What did the Russian pop stars look like now and how do it look like?

What did the Russian pop stars look like now and how do it look like?

Find out how men - Russian pop stars looked in their youth, and how they look now.

Time changes everyone, someone for the better, and someone-on the contrary. With age, the appearance of people becomes different. This fate does not bypass both ordinary people and the stars of the Russian stage. Those who are an idol for millions of people.

It is interesting to watch how many stars looked in childhood, youth, and how they currently look. Many of them in pursuit of youth and beauty resort to plastic surgery, cosmetics and other tricks.

Below is a selection of photos of Russian pop stars in different years of life.

Philip Kirkorov

The pop music of the Russian stage exchanged the sixth dozen. Over the years of life and creativity, the appearance of the singer often changed. However, with confidence, we can say that the appearance of Philip Kirkorov is always bright, the singer to love to shock the audience.

In this children's photo you can find out the pop king by his expressive eyes.

Philip Kirkorov in childhood

So Filip Kirkorov looked in his youth.

Kirkorov in youth

Another photo from the archive of the pop king.

Young Philip Kirkorov

For a long time, Philip Kirkorov was married to the Primadonna of the Russian stage Alla Pugacheva. Their marriage lasted 11 years. However, the couple broke up.

Philip Kirkorov and Alla Pugacheva

Philip Kirkorov did not want to bind himself to marriage, saying that the queen was alone in his life. However, Pop Corol thought about the heirs. The singer has two children born of a surrogate mother.

Pop Corol of the Russian stage with their children

This is how the singer looks at the present.

Philip Kirkorov now

Lev Leshchenko

In this photo - Lev Leshchenko in childhood. The famous artist was born in a family not related to music and cinema. His father was a military man. Since childhood, the boy went with his father to the military unit, grew up as a mobile and physically developed child.

Lev Leshchenko as a child

Lev Leshchenko served in the army. Below the photo of the artist in youth. After the army, Lev Leshchenko entered GITIS.

Lev Leshchenko in the army
  • Leo Leshchenko has a soft voice. It is called the famous baritone of Russia. Lev Leshchenko received the title of People's Artist in 1983.
  • Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko is also known for his roles in the cinema. He starred in such films “I am looking for dawn”, “Doomed to become a star”, “Zaitsev! Burn ".
  • Lev Leshchenko is married twice. Being married to Alla Abdalova, he met a girl Irina. He fell in love with Irina and soon married her, parting with his first wife. Irina and Lev Leshchenko are still married, the couple has no children.
Lev Leshchenko with his wife then
Lev Leshchenko with his wife now

Lev Leshchenko in 2017 celebrated his 75th anniversary. He considers himself a long -liver, his father lived to almost 100 years. The artist is in good physical shape, continues to sing and takes part in various shows.

This is what Lev Leshchenko looks like now

Leonid Agutin

The future singer was born in the family of the famous musician Nikolai Agutin and teacher Lyudmila Schoolnikova. Since childhood, Leonid became interested in music. He diligently and diligently took music lessons, and then achieved great success.

Leonid Agutin - schoolboy

Despite the fame and connection of his father, Leonid Agutin did not evade from the army. Serving in the army, he did not forget about creativity, took an active part in creative activity.

Leonid Agutin in the army

Many are used to seeing Leonid Agutin with long curly hair. The artist wore such a hairstyle for many years.

Agutin in youth

Leonid Agutin has long been married to Angelica Varum. The couple together not only in life, but also on stage. The couple has several joint albums and many duet songs. Spouses raise their daughter Elizabeth. The singer also has a daughter Polina from her first marriage. The girl communicates with her father’s family, you can often see in the photo of them together.

Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum
Leonid Agutin with daughters

Leonid Agutin in 2018 celebrated the 50th anniversary. The celebration took place on a grand scale. The singer looks great and is in good physical shape. In an interview, he admitted that he does not observe diets, and also playing sports. Currently, an artist with his family lives in two cities - in Moscow and Miami.

Leonid Agutin now

Video: Army photos of Russian celebrities

Valery Leontyev

Valery Leontyev was born in the village in the Komi Republic. His parents were not rich people and had nothing to do with music. However, Valery had a singing talent since childhood.

