How to boil hard eggs so that they do not burst when cooking and cleaned well?

How to boil hard eggs so that they do not burst when cooking and cleaned well?

The methods of cooking eggs are screwed so that they do not burst and easily clean.

Eggs are the most popular and demanded product on our table. We fry them, cook, use it for the preparation of baking, sauces and soups. With the approximation of Easter, everyone is stocked with eggs to turn them into pellets or paints.

How to cook eggs with salt so that they do not burst and easily clean: the recipe

There are many ways to cook the product. Employed eggs are very popular. But many love a soft or in a bag. Very often the shell bursts, and the contents flow outward. It is very disappointing when the egg bursts when stained. In this case, the dye enters and stains the edible part.

Ways to cook eggs so that they do not burst:

  • Most often, a product that is very fresh bursts. To determine freshness, you need to lower the egg into a jar of water. If it sank to the bottom, then fresh. If it surfaced, then no.
  • Therefore, with fresh eggs you need to be careful. Do not put them in boiling water, immediately pulling them out of the refrigerator. The shell will burst from the temperature difference.
  • Pour cold water into the container and pour salt. A tablespoon is required per 1000 ml of liquid. Dear the product in this solution and cook on the lowest heat.
  • As soon as the water approaches boiling, make the fire average and cook for about 12 minutes after boiling.
  • After cooking, do not rush to pour ice water into the container. Pour in the liquid at room temperature. It will help to be easier to separate the shell from the egg.
  • After 10 minutes, you can reduce the temperature of the water by replacing it in a pan with eggs with a cold one.
  • In this case, the yolk will most likely be with a green tint. But if you are important not the taste of the egg, but the integrity of the membrane, then cook precisely on this principle.
The degree of cooking eggs
The degree of cooking eggs

At what temperature to cook eggs so that they do not burst and easily clean?

In general, many recommend laying the product immediately in boiling water. In this case, they will be tastier. The yolk will not become green. But there is also the reverse side of the coin. With a temperature difference, the shell bursts, that is, there can no longer be about staining of speech. But if you need a whole and delicious egg, then you should adhere to certain cooking rules:

  • Before preparing the product, hold it for an hour at room temperature.
  • Put the water on the fire and pour a spoonful of salt and soda (food). As soon as the liquid boils, immerse the product into it and as soon as the water begins to boil again, reduce heating.
  • Cook for 10 minutes on very low heat. After that, put the container under the cold running water.

How to cook hard -boiled eggs in a slow cooker?

Many housewives use a slow cooker for cooking. You can fold the eggs in a sieve or colander and put over a container with boiling water. Eggs, steamed, do not knock on each other and do not burst. And the temperature of the steam is not at first high.

  • In the slow cooker, the product must be boiled for 10 minutes using a steamed extension.

How to cool eggs after cooking so that they can be easily cleaned?

Easy eggs that are not very fresh are easily cleaned. Therefore, for cooking, it is recommended to take a product that was stored for about 5-7 days. If you cook the product just from under the chicken, you will not easily remove the shell. By purchasing eggs in a supermarket, they can be safely boiled. Since from the moment when the chicken was demolished, to the entrance to the shelves of stores, it takes an average of 7-10 days. If you have your own chicken, then it is better not to cook fresh eggs. Hold them in the refrigerator for about a week.

Egg cooling rules:

  • Do not rush to carry the eggs with ice water, pour boiling water and add water at room temperature.
  • After heating this liquid, pour in colder water. Wait for 2 minutes again.
  • Drain the liquid and add ice water. Thus, you can easily remove the shell.
  • There is an unusual way to cook eggs. In this case, they do not crack, and the skin is removed quite easily.
  • Using a needle or awl, make a small hole on the side where the air cushion is located.
  • Do not deeply immerse the needle or awl, so you will break the camera, and the egg will flow out during cooking.
How to cool after cooking so that they can be easily cleaned?
How to cool after cooking so that they can be easily cleaned?

How to cook hard -boiled eggs: tips

With the approach of Easter, many housewives are going to cook eggs for salads, snacks and of course staining. In order not to spoil your mood and not throw a lot of protein product into garbage along with a shell, listen to our tips.


  • Buy fresh and homemade eggs for baking. They are unequal and outwardly different from each other.
  • For staining and snacks, purchase eggs in a supermarket marked "C". This means a table egg. It can be stored up to 25 days in the cold.
  • Before cooking, check the freshness of the egg. To do this, immerse the product in cold salty water. If it does not pop up, the egg is not the fresher. Ideally, for cooking, you need to take eggs that are in the middle. That is, they do not drown, and do not pop up.
  • Before pouring water into the pan, fold the eggs into it. It is necessary that they are tightly located to each other. In this case, they will not hang around the pan and the risk of cracks decreases.
  • Try to cook eggs in a slow cooker or steam. So they do not burst and the taste of the product is very delicate. It is quite difficult to digest eggs in a double boiler, the yolk does not blue for 15 minutes of cooking.
How to cook eggs: tips
How to cook eggs: tips
  • Do not cook the product for a very long time. After 30 minutes of cooking, such eggs are not suitable for consumption.
  • If you want to cook eggs in a bag, cook them for 5 minutes over medium heat. The protein is boiled, and the yolk thickens and will be creamy.
  • After about 7 minutes of cooking, the egg turns into steep, but the yolk is quite soft.
  • In order to get the egg, it is necessary to cook it 9-11 minutes after boiling over low heat.
  • You can use an egg or cook eggs in a slow cooker by installing a timer.
  • If you do not have the time and the ability to monitor the cooking process, immerse the eggs in cold water and bring to a boil. Turn off the heating and close the pan with a lid. Leave for 25 minutes. This time is enough for the eggs to be boiled.

You can experiment and independently determine the perfect cooking time. Usually, to make salad eggs for 10-12 minutes.

Video: Ways to cook eggs

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