If the chosen one doubts the sincerity of feelings, you should not expect a lightning -fast decision from him. This does not mean that a woman is indifferent, a man needs more time. It is necessary that the beliefs have accumulated in it - she is precisely the only chosen one. The main thing is that thinking should not drag on for years, it is necessary for the woman to set the scope of the permitted time. Statistics show that the optimal terms are from 2 to 4 months. During this period, it is better for a woman to meet a man on a neutral territory, choosing a convenient time for dating. You cannot be intrusive, it is better to create a lack of communication, but remember the natural male instinct of the hunter. It is important to find the right balance here - a man should miss, and not think that they are neglected.
  • A man may not guess that you want to get married. If you still live together, then he believes that this is enough and does not even think that something else needs to be done. Create a romantic atmosphere in the evening, prepare dinner and then talk with your soulmate heart and say that you want a wedding. The game of silence does not suit men in any way, they take hints hard or pretend that they do not understand. And the sign of your silence says that everything suits you. To achieve something-you need to act and talk about it.
A man may not guess
A man may not guess
  • Personal space It is necessary for both partners. If this happens, the couple already lives together, and the official marriage is not concluded - the reason may be fears to lose the remnants of their freedom. Often starting a joint life, a woman tries to establish careful control over a man: a leading role in household issues, regulated communication with friends, financial restrictions. This behavior scares off a man, suppresses faith in his own strength. The created sensation of “parental control” does not allow a man to show authority of the head of the family. For a woman, such a tactic is destructive - excessive responsibility for making decisions leads to emotional burnout. Having taken a male position - a woman loses her femininity and ceases to like a man. A man strive to avoid communication with a woman and even worse - resumes the search for a life partner. Give the man complete freedom, do not ask anything, behave indifferently. And then walking with friends, he will begin to think about what you are doing at that time. Then act, ask to make an offer.
  • Show the chosen one can lose if the relationship is further unofficial. For example, go to mom for a month, do not call a couple of days. Make him miss and think about you. If he feels the same necessity as you, then after returning, expect a pleasant and long -awaited surprise.
  • Partners should give each other the opportunity to show the initiative - The freedom of action is reasonable to establish a trusting relationship between the beloved. A woman needs to engage in self -development, not surveillance of a man. But also do not fall to extremes, freedom should not disconnect the interests of partners. It is necessary to observe the measure, otherwise it can lead to cooling of feelings. It’s good if a woman manages to make friends with the circle of friends of her future husband, where he spends his free time - this will help to calm her own doubts, find positive aspects. It is necessary to convince the man that when he married he will not lose self -sufficiency, and dear people.
  • Make your beloved be jealous. Show that you like and interesting for other men. Go to some kind of party or meeting in a gorgeous dress with an open neckline, go to a restaurant with the best friend or former classmate, by chance bring home a bouquet of flowers, but do not admit that you bought it yourself. When your chosen one begins to be jealous, hint to him that it is time to make an offer. Or he himself will understand that he can lose you and decide on this step first.
  • Allies - Any environment of a man who has a direct influence: relatives and friends, friends, neighbors, colleagues, or just those whom he admires, can make a man make an offer to get married. The young man obeys mom's advice? Then act through it. Get to know the groom's parents. Create a good impression on the future mother -in -law, and then your beloved in your pocket. But remember, it is very important to carefully prepare for the meeting. Find out as much information as possible about the preferences and tastes of the mother. Choose an appropriate outfit, it is better that it is a modest suit or dress. Visiting yourself not defiantly, speak out about yourself correctly. Present it to your mother a small gift for her hobbies. Cloudly tell us how delicious you are preparing what a beautiful son she raised and that you are from a decent family. Having created a positive impression of yourself in the eyes of your parents, you will enlist their support and very soon you will move from the status of a girl to the role of your wife.
Find the allies
Find the allies
  • If a woman is able to please people, win allies - a man will certainly appreciate. As practice shows, the opinion of the immediate environment play an important role, influencing the choice and desire of a man to create a family. It is good if these are strong couples who, by their example, can provoke a man to decisive actions.
  • The desire to match the expectations of their environment and approval on their part of the candidacy will push a man, and the proposal for marriage will not be long in coming. In this case, it is important for a woman to hint his environment about his readiness to legitimize the relationship between her and the partner. Just do not show excessive perseverance, a woman needs to understand that such allies can be critical of her desires and be alert to be reflected in her relationship with her partner. In this case, you should show delicacy, hint, not give out increased interest, with a sense of dignity.
  • Family values - Films, books, life situations with a similar topic that can make a man make an offer to get married. You can use any methods in which there is a mention of happy family relationships and obvious advantages of marriage. Funny stories about some old acquaintances who benefit the family life may be used. It is better if this story is told by common friends or relatives - the information will acquire a greater meaning for a man. Watch a film about family values \u200b\u200b- to dream together aloud about the future of a joint family: house, situation, children, pets, common holidays. This helps a man find common goals, visualize the family - the woman will direct plans and hopes for joint implementation.
  • Financial issue - The woman is financially independent, the status above, should not advertise the prosperity in front of the man. It so happened that men do not like to give the championship to women, especially if it concerns monetary issues. You can understand this - the desire to be a minister, not prey. Do not announce the price of things whenever you make purchases. A man may be scared that he will not master to provide such a “expensive woman” and prefer to see a woman more comparable to his income to his wife. In a joint life, it is better if a man allocates the necessary part of the money for housekeeping. You can’t take everything to a penny or criticize a man for an insufficient budget, so it will be difficult make a man to marry.
