How to visually hide the nasolabial folds with makeup: step -by -step instructions, makeup artist recommendations, photos

How to visually hide the nasolabial folds with makeup: step -by -step instructions, makeup artist recommendations, photos

Instructions for applying makeup for masking nasolabial wrinkles.

Nasolabial folds are the most common problem among thin women aged. Oddly enough, but almost all makeup artists agreed that this zone is most difficult to correct. You need to know several rules, as well as subtleties to hide this area. In this article, we will tell you how to hide nasolabial wrinkles with makeup. 

How to remove facial wrinkles at the mouth with makeup?

As indicated above, most often they appear in women with dry skin, which do not differ in fullness. That is, usually these are thin women, athletic physique and those ladies who prefer to sit on diets. In order to hide this area, they often resort to beauty injections. Most often used hyaluronic acid, a variety of mineral -based fillers. During the injection, this area is simply filled with liquid, helping to align it. Thus, it is possible to reset 5-10 years. Indeed, many makeup artists saywhat, By correcting this area, you can become younger than 5-10 years. 

How to remove facial wrinkles at the mouth with makeup:

  • How is the correction of this zone carried out? There are several ways to carry out makeup to hide the nasolabial wrinkles. The first option, using a light highlighter.
  • To apply makeup, you will need almost all the standard products that you use daily. Initially, a base is applied to the face. Further, with the help of a light concealer, longitudinal stripes are applied to the region of nasolabial wrinkles.
  • That is, with the help of a light highlighter or concealer, this area is as if standing out. Next, you need to use a dark concealer, which is one two tones darker than the skin of the face. It is applied directly under the skill and throughout the contour of the face.
Wrinkles at the mouth
Wrinkles at the mouth

How to remove nasolabial wrinkles with cosmetics?

You can use the effect of light-intoes.

How to remove nasolabial wrinkles with cosmetics:

  • The dark bronzer must be obsolete the second chin and filled, as well as the area that is just below the contour of the face.
  • Thus, you draw a new oval for yourself and help to hide the second chin.Next, the usual foundation is applied and all dark and bright lines are shaken with the help of the hands.
  • Thus, you will be able to emphasize the youth of the face and hide the nasolabial wrinkles.  

How to disguise nasolabial folds with makeup?

In the second method, a special aggregate is often used for pores. These are the so -called mechanical fillers, which are often used by makeup artists when applying makeup for stars on red carpet.

How to disguise nasolabial folds with makeup:

  • This is a kind of emergency help, which helps to hide the shortcomings in a short period of time. It is not a very thick substance, applied to the area that must be hidden, to make it more even.
  • Using a thin brush, the aggregate for pores is applied by longitudinal lines in the region of nasolabial wrinkles. After completely drying, this area becomes more filled, and less angular.
  • Thus, the transition from wrinkles to the cheek, as well as lips, is smoothed out. Next, the usual sculpture of the face is carried out using a concealer, highlighters and foundation. In the same way, you need to try to darken the area under the cheekbones, as well as lighten the areas between the eyebrows above, under the eyebrow. The back of the nose is also highlighted. 
Correction of wrinkles makeup
Correction of wrinkles makeup

How to make mimic wrinkles visually invisible at the mouth of cosmetics?

There are several more tips of makeup artists that need to be held in order to distract attention from nasolabial wrinkles.

Make visually invisible facial wrinkles at the mouth:

  • Try to use very dark lipstick with nasolabial wrinkles. The use of dark brown or purple lipstick is excluded, as they give a shadow and emphasize the nasolabial wrinkles even more.
  • This is usually evident in the evening, when the light falls from top to bottom. Thus, the region of nasolabial wrinkles is darkened, it becomes more distinct.
  • This gives age and add a few extra years. In addition, it is worth being careful women aged, after 50 years when choosing a hairstyle. All even lines and sections of your hair affect the face.
Makeup application schemes
Makeup application schemes

How to disguise the nasolabial folds with cosmetics?

As you know, with age, the face becomes angular, and the features are sharp. All even sections of the hair only emphasize this drawback.

How to disguise nasolabial folds:

  • To distract attention from nasolabial wrinkles, make them less pronounced, try to choose hairstyles with graduation and smooth transitions.
  • Therefore, it is best to abandon a clearly expressed abstraction with sharp corners, as well as even sections.
  • As for the color of the hair, dark curls also emphasize nasolabial wrinkles. It is best to lighten the hair into several tones. The best option will be staining in the Shatush or Ombre technique.
Application of makeup
Application of makeup

It is possible for women aged that are pronounced nasolabial wrinkles, smooth hairstyles and staining with different colors are suitable. This can be coloring, but in no case should there be clear transitions of colors. It is best if it is a gradient and a smooth bubble. 

Video: Hide nasolabial folds makeup

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