Little Valery Leontyev with parents

To earn a living, Valery Leontyev tried himself in different professions. He worked as a postman, electrician, drawing, tailor. He also went to study at the Mining Institute. However, none of these classes carried him away like music.

And the singer succeeded. He was noticed at the regional competition in Syktyvkar "We are looking for talents." Since then, the creative career of Leontyeva flew up. He performed a lot of songs, received many awards and awards, became a national artist of Russia.

Valery Leontyev in his youth

In the life and work of the singer, not everything was smooth. The black strip in his career began after a compliment of American journalists towards Valery Leontyev. He was compared with Mick Jagger, after which Leontyev stopped showing on TV, and also not invited to capital concerts. In addition, the singer had to undergo an operation to remove the throat tumor.

But the singer survived the troubles and again began to swim in glory. Fans often accuse Leontiev of that he is too fond of plastic operations, and that he almost ceased to be like himself. The singer does not deny what resorts to plastic, it is also almost impossible to see on stage without makeup.

Valery Leontyev now

The personal life of Valery Leontiev is shrouded in secrets. The singer does not give comments on this. It is only known that he is married to Lyudmila Isakovich, who is now living in Miami.

Valery Leontyev with his wife

Valery Leontyev will soon be 70 years old, but he is not yet going to stop creative activities. On the contrary, he conducts an active concert activity, communicates with subscribers on Instagram and shares his last news.

Valery Leontyev keeps up with the times

Oleg Gazmanov

Oleg Gazmanov’s hits and penetrating songs “Mom”, “Sailor”, “Esaul”, “Moscow”, “Officers” conquered millions of hearts. Almost the whole country sang along Gazmanov, watching his concerts and performances.

Oleg Gazmanov was fond of music while still a teenager. He graduated from a music school in Kaliningrad, and later moved to Moscow.

Oleg Gazmanov in youth

His hits remain popular even after decades. For example, Gazmanov performs the song “Officers” at concerts dedicated to February 23 and May 9. The words of the song are able to affect the soul of the listener. Oleg Gazmanov received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

President Vladimir Putin presents the award to Oleg Gazmanov

However, Oleg Gazmanov has critics. However, this did not stop him from becoming a favorite of the public.

Gazmanov is married twice. From his first marriage, he has a son Rodion Gazmanov, who is also engaged in music. In marriage with his second wife Irina, Oleg Gazmanov, the daughter of Marianne were born. The couple also raise their son from the first marriage of Marina's wife.

Family photo Oleg Gazmanova

Oleg Gazmanov turned 67 years old. Despite the artist's perky disposition, age takes its own. Many fans notice changes in the appearance of the singer that have occurred in recent years. Oleg Gazmanov turned gray, wrinkles became visible, but this does not prevent him from engaging in creativity and leading an active lifestyle.

Oleg Gazmanov now

Grigory Leps

By nationality, Grigory Leps Georgian. Initially, his surname sounded - Lepsveridze. Later, the singer changed his last name.

At school, Grigory Leps was a useless student, studied poorly, but succeeded in singing. When the time came, Grigory Leps served in the army.

Grigory Leps in the army

In his youth, Gregory Leps earned his living by singing in restaurants. This exhausted the singer, and he added to alcohol. After a while, the singer left for Moscow to get out of the black strip of his life. And he achieved great success.

Grigory Leps in his youth

Popularity to the singer came after 30 years. He performed many hits, received many awards, including the title of People's Artist. The singer can be seen on various musical shows.

Grigory Leps now

The singer is married to Anna Shaplykova. The wife supports her husband and does not hide that she had to experience difficult times when her husband drank. The couple has three children. Gregory Leps also has a daughter from his first marriage with whom he has a good relationship.

Grigory Leps with his wife and daughters

Alexander Buinov

Alexander Buinov was born in Moscow. Parents sought to give their son a good education and raise him with a gentleman.

