How to force or ask a lover to give gifts? Why does a lover give no gifts or stopped giving: a psychologist consultation

How to force or ask a lover to give gifts? Why does a lover give no gifts or stopped giving: a psychologist consultation

Ways to make a man give gifts.

Love is the strongest feeling that is difficult to control. But the word "lovers", for some reason, is perceived. This is usually due to the fact that one or both partners are already connected by bonds.

Why do lovers give gifts or should gifts?

Many women, starting such a relationship, are counting on something. There are a lot of reasons to establish such strange relationships. Here, the main of them:

  • Lack of sex. Most often, in the role of lovers, two people with rings on the fingers. Relations with the spouses became boring, and sex is not so frequent and bright.
  • The desire to receive gifts. Many women are not looking for a lover at all, but by the patron who will provide them and give expensive gifts. Usually, in the role of mistresses, young and unmarried girls. The lover on the contrary is married and secured.
  • Lack of emotions and attention. In this case, a woman is simply not enough attention and family life seems boring to her. Usually such a woman has a constantly busy husband or home tyrant. She is looking for a defender in a lover and wants affection.

If you have a relationship due to lack of sex and attention, then gifts are most likely not interested in you. But many women believe that the lovers of a man should still give gifts.

The reasons why lovers give gifts:

  • Gratitude to a woman for sex
  • The opportunity to show the partner that she is very valuable and a man values \u200b\u200bhis woman
  • Desire to tie a woman to herself

In general, every relationship is unique and married women who have relationships on the side are in no hurry to accept valuable gifts, since her husband will have to explain where the fur coat or gold jewelry comes from.

Lovers give gifts
lovers give gifts

Why does a lover give no gifts: a psychologist consultation

In general, there are many explanations of why a man does not give gifts. The simplest is the lack of finances. This happens if a man is married and does not make much. Accordingly, all the money goes to the family, but there is simply no left for the mistress.

The reasons why the lover does not give gifts:

  • He does not consider necessary. There are men who believe that paying for sex is not necessary, since a woman also enjoys.
  • The lover has no far -reaching plans for you. This happens if a man does not plan to meet with you for a long time. Perhaps you do not quite suit him as a woman, but so far there is no other.
  • Greed. Among the wealthy men, those who are very difficult to “promote” for gifts. The man is just stingy and does not want to spend money on you.
Lovers give gifts
lovers give gifts

The lover stopped giving gifts: a psychologist consultation

It happens that at the very beginning of the relationship, a man shows signs of attention and gives presentations. But over time, you accept gifts less and less.

The reasons why a man stops giving gifts:

  • Relax.That is, he received what he wanted and relaxed. He believes that his mistress will not go anywhere, since he won her.
  • Financial difficulties. Listen to your man, maybe he has problems in business or at work. This also often happens. As soon as things go up, the man again throws you with gifts.
  • A woman does not know how to accept gifts. This usually happens if the present is not very expensive or something else was expected. That is, a woman with her emotions showed dissatisfaction, which very upset the man.
  • Not the ability to formulate your desires. Most often, when a man asks what to give? The woman modestly answers "nothing." Men do not understand hints, they need to speak directly.
Gift to the mistress
Gift to the mistress

How to force or ask a lover to give gifts?

It is enough to ask correctly, this is the main difficulty. Because we are independent and strong women, how to humiliate and ask? And try not to humiliate yourself, but to ask how children, and it is very difficult to refuse the kids.

Ways to make a man give gifts:

  • Ask. Just do not have to be extinct and demand. After sex, you can hint that you want a golden ring, or the bag is already old, you need a new one. True, some men do not perceive such hints you just need to say "give me, please, a ring." And be sure to describe how it will sparkle on your finger, and delight you.
  • Show that you are upset. Come up with a story in which your husband did not want to get you a new fur coat or boots. And you really want, and press more on pity. And as if this purchase made you happy. A lover will definitely want to be better than your husband.
  • When accepting gifts, portray delight. Be sure to rejoice and praise your lover. Say that they threw about such a gift and how a man is dear to you. A partner will want to please you more often in order to get a portion of positive emotions.
Force or ask his lover to give gifts
force or ask his lover to give gifts

How to make a lover give expensive gifts?

There are several ways to make a man give valuable gifts:

  • Often consult with him. Men are often not sure of their taste, they can doubt that the gift will like. That is why often ask what dress you buy and so that he would like to see you on you next time. Only in no case do not do this for him, acquire what you need, but also ask for advice.
  • Admire gifts. Be sure to put on what the lover gave you from time to time. For example, a bracelet. And say that remember the day on which the man gave you the decoration. And that for you this bracelet is now like a talisman and you adore it.
  • Thank him often. Thank you even for the little things. I bought yogurt - praise, and about the ring generally a separate conversation. You must often thank and talk about the value of gifts.
  • Give the gifts yourself. It will not necessarily be expensive presentations. Let it be some kind of trifle.
Lover gave expensive gifts
lover gave expensive gifts

Conspiracy so that the lover gives gifts

There are many conspiracies and prayers so that the lover begins to give gifts. All of them relate to white magic and will not cause negative consequences.

Stages of the rite:

  • Take a twig of the hops and hide it behind the bosom. This branch must first be spoke.
  • Wash around your lover. Of course, not every city can be found hops. In this case, the mistletoe is suitable, it is sold in floristry stores and is used to decorate bouquets.
  • After that, hide the twig and store it at home.

The words of the conspiracy of the twigs of the hops:

“You curled up, wrapped yourself in, with your pole did not part with your pole, pressed to your pole. Let the servant of God (the name of the man) not press, does not spare me his money, pamper me and cherishes me. As the mother does not spare the daughter of either bread or brocade, the servant of God (the name of the man) all on the table swords. Bear, as the bird-mother is wearing a nest of everything that will be able to buy and get. Khmel-father, Mother's earth, his head for his hug, his heart was sprouted. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy so that the lover gives gifts
Conspiracy so that the lover gives gifts

As you can see, in most cases, the woman herself is to blame that the lover does not give gifts. But if you came across a greedy man, do not have illusions, look for a more generous partner.

Video: How to make a lover give gifts?

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