How to grow strawberries at home, in a greenhouse, in open ground, under a prisoner, in bags and in pipes? How to grow strawberries all year round?

How to grow strawberries at home, in a greenhouse, in open ground, under a prisoner, in bags and in pipes? How to grow strawberries all year round?

To taste sweet and fragrant strawberries, it is not necessary to wait for the season and look for it in the market - these berries can be grown at home. For this, there are many ways set forth in this article.

Summer residents of amateurs and professionals who cannot live without work in summer cottages or home garden, be sure to find a place in the garden for growing strawberries.

Frequent weeding, the formation of the right bushes and timely collection - this is only a small core of care, the necessary to get a good harvest. But if you know certain secrets, then growing strawberries will seem a pleasant activity, bringing excellent fruits.

How to grow strawberries in open ground at home?  

First you need to know that it is worth planting strawberries Only in the lowlands, preferably on the sunny, calm side - perfectly southwest side of the site.

For a rich strawberry harvest, it is necessary to follow the rules for its cultivation

Do not think that strawberries are planted once and for all in the same place - it is desirable that it grew on one site no more than three years. If you periodically do not change the place of growing strawberries, then fertile soil qualities are drying out, and the berries will become small and not sweet.

It is better to plant strawberries in open ground. in early June in the evening. So during the night the seedlings will strengthen a little and it will be better to resist the hot summer sun. When you first plant strawberries, first clean the soil - remove all weeds And dig a plot that you chose to plant berries.

Strawberry bushes are important sit down - Determine the distance about half a meter between the bushes, so it will be convenient for you to collect fruits and strawberries will be large and tasty.

Choose healthy sockets, carefully place it in the ground and plant to the average depth. The main thing is to dig holes for seedlings correctly - if you plant very deeply, the roots can bend; Dig small holes - the earth will dry quickly, and the roots will dry out.

Watering is very important for strawberries

After you dropped all the seedlings - pour the seedlings well And in a couple of days, add fertilizer to watering. When strawberries begin to bloom - lay out straw under the bushes - so you protect future fruits from decay. So that the berries are large - Cut off too long plants of the plant. After fulfilling all the tips of strawberries in open ground, you will delight you with delicious and sweet fruits.

How to grow strawberries vertically?

Modern new items in gardening have invented an excellent alternative to classic strawberry growing options - vertical beds. Summer residents who do not own large land plantations, this idea should be interesting.

This type of beds very convenient for harvesting. Also, the variant of rotting of fruits is also practically excluded, which, thanks to vertical beds, no longer lie on the ground.

A good solution for the vertical bed will be the use flower pots. You can either put them one on another, or fix the pots on a metal or wooden rod deeply driven into the ground. Fill the pots with earthPlant strawberries in each outlet and that's it, the vertical bed is ready.

Vertical growing strawberries in pots

Can come up with different options:use small boxes, barrels or buy special designers for vertical beds in the store - this is the matter of your imagination. There are positive and negative aspects in everything.

Cons of vertical landing:

  • Limited nutrition -Due to a small amount of land, seedlings need more frequent top dressing
  • Dryness- Strawberries in the sun in pots dry quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to water much more often. If you come to the cottage only on weekends - form drip irrigation for seedlings
  • Freezing- In a too small pot, not covered with snow in frosty winters, strawberries can quickly freeze. Therefore, it is better to bring seedlings into the room for the winter
Vertical landing allows you to get a larger harvest

But there is and the positive aspects of such landing:

  • Time saving - To collect the crop, now you will not need to bend your back and look for berries
  • Ease of care -You will not need weed weed
  • Saving space - The vertical roster takes up much less space than the traditional
  • Lack of diseases - the fungus does not affect strawberries so often with a vertical landing method

Having examined all the disadvantages and advantages of the vertical method of planting strawberries, each gardener has the right to choose the method as convenient as possible for him. But it is important to note that this method not only effectivebut also very aesthetic - very unusual and bright will look beautifully decorated with white flowering and red berries.

Video: a vertical way of growing strawberries

How to grow strawberries in bags?

Technology growing strawberries in bags Almost the same as the traditional method of growing. But still we will analyze this method in more detail. First, select the room where you will grow strawberries. In such a room it is necessary to support a certain temperature all year-20-24 ° C..

In order to grow strawberries, you need large polyethylene bags. You can buy them or do them yourself. The length of the bags should be at least 2 m, diameter about 20 cm. After you have decided where you will plant strawberries - pour the ground with fertilizers into this bag.

Growing strawberries in bags is more productive than in pots

By the vertical of the bag, make incisions in four rows for planting about 8 centimeters and distance at 25 cm. Bags must be placed on the floor. Put them not nearby, but at a distance approximately 30-40 cm From each other.

