How to meet and accompany guests on birth etiquette, wedding? Meeting guests at home, in a restaurant, meeting of important guests

How to meet and accompany guests on birth etiquette, wedding? Meeting guests at home, in a restaurant, meeting of important guests

Poems, script for the meeting of guests at home, in a restaurant, with bread and salt.

Birthday is a great holiday that not all adults love. But if you are a respected person, then employees and friends will not forget about your anniversary. Therefore, even if you are not going to organize a magnificent party, you will have to arrange modest home gatherings.

How to meet guests for a birthday?

So that the feast does not turn into the usual wish of goodies, prepare in advance for the holiday. Determine the invitations, and the day before the celebration, call all the guests and tell me the time and in what format the holiday will take place.

This is necessary so that the guests can purchase suitable clothes and gifts. If you plan a barbecue or a barbecue, warn the guests that you need to wear sportswear.

Guests meeting options:

  • If you make a holiday at home, then everything is simple here. You can come up with a guest to come up with some kind of image. For example, the island of treasures, then someone will be the captain of the ship, and someone with a pirate. Tell us a small segment from the work “Treasure Island”, explain to the guest that he will be a pirate today and put a hat and a bandage on his eye. Say that traditionally pirates drink rum, and offer a glass of an alcoholic drink. Guests will remain delighted with such a meeting
  • If you arrange a party for your children in honor of their birthday, purchase balls and put in each sheet of paper with the inscription of the animated hero. The child must choose a ball, burst it and turn into a hero that is indicated on the sheet. Prepare wigs, hats and other accessories in advance
  • Classically guests can be met with bread and salt. Ask the guest to break off a piece of karavay and wave it into salt. If the guests are not teetotalers, you can offer a glass of an alcoholic drink. The meeting may be accompanied by verse or just to quiet music
Meet guests for a birthday
meet guests for a birthday

How to meet guests at home?

  • There are several rules for meeting guests at home. First of all, when the first guest comes, the owner meets him with the mistress. Then, the owner opens the door, and the mistress of the house sits with the guests who have come.
  • If you have adult children, they can also meet the invited. The owner of the house introduces everyone. He says immediately the name of the one who came and seizes the table
  • These are the basic rules, and you can make a more fun meeting at will. Arrange a carnival meeting or in the style of the 60s

The meeting of guests in the style of gangsters looks very unusual. In this case, each guest is put on a hat, a butterfly on the neck and handed a glass of whiskey.

Meet guests at home
meet guests at home

How to meet guests in a restaurant?

  • It is best to entrust this to professionals. There is a special position abroad, a person who meets guests always smiles, tries to establish contact with the invited
  • He tries to make the guests like the restaurant. Hire the leader who will meet and entertain the guests. If the company is small, and you are not ready to lay out a lot of money to invite the host or the host, you will have to do everything yourself
  • Be sure to prepare for a meeting of guests with children. Buy pencils and white leaflets. Easel is suitable. Set children at separate tables and let them draw while you will deal with adult guests
  • You can make postcards indicating the table number and place. A postcard can be designed as a ticket to the cinema. Guests will be so easier, they will not have to think who sits where
Meet guests in a restaurant
meet guests in a restaurant

How do they meet and escort guests for a wedding?

Everything is a little more complicated here. After the registry office, the newlyweds usually go for a walk or to a photo shoot. Accordingly, guests are left to their own devices. If possible, do not invite guests to the registry office, it is better to sign at all the more day.

Invite guests directly to the restaurant. While you ride and take pictures, ask a close relative to meet guests in a restaurant. So that the invited people do not huddle in the lobby and do not know what to do, arrange a buffet.

In the hall of the hall, put several tables with slices, sandwiches and champagne. No need to put chairs near the tables, this is a snack in front of the feast. You can arrange several simple competitions until the bride and groom come to the guests.

They meet and see guests for a wedding
they meet and see guests for a wedding

How do you meet dear important guests?

