How to choose a hair comb for every day, for styling, for extended hair: options, tips, reviews of specialists. How to choose a hair comb according to the material: options, pros and cons. How to choose a hairstyle from new products: review, tips

How to choose a hair comb for every day, for styling, for extended hair: options, tips, reviews of specialists. How to choose a hair comb according to the material: options, pros and cons. How to choose a hairstyle from new products: review, tips

In this article, we will talk about how to choose a comb - a thing that has a direct meaning for hair care.

How often, noticing your hair problems, did you complain about incorrectly selected shampoo, balm? Meanwhile, the problem can lie in an inappropriate comb! Let's try to figure out what it should be - the perfect comb for you.

How to choose a comb hair of daily use: recommendations, description

When the question arises of how to choose a hair comb for every day, many acquire massage option. As the name implies, it copes with the task of massage of the skin. Due to this, the blood flow increases, and hair grows better.

Important: however, it is better for owners of oily skin to be on the guard, since due to the simulation of the sebaceous glands, the curls will fatter faster.

The shape of the comb, contrary to the established opinion, does not affect the quality of combing. But many rows of cloves affects - for long hair You should choose an accessory with 12-16 rows.

Massage combs must certainly have a droplet at the ends of the bristles to avoid injury to the skin and hair
Massage combs

Flat model with frequent cloves It is considered a find For long thick curls. She copes with their combing and Unraveling. At the same time, the processing is soft, as much as possible sparing.

The minus is that the strands often as a result of such processing electrified. Also due to the frequent location of the cloves comb It is not easy to clean.

Flat comb perfectly unravels hair
Flat comb perfectly unravels hair

Croes Ideal for combing wet hair. It is in this state that they are especially vulnerable, so the processing should be as accurate as possible. Experts recommend combing wet hair small areas And first of all from below - The number of nodules will be sharply reduced.

Important: masks, balms are perfectly distributed with a scallop.

Combus combine is convenient to take with you
Combus combine is convenient to take with you

Tangle tezer comb - An innovation that is comfortable for daily use. Carefully To the hair of any type, to the skin. Even confusing strands are capable of combing. Not electrizes them.

Effect after application - Smooth shiny strands. In addition, it is carried out in parallel with the treatment of hairs massage skin.

Innovative combining Tangle Teezer are ideal for daily use
Innovative combining Tangle Teezer are ideal for daily use

How to choose a hair comb for drying, styling: description, tips

Когда ведется разговор о том, как выбрать расческу для создания объемных локонов, сразу называется Bracing. The round form of the accessory just contributes to the creation ideal curls. The holes help it is free to pass the air Through a comb and dry the hair.

Using the same Bracing, you can create various hairstyles. With its help, a basal volume is formed, the ends are twisted. Curly ladies can straighten their hair.

Bracing comb helps to create breathtaking curls
Bracing comb helps to create breathtaking curls

Semicircular The comb is ideal for laying short hair. For example, with its help you can give a fresh appearance to the square, Bob. It is also often used to lay the bangs. Beautiful Massager.

Important: But if the cloves are plastic, such a comb can provoke the electrification of the strands.

The semicircular comb has this type
The semicircular comb has this type

Fish bone - The name of the accessory owes its appearance. Tails can be located on one side and on both. Wonderful Unraveledt strands, however, the owners of dry, brittle hair are better to choose another comb.

Just like Bracing, it helps Create volume And has holes for drying. However, unlike him, it is cleaned better.

Combing fish bone is a kind of brawing for beginners
Combing fish bone is a kind of brawing for beginners

Accessory for comb will become loved by fans of the A-la 60s style. Any combs with it are created promptly and efficiently.

Combing for combing will help when creating styling
Combing for combing will help when creating styling

Combing for the formation of the parting Any parting will help to create. Amateur and perfectly straight lines and zigzag will be delighted. They are formed by a sharp end, and the scallop will help Put the knocked out strands.

Combus for creating parting
Combus for creating parting

How to choose a hair comb: a review of materials, recommendations

Speaking about how to choose a comb for hair as correctly as possible, you need to touch on the topic of materials. It is believed that accessories are useful From natural pile - for example, kaban bristles. This is true, because a similar material sparing It glides over the hair, without confusing it. He is the scalp masses perfect. Not electrizes.

Important: it is recommended to look at this option for blondes, girls with weakened hair, short strands. But ladies with oily hair are not suitable.

However, if the hairs are confused to unravel Their brush with soft bristles is extremely complicated. Another important drawback - The complexity of care For such combs. It is necessary to wash them often, also often change. The latter with a high cost of the product is sometimes problematic.

A comb of natural bristles are very popular
A comb of natural bristles are very popular

Plasticcomb cheap, hygienic, easy to clean. They do not serve long, but replacing them simply. Usually do not contribute to electrification.

Plastic combs of the most budgetary
Plastic combs of the most budgetary

Wood - In general, it does not harm the scalp, but often gives microsemen. Recommended for flavorings, when painting Due to the lack of interactions with chemistry. Adds to the hair silkiness, does not electrize them. Experts recommend choosing a comb from ash, sandalwood, juniper, birch.

But you need to remember that some wooden breeds cause allergies. Also on wooden accessories sometimes settles fungus.

Wooden combs - real works of art
Wooden combs - real works of art

Metal The comb, perhaps the most uncomfortable. They are interact with chemistry, injured, damage hairs When using an accessory in parallel with a hairdryer. The only plus - strength.

