How to behave in an unfamiliar company: TOP-12 tips

How to behave in an unfamiliar company: TOP-12 tips

If it happened that you were in an unfamiliar company, then it is important to behave correctly. We offer you advice on proper behavior in an unfamiliar company.

You go to the company of people who are unfamiliar to you, and naturally, worry about whether you can find a common language with them, whether you will accept you as your own.

It will turn out if you behave without excessive tension, showing your best sides, but not protruding them. And also, if you listen to the next tips and use them.

How to behave in an unfamiliar company: TOP-12 tips

  1. Prepare in advance, having learned if possible about what kind of people will be in the company, the family of their studies. So you will understand the approximate circle of interests in this environment, communication manners, even dress up to the manner of dressing and you can comply with unwritten rules of conduct in the new company.
  2. Smile is your weapon. Talk, armed with it. Do not close in yourself and do not sit a hermit, show goodwill. Before going on a visit, you can get a job in front of the mirror and rehearse, so you will feel more confident. If in the house where you go, there are pets, spread your loyalty and on them - you will immediately find the location of the hostess, and the general topic for conversation will arise by itself. Then continue to support the dialogue, sharing your own stories or jokes in the topic.

    Smile and communicate
    How to behave in an unfamiliar company?
  3. You should get acquainted with each member of the new companyAt the same time, try to remember the names. If suddenly the name does not pop up in memory, it is better, apologizing, asking for what to turn to a person at random.
  4. Turning on to the conversation, do not interrupt it. At the same time, do not impose stories about their own problems to others - everyone has his own. And strange tirads should also be avoided, a few words are enough.
  5. Some time after meeting with the company's members, you must you will determine which of the guests (or masters) is closer to you by views, characteror just radiates goodwill. Turn to him with clarifying questions about the moments that you, as a new person, are not entirely clear. So you will have another interlocutor.
  6. There are several topics that are appropriate in any company. In addition to travel, weather, sports or cinema, you can ask the origin of someone's beautiful tanning, join in discussing a fashion book or performer.

    Speaking on appropriate topics
    How to behave in an unfamiliar company?
  7. Not a hrater. Speaking should not be in a hurry and clearly, thoughtfully. So the other members of the company will be able to appreciate your thoughtfulness, the validity of words, a restrained character. A quick confusing speech will indicate your nervousness. Closure and silence are also not the most successful way of behavior, after some time they may simply not pay attention to you. It is worth silent only if you do not own the topic under discussion, it is really better to limit yourself to a smile.
  8. If, nevertheless, it happened, unknowingly, “blurt out” something inappropriate, do not close in yourself. Relax, do not squeeze into a lump, straighten your shoulders - you will feel more confident. Do not make excuses, but just apologize. You can translate the conversation as a joke, laughing slightly and at yourself.
  9. To overcome the first stiffness, conduct small observations of guests, Mark their strengths. One miraculously tells jokes, the other has an impeccable taste, the third is open to communication, etc. So you will not only relax, but also prepare yourself for pleasure from communication.
  10. Do only sincere compliments, After all, people almost always feel, sincere praise or false. The on -duty phrases “out of politeness” are inappropriate in any situation, especially in one when you are only trying to understand the abundance of new persons and characters.
  11. Do not try to win the location of each of the members of the company. A person can be in a bad mood, it does not matter to feel, and it is clear that he will not be very configured to communicate with an unfamiliar person. Therefore, it is better to focus on those who are open to communication.

    Communicate with open people
    How to behave in an unfamiliar company?
  12. Do not forget to say goodbye, leaving. In a large company, you can say goodbye to the owners and people with whom you talked most closely. In a small circle, you need to address the words of farewell to everyone at the same time. And be sure to smile, showing the fact that the pastime was pleasant for you.

Such simple rules of behavior will help you overcome excitement and naturally join the new circle of friends.

Video: Behavior in an unfamiliar company

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