How different signs of the zodiac fall in love: girls, women. How to recognize a girl in love, a woman by the zodiac sign? How do girls in love behave, women, what are the signs of love, sympathy of girls and women of different signs of the zodiac?

How different signs of the zodiac fall in love: girls, women. How to recognize a girl in love, a woman by the zodiac sign? How do girls in love behave, women, what are the signs of love, sympathy of girls and women of different signs of the zodiac?

This article will reveal all cards for men. After all, in it we will tell you how to consider a woman in love, knowing who she is from the zodiac sign.

All girls, and men, too, change in a state of love. And each representative of the zodiac signs expresses this in his own way. To catch sympathy signals and decide on further actions, we bring to your attention material about how the girls and women in love behave. By the way, the strategy also needs to choose the appropriate, so as not to frighten off the strong pressure of some representatives, while others do not disappoint with their slowness.

How the girl in love behaves, a woman, how to understand that a girl, a woman Aries is in love: signs, behavior

Aries young ladies have an explosive and quick -tempered character. Frequent mood change and incredible pressure in the matter of the goal. By the way, to convince Aries in something is a stupid and useless activity. Here with men the same picture.

  • Despite everything, she is incredibly feminine. And this feature of all spheres of life concerns. It is she who often says the phrase: “Well, I'm a girl!” The arguments of the opposite sex ends, and they melt in front of her. Therefore, more often guys run after Aries.
  • Sometimes it is excessively reasonable, it is configured in a career and boldly walks up the stairs. Therefore, sometimes the guys see in her a friend or even an opponent for work. She must be the best in everything! And the partner is next to her, so in general - an ideal representative.
  • Therefore, if Aries put his eyes on you, then you are worthy of this. Although often a woman finishes a man who lack qualities, that is, idealizes in his eyes. And then it is disappointed in this.
Generous in love female
Generous in love female
  • In love, she is generous, does not like lies or hypocrisy. She completely surrenders to feelings. But in return should get the same amount. Moreover, a man should pay attention only to her and do it constantly (or at least as often as possible). And Aries will attract this attention with all his might.
  • And if a rival appears, then the typhoon will demolish her from his path. After all, Aries is not used to give up. By the way, if it turned out that you are not such an ideal partner, then Aries will carefully sculpt the desired figure from you.
  • This woman loves to give gifts and expects the same from her lover. He cannot stand homework, so he will not delight his lover with home -made cookies.

How the girl in love behaves, a woman, how to understand that a girl, a woman Taurus is in love: signs, behavior

This woman is a real keeper of the hearth and financial well -being of the family. Excessive landing and practicality sometimes scares away men, because she becomes a little time for his wife. But this applies only to frivolous representatives.

  • When Taurus wants to attract the attention of the guy he liked, she begins to actively engage in appearance. Yes, this is the girl who will replace a tracksuit with elegant dresses and high studs. Makeup, hairstyle, manicure and even aroma - everything should be impeccable.
  • When the guy pays attention to her, on the first date she will prove herself in the best way. But from a partner, he is waiting for the manifestation of all the qualities of a gentleman. And then he will go to the next stage if the guy gives the necessary flowers and chooses the right restaurant. And yes, now she is looking at the ability to handle money.
  • Cooking is the main weapon in the conquest of men. Already further, Taurus will call the man to his home, where there will be an ideal order and just a chic table and an abundance of various food. And after that, the man tenaciously falls into her hands.
Practical in love female Taurus
Practical in love female Taurus
  • But after the second date, romance disappears. This sign is so practical that it only chooses in partners with whom he is ready to create a family. Therefore, it quickly moves from rehearsal to performance.
  • These are very reliable and loyal girls, so it will also express its sympathy.
  • But most importantly, Taurus will make it clear that she is not just a good mistress who knows how to manage money and even save it. She will become the best mom and wife. And this is really so.

How the girl in love behaves, a woman, how to understand that a girl, a woman twin is in love: signs, behavior

Gemini stands out with great sociability, energy and desire to be in motion. True, sharp changes in mood, opinions and outlook on life change at the same speed.

