How to cause vomiting quickly folk methods and medications? How to cause vomiting quickly at home in a child, for weight loss?

How to cause vomiting quickly folk methods and medications? How to cause vomiting quickly at home in a child, for weight loss?

The main ways to cause vomiting.

There are times when it is necessary to urgently cause vomiting. This usually happens if a child or an adult drank a poisoning liquid. It is necessary to remove it as soon as possible from the body. For these purposes, a method with vomiting is suitable. In this article we will tell you how to cause vomiting at home.

How to cause vomiting quickly by mechanical methods?

It is worth noting that there are mechanical or drug methods to provoke a bluration. Mechanical methods are based on irritation of the walls of the tongue or smooth muscles of the intestine due to overvoltage, as a result of which the excretion of vomiting occurs. Medication methods, on the contrary, provoke vomiting, exciting the nerve endings in the brain, stimulating the output of everything that a person swallowed before taking drugs.

The most optimal and simple option is to use a mechanical method using fingers or spoon.


  • It is necessary to drink 2 cups of clean water, press on the root of the tongue with two fingers or a spoon. Approximately 2 pressure will be enough for a person to tear out.
  • Please note that concentrated gastric juice along with food can provoke a burn of the esophagus and throat. To prevent this from happening, it is best to dilute the contents of the stomach. It is for this purpose that many recommend taking from about 5 cups of water to 2 liters.
  • This will significantly dilute the concentration of gastric juice and make it less aggressive. Accordingly, it will be possible to avoid the appearance of burns on the mucous membrane and throat.
Call vomiting
Call vomiting

How to cause vomiting with folk methods?


  • Very often, in order to empty and cleanse the stomach, decoctions of herbs are used. Mostly used anise, St. John's wort, thyme, as well as honey. Prepare weak solutions and decoctions of these herbs, take at one time. It is necessary to take about 5 glasses of the drug. As a result of such an effect, the walls of the stomach will be stretched, which will provoke a bluration.
  • Another good option is the use of potassium permanganate. To do this, only a few crystals dissolve in a two -liter bottle of water, while the liquid should be slightly warm. The solution is taken completely for half an hour. Further, usually vomiting occurs independently. If you do not tear, again immerse two fingers in your mouth and press on the root of the tongue.
  • Please note that this method promotes the irritation of intestinal walls. Spasms occur due to a large amount of liquid, while potassium permanganate has a disinfectant effect on the intestinal walls, helps to get rid of toxins if you really eat some kind of poisoned food.
Bad feeling
Bad feeling

You can cause a blue using folk methods. They are based on the combination of reflex methods and taking special irritants that provoke the spasm of the intestines and stomach.


  • Prepare a strong, black tea, add 4 tablespoons of milk to a glass, as well as a pinch of salt. Drink this tool, it will help to clean the intestines. In order for the method to work, you need to drink at least 2 glasses of such a mixture.
  • You can remove the contents of the stomach using tincture of the root of the calamus. To do this, two tablespoons of powder are filled with three glasses of warm water. They languish on fire for about 3 minutes, then filter, cooled to a slightly warm state. It is necessary to drink the entire portion of the solution within 20 minutes.
  • Interesting and unusual ways that will help to cause vomiting include swinging or promoting. It is necessary to spin around yourself for 2 minutes. At the same time, you need to not define, but do it very quickly. Manipulation will provoke a violation in the operation of the vestibular apparatus and, accordingly, vomiting.
Be sick
Be sick

How to cause vomiting quickly at home in children?

Special attention should be paid to the evidence of vomiting in children. The fact is that children still do not quite understand what needs to be done in the process of such an action. Therefore, the gags that come out can swallow back. To prevent this from happening, explain to the child how to do.

If this is a baby, then in no case should you try to cleanse the stomach yourself. In such children, the stomach is cleaned using an enema, and a small amount of water. The procedure should be done by a specialist, not parents. As for children age older than 3 years, vomit is caused as follows:

  • The child must be placed horizontally on the knees of an adult, so that the stomach is in the area just above the knees
  • Next, a bowl is substituted under the head of the child and two fingers are inserted. Then they press on the root of the tongue, while it is also advisable to give the child a large amount of water to drink to the child
  • This method is used if the child drank some kind of poisoning liquid or tablet

Please note that in this way it is impossible to cause vomiting if the child drank gasoline or kerosene-containing liquids, as well as a solvent. In this case, you should urgently consult a doctor, because vomiting can provoke a burn of the mucous membranes and the occurrence of erosion, as well as ulcers.

The kid was poisoned
The kid was poisoned

Is it possible to cause vomiting to lose weight?

Often they are interested in how you can tear out a girl who seeks to lose weight? Please note that this method of getting rid of food and extra calories provokes psychosomatic diseases, as well as bulimia. A person has some dependence on this kind of getting rid of food, and serious health problems may begin.

In addition, such a way to get rid of food and lose weight, violates the water-salt balance. This can provoke a violation of the kidneys, liver, as well as the nervous system. Therefore, it is impossible to get rid of excess weight in this way. It is best to adjust the food, as well as visit the gym. Only the upbringing of useful habits will contribute to weight loss.

Vomiting for weight loss
Vomiting for weight loss

Vomiting tablets

In addition to mechanical methods, there are also medications that provoke the occurrence of vomit. The principle of their work is based on different influences. There are two fundamentally different approaches to causing vomiting with pills.

Types of drugs:

  • Apomorphine includes central exposure to central exposure tablets. It irritates the nerve endings in the brain that provoke the occurrence of the blania. Please note that you can not take drugs in larger quantities than it should be and indicated in the instructions. Because hallucinations can occur. This is a really strong psychotropic substance.
  • The second group, which is used in order to provoke vomiting, refers to local drugs. They irritate the wandering nerves in the intestines, the duodenum. Such drugs include digoxin, levodop.
Bad feeling
Bad feeling

As you can see, provoking vomiting is quite simple. Remember that this is stress for the body. After vomiting, it is advisable not to load the digestive tract of fat and heavy food for about a week.

Video: Call vomiting

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