How to charge a phone without a charger? How to charge a phone without charging with a broken nest? How to make a charger for a phone?

How to charge a phone without a charger? How to charge a phone without charging with a broken nest? How to make a charger for a phone?

Ways to charge the phone without charging.

Each was a situation when the phone suddenly discharged. This sometimes becomes a real problem, since a person can expect an important call, or needs to communicate in social networks. If at the most inopportune moment you have a telephone, and there is no charging, do not be discouraged, you need to try several effective methods. 

How to charge a phone accumulator without charging?

Many owners of smartphones and mobile phones do not know that in some retail chains in which clothing is sold, they make manicure, there are charging devices that can be used. Unfortunately, there are not as many terminals for charging as we would like, there are only in large cities, such as Moscow and Peter. But still they are, if you are nearby, you can recharge the phone.

However, the service is not free, and is approximately 50 rubles. in hour. If you are walking in the city center, and there is a building of your mobile network operator nearby, you may not be shy, and handle a similar request. They will not refuse you, since most often this is included in the cost of customer service who own the numbers of the mobile network. 

If there is no such possibility, then you cancharge the phone battery without charging. You can quickly charge the phone if you turn on the air mode. In this case, you will receive a full charge in about an hour. If this is not possible, you are waiting for a call, then you can quickly charge the phone when the Internet is turned off and the networkGPS. Leaveyour included The card, and turn off all mobile applications. 


How to charge a phone battery without charging: extreme methods

There are a lot of unexpected, extreme methods of charging the phone. They need to be used only in extreme cases, because this can cause the battery. What to do if you are somewhere in the forest, in nature, where there are no charging devices, but you need to charge your mobile phone? Naturally, even if you have a charger, then there will simply be nowhere to connect it. In this case, use one of several tips. 

Extreme ways to charge a phone battery without charging:

  • The first is heating. It is necessary to put the battery on some warm surface. Make sure that he is notmelted. Heating triggers chemical processes inside the battery, and adds a charge by about 10%. Of course, this will not become a salvation, but can help out if you are in trouble and need help. 
  • Pour the battery. You can knock them on the table. There is a method that we used in childhood, it is to bite batteries. Only this method is used if you do not really need the battery. Indeed, otherwise you can damage it, and it will not be subjected to more exercise.
  • One of the most effective ways is to hit the battery on a heavy surface. After that, all chemical processes inside the battery are launched, so approximately 10% of charging may appear. This will be enough to make the necessary call. Of course, in order for the surf on the Internet this is not enough, but to make a call, if you are in an unpleasant situation, is enough.  

How to make a charger from improvised means: Instruction

There are very non -standard methods by which you can charge a phone without a phone. The option is ideal if you find yourself in the forest, a campaign without means of communication. Of course, even if you have charging, it simply will not save, and there is no way to connect.

How make a charger from improvised means:

  • In this case, you need to find a large pipe. The larger the size of the material, the higher the current strength will be. Now it is necessary to bury a metal pipe or some piece of metal into the ground so that a small piece sticks out of it. 
  • Attach a copper wire to a piece of metal, and connect to the battery. Now you have to find an electrolyte. It can be a salt solution or a solution of baking soda. If you have nothing like that, you can use the chicken broth.
  • It contains salts, it will become a good electrolyte. Another good option is the use of water from the river, which is located nearby. Normal drinking water that is cleaned is not suitable. Since there are very few minerals in it, so the liquid shows weak electrolytic properties. If there is a river nearby, you can pour the resulting design with water. 

How to charge the phone without charger if the nest is broken?

This situation is faced with many users of smartphones, since constant charges contribute to erasing terminals and damage. Thus, the nest may fail. The simplest optioncharge the phone without charger, if broken The nest is its repair and replacement. The procedure is very cheap, but it is not always possible to hand over the device for repair.

Broken nest of charging a phone, how to charge:

  • You can resort to charging the battery directly. You need to remove the battery from the phone, take the charger. Please note that it is better for these purposes to take charging, which you do not need, old and unnecessary.
  • You will have to cut off the connector that connects to the mobile phone. Now divide the two wires that are under the braid. Using a sharp knife, remove the isolation from these wires in such a way that thin copper bundles are obtained.
  • Most often, a blue marker is marked with a contact with a pole-minus, and red with a pole-plus pole. On the phone’s battery, it is most often signed, where a plus and minus. Nowdisconnect Charging from the outlet. Next, it is necessary to attach wires to the corresponding labels on the battery. Now you will have to fix them somehow. This can be done with island, adhesive plastry or ordinary tape. Now include charging in the outlet.
  • After a few minutes, the phone will charge. Please note that such manipulations can significantly damage the battery, so you need to use them as a last resort. If you use such methods several times in a row, then the battery will simply “die”. 
Mobile phone
Mobile phone

How to charge a phone without a loading nest with a frog?

Another good way that is allowedcharge a phone without a charging nestis a frog.


  • This is a fairly common charger, which resembles a small design included in the outlet. There are runners on the frog, as well as a special clamp with which the battery is fixed.
  • It is necessary to dilute the antennae to the sides by a distance that is equal to the segment between the plus and minus terminals. Connect them and clamp them. After that, the design is included in the outlet.
  • Many experts say that this method also wears the battery very quickly, so the best option would be to repair the train and the connector so that it can be charged in a standard way. 

How to charge a phone without a phone? 

Many modern people carry several batteries with them in order to communicate and not disappear from the network. Thus, if one battery sits down, the second is recharged. However, what to do if one battery sat down, and the second is on the way. There is no need to constantly pull out or alternate batteries one by one. You cancharge the phone without a phone, Having implemented Recharging directly.

Instructions on how to charge a phone without a phone:

  • This can be done using a standard adapter with a round section. The option with a pyramid connector is not suitable. Because in this case, it contains several loops in which it is quite difficult to figure it out without damaging them.
  • That is, with a connector in the form of a pyramid, you will have to cut the end in any case in order to divide into two wires. If your plans are not included in the charger, you can use charging from the old phone.
  • It can be a charger from a laptop or tablet. The main requirement that the plug has a round section, as well as the current strength of 5 amperes, the amount of volts up to 20. Now you need to construct the recharge device. To do this, you need several copper or aluminum delays, as well as small pieces of island.
  • Everything is connected on the principle that is described above, but a little differently. You need to enter one copper wire inside a round connector, and place the second outside. Inside and outside, different poles, so you will transmit plus and minus using these copper delays. 
Unusual option
Unusual option

How to make a charge for a phone?

You can charge a phone without a phone using finger batteries.

How to make charging for a phone, instructions:

  • To do this, you will need finger batteries, as well as a special device with the output of contacts. It can be purchased at a radio engineering store, there is a penny.
  • To do this, insert 4 batteries into the nest, and connect the terminals to the contacts on the battery. Next, it is necessary to fix it with island or tape.
  • Typically, the capacities of 6 volts are enough to charge the battery a little more than half. Waiting for complete charging is not worth it. 
Charge with batteries
Charge with batteries

To always be in touch, purchase shoes, as well as spare charges and batteries. 

Video: How to charge a phone without a charger?

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