How to win a large amount of money in the lottery "Russian lotto", "Gosloto", "Stoloto": secrets - what are the chances? What other lotteries are there that you can really win? Help of magic to win the lottery: what is the conspiracy to read? Whether they win the lottery in Russia: reviews

How to win a large amount of money in the lottery

Want to win in the lottery, but do not know how to do it? Read the article. In it you will find secrets, as well as the advice of people who have already won.

The best way to quickly earn a large amount of money is to win the lottery. Of course, there are many risks in this activity, but if you make an analysis of the rules of the game, identify the main trends, you can really win and not a little. Add here still faith in success and your luck. You will learn about the chances and secrets of the instant big win from this article.

How to win a large amount of money in the lottery "Russian lotto", "gosloto", "tablet": secrets - what are the chances, how to guess the number?

Lottery ticket winnings
Lottery ticket winnings

Many people are confident in their success and therefore they acquire lottery tickets, hoping for a long -awaited victory. One should only get a ticket once and now - an unexpected victory in your pocket, and others need to wait for your chance for years while fate decides to reward.

What are the chances?

Science says that this is due to the theory of probability. But even competent mathematicians are not just calculating the probability of winning a particular combination of numbers.

If you can solve the problem of probability theory, it will still be difficult to calculate the probability of falling out each digit, for example, out of 49 in a particular combination. This takes time, strength and special mathematical knowledge. Therefore, relying only on mathematics and knowledge of probability theory, it is difficult to win.

So, based on the foregoing, it is clear that using the formulas to win, but you can increase the chances of victory. Therefore, try this method, what if you succeed. But do not forget to use the secrets of the victory of other people.

What secrets exist?

In general, the secret how to win the lottery has long been disclosed. The seven -time winner of the lottery from America tells what you need to do so that you get the winnings:

  • For each lottery company, find your successful numbers.
  • Treat the draws with all seriousness, that is, purchase tickets for each game.
  • Make 5, 6 or even ten rates in one circulation. You can also take part in the draws, for example, together with relatives or friends. Together you will buy more tickets, which means increasing the chances of winning. But do not forget that then you will have to share the prize.

According to many winners, on the day of purchase of tickets, you do not need to wear new clothes, jewelry, strips, cells, lace underwear and large flowers. In order not to frighten good luck, it is better to come for a ticket in dark clothes, with a pinworm pin on the back of the gate.

Ways to guess numbers to win the lottery
Ways to guess numbers to win the lottery

How to guess the number?

It is worth noting that any person can become a happy winner. You only need to be able to calculate the winning combinatorics of numbers. There are several ways to do this:

The first way statistical

On the sites of all state lotteries you can find statistical data for each circulation. The following information will be needed:

  • Frequent combinations - over the past few circulations and over the entire existence of the game.
  • Rarely falling numbers.
  • Frequent pairs of numbers.
  • Rooms that often fell in the last 2-3 rounds.
  • Archival data of all lotteries.

Advice: Make an analysis of the previous 3-4 circulations, find repeated combinations and use their numbers in the next game.

The second way is emotional

Many psychoanalysts argue that numbers are not just a tool for calculations. The numbers are connected with us with many feelings. For example, the favorite numbers of people include: 7, 3, 8, 4, 5. The lottery champions of many companies used their favorite numbers when writing numbers in happy tickets. For example, the date of the birth of their children or the number of some pages from the already read book.

The third way - random

The largest kush in the history of lottery was in 2015 and it amounted to $ 188 million. The owner of such a super-player did not develop some kind of strategic plan, but simply filled out a ticket with an option on a PC, which helps to do this automatically. That is, the computer itself selects random numbers and fills the ticket. According to statistics, 70% of the winners, but with a smaller amount of winning, used this particular option. Such a technique is suitable if you purchase and fill out a ticket via the Internet.

The fourth way - observant

The day before purchasing a ticket, watch everything that surrounds you and pay attention to the numbers. For example, the number of the car on which your gaze stopped, the phone number from advertising, and so on. Write down all these numbers and use them to fill out a ticket.

All of the above is suitable, both for use for playing the Russian Lotto, and to try to receive a prize in other super draws.

What other lotteries are there that you can really win?

Lotteries that can really win
Lotteries that can really win

With the help of the Internet and other similar technologies of the modern world, people can take part in various draws throughout the globe. But domestic lotteries remain the most popular:

  • "Russian lotto"
  • Sportloto Keno and Sportloto 6 out of 49
  • "Gosloto"
  • "Housing lottery"
  • "Golden Key"

It is worth noting that for example, the “housing lottery” and the “Golden Key” lottery also offer valuable gifts, and for many people they are more useful than cash prizes.