  • If the twins fell in love, then this is forever. So what, that every two months! Yes, the twins fall in love quickly and with the faith that this is the same and the only one. And then the phases of the moon become another position or the chosen one is simply tired and someone else quickly becomes the object of love.
  • Gemini do not know how to be silent. And about their feelings all the more. Therefore, twins often act first and ahead. No, they will give time and flirt. This is their main way to attract attention.
  • Usually, men understand all the thin hints and luring views. But for tights, the twins themselves will fit and explain everything in detail about the situation.
Energetic lady twin
Energetic lady twin
  • If you think that only men can care and give gifts, then you are deeply mistaken. And the twins will prove to you a reverse position. For the sake of a loved one, such a woman is ready for almost everything. And with compliments, it will delight, and delights with gifts.
  • She does not shine at home and comfort in the houses, so she does not try to hit a man. But he will not hide that a career is most important to her. After love, of course.
  • Such a girl is also given curiosity and talkativeness. They like to speak and argue, and therefore will try to find out some information about you. But they do this in a very open form.
  • And the fault of this is not only their inability to be silent, but also the desire to own the situation. Gemini cannot stand uncertainty. Therefore, sometimes even too fast events rush too quickly.

How the girl in love behaves, a woman, how to understand that a girl, a woman cancer is in love: signs, behavior

The girl is very hidden. The reason for everything is excessive incredulity to the feelings of the partner, and even to her own. And also, fear of the unknown. Therefore, guessing about her feelings is almost impossible.

  • The only thing that can help in conjectures is a conversation. Crayfish do not like to tell anything about themselves and, especially, to strangers. Ask her about the family or about something personal. Just do not crush it. Cancer, if he considers it necessary and sees your own soul in you, then share a little. The girl will not tell her entire biography.
  • These girls never take the first steps. Yes, and immediately do not reciprocate the feelings. After all, they have great fear before their eyes, which could become worse than it was. No, they are not pessimists, they are just afraid of change. Therefore, a man must gradually “pull out” information about the woman and achieve her location.
  • Cancer knows how to flirt, but to catch signals, few can do. They do it very subtly and unobtrusively. Due to natural secrecy, they behave coldly and restrained. Therefore, if you caught a small breeze of sympathy and coquetry, be sure that you are not indifferent to her.
Field crayfish in their feelings
Field crayfish in their feelings
  • Pay attention to the view. Cancer does not have the courage to look at the one who is pretty to him. Therefore, if you noticed that the woman’s woman looks quickly to the side or embarrassedly lowering her eyes, then you have touched on some parts of her soul.
  • Also, from conversations, you can endure another small lesson. If she showed a little interest to you, especially in personal matters, then you hooked her soul. After all, the lady girl is looking for a serious partner with whom you can create a family. And only after the disclosure of prospects with him, cancer will reveal at least in its feelings.

How the girl in love behaves, a woman, how to understand that a girl, a woman lion is in love: signs, behavior

The lioness is stylish, fashionable, stunning, incredible and only. She is not deprived of the attention of fans and knows her price. Therefore, I was not used to looking after someone. But the attention from the stronger sex loves the attention from the stronger sex.

  • She looks flawless! The first thing that will give out the lioness in love is clothes. This sign stands out in that it looks excellent both in a skirt and a tracksuit. They know how to turn the usual image into a stylish picture. But in love, she will always look 100%. Even in the middle of the night.
  • A look is a second signal that will suppress a lion girl. He will be alluring and seductive, but also a little self -confident, and even cold. And she will look at her passion as often as possible.
  • Such a woman will not take the first step. She uses reasonable tactics - hint, accidentally meets or asks for help if you are at least a little familiar. The main thing is to draw attention to yourself. And then she will conquer her partner with her charm.
Lioness in a relationship
Lioness in a relationship
  • Do not expect that she will cook cabbage soup and bake pies for you. And remember, it allows a man to take care of himself. Even if she chose it herself.
  • Regarding rivals, this is a separate and important conversation. She cannot stand them. If the guy gives his attention to at least one more girl, then the lioness simply will not look in his direction. She is so afraid of failure and defeat that she will not even measure strength. Despite natural self -confidence.

How the girl in love behaves, a woman, how to understand that a girl, a woman Virgo is in love: signs, behavior

Another sign of the zodiac, which cannot be called passionate and emotional. Virgo is more likely in the chosen one and in their union they will look for benefit. Although when they overwhelm love feelings, the Virgin turns into a romantic girl.

  • It is not easy to understand the feelings of the Virgin, she will hide them in every way. This girl will not openly flirt and build eyes. She needs time to look at her lover.
  • Even if the guy caught her weak signals and will take the first step, the Virgo will doubt. And remain cold and impregnable. Although it will be more difficult for her to hide strong feelings.
  • If she is confident in the chosen one, then he will be completely given to him. The virgin rushes into feelings with her head, and sometimes the girl forgets about her interests or even tastes. After all, the main thing is that the beloved was good. But do not expect an ardent of passion or a surge of emotions from her.
Virgo is modest in expressions of feelings
Virgo is modest in expressions of feelings
  • These are faithful girls who, even after parting, keep their feelings for several years. But in a partner, she should see a guarantee for the future, financial well -being. Virgo is simply realists among realists who should be confident in tomorrow. Therefore, feelings sometimes fade into the background.
  • And if such a girl decided to go on a date with you, then she has already collected the necessary information about you and made joint plans until the birth of children. What is there, she managed to give them names.

