How to choose binoculars: Tips of professionals. How to choose binoculars for hunting, fishing, tourism, theater, observations of neighbors? Technical characteristics of binoculars. Top 10 binoculars

How to choose binoculars: Tips of professionals. How to choose binoculars for hunting, fishing, tourism, theater, observations of neighbors? Technical characteristics of binoculars. Top 10 binoculars

Instructions for choosing binoculars for tourism, hunting, theater, travel.

Binoculars are a rather specific device that is not necessary for everyone. In this article, we will tell you by what criteria and parameters it is worth choosing binoculars, according to professionals.  

Types of binoculars

In order to make the right choice, you should initially decide for what purpose the device is needed. Many believe that it makes no sense to give a lot of money for binoculars, because it will not justify itself. In fact, this is not so. Professional athletes, as well as hunters and fishermen, do not sting out, acquire quite expensive devices.

The fact is that the cost of the device consists not only from the company that makes it, that is, the money is taken not only for the name, but also for technical characteristics. The thickness of the lens, increase, size of the lens, as well as body material is very important. The range of specialized stores and Internet sites provides a huge number of optical devices.  

Types of binoculars:  

  • Tourist  
  • Children  
  • For hunting  
  • Theatrical  
  • For observation from windows  
  • Sea  
  • Astronomical  

That is, in order to choose the device, you need to decide on the category, for which the device itself is needed. The size of the lenses and the design features of the binoculars depend on this. It should be understood that binoculars are a serious technique, so its cost is decent. The cost of many models may even be higher than the price of professional cameras for creating studio photographs. The fact is that the principle of work and optics used in cameras and binoculars are very similar, this is what explains the cost of such a technique.

In the process of observation
In the process of observation

Features of tourist, sea, children's, theater binoculars

Characteristics of devices for various purposes:

  • They are quite popular models for tourism. It is worth paying attention to an increase, it should increase by about 10-15 times. In this case, the diameter of the lens should be approximately 40-50 mm. Since tourists are on the way most of the time, and wear a huge number of things on themselves, the case of the device itself should be quite light. It is best if it is possible to configure night vision. In order to be observed through binoculars around the clock.  

    Tourism apparatus
    Tourism apparatus
  • No less popular are children's binocularswho help to satisfy the curiosity and curiosity of the kids. It is best to choose devices with FRF labeling. These are devices in which the focus is already exhibited, and there is no need to configure sharpness. It is best if the lens diameter is at the level of 30-35 mm.  

    Device for kids
    Device for kids
  • Hunters also often acquire a similar device in order to facilitate the search for prey. Binoculars for hunting They must be quite light and small, with a large aperture. It is best if they are equipped with some functions: it is a thermometer, a compass, a range finder. All this will come in handy to the hunter, it will allow him to quite easily and quickly carry out the hunt for prey. Please note that an important parameter when choosing a hunting technique is its impact resistance and endurance. It is best if this device is increased by about 4-8 times. At the same time, a sufficient lens diameter is up to 40 mm.  

    To monitor prey
    To monitor prey
  • If you like theater or ballet, then it will suit you opera glasses. The size of the lens is sufficient to 30 mm, with a small increase of up to 5 times.  

    Apparatus for the concert
    Apparatus for the concert
  • If you like to watch the starry sky and what is happening on other planets, you will need astronomical binoculars. This is one of the largest options that offers the maximum increase. Using such a device, you can see other planets with an increase of 30 times. A very large lens diameter of 110 mm is needed. Many will say that it is best to purchase a telescope, not binoculars. It has a lower price than a telescope, and simple management.

    Observation of the starry sky
    Observation of the starry sky
  • Sea binoculars. These are special devices that are made according to certain rules, instructions. The fact is that high requirements are presented to them, because it is not just an apparatus for increasing, but also a way to observe it with possible immersion in water. Accordingly, it is necessary that all the details inside the optical device are stainless, and water does not get inside. Such devices should be waterproof. To do this, make an anti -slip housing made of rubber, and also fill the insides with nitrogen. This is done so that in conditions of cold water, when the observer is in the wetsuit, the lenses do not fog. In addition, it is necessary that there is a built -in range finder and compass. It is worth noting that such devices can be operated in rather aggressive and difficult weather conditions, so they must meet all the requirements, and preserve the image during fog, high dustiness, and even during snowstorms.

    In the sea
    In the sea
  • If you like animals and forest, get the usual binoculars for observation of nature. The fact is that these devices are characterized by a high increase, but not by a large lens.  At the same time, there is no need to equip such an apparatus with additional functions, but it will not be superfluous to the rubberized case, which will allow you to comfortably hold the optics in your hands, even during wet weather and strong heat, when your hands sweat.  

    Photo hunting
    Photo hunting
  • Exist general purpose devices. Many believe that these universal devices are enough for any purpose. In fact, this is not so. They have relatively averaged weight, size and cost. At the same time, they allow you to increase the observation object to 16 times, the diameter of the lens is maximum, is 50 mm. In addition to all these values, it is worthwhile to separately consider each characteristic of technology.  

    Universal apparatus
    Universal apparatus

How to choose binoculars for astronomical observations, night vision, theater, concert?