Here are lotteries in other countries that also really give out prizes and are popular:

Popular real lotteries of different countries
Popular real lotteries of different countries

So, now you know in which lottery companies you can really win, and you also know the ways to gain victories. It is worth trying to develop your strategy and, albeit slowly, but confidently, move towards victory. Below you will find information on how to win using magic. If you believe in it, then read about how help are offered by magicians.

Help of magic to win the lottery: what is the conspiracy to read?

Rite to win the lottery
Rite to win the lottery

The magical ritual for attracting money consists of a success to success, which has a close connection with a specific technique of execution of the rite. It is worth pronouncing a slander simultaneously, and perform a ritual process. First, pay attention to the following points:

  • Say prayers on the growing moon.
  • All strong senities are pronounced on Thursday.
  • It is important to believe in obtaining a big sow and there should be no doubt.
  • The rite should be secret. Magic will act if the process of attracting money is hidden from the curious eyes of others.
  • Visualization. When you purchase a lottery ticket, always imagine a lot of money that you will receive when victory.

It is worth noting that some people believe in the "lottery" witchcraft, while others try to stay away from conspiracies. Believe in spoke objects or not, to solve only to you. Below you will find a review of simple, but effective slander.

Conspiracy with coins

With it, you can not only take possession of a large prize consisting of several million rubles, but also attract financial wealth:

  • Small coins are 3.4 or 5 pieces (no matter how much, just a few pieces) put shirts, sweaters or jackets in your pocket.
  • It should be the clothes that you wear every day.
  • At the time you put the coins, pronounce the slander:
Speech words with coins
Speech words with coins

Say the conspiracy every day, stroking the coins. When washing clothes, get the coins, and then put again, reading the words. Keep coins, do not waste, and try to touch them more often.

Lotterye conspiracy

This conspiracy is very famous. The famous healer Vanga was told to the world many years ago. You need to read the slander on the growing moon. Then light a green candle and say the words:

Lotterye conspiracy
Lotterye conspiracy

Conspiracies for lottery tickets are very strong and effective. Read the words 7 times, and then extinguish the candle. Hide the ticket to the draw in a secluded place.


Prepare such items:

  • Green candle
  • Any round mirror
  • Yellow coin
  • Clear sky outside the window and the growing moon

Light the candle and put it near the window. Open the window sash and put the mirror nearby. It should display the moon and the flame of the candle. Put the coin in the hand and squeeze it into a fist. Read the words of the conspiracy, and then put a coin in your pocket of any clothes. Then use a coin to purchase a ticket. Here are the words of the conspiracy:


Rite on the moonlight

Read the slander in the first phase of the growing moon. At night you will go out into the street and take 12 different coins with you. Their amount should be equal to your age. There should be no people around. Put the coins in the open palm, think about the winnings and say the words:

Having returned home, put the coins in the wallet and mix with other money. From this minute, the rite will begin to act.

It is important to buy a lottery ticket on the right lunar day.

Look lunar purchase calendar at this link.

Whether they win the lottery in Russia: reviews

The girl won the lottery
The girl won the lottery

People in Russia won or not or are it a dummy we see from the screens of our TVs, which rejoice in the sudden wealth with the help of victory in the lottery, no one can say.

Only one thought that having bought a ticket can win millions or an apartment in Moscow, drives crazy. But people really win. After all, for sure, you know such a person who tore off a big jackpot. And suddenly the next time you are lucky both, and after that life will change. Read reviews of people who play different lotteries:

Igor, 36 years old

I live in a small city, and recently my friend won an apartment in Moscow in the Housing Lottery. In our town, everyone learned about this and believed in this lottery. Everyone immediately rushed to buy tickets and play. A familiar winner answers the question of how he won that there was no strategy and combination. He just went home from work and decided to buy a ticket at a point installed in a supermarket. I filled out a ticket with a random combination and here is the result - luck!

Yuri, 42 years old

I play the Russian lotto constantly. Sometimes I win 250 rubles. I hope that once I can get a large cash prize!

Evgeny, 50 years old

I play different lotteries for many years. I understand that the probability of winning is scanty, but I like the process of waiting for a draw. Won a couple of times for 100 rubles. I believe that I can once take a large amount of money.

Video: how to win a large sum of money in the lottery-top 5 methods + lotteries, in which it is realistic to win

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Comments K. article

  1. Make up and how to win when you buy tickets for many years and nothing to win, you need to think what for the lotteries and someone will buy whips and win immediately, it’s a shame

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