How to prepare a mint for the winter: a recipe for mint of juice, jelly, sauce, drink, compote, with sugar. How to dry, freeze mint for the winter and how much can it be stored?

How to prepare a mint for the winter: a recipe for mint of juice, jelly, sauce, drink, compote, with sugar. How to dry, freeze mint for the winter and how much can it be stored?

The workpiece and storage of mint for the winter. Recipes for cooking meat dishes.

What can be made from mint for the winter?

All types of cultural and wild mint are actively used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology. Peppermint is used as a drug, has soothing and disinfecting properties.


For external use, mint leaves are used for the treatment of dermatological diseases, general strengthening of hair, and the fight against seborrhea, as an analgesic.

For internal use with mint, you can cook tea, drink, tincture, jelly juice, sauce, liquor, jam.

Mint goes well with a variety of products and dishes. In this form, mint helps to cope with intestinal cramps, bronchitis, flatulence, nausea, heartburn, headache.

Video: What to cook from mint? Recipes

How to store mint for the winter?

They collect and harvest mint in the season of its flowering - June, July. The raw materials for the collection include stems, leaves, inflorescences.

Before choosing a method of storing mint for the winter, a plant should undergo a certain primary processing.

All leaves should be sorted out, removed, then rinse and dry thoroughly.

Video: Mint storage

Drying mint for the winter

Drying the mint is very simple. We divide it into bundles, shoots, place it in spacious paper bags. We bandage pocket bags and hang in a dry dark place with good ventilation.

Such drying will help not to be subjected to ultraviolet radiation, it will not allow the propagation of insects. And healing essential oils and vitamins will remain in full.

The readiness of dried mint is determined by rustling of mint leaves. If they are well separated from each other, easily grind, drying can be completed.

Mint laying in an electric dryer

For winter tea drinking, a variety of herbs are added to beams with mint, for aroma: oregano, St. John's wort, sage and thyme.

In the modern world, specialized electric dryers are used to dry mint. For drying mint, it is necessary to use the lowest and most gentle temperature regime - about 35 degrees.
The best place for storing dried mint is a dry glass container, with a tightly adjacent lid. The shelf life of dried mint is no more than eight months.

Mint freezing for the winter

Mint freezing can be carried out in several ways:

  • Freezing without blanche. Grind the leaves of mint and place in a container for storing products. Shelf life is not more than nine months. Later, mint will lose its beneficial properties.
  • Mint blanching. For a longer shelf life , We lower the mint into boiling water for a few seconds, then immediately in cold water and place in bags for freezing.
Mint freezing in cubes
  • To prepare spectacular and aromatic cocktails, mint is frozen   ice cubes. To do this, carefully lay the leaves of mint into specialized molds and pour boiled water.
  • For the preparation of preventive and antiviral teas in such cubes, you can put pieces of ginger and zest of lemon. After freezing, mint cubes are stored in bags.

Mint jelly for the winter

Mint for the winter will delight memories of the summer and help prevent the prevention of colds and cope with the disease. Jelly itself is yellow , for Giving him a beautiful emerald shade should add lime juice or food dye green.

Mint jelly
Mint jelly for the winter

The consistency of mint jelly is like a thick sauce. So they can set the table not only for tea drinking, but also in the form of the main sauce to exquisite lamb and poultry dishes.

We will need to prepare mint jelly:

  • Leaves mint-one cup
  • Water cleaned-one cup
  • Apple cider vinegar ½ cup
  • Sugar sand-floor kilogram
  • Dye food and five drops
  • Gelatin or pectin-seventy Five grams

Stages of cooking:

  • L i was thoroughly peppermint and finely chop
  • In a pan for the preparation of jelly, pour vine vinegar, lay mint and sugar
  • Mix thoroughly
  • Put the container on a small fire, bring to a boil, slowly stirring
  • After boiling, remove from heat and introduce the dye into the jelly
  • Again, put a pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Keep a minute and remove from heat
  • Ready -made jelly to the pipe through gauze or sieve
  • Distribute the jelly mint to clean jars and sterilize their course of fifteen minutes
  • We click and store jars at room temperature

Video: Mint syrup for the winter

Video: mint jam with lemon

Mint with sugar for the winter

Mint sugar

One way to maintain mint aroma for the winter is the preparation of mint sugar. Such a fragrant treat is suitable for a wide variety of culinary dishes.

