How to grow homemade tangerine? Proper care, reproduction, illness and trimming of home mandarin

How to grow homemade tangerine? Proper care, reproduction, illness and trimming of home mandarin

Proper cultivation of tangerine wood and shrub at home. Ways to grow and propagate citrus tree at home.

Mandarin is a shrub that is always green all year round. Comes from the family of fruit and kind - citrus fruits. Life form - shrub, in the form of a tree.

Mandarin Home is subject to the plant in greenhouse and at home: window sill, balcony, greenhouse. The breeders deduced a huge number of this plant. Such tangerine is an effective sight in the pot.

Photo: tangerine wood at home

Home mandarin has very tasty and aromatic fruits, they grow on a tree for more than two months. Such a plant attracts and enjoys, both with its flowering and an unsurpassed smell of your own flower.

Mandarin in the form of bonsai is a rare and skillful work. The fruits of mandarin grow without pollinating, the stage of maturity occurs at the end of the year.
The most famous and loved varieties for growing tangerines in the house include:

  • Shiva is Mikan. The view is early and rapidly growing
  • Mircoot - a compact variety, with sweet, ripening in summer, fruits
  • Winshuu - an unpretentious plant from the Japanese variety, branches well and fruit in the third year
  • Clementine - the variety fruit already in the second year, at home. Refers to the hybrid of mandarin and orange. The fruits have a shiny peel, slightly flattened, and their number over the crop reaches five dozen.

How to plant mandarin at home?

Ancient China was the first to cultivate tangerines. Today, such a plant may be purchased in flower stores.

Photo: Mandarin at home
  • If the purchase of a plant occurred in such a store it is better to transplant it immediately. To do this, buy the substrate specifically for citrus fruits, where the acidity is 5.5 -7. It is also possible to independently make the soil. To do this, it is necessary to mix sod and sheet soil with dung humus and river sand, where the proportion looks like this - 1: 1: 1: 0.5
  • Look carefully at the pot in which the plant was brought from the store, its next place of residence should be no more than three centimeters more than the previous one. All these actions will actively stimulate mandarin to growth

One of the first actions belongs to the choice of a place of residence of Mandarin in your apartment.

  • Correct lighting is one of the most important pledges of the growth of your pet. This rule also applies if the tangerine is planted in open ground in the country or greenhouse. Direct sunlight should fall on the plant, but without much perseverance. Sunlight will give leaves juiciness and greenness, a lack will lead only to fading and subtle new shoots
  • The window on which mandarin will be grown should have the location of the eastern or southeastern side. If the season is growing summer, it is necessary to gradually teach the plant to direct rays, sometimes take it to a balcony or street
  • If the initial cultivation time is winter, set mandarin to the most illuminated place, if you do not have enough light enough artificial backlight. It is possible to use a photo of the light bulb for this purpose
  • The optimal temperature regime for indoor mandarin remains + 25 degrees, if the period of budding and flowering passes, maintain the temperature regime in the region of twenty degrees
  • The rest mode in winter is observed at the level of five, ten degrees. A plant that has a great rest in winter will be much better to bear fruit and flowers

Mandarin from the bone - reality

When growing tangerine from a bone, you will only require attention and patience from you at the first stage, then this culture is easy to care for. Prepare the place of residence for the plant. Which excludes the presence of various poisonous neighbors.

The southern room without proximity will be ideal. We take material for planting from store tangerines. The number of seeds should be as much as possible, since most of the following sprouts will die from the disease and cannot withstand the vaccination stage. Growing tangerines from seeds takes place in several ways:

  • We take a piece of gauze of small size, irrigate with water, wrap the seeds. Water should be in a minimum amount to avoid decay of the seeds. Experienced experts suggest using a potassium permanganate solution for this process to disinfect seeds
  • For the lack of problems with gauze, it is possible to purchase a hydrogel in a specialized store. Its feature is in an excellent ability to retain moisture. It looks like a certain mass in which mandarin bones are sophisticated for cursing and the appearance of sprouts

It is possible to plant the bones at once, in open ground. Most flower breeders do in this way. If you have vast experience in growing plants and flowers, you can easily ensure that the kidney does not dry. The leaflets will break down here later than all types of cultivation, but the sprouts will be very strong

    Tangerine wood grown at home

Care for indoor mandarin at home

When you saw the first sprouts of your pet, you need to start feeding the next two weeks. It must be carried out using specialized organic and mineral fertilizers. Care consists in watering and irrigation of a sprout and constant adding fostering substances.

