What to look at 20 if you are 40? Secrets of conservation of youth

What to look at 20 if you are 40? Secrets of conservation of youth

Several useful recommendations for ladies who want to look young and attractive at a respectable age. About how important it is to lead a healthy lifestyle. How to balance nutrition. Examples of such a diet are given. On the effectiveness of physical exercises in the formation of a slender figure. Specific exercises for facing faces are given.

Eternal youth is a cherished desire for many women and men

Its implementation is one hundred percent impossible, but maintaining beauty and health gives a person an extra decades of youth.
An important role in this matter plays geneticson which the speed of human aging depends. No wonder the popular proverb says: if you want to know what the wife will be in the future, look at the mother -in -law. However, one should not rely solely on heredity, because the speed of external aging is affected by leaving their body and human lifestyle.

Important: if you want to look young right up to gray hair, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle and get rid of bad habits.

ageing Process of Beautiful Woman

The well -known fact that alcohol and smoking strongly affect the condition of the skin and the general health of a person, which affects its appearance. Also

Important: to maintain a good condition of the skin, it is recommended to hold approximately one weight, because its fluctuations can lead to the appearance of early wrinkles and the skin of the skin.

Tips for women who look younger than their years

It will be useful to listen to the advice of women who have reached the age that is not voiced. They agree that

Important: the youthful appearance helps to maintain moderation in the diet, optimistic mood and activity, mobility.

It is difficult to argue with these tips.

Movement and an active lifestyle stimulate the body, accelerate the metabolism, and proper nutrition and optimism complement the image of a healthy person.

In addition, the optimists will never have “gloomy” wrinkles on their face, they will be replaced by funny “goose legs”.

You should move daily, and not once a week in the classroom in the gym or pool. To do this, it is enough at the average pace to walk daily about an hour and a half to burn calories and maintain the body in good shape.

When that terrible feature came at forty, you should get to know each other better cosmetologist.

Important: regular care will make it possible to get rid of fast signs of aging. Care can include not only procedures, but also certain drugs that should be taken under the supervision of one doctor.

To do this, select your specialist, to whom you will trust, so as not to take various drugs that may not be compatible.

An alternative to a face suspension

To maintain youth in the body, sports are ideal.
But what about the face? The muscles of the face work only selectively while chewing food and certain emotions characteristic of each person individually. Due to relaxation and low tone, the muscles are lowered with age, a second chin appears, the corners of the mouth fall lower. Then

IMPORTANT: Many people think about facing faces, forgetting about the effective method - gymnastics. Yes, for the facial muscles they also came up with a special set of exercises that must be performed regularly. The results will be noticeable after one and a half to two months.

Another alternative plastic is the famous three -day diet. It is based on oily fish varieties, the content of the necessary skin tissue Omega-3 acids.
All products with the content of starch are excluded from the diet: potatoes, banana, pasta, rice. The starch makes the skin more loose, and in a few days of the diet it returns to the previous state, receiving the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Facial exercises

Eyes. Press your fingers to the outer edges of the eye depressions, close the eyelids so that the fingers feel tension in the muscles.

Forehead. Put the index fingers on the height of the hair on the forehead, the middle - in the height of the eyebrows. Raising the eyebrows, hold them with fingers to the sensation of resistance. Smooth the skin with index fingers so that wrinkles do not appear.

Chin. Put your hands clenched into fists under it, open your mouth, resisting your hands.

Lips. Clutch your lips tightly, press the folds in their corners with index fingers.

Cheeks. Put the index fingers in the places where facial wrinkles are formed during a smile or laughter. Smile, stretching out the corners of your lips, preventing your movement with your fingers.

Neck. With an effort, pull the lower lip until the teeth appear so that muscles appear on the neck.

Video: Exercises for the muscles of the face

Proper nutrition for rejuvenation

Balanced nutrition is the key to a good appearance thanks to maintaining health in the body.
But what does it mean balanced?

Important: it is such a diet that involves the presence of all vitamins and trace elements necessary for the body in the diet.

Among the useful products there are those that are worth paying special attention to, and especially those who follow their beauty and youth. Often cosmetologists argue that beauty should be maintained from the inside with the help of a selected diet. That's why

do not be surprised when a cosmetologist will pay your attention not only to the necessary procedures, but also recommends to include in a weekly diet not only certain dishes and products, but also natural vitamins and Microelements.