Important: the only one is safe to call such a comb if it has softening effects of the metal balls at the ends.

Metal comb very durable
Metal comb very durable

If you want to choose durablebut a more useful comb, it is better to purchase carbone. She is dear, but fine interacts with the hairdryer, not electrizes. Good for a variety of hair.

Carbon combing is durable, but more useful than metal
Carbon combing is durable, but more useful than metal

Silicon is hygienic, does not distinguish when heated by harmful substances, easy to clean, durable. Good unravens Curls, recommended for combing wet hair.

Silicone comb
Silicone comb

How to choose a nursery comb for hair: tips, description

The question of how to choose an exalted hair comb should be discussed separately. Artificial curls are fragile matter. Therefore, the following tips are required to assimilate:

  • No balls at the ends of the cloves! For natural hair, they are useful - prevent the injury of skin and strands. But artificial hair is spreading.
  • The material should be soft - for example, silicone, carbonate mixtures. There will be no sense from natural materials - they are useful only for natural hair. Although some experts recommend taking a closer look at the bristles - the option is controversial, you can try to listen to it. What can be said for sure is that a comb of solid materials will harm new strands.
  • The preferred form of release - saws, trident. The teeth should not be too close to each other.
  • If possible, you should visit specialized stores for hairdressers. You can find there special combs, intended for working with extended hair.

Important: it is recommended to take a closer look at the products of the following companies - Dewal, Brun, Kiepe Aquos, Moroccanoil.

Comb-hack, which is ideal for artificial hair
Comb-hack, which is ideal for artificial hair

How to choose a specialized hair comb: review, description of new products

How to choose a hair comb if there are any special requirements? Lovers of direct curls can look at an accessory specially intended for straightening. During drying hair firmly fixed, safely straightened.

True, for especially stubborn curls, it will be necessary to choose a stronger means. In addition, such combs are often plastic that not very good when parallel to work with a hairdryer.

The comb for straightening strands may look like this
The comb for straightening strands may look like this

Infrared The accessory contributes bulbs nutrition and even fights with dandruff, seborrhea! Sometimes massage. It is noticed that hair is strengthened, grow better. However, consulting a doctor will not interfere, since the body's reaction is individual.

Infrared comb helps from many problems
Infrared comb helps from many problems

Ionic The comb will become a find for young ladies, in which the hair is constantly electrified. Accessory it will relieve static stress and smoothes the hair scales.

Ionic comb - portable accessory
Ionic comb - portable accessory

Thermograshing - Outwardly, very similar to the usual Brasin. However, it is special in that combines the functions of both Bratsing and Fena. The base, as a rule, ceramic, Which for hair is extremely useful.

Comben-Feng can have a handle from any material
Comben-Feng can have a handle from any material

Laser The comb helps with the problem of hair growth and even baldness. Blood begins to circulate better, the voltage is removed, the fight against dandruff occurs.

Important: but a doctor’s consultation is necessary, since certain contraindications are available.

Laser comb is an amazing thing, but it needs to be used neatly
Laser comb is an amazing thing, but it needs to be used neatly

We also recommend that we familiarize yourself with our article About the comb Darsonval.

How to choose a hair comb: general recommendations, tips

Understanding how to choose a hair comb, you need to discuss some important points:

  • Some models are best purchased by young ladies, stuffed a hand On the issue of laying. For example, ceramic combs They cope perfectly with giving smoothness and softness, removing electrification. However, they are fragile, but are too expensive for a simple experiment.
  • If necessary comb the wet hair, it is recommended to use an accessory for this from rubber. Or plastic, If it was not possible to find the first option.
  • It is worth buying a comb several types. Circumstances are different, and it is unreasonable to use the same comb for each of them.
  • It is worth paying attention to the coating. So, it is not worth seducing the splendor of varnish models - there is little sense in them. The best combing is unlikely to be achieved.

Important: it is necessary to monitor the condition of the balls at the ends of the cloves - they should not quickly wash. As soon as the balls are erased, break or fall off, the comb needs to be changed, and not to take a similar model.

Protective balls on combs are necessary
Protective balls on combs are necessary

How to choose a hairstyle for hair: reviews of professionals

Recommendations on how to choose a comb have been given more than once recognized experts. For example, this is what can advise founder of the Eurasian Association of Trichologists Kohas Olga:

  • Need focus on hair rigidity. The larger it is, the tougher the material of the comb should be.
  • Need to purchase proven strong models. A broken comb is an excess risk of injuring hair or skin. Even a microtrauma on a comb can adversely affect the condition of the hair as a whole.

Trichologist Tatyana Tsimbalenko shares the following observations:

  • With problems like hair loss or dandruff You need to undergo an examination. If the cause is of any disease, no modern comb will help.
  • The longer and thicker the hair, the greater the comb should be. Given what needs to be done About 100 waves With it in one day, smoothing with a miniature accessory of volumetric hair will be a problem occupation.

Important: a nylon is considered a universal type of comb. It helps in departure even behind short thin hair.

The nylon comb, according to experts, is suitable for everyone
The nylon comb, according to experts, is suitable for everyone

From the variety of combs presented on store shelves, the head is literally dizzy. It seems that it is worth taking this most pretty or most advertised one - and the transformation is provided. Meanwhile, there are a lot of nuances. I would like to hope that this article helped them figure it out.

Video: Trichologist's opinion on combs from natural material:

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