For watering and top dressing, use board tubes (They will need to be attached to the bag). You will need three tubes on the bag, which are inserted over the entire length of the bag into one hole.

Combine the upper endings of the tubes with the main pipeline, which must be carried out above the bags. You need to water each bag about 2 liters of water per day.

Landing and harvest of strawberries in a bag

The positive aspects of such growing are:

  • preservation of variety genetics
  • high productivity
  • fruits that can be obtained throughout the year, because growing occurs in a room with a comfortable temperature.

With this method of growing strawberries, you will always have delicious berries without chemicalsgrown with their own hands.

Video: growing strawberries all year round in bags

How to grow strawberries in a greenhouse all year round?

Many gardeners are used to the fact that such a delicious berry, like strawberries, gives a crop only once - in early June. Some varieties of strawberries fruit up to three months - These are repair varieties, but they can grow only in certain conditions. And if you create a certain temperature in the greenhouse, you can achieve the fact that delicious and sweet fruits will be on your table all year round.

In order for the crop to be all year round, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Install the right lighting
  2. Create a certain temperature regime
  3. Ensure timely watering and top dressing

For growing strawberries in greenhouses you can use several ways:

  • Growing in the ground
  • Landing in small containers
  • Dutch technology
In greenhouse conditions, strawberries can bear fruit all year round

The main method for many gardeners is precisely planting strawberries in the ground. For those who want to get a good harvest in closed ground, you should take note of the other two methods.

Planting in a container is similar to a vertical way of growing strawberries - planting seedlings also produced in potsfilled with soil.

The greenhouse also uses Dutch technology - This is the already well -known method of growing strawberries in bags, in which a drip of watering is used.

Strawberry in a greenhouse

The greenhouse, in which you plan to grow berries all year round, should be well heated and illuminated. Because seedlings need to be well moistened - There should be water in close access. If you create the right conditions in the greenhouse, then the landing will bring good results by any method.

How to grow strawberries in pipes?

If you have a small summer cottage or you go to delight children with delicious strawberries - it would be a great option grow strawberries in pipes.The creation of such a seedling is a simple and inexpensive lesson. To do this, you need ordinary sewage pipe. You can create a seedling in a horizontal or vertical form.

If you choose horizontal option - Cut the pipe into two halves and the seedling is ready. With a vertical method, it is worth cutting the hole for the future seedlings at a distance about 30 cm.

Growing strawberries in the pipe

You can place pipes even in greenhouses - this significantly save space. The main thing is that it is necessary to ensure the right lighting - at least 15 hours in a day. Otherwise, you can’t see delicious and sweet fruits.

Choose for planting young, strong seedlingsthat must be planted to the middle depth and water well. Be sure two days after landing use complex fertilizer.

During flowering and the formation of fruits, make sure that when watering water does not fall on inflorescences, fruits and leaves - neatly water only the soil.Also follow the appearance of parasites - even with this method of growing slugs and snails will be collected near sweet fruits.

If you are beautiful paint the pipes with bright colors, then this method will not only save space, but will become a beautiful decor of your site or apartment.

How to grow strawberries under the film?

One of the well -known methods of growing strawberries is black film. Growing berries in this way is a great option to get an excellent crop annually. In this case, you do not have to fight weeds, or worry about decaying berries.

Growing strawberries under the film

To prepare such a "dark" greenhouse you need Take the film and hose, the length of which will be equal to the length of the beds - from it you will make a kind drip irrigation system.

To get started, dig the soil clean it from weeds. The width of one bed will be about a meter, a row of aisle - no more than 50 cm. The earth should sit down - after they digging, planting seedlings is worth only in a week.

Make small, no more 10 cm The recesses and in them lay the hose. In the laid hose, make small holes - at a distance 7-10 cm From each other - this will be a drip irrigation system.

Film coating on beds with strawberries

Next, spread the film along the entire length of the bed And dig it around the edges. Make sure that the film was spread evenly, there were no folds and bubbles.

In a checkerboard pattern, you will need to cut the holes of the same size - approximately 15*15 cm - Places are ready for seedlings. Plant seedlings, after moistening the roots in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

For this method, the ideal planting time is the beginning of Junepreferably in the evening. A positive nuance of this method is the lack of weeds and good water impregnationthanks to drip irrigation.

Using this method, Already in early August You can enjoy large and sweet strawberries from your own site.

How to grow strawberries from a mustache?

It is difficult to imagine summer without delicious strawberries. It is not only tasty, but also useful, vitamin C - One of the main vitamins with which this red berry is rich in. The process of growing strawberries is very laborious and not always purchased seedlings are accepted in a summer cottage. Therefore, gardeners are trying to grow seedlings on their own.