  • A smart woman will always support and help a man find additional sources of earnings. The man is more likely to make an offer to the woman who is not wasteful and knows how to manage, is able to correctly dispose of the budget. Therefore, if a man is forced to conceal part of the money or does not give it at all, due to the requests of a woman constantly in debt or disappears at work, it should be thought-perhaps he is in no hurry to legalize relationships due to financial failure. Such a woman does not give confidence. A man is afraid to go broke and lose a stable position in society. The reverence of a woman can be the back side: the rejection of marriage may be caused by experiencing not to achieve self -realization in such a union, fear of greed and poverty. The man, most likely, will consider that in such a marriage he will not achieve the desired results, and his house will not be a complete bowl.
Get a ring
Get a ring
  • Pregnancy - One of the widespread methods to make a man make an offer. This method is very contradictory, since it depends on how strong the partner’s desire was to have children. Life situations show that this acts only on those men who previously married and divorced due to the lack of children in it. With the rest, this tactic does not work to the extent as we would like. Even if a woman managed to marry a man, soon a marriage broke up. In order to get off on this method, a woman must clearly know about the man’s intention to acquire offspring. It should be noted that often, wanting to have a child, after his birth, the men continued to give empty promises, remaining in the previous status of a bachelor. Given the above, the conclusion suggests itself - with the help of pregnancy it is possible to marry yourself, but this does not bring happiness.
  • Important dates -Holidays or some iconic events. You can use the opportunity and make a man to marry On a certain date, for example: Valentine's Day, the date of birth of one of the partners, on the day of the family and marriage. The chosen one believes fortune -telling and horoscopes - resort to the services of an astrologer, fortuneteller, to determine favorable days.
  • Travels - A romantic trip can favorably act on the chosen one to make a man to marry. Many travel agencies provide special tours. A trip to an exotic country will relax a man in a company with a beloved woman and will help to make the right decision. The main thing for a woman is not to miss the opportunity to prove herself in the best light. During the trip, one cannot remind a man of everyday difficulties, work - to try to talk about positive moments, how good it is to rest in a couple.
  • If a man still does not show the initiative, does not make an offer - do not be upset, perhaps this will happen upon arrival home. For the entire period of the trip, the atmosphere of a real “honeymoon” should be present - a man will want to repeat pleasant moments after the wedding. Photos brought from the trip must be arranged in a home interior, beautifully designed and presented to a lover - let the photographs are in sight as a reminder of a pleasant joint vacation, causing a man positive emotions associated with a lover. The desire to keep pleasant feelings will lead to marriage.
Get a ring
Get a ring
  • Limit a man in an intimate relationship. Tell me that he is not your husband, and you no longer want to maintain such a connection without a stamp in the passport, and do not want to remain a single mother. But such a technique sometimes becomes dangerous, because a partner can find another passion. And most likely, this is for the better, you will immediately understand that this person is not yours.
  • Promise the guy that when you get married, everything will be different. Your life will become brighter, there will be a real family, you will cook deliciously, spend less money. Describe all the advantages of a married life. But do not forget to answer for your words when the narrowed one offers to get married.
  • Make an offer yourself. Put on the suit, buy a ring and, with a romantic dinner, ask or is it ready to become your husband. Your young man will become uneasy, and most likely he himself will ask you about it. Well, or vice versa and you did everything in vain.
  • Extreme measure - It should be applied if not one of the methods has worked. Here it is necessary to take into account - such statements should not sound like blackmail and confirmed by inaction. And this is always risky - a partner can be confused and endure a relationship at all. If the relationship has come to a dead end and the woman is not very comfortable in them, then it’s worth trying. This is necessary clearly declare your desire to stop such unpromising relationships, to state the motivation of his act: it is not the desire of the chosen one to marry, doubts about his desire to have a family, children, joint life. And indicate a way out of the situation, namely the fact that this problem can only be solved by legitimizing the relationship.
  • It is important not to come across a partner’s persuasion that official marriage does not affect the sincerity of his relationship, that you need to wait a bit for now, the next unsolved task, yielding, the woman risks again to go through the closed circle of free relations and will forever remain in that status of uncertainty, In which she is now. It is necessary to remember that men are characteristic of clarity, so it needs to be demanded from it. The man’s answer should sound unequivocally - “yes” or “no”. If a man refuses to give an exhaustive answer, it is better to stop the relationship.
Make it
Make it

If you think about the seriousness of these tips, then ask yourself: “Can you make a man make an offer?”, “Will something good come of it?” The most important thing in marriage is happiness and mutual understanding, respect for both partners. And any infringement or coercion of a person to something gives the opposite effect. A man who is not ready for marriage is likely to simply behave like a husband and consider that he should not do anything to create a strong family, including in the house.

A woman needs to understand - does she need a man who needs to be forced to marry? This is unnatural and has nothing to do with a happy marriage. In a happy union, relations are built on compromises and mutual harmony, and not manipulations and tricks. Marriages built on insincere desires are not very durable.

The man understanding that he had married not for love - sooner or later he will recoup on his wife. Such a husband will be completely unsuitable for fulfilling obligations imposed by his wife, which will lead to a divorce. It is possible to use these methods only on condition that a woman needs to finally decide on her partner’s choice - he worthy of her attention or should not spend time on such a chosen one.

Video: We force a man to get married

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