Alexander Buinov as a child

However, by virtue of young age, Alexander fell into the company of local hooligans. Once the boys decided to make homemade carbide explosives. When the explosion did not happen, Alexander came closer to see what was the matter. This was followed by an explosion, damage to the retina. Because of this incident, Alexander was forced to wear glasses.

Alexander Buinov in his youth

Alexander Buinov served in the army. In the next photo he is on the left.

Army photo Alexander Buinov

The peak of the popularity of Buinov fell in the 90s. Currently, the artist is not so popular, but is a welcome guest at social events.

The image of Alexander Buinov changed

The artist’s personal life is bright. Officially, the singer was married 3 times. Currently, the singer is married to Elena Buinova, although this did not prevent him from giving birth to an illegitimate son. The singer also has grandchildren.

Alexander Buinov with grandchildren

The singer looks good, despite the fact that he had to face a heavy ailment.

Alexander Buinov now

Video: What did Russian stars look like in the 90s?

Igor Nikolaev

The famous performer and author of the songs was born on Sakhalin. His family was not rich, but this did not prevent the guy from enthusiastic about music.

In the next photo, Igor Nikolaev in his youth. This is a rare photo in which you can see a star without long hair and mustache.

Igor Nikolaev in youth

In different years of life, the singer’s appearance changed little. He remains true to this day to his image.

Igor Nikolaev

Igor Nikolaev was married to Natalia Koroleva for a long time. However, in 2001, this pair was destined to part.

Igor Nikolaev and Natasha Koroleva

After Igor Nikolaev married Julia Proskuryakova. The couple had a daughter Veronica. Many argue that Natalya Koroleva and the current wife of Nikolaeva Yulia Proskuryakova are very similar in appearance. Igor Nikolaev practically did not change in appearance since the time of youth.

Igor Nikolaev with daughter Veronica

Vladimir Presnyakov

Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. is known for his peculiar high voice. Since childhood, the boy grew up as selfless. He constantly had problems with his studies, his stellar parents kept in school every now and then.

Vladimir Presnyakov began to engage in a creative career early, his father contributed to this.

Vladimir Presnyakov Jr.

It is known that Vladimir Presnyakov was married to the daughter of Primadonna - Christina Orbakaite. The relationship between young people began at a young age, they were about 16 years old. In this marriage, the son of Nikita appeared. But the couple broke up.

Vladimir Presnyakov and Kristina Orbakaite

The creative rise of Vladimir Presnyakov fell in the 90s. The singer perceived the decline in popularity philosophically. He married Natalia Podolskoy. In marriage, the son of Artemy was born. The singer often shares the pictures of his son, proud of his successes.

Vladimir Presnyakov with his son

Fans note that with the birth of the youngest son, the singer began to look younger. Perhaps this contributed to the change of image of the artist.

Vladimir Presnyakov: Then and now

Dima Bilan

Glory and popularity fell on Dima Bilan after he took 1st place at Eurovision 2008.

A guy from an ordinary Kabardian family went to a regular school, but he had an interest in music since childhood.

Children's photo of Dima Bilan

The take -off of his career began after meeting with Yuri Isanshpis, which began to produces Dima. After the death of Yuri Isanshopri, the prisoner of Dima Bilan became Yana Rudkovskaya.

Dima Bilan and Yuri Aisenshpis

Dima Bilan is not married and this always excited millions of his fans. He was credited with novels with one or another girl. However, the singer himself does not comment on this.

So Dima Bilan looked at Eurovision

In 2017, fans noticed changes in the appearance of the singer for the worse. Dima Bilan, who was once beautiful and praised by the health of Dima, looked weak, tired. The singer lost a lot of weight.

Dima Bilan has recently looked like this

For a long time, the singer did not want to comment on his appearance, but later admitted that he was sick. Doctors found numerous hernias on the spine in the singer, which clamp the nerves and cause severe pains. Fans tried to support the idol in every way.

Currently, Dima Bilan continues to conduct active creative activities - he sings, shoots clips, and is engaged in his own business.

Dima Bilan now

Time can change a lot. And the appearance of stars is no exception. Now you saw that some stars have not changed over time. Some are old. And some began to look younger than before.

Video: Stars - then and now

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