How the girl in love behaves, a woman, how to understand that a girl, a woman Libra is in love: signs, behavior

The right wife and mistress, who chooses to partners, who will travel with her on weekends for products and will not be afraid to spend half a day on the choice of wallpaper or curtains. She has serious plans and selects the appropriate partner. Libra, if they “laid their eyes” on a man, will certainly achieve him. But she will act quietly and accurately. Without fights, because this is a male prerogative.

  • She becomes impeccable and begins to take care of her lover in every way. Libra in a state of love literally blow dust off their halves. But do not forget that the scales are an unstable and often changeable sign.
  • Therefore, her tender, sweet and flexible mood, as well as love, change to displeased, irritable and even slightly aggressive behavior. But in any state, the scales look great, because the appearance of a person should always be impeccable.
Libra is very economic with a potential partner
Libra is very economic with a potential partner
  • She praises a lot and thanks the pretty guy. This is the most important sign of her feelings. She is not afraid to ask for help and often uses this as attracting attention. After all, she knows the approach to men.
  • She manifests itself as a mistress and cook. She really has something to show and what to please.
  • And also, she begins to distribute a lot of advice on you. No, she does not find fault, but expresses her care. Listen and get a delicious reward from her.
  • But sometimes scales cannot decide on relationships because of their doubts. Therefore, active actions should come only from a man.

How the girl in love behaves, a woman, how to understand that a girl, a woman Scorpio is in love: signs, behavior

Scorpio, be it a woman or man, always says everything directly and openly. He does not see any point in walking in circles at all. These women often take the first step. But here is a drop of contradictions - this, at the same time, is an incredulous and hidden sign. She will reveal her soul gradually and after a thorough test for trust and fidelity.

  • So the list of signs of Scorpio will begin with her. She is madly jealous of the girl! This feeling will give out a girl even with a calm and cold attitude. She begins to be angry or somehow showing her dissatisfaction if the guy drew attention to the lady or another girl looked at him “wrongly”.
  • Just do not try to cause jealousy as a test. Such a girl in an impulse of anger does not restrain herself well. And if he finds out that the whole performance was invented on purpose, he will smash everything in its path.
  • This is a very correct sign of the zodiac, so it drives away all fans immediately and without hesitation.
  • To trust the partner, Scorpio needs to recognize him along and across. Therefore, the next signal is interest. Because of her assertiveness, it will be difficult for the girl to hide him. Yes, and easier and faster ask directly about the information of interest.
Scorpions are very straightforward in relationships
Scorpions are very straightforward in relationships
  • And another sign is a smile and eyes. The gaze of Scorpio in love is simply overwhelmed with affection and kindness, and a smile does not go out on his face at the sight of a lover.
  • And it is worth noting that such a girl will try to take care of her partner as much as possible. She will easily manage to combine all things, but the partner should not abuse this. And most importantly - not to criticize, because Scorpio reacts very sharply to it.

How the girl in love behaves, a woman, how to understand that a girl, a woman Sagittarius is in love: signs, behavior

In general, Sagittarius cannot hide their feelings. The idea came to mind - you need to voice it, and if love hit the heart, then you must definitely inform the lucky man. And if the guy did not react in any way, then the Sagittarius will say even louder or completely take the helm into his own hands. Therefore, if the girl of this sign is in love, then it is simply impossible not to notice.

  • This is the most optimistic sign of the zodiac, and under the arrows of the Amur a woman turns into a loud laugh. Especially if the passion is nearby. And if the guy also joked himself, then the smile will not come off her face at all.
  • Sight. Sagittarius will build eyes in every way, which does it coquettish and skillfully.
  • She will chat a lot, and sometimes even tell even extra information about herself.
  • A shooter woman is happy to accept an invitation to a date. If the partner has time to do it. Sagittarius often lacks patience and perseverance. And if a partner comes from a sympathy that a woman quickly captures, then she will take on the whole initiative.
For Sagittarius, a good relationship is a feeling of joy
For Sagittarius, a good relationship is a feeling of joy
  • The only thing for men should be afraid is its goal. If a winning woman chose a man and recorded him in the list of her desires, he will achieve this at all costs. If the guy did not get into her network, then the Sagittarius will switch to another strategy.
  • This is a truly fearless representative of the zodiac group, so it can not only send Valentine, but also openly approach the first.
  • Do not expect a romantic dinner from her, at least not immediately. But she easily organizes a campaign or even a parachute jump.
  • True, this girl lights up very quickly and can also cool quickly. And now the partner, if he wants to stay with the Sagittarius, you need to constantly eliminate and hold next to him.