Mint sugar can be used in baking, for drinks, salads and dessert preparation.

For the preparation of sugar, we take:

  • Fresh mint - 200 grams
  • Sugar - 100 grams


  • Grind all the ingredients and mix with the help blender
  • We lay out the resulting homogeneous mass into clean jars, well -compressing the contents
  • Such mint sugar in the refrigerator is stored for a long time

For the fragrant aroma of your culinary inventions, add such a mint to the prepared dish.

Mint juice for the winter

Mint juice actively used in therapeutic goals. Thanks to his antiemetic, choleretic and antispasmodic properties.
Use juice mint and in cooking and at baking confectionery products.

Peppermint workpiece

For manufacturing juice from mint necessary:

  • Leaves mint1 kg
  • purified water0.5 l


  • To prepare mint juice  on the winter fresh leaves mint shallow cut or we miss through a meat grinder
  • Obtained liquid insist in the course three hours
  • Then tseim, bring before boiling
  • Removes juice with fire and pour in banks
  • Sterilize near twenty minutes, hermetic upon and we give cool
  • Keep  juice andh mint can at room temperature

Mint sauce for the winter

Mint sauce for meat

Sauce from mint counts light in preparationand most exquisite on taste. He wonderful shadestaste meat dishes, especially from lamb.

Production mint sauce is happening cO next ingredients:

  • Mint fresh400 gr
  • Vinegar wine100 gr
  • Salt, sugaron 10 gr
  • Water hot100 gr

Recipe preparations  mint sauce

  1. We take it mint, mine under running water, we dry
  2. Leaflets carefully separate
  3. Grind mint in blender
  4. We place it mint in capacity, fill vinegar, we fall asleep salt and sugar
  5. Add water for  receipt necessary consistency
  6. Mint sauce ready

Video: mint sauce for the winter

Mint drink for the winter

Mint drinks for the winter include: mint tea, mint extract, mint liquor, mojito, mint compote, mint syrup, mint decoction.

Mint drinks
Mint drink

A mint broth is prepared mainly in winter for the treatment of cough and as a disinfectant for SARS.

  • For the preparation of mint decoction, we take 15 grams of dry mint and pour a glass of clean water
  • Time cooking - 15 minutes
  • Let's brew for half an hour,
  • We drink a decoction for the prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases
Mint mochito
Mint drink

To improve appetite and establishing the digestive tract, doctors recommend preparing an infusion of mint.

For preparation, you need:

  • Chopped mint - 2 tsp.
  • A glass of boiling water


  1. We brew chopped mint with boiling water, let it brew for half an hour
  2. We use peppermint infusion as an analgesic and soothing agent

Mint extract They are used both in medicine and for the preparation of cosmetics.

To prepare such an extract, we take:

  • Mint crushed -100gr
  • Alcohol - 0.5 l

Cooking mint extract According to the following recipe:

  • Fresh mint we think well for getting juice
  • We take a glass jar or any glass container and pour mint alcohol
  • We insist in a dark place for one month
  • Tsekh the extract and We use By purpose

Peppermint drink with cucumber

For cooking, we need:

  • Medium cucumber - 2 pcs
  • Water purified - 2 l
  • Fresh mint - 50 g
  • Lemon - 1 pc

Production recipe:

  • Finely chop all the ingredients, mix in a deep container
  • Pour water and leave in the refrigerator for one hour
  • Serve in glasses decorated with leaves of mint

Peppermint drink

We take 100 grams of mint, 100 grams of fennel, sugar and cardamom to taste. The necessary components are mixed in blenderDilute with water.

Video: mint syrup

Video: Mint compote with gooseberries

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