A good harvest of strawberries can be harvested when growing it from a mustache

You can get good strawberry seedlings from her own antennae. Healthy antennae must be cut off from the bush and placed in a peat pill. After that, put them in a pallet with water and cover them on top in the form of a cap. About a week will be required to the antennae let the processes.

To Do not damage young fragile roots, transplant seedlings into the ground in the same way in a tablet. On the bed and plant the resulting from the antennae seedlings in a peat pillso as not to injure a young plant.

After that it should be regularly water seedlings and use comprehensive top dressing.

It is best to plant strawberries there, where there were previously radishes, carrots, onions, garlic, peas or dill. In no case do not plant seedlings on the area where there were potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers last year - this can only be done after three years.

It is advisable to hold the ground under strawberries with straw or sawdust - this will protect from weeds

Seedlings received from strawberries It will be fruit only for the next year, when it is already well strengthened. It is advisable to cover it for the winter coniferous sawdust, To protect from frosty winter.

Such a method of reproduction quite troublesomeBut a year after the strawberry planting, you will definitely delight you with sweet fruits.

How to grow repair strawberries?

Very often, such strawberries grow in many gardeners, but not everyone distinguishes it from ordinary strawberries. The main difference repair strawberries - This is the frequency of fruiting. Such strawberries per season bear fruit 2 or more times.

Most often periods for harvesting repair strawberries is:

  • For the early period - July
  • The second, later period - the end of August - early September
Fruits of repair strawberries

The fruits of such strawberries can be a mass of about 100 g. These are especially large berries. The average weight of such strawberries is about 60 gWhich is also quite a lot compared to ordinary strawberries.

For growing repair strawberries it is worth considering certain nuances:

  • The fruiting period of such strawberries is short - no more than 3 years
  • The second harvest is usually more plentiful, but for this it is worth removing spring flowering. To grow large repair strawberries, you will have to sacrifice part of the future crop, removing peduncles

Such strawberries can be grown from seeds or seedlings. With the help of seeds, the cleanliness of the variety remains. The container with seeds must be covered with a film and put in a warm sunny place. When the seedlings have already grown enough, you can lug it in holes. Around the holes, you should constantly loosen the earth to ensure the saturation of strawberries with oxygen.

Repair strawberries can be grown in a greenhouse all year round

So that weeds do not clog the beds - Lay the straw between the rows. During flowering and ripening, repair strawberries should be abundantly watered with water fertilizers.

Such a variety of berries is already quite common due to the frequency of crop and large fruits. Try to plant repair strawberries on your site and enjoy a delicious harvest twice a year.

How to grow strawberries from seeds?

Strawberries can be grown not only with seedlings or propagating with a mustache, but also with the help of seeds. There are such advantages in this:

  • seeds are stored for a long time
  • there is no transmission of fungi and viruses

You can buy seeds or prepare yourself. To do this, select bushes on the site that give good fruits and take seeds from ripe berries. Give a little dry and store in a glass container until next year.

Strawberries can be purchased, or you can assemble yourself from your own harvest

Three months before planting, put the seeds in the refrigerator, constantly make sure that the seeds are in a wet state - put them on wet gauze.

Sow strawberries in early January in this way:

  • at the bottom of the box, rash the drainage layer 2 cm
  • from above a layer of earth
  • make rows in it about half a centimeter
  • pour water
  • sow the seeds and sprinkle a little with earth

After that, make sure that the soil was always wet. You will see the first sprouts in a month. The main thing is that the box should stand in a warm and well -lit place. After the first leaflets, the seedlings should be transplanted in a new large boxto provide space. Seedlings can be planted in the ground at the end of April.

Seedlings can be grown in boxes or pots, and then transplanted into the ground

If you have a place to grow seedlings in boxes in winter, then you can get excellent sockets of strawberries grown from seeds.

As you can see, there is a huge number strawberry growing options. Choose optimal for yourself, given the features of the climate of your region and your site. After all, so tasty fruits that are grown at home, you can please yourself without even having a summer cottage.

Video: strawberries growing secrets

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Comments K. article

  1. Mechanization of strawberry landing under the film.

    I accept orders for a trailer for a mini -tractor for planting strawberry seedlings under a film in two rows with a chess order after 300 mm. The width of the bed is 600 mm. You can purely individual to the dimensions of the beds and self -propelled. Productivity depends on the speed of the reaction of two personnel personnel. Having made 85% prepayment - manufacturing in the non -queue. We will agree on the price.
    We can also make a trailer or self-propelled Fliger platform for cleaning strawberries in a lying position without trampling the plants.

    IP. Dolgushin Vladimir
    Non -standard equipment and technologies.
    Timashevsk Krasnodar Territory

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