How to choose a house for home: Master advice and technology review

How to choose a house for home: Master advice and technology review

How to choose a screen resolution, software and choose a TV manufacturer.

In the descriptions of TVs, sellers write two to three dozen parameters, and the buyers from this go around the head. We tried to summarize hundreds of customer reviews to select the most popular technologies and quality indicators. Only 3 main criteria turned out:

  1. Good image. This implies a high -quality matrix, a high frequency of its update, and sometimes software effects and smoothing the image, adding color depth and other usefulness.
  2. The presence of Smart TV and voice control. Judging by the reviews, these are the two most convenient and well -established functions. Smart TV options (Internet television) are in most modern TVs, and not many votes have a voice.
  3. The quality of the brand and assembly. We will give reviews about the most popular TV manufacturers.

How to choose a TV that qualitatively transmitted?

By the type of screen, all models available on the market are divided into 3 groups:

  • LED TVswhich are now the vast majority.
  • OLED TVs, whose principle of operation is significantly different from LED panels. The LED panel has color filters in which the LEDs are located. When the beam passes through these filters, brightness is lost and the color palette is narrowed. In OLED screens, each point is both a color filter and a light source at the same time.
  • As a result, the color scheme becomes much richer. But OLED panels have two serious drawbacks: firstly, they are reproached for short-lived, and secondly, a high price.

We managed to find in online stores only OLED TVs with a diagonal of more than 55 inches and at a price of 65,000 rubles. TVs with this technology are presented in the upper price segment of LG, Philips and Panasonic. Manufacturers promise a decrease in prices for OLED models, but so far this has not happened.

  • QLED TVs. Designed by Samsung. This is not to say that they are radically different from ordinary LED panels, rather, this is their improved version. The developers changed the color of the backlight from white to blue, thanks to this, blue filters are no longer needed, and only red and green elements remained in the filter layer. A large number of points and improved color rendering quality - did their job, and the image looks more colorful than on a regular LED TV. But QLED TVs are also represented only in expensive models with large diagonals.

Video: TV presentation QLED

One of the most important parameters, when choosing a TV is the number of points on the screen, or, in other words, permission. The more points, the better, because it depends on whether you can enjoy modern films in 4K format.

Resolution of TV screens
Resolution of TV screens

But this is not all other than the resolution of the screen, the frequency of its update is important. Now the stores have TVs with a renewal frequency of 50 to 1000 Hz (and sometimes even more). We advise you to choose a middle ground, and we believe that there is enough video for a comfortable watching video update frequencies from 120 Hz to 200 Hz.

Remember the old monitors on which the picture constantly flickered, this happened because their frequency, as a rule, was 60 Hz. On modern monitors and TVs, if the update frequency is more than 100 Hz, flickering is almost imperceptible. If you put two TVs with a frequency of 100 and 200 Hz nearby, then the picture will be more beautiful on the latter, but buying a very expensive TV with a frequency of update more than 1,000 Hz, probably superfluous.

Video: What does the screen update frequency affect?

How to choose a TV - Smart TV and other additional functions

Internet television, or Smart TV, now there are many models. The presence of this function makes a TV more expensive, at least 15 %. It would seem that there is no Smart TV can save, but in practice such models with Full HD or 4K resolution are rare, and models with a screen update of more than 100 Hz are not at all, and customers who did not appreciate the Smart TV not so much a lot of.

If the budget is limited, you can choose the most inexpensive TV and supplement it with a TV prefix, with a Smart function. The prices for them start at $ 20, but a quality prefix will cost more.

Video: How to watch Smart TV on an old TV with a prefix?

Many are interested in how a TV with Smart TV can connect to the Internet? To use Internet functions, there must be a wired Internet in the house, with a more or less normal speed. And the connection of the TV itself is possible in two schemes: wireless from Wi-Fi router or wired using a conventional Internet cable. A wireless connection, of course, is more tempting, but in practice, or you need an expensive high -quality router, or it is better to choose a wired connection.

Most users recommend expanding Smart TV additional applications. The favorite among them is now Fork Playerthat makes it possible to watch YouTube and other sites with online videos.

Voice control - Another function that customers really liked. TVs "learned" very well to recognize Russian speech. The remote control should be used as a microphone.

Voice control on new LG TVs
Voice control on new LG TVs

Bluetooth remote control - Another convenient addition to the TV. Unlike a standard infrared remote control, it does not need to be directed to the sensor. Bluetooth will work, for example, through a barrier or backward.

How to choose a TV: customer reviews about manufacturers

Below is a list of popular brands, under which high -quality, durable TVs are produced. Of course, this rating is controversial, so write your thoughts about which TVs, in your opinion, are the best in the comments.

  1. Panasonik
  2. Sony
  3. Philips
  4. Samsung
  5. LG

Now let's try to make an anti -rating by choosing those TV manufacturers about whose goods are most negative reviews. As a rule, these are the most budget brands.

  • Some buyers complain about TVs released by a brand Mysterysince they are not very durable.
  • Trademark Kivi I also received negative reviews, buyers complain about the poor work of service centers.
  • Elenberg - Another company, with a controversial reputation. Masters scold the quality of materials and the assembly quality of this technique.

How to choose a TV: television signals and built -in tuners

When buying a TV, it is advisable to predict in advance what network you will receive a signal. This will save in the future from the need to buy a prefix for connecting to a specific cable network or satellite antenna.

  • DVB T2 - A tuner that can recognize a signal from a conventional antenna, including receiving digital channels of the national network.
  • DVB C. - The tuner that is necessary to connect to some cable providers.
  • DVB S2 - With such a tuner, your TV can be connected to a satellite plate without additional devices.

As a rule, the DVB T2 standard supports all TVs, although the presence of this tuner will not be superfluous to clarify. TVs supporting DVB C usually support a more common DVB T2 format. And TVs with DVB S2, as a rule, recognize both previous formats.

Video: How to choose a TV?

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