Mandarin spraying should occur every week to maintain high moisture content of mandarin. It is possible to also keep a dishes filled with water next to the tree. Especially when the hot summer, the plant needs moisture. In winter, watering should be carried out two to three times a week, depending on the drying.

Feeding the plant-mandarin should be carried out during the April-September, especially if it is a fruiting citrus. So the sweet taste of fruits will be provided.

How to instill mandarin at home?

Photo: tangerine plant

Complete, delicious fruits of mandarin may be obtained only as a result of proper care and vaccination. The start of vaccination falls on May-August. Since sapotage at this time is especially active.

The effectiveness of the result after vaccination depends on your ability to carefully and quickly carry out the appropriate procedures. Prepare mandarin in advance for the vaccination stage:

  • A grown plant of a bone, the trunk of which has a thickness of at least six millimeters
  • Stalk from fruiting plants, the branch of which has the age of at least two years
  • Garden knife
  • The tape is elastic
  • Var garden

To vaccinate, make an incision at a height of ten centimeters, where the stock trunk. It should look in the form of the letter T, on the horizontal -see vertically -4 cm. The preparation of the bond takes place due to the removal of spikes and leaf records. Cut the kidney very scrupulously and insert it into the incision, with a small layer of wood.

Where vaccination was carried out, wrap with tape. Put the tangerine in plastic bag or bank. Only a month later you will burn to determine the degree of success of vaccination. Take several seedlings better for vaccination, because only half of them will bring success.

Accustom the plant, gradually removing the jar to the vaccination, then the new shoot will strengthen and begin growth. Cover the location of the shoot with a variety of garden.

Diseases of homemade tangerine

Photo: Mandarin tree leaves affected by parasites
  • The most dangerous harmful factors for mandarin include: aphids, flies, ticks red
  • To cope with pests, it is enough to prepare solutions at home or purchase in a specialized store
  • So that insects do not multiply and disappear, it is possible to prepare a weak garlic solution, a solution of onion husk. They will create an active struggle against insects and the unfavorable environment of their development
Photo: parasites on tangerine wood
  • Chemical solutions can be more harmful to the growth of mandarin and will not favorably affect your existence in the apartment
  • If you carefully observe and care for the plant, it is possible to completely avoid the appearance of different parasites
  • Follow the moisture level in the plant. Waterlogging will lead to the occurrence of diseases of the black leg and the subsequent death of the pet

How to feed mandarin at home?

  • Only top dressing and fertilizers will provide your plant with a full existence
  • The present soil in the pot is washed very quickly and recreational processes do not occur
  • For feeding, the plant should be used fertilizers of dry and soluble consistency. The time to increase top dressing is spring. For the development of vegetative kidneys
  • Time for feeding is the first half of the day. If liquid fertilizer use spraying and watering. As additional care for the tangerine, the plant is used - pinching. For the formation of splendor

Why do the leaves turn yellow in homemade mandarin?

If you observe the rules for growing and fertilizers of mandarin, the leaves of the plant will be always green. The leaves will turn yellow as a result of improper behavior with a pet. Do not exaggerate with chemical fertilizers. If you do not properly grow tangerine, it will be covered with spots, the leaves will fall.

How to transplant mandarin at home?

  • Plant transplantation belongs to the proper care of the plant. Such measures are held if the tangerine has become crowded in the pot. Early plants and young are transplanted every year
  • Mandarin trees from the age of seven years transplant once every two years. To transplant the plant, you need to take a pot with a diameter of more than five centimeters from the present, so that the roots do not rot. The substrate should be selected with slight acidity, the bottom of the pot should be laid out by expanded clay, pieces of polystyrene
  • Actually, the transplantation process is carried out not during the flowering of the plant, but in the spring, during the period of wake mandarin. The soil laying takes place using irrigation, after transplanting. Do not use fertilizer for two weeks after transplanting, and four days before transplantation

Propagation of homemade tangerine

Photo: Mandarin at home

The propagation of the mandarin plant occurs in two ways: vaccination on the stock and rooting of the spike. This process is carried out at the very beginning of the summer period. Be sure to use root -forming products that will stimulate growth. Installing is the most effective and successful way of breeding.

Cutting home tangerine

Pruning is carried out for the improved formation of the crown of the desired shape, to stimulate fruiting. When the tree grows, the loss of compactness and attractiveness passes.

The process is carried out on young plants, with the help of a sharp knife and a secateur. Branches from the first to the third order are subject to pruning. The fourth should not be touched, as they give fruits and flowers.

Video: How to grow tangerine at home?

Video: How to instill a citrus tree correctly?


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