How to win a large amount of money in the lottery: a psychological principle, a universal combination, a “four -hand game”, a detailed rate, the choice of distribution circulations, a systematic approach, folk methods of attracting good luck in the lottery are the best tips for winning

How to win a large amount of money in the lottery: a psychological principle, a universal combination, a “four -hand game”, a detailed rate, the choice of distribution circulations, a systematic approach, folk methods of attracting good luck in the lottery are the best tips for winning

It is always nice to win in the lottery. After all, you are not only a lucky one, but also get a good amount of winning.

Playing the lottery, and others win? Why is it lucky to someone, not you? Perhaps because you play at random, and after all, to win the lottery, there are also unspoken rules, adhering to which you can significantly increase your chances of winning.

How to win the lottery: Psychological principle

If we are talking about the amount of winning, and not just about the chance to win, experts advise putting on numbers that are the least popular. The pattern is simple: the smaller a person selects precisely this number, the fewer players will be divided by the winner if he really has to be for this figure. Therefore, the share of each will be more significant.

Do not mark until 31
Do not mark until 31

To do this, of course, you need to spend time studying the statistics of winnings, bets and other factors, in order to, making bets, bypass the most popular combinations. By the way, according to statistics, the most popular The numbers from 0 to 31 are considered. After all, when compiling a combination, any significant dates for us come to mind, and they are limited by the number of days in a month.

Universal combination for winning a lottery

One of the simplest approaches, to win a large amount of money in the lotteryIt is to create a single combination of numbers. By remembering this set of numbers, you can use it in any lottery for a sufficiently long time.

Selection of combination
Selection of combination

Since statistics indicate an equal winning possibility for any sequence of numbers, your combination is in the same conditions with all others, and therefore, with equal success can fall into any of the lottery in which you participate.

Thus, you do not have to rack your head over the sequence of numbers every time and you will save yourself from unnecessary experiences.

What needs to be done to win the lottery: "Four hands game"

This method consists in a collective approach to the game, when several players, having united, buy a certain amount (the more, the better) tickets. This approach increases the chances of winning, since more combinations are compiled, each of which, recall, has equal possibilities of success.

Balls of the lottery
Balls of the lottery

It is important to initially stipulate the conditions for the distribution of winnings: either in equal shares to everyone, or in proportion to how much money was paid to the purchase of lottery tickets each of the participants. By the way, the history of lottery knows examples of winning such strategies.

Detailed betting rate in the lottery

Having thought over all suitable combinations, fill them with the same fields of the lottery ticket. Thus, one area may contain several sequences of numbers at once.

Of course, a complex rate will require additional investments, but will increase the chances of success by increasing the number of combinations, each of which can win.

Choosing switchboards for winning a lottery

They differ from ordinary ones in that the winnings are not paid immediately at the end of the lottery. The game consists of a series of circulations, at the end of which the prize fund is already much larger than at the beginning. Therefore, in the final, all the winners of any circulation receive a winning between them already in a larger amount than the one that could be paid in an instant draw.

How to win the lottery: we act systematically

This method is recommended, as proven and bringing success, experienced players. They advise to carefully analyze all the winning numbers and their combinations, paying attention to the pattern of their loss and repetition. Such a purely mathematical approach to business, according to professionals, is quite effective if you use the “hot” numbers.

Folk methods to attract good luck in the lottery

Among experienced players there are signs. For example, many advise on the day when you buy a ticket, pay attention to the numbers that come across to your eyes: automobile or telephone numbers, dates, prices, etc.

Pay attention to the numbers on this day
Pay attention to the numbers on this day

The most commonly repeated ones should be used in the combinations you draw up. You need to buy the ticket to which your hand will reach yourself. And on the day of the circulation, you should fasten the pin to the inside of the collar so that its head is directed down.

The history of the lotteries suggests that most players have become winners, betting on the maximum possible winnings, and not for the chance to win.

And experts advise from time to time to alternate approaches to the game. And most importantly - not to lose confidence that the method you have chosen will bring good luck.

Video: Smile good luck in the lottery

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