The most important indicator is the multiplicity of an increase. For this, binoculars are divided into devices with a slight increase, an average increase, with a high increase. As indicated above, the maximum increase is characteristic of cosmic optical devices for observing the starry sky. The maximum increase is 30 times. In addition, it is very important to choose the device, focusing on the features of weather conditions and the area on which you are going to use the device.


  • If you are often among trees, bushes, then there is no need to purchase an optical apparatus with a huge increase of 15 times. The fact is that a high increase at close distances gives a strong trembling and blurry image. Thus, the best option is an increase of up to 10 times. The diameter of the lens is also important, the larger it is, the more light the image will be obtained in the end. If the diameter of the lens is small, then the image can be slightly dark.  
  • Of great importance is the material of lenses. Ordinary inhabitants believe that the use of plastic is as comfortable as possible. In fact, this is not so. High -quality devices are equipped with glass lenses. Although, in fact, if you use the device quite often, you are engaged in climbing, or some extreme sports, during which the lenses can be damaged, then of course, more resistant to mechanical damage is just plastic. Although not least, it is necessary to pay attention to impact resistance.  
  • It is also necessary to give preference to devices with the possibility of individual focusing. The fact is that everyone has different vision, so devices with a focus installed may not be suitable. When choosing a device, you should pay attention to the types of prisms. Inside the optical device there are prisms that refract the light, which is why the image is established. At the moment, the most common are prisms of the species Porro and Roof.  
  • The difference between these two devices is that in the apparatus with a prism of a Porro, the lens and the eyepiece are located on one straight line. Thanks to this, the technique has a small size and a fairly high price. Most often, such devices are used in tourist binoculars to maximize the device, make it as strong as possible. Regarding the prism of Porro, here the distance between the lens and the eyepiece is quite large, and they are located at an angle to each other. It turns out a more voluminous and high -quality image. But at the same time, the size of the apparatus, which becomes much larger, suffers.  
High -quality technique
High -quality technique

How to choose binoculars for fishing, hunting, observations of neighbors?


  • It is also worth paying attention to the characteristics of the case. Now the ambitious devices are quite popular, which allow it to drop it without much harm. At the same time, such devices are equipped with a special rubberized coating, which ensures the integrity of the device after falling. An important value is water resistance and moisture resistance.
  • That is, such devices can be used in rainy weather, and waterproof even with a complete immersion of up to 5 m. The protection against fogging is important. In order not to sweat the lenses, nitrogen is pumped inside the binoculars. This allows you to prevent the temperature difference and the appearance of condensate on the lenses.  
  • Specialists are often asked about which binoculars to choose, if necessary to observe from the window. It is important for what purpose you need it. Quite often, binoculars are used to observe the football field if it is located near the house, or even to monitor neighbors. It is necessary that the diameter of the lens is at least 50 mm. The more it is, the more light the image will turn out.
  • If you plan to observe your neighbors in a dark room, give preference to devices with a huge lens, with a diameter of 50 mm. The increase is also important. If you want to watch your neighbors, you should pay attention to how far your house is. The maximum is an increase of 30 times. But the fact is, if you look at fairly close distances, the picture is not distinct, blurry, and glitters.
  • Therefore, an increase is optimal up to 20 times. If you do not want unnecessary problems, you want a clearer image, give preference to devices with an increase of 10 times. If you observe through the window glass, several troubles and additional problems can occur. It is best during the observation to open the window so that there is no additional angle of refraction through glass in the window opening. All high -quality lenses are made of glass and have a high degree of glare. Thus, if the light falls in your direction, then glare can be visible, the neighbors will be noticed easily.  
  • If you want to get a persistent picture, use Porro lenses that create a refracted image that is distinguished by clarity and good quality. But at the same time, the size of the binoculars will be quite impressive, and heavy. After all, there are two prisms inside, which are located at a certain distance from each other.  
Things for fishing
Things for fishing

TOP-10 best binoculars

Enough high -quality devices are produced by Olympus. This manufacturer is also engaged in the manufacture of a variety of optical devices, including microscopes for laboratory tests. Optics is quite serious, and high -quality. Among the shortcomings are a high price.

By purchasing a universal type device, you should not hope that you will solve all problems. If you are engaged in tourism and at the same time hunting, then, in principle, the universal apparatus is suitable, but at the same time a kind of inconvenience will still arise. This is due to the viewing range, and the diameter of the lens. Of course, if there is an opportunity, it is better to purchase several devices, for each of the hobbies, but unfortunately, not everyone has such an opportunity due to the high cost of optics.


  • Rekam Robinzon Voyage Kit 7*50/4*30
  • USCAMEL UW035 HD 10*42
  • Nikon Aculon A211
  • Bresser National Geographic 10*42 WP
  • Olympus 8-16*40 Zoom DPS I
  • Levenhuk Karma Pro 10*42
  • Canon 18*50 IS
  • Leica Ultravid 10*42 HD
  • Carl Zeiss Victory 8*56 t*rf
Professional apparatus
Professional apparatus

It makes sense to purchase expensive devices if you are professionally engaged in hunting, or related to the military.  

Video: choose binoculars

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