  • First of all, take care of the red carpet. All guests need to shower with gold or silver confetti. If you want, invite a gypsy ensemble, he will meet dear guests and leave no one indifferent
  • If you invited youth to the holiday, you can make an unofficial meeting. Invite the girls in sexy outfits that will take those invited to the hall
  • You can supplement the meeting with bread and salt, but in a young company this tradition is not welcome. Young people love creative and a non -standard approach. Let it be cognac with lemon or tequila
Meet dear important guests
meet dear important guests

Scenario of the meeting of guests

This scenario is suitable for meeting guests in a restaurant.

Script text:

  • Leading. "Hello dear invited, we ask you to accept postcards and gifts from us." Cards with inscriptions of places that the invited should take. Gifts should be thematic, it can be simple ceramic souvenirs
  • Leading. “Today, men should forget about fishing, and a woman about prices in stores. On this day we celebrate our birthday. On this holiday, it is customary to give only joy and fun. ” After that there is a dance number
  • Leading. "Dear guests, thank you for having come, here are the prizes from the birthday man." Connois with comic gifts are awarded. It can be a clown on a spring or some funny souvenir
  • Leading. “Now you can please the birthday and give him gifts.” Guests give gifts. After that, funny competitions are held according to the script
Scenario of the meeting of guests
Scenario of the meeting of guests

Meeting guests in Russian with bread salt

This is an ancient custom when salt was worth more than gold. Bread is mercy, and salt is love. This is a decoding of two characters. Giving a loaf with a salt shaker, you show the invited love and mercy. It is believed that the joint eating of the karavay with salt connects the guests, this is such a ritual of rapprochement.

Now in this way the newlyweds from the registry office or foreign guests are met. Thus, show their mercy and joy. The loaf is listed on an embroidered rushnya, solemn speech is made. Guests break off a piece of pastries, and dip in salt, eat a loaf.

Meeting Russian guests with bread salt
Meeting Russian guests with bread salt

Welcome words for meeting guests

Welcome words differ depending on the reason and the holiday.

To meet with bread and salt:


We meet dear guests
On the native Russian land,
We offer you bread and salt,
How did you tell us the custom.
The most respected and long -awaited
We present we are caused
Well, all together, come on, sing!
We meet you with fun
With nice mood,
Come, do not be shy,
Help with bread and salt!

Words for meeting guests at school:

We will welcome our dear guests today,
Once they came to our school, they are full of fresh ideas.
Share, do not be lazy, do not remain in debt!
We will show our beloved school in the best light!
School is a native house, half a day we live in it together!
Here you can develop comprehensively,
Fill with spiritual energy!
Go without shyness, this is the best establishment in the world!

Words for meeting guests for birthday:

Hello, dear guests,
All smart ones!
We have been waiting for you for a long time, an hour
And we worry about you.
And the culprit of the celebration,
Waiting for you in the morning!
Come, do not be shy,
Are all comfortable comfortable
Soon we will start the holiday,
Let's dance, binge!
We have fun until the morning
The kids are with us.
We will eat and chat,
Time to spend with pleasure!

Welcome words for meeting guests
Welcome words for meeting guests

Seeing guests, words

When the party came to an end, it is not easy to say goodbye to the guests, and to do it so that they want to repeatedly visit you and drink a cup of coffee or something stronger. This can be done in verses.

Farewell poems for guests:

That the guests are lovely ... ate ...
I see, dinner was tasty!
You tired of me a little ...
I will accompany you so that troubles do not happen ...

If the guests are tired
And I don't want to go home "
Clapped loudly you're your hands
Attracting their attention.
And then read poetry to them,
Demand that you are listened to ...
You will notice how quietly
The staff of guests will be reduced.
The most persistent goodbye
You pour a glass ...
And they will go to the house,
Inspired by verses ...

Seeing guests, words
Seeing guests, words

Try to think over everything to the smallest detail. It is very pleasant when friends and relatives consider you a good mistress and always come to visit with pleasure.

Video: Guests meeting

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