How the girl in love behaves, a woman, how to understand that a girl, a Capricorn woman is in love: signs, behavior

The Capricorn woman is a mystery to the male. These are cold -blooded and balanced personalities, whose emotions and feelings are hard to reveal. This woman chooses her partner very carefully. And if he has any shortcomings, then Capricorn can skillfully work and fix it. By the way, it is these women who become the wives of successful and rich men, because they are always guided by the mind.

  • In their feelings, they themselves cannot fully figure it out. Therefore, you will not catch a light in your eyes or a flirty smile. The process of weighing and thoughts about the satellite occupies a considerable period of time.
  • The only thing that can give out the feelings of Capricorn is the requests. Not because the girl needs them. This is necessary to understand the potential of the partner.
  • She can ask leading questions, and does it open. And, most likely, she does not do this with a pretty guy, but with a future contender. If it passes a “test”, then Capricorn will begin to feel a feeling of falling in love.
Capricorns become wives of successful men
Capricorns become wives of successful men
  • Even after a man’s offer, the girl will not immediately give a positive answer. She will begin to introduce and collect certificates of all generations of his family.
  • But then, she becomes a gentle and affectionate companion. True, the girl loves a luxurious attitude to her person. After all, a man should shower a woman with compliments and gifts. And only after all the covered you can catch the same light in the eyes and a radiant smile.

How the girl in love behaves, a woman, how to understand that a girl, a woman Aquarius is in love: signs, behavior

These are sociable and cheerful representatives who always have full friends. And in their heads they always have many plans and ideas, and much more. These are adult children who hate seriousness and prudence, and, in general, the material side interests them little.

  • But Aquarius will appreciate good conversations. She loves smart men, but in moderation. It should be interesting and you can always talk about something. They are sociable and easily find the points of contact with almost any interlocutor, so conversations fall under the category of “symptom”.
  • A smile and a smile again. This is a cheerful and cheerful sign that often laughs. She will joke, and laugh at the jokes of the chosen one.
  • She will look at, so you can often meet her eyes. They will literally radiate love. Not even so, they will shine. Moreover, Aquariuss “build eyes” well, especially in a in love state.
  • Aquarius rarely takes the first step, but makes maximum efforts so that the guy caught her fluids. She can send him a postcard from a secret fan, but she is not ready for more decisive action.
Aquarius will show their cheerfulness
Aquarius will show their cheerfulness
  • She will definitely meet or remind of her existence, but by chance. By the way, it was often “accidentally” planned and carefully prepared for a month.
  • In general, Aquarius has many friends, including male. Therefore, fans are always enough. Moreover, this woman needs to be a friend for her as well. Therefore, often their love grows with friendly relations.
  • And one cannot fail to note the ability of Aquarius to change for the sake of a loved one. She will easily abandon any habits or taste preferences.

How the girl in love behaves, a woman, how to understand that a girl, a woman of fish is in love: signs, behavior

This zodiac sign is simply created for love. Fish cannot exist without it, as without water. These are very thin and sensitive natures, and they are very vulnerable and touchy. Since they are too deeply perceived by everything done and what is said by others. This sign is distinguished by a certain melancholy and a depressive state. And the fault of everything is their great dependence on someone else's opinion, because such a girl tries to please everyone and look like a smart man in the eyes of others.

  • She will never give any signal first and, moreover, will not take the first step. The girl is so afraid of refusal that she simply will not try to take up the matter of temptation.
  • Remember - the more modest, quieter and more chopped by the fish, the stronger she has feelings for you. This is exactly the type of women who begin to blush, lower their eyes, stumble or even stumble at the sight of a passion.
The fish are modest. But at the same time very sensual
The fish are modest. But at the same time very sensual
  • Moreover, it may even feel that the girl avoids you completely. And this is actually so. Only the reason is not that she does not want to see you. On the contrary, catch up and tell about your feelings. Only not on the forehead, but gradually.
  • Then the second stage of love begins, which is revealed later. This is a very caring girl. She will often call or write, ask questions about your business. Sometimes it will even bend the stick. But so fish show their love and care, because it is experiencing. Also, such a girl is characterized by slightly excessive control. But again, this is only concern.
  • But the concern does not end there. Fish will make comfort and changes to your life. These are romance from head to toe, so at home surprises with dinner or just decorating at home will often wait.
  • And they also like to give gifts or small presentations to their loved ones and lover. This is probably the most faithful and main sign that the fish are in love with you.

Video: the most impregnable women by the zodiac sign

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