Which products are useful for youth and a beautiful appearance?

it oatmeal and buckwheat Porridge, as well as lean meat.
All listed products are a source zinc and glandtrace elementsnecessary for the body.

Important: it is zinc is responsible for the formation of new cells in the body, which replace the old. Thanks to this renewal, natural rejuvenation of the skin and all organs of the body occurs.

Together with iron zinc It works on creating cells for nails and hair follicles, skin cover. But it is from these cells that the aging of our body is noticeable to others.

In addition, women are extremely recommended legumes, because they contain phytoestrogens.

Phytoestrogens are those substances that are often called vegetable female hormones. With age, a woman’s hormonal background changes, which leads to a lack of certain hormones and an excess of others. As a result, the natural aging process is launched, which becomes especially noticeable during menopause.

Vegetable phytoestrogens They normalize the balance of hormones, providing the female body with a second youth.

Vegetable oils - Another necessary product in the nutrition of a woman. They are natural antioxidants, the functions of which include neutralization of free radicals in the body. This effect is especially noticeable on the skin, which are rejuvenated and smoothed.

The elasticity of the skin is maintained using vitamin E, which is contained in oils.

Dairy products Along with traditional dairy are a true source of calcium. And he, as you know, strengthens the teeth and bones of a person, makes hair and nails stronger and more healthy.

Cottage cheese, kefir and other milk -based products and useful bacteria contribute to work gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). And the unhealthy complexion and the painful appearance of the skin are often symptoms of gastrointestinal problems.

Many modern people of even young age suffer from lazy intestines. To launch its work, useful bacteria and sourdough, yogurts are required.

Fish and seafood, especially fat fish contain Omega-3 Acids necessary to maintain the beauty of the skin and blood vessels.
In addition, the fish contains phosphorus, potassium and fluorinestrengthening bones. These substances irreparable to other products harmonize the balance of trace elements in the skin layers and the body as a whole, making it healthier.

Vegetables and fruit - The first remedy for elastic and smooth skin, because they are rich vitamin C. and fiber. With their help, the intestines gets rid of toxins, and the skin is warmed up and updated at the cellular level, developing the natural collagen. Fruits are a storehouse of antioxidants struggling with aging.
Along with vegetables and fruits antioxidants in large quantities are in dark chocolate, green tea and flax seeds and sunflower.

Thus, in order to maintain beauty and youth outside, you need to take care of your body and inside.

Therefore, start taking natural vitamin complexes, protein protein cocktail for skin elasticity and polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Important: just do not confuse vitamins and vitamin complexes natural and artificial. They will help you become healthier and not younger than artificial, but natural vitamins.

To evaluate the quality of vitamins, it is necessary to have information from what raw materials they are made. Most often, such information can be provided by MLM companies consultants.

The face and neck are the first zones that give age. They should pay attention to the cosmetology room after 40 years. Supporting an active lifestyle and eating properly, doing regular simple exercises, you can extend your youth. And optimism and good mood will not allow wrinkles of anger on your face.

Video: Exercise for the neck muscles

What stars look after 40. Photo

Monica Bellucci Italian film actress and fashion model was born on September 30, 1964



Helen Mirren British actress of Russian origin was born on July 26, 1945.



Brooke Burke American actress was born on September 8, 1971




Jennifer Lopez American actress was born on July 24, 1969




Pamela Anderson American actress and a fashion model of Canadian descent was born on July 01, 1967



Julia Roberts American actress was born: October 28, 1967




Nicole Kidman Australian and American actress, singer, producer was born on June 20, 1967

Cindy Crawford American supermodel, host of MTV, actress was born: February 20, 1966




Angelina Jolie American actress, director and screenwriter, fashion model was born on June 4, 1975



Elisabeth Hurley English actress, producer, fashion model and designer was born on June 10, 1965

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Comments K. article

  1. Actually, this is a problem not only bachelors. Although it is relevant to them. After all, they are always in the search. So you need to save yourself.

  2. Everything is very simple, in fact)) It is enough only to adhere to the proper nutrition to take and the supplements to take (I have this antioxidant formula of Evalarovskaya and fish oil). Strangers usually do not give more than 25, although I am 43))

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