How to cook eggs for Easter so that they do not burst: recommendations

How to cook eggs for Easter so that they do not burst: recommendations

Properly welded eggs have no cracks in the shell, it is well cleaned, in purified form it has a perfectly rounded shape, a yolk without a green halo and a soft taste without an unpleasant odor. Learning to cook eggs correctly.

How to cook eggs so that the shell remains intact?

To begin with, a little theory. Let's remember that the egg consists of a shell, protein, yolk and an air bag (Pug).

The structure of the egg
The structure of the egg

The scarecrow increases during the storage of the egg due to moisture loss by protein.

The shell has more than 10,000 microscopic holes (pores) through which gas exchange occurs between the contents of the shell and the external environment.

In the process of preparation, the internal contents of the shell, including Gas in the pug and hydrogen sulfide, which is released by chicken protein proteins, breaks out through egg pores. Too sharp heating It can lead to an increase in internal pressure and cracking of the shell.

To avoid this, it is necessary to take into account several rule of advice.

How to cook eggs so that they do not burst: tips

  • Eggs should be placed in cool or warm water. The ideal option is that the temperature of eggs and water should be the same.
  • Water should cover the eggs completely.
  • It is better to bring water to a boil enough enough (on low heat).
  • Before boiling, you can add fire to medium.
  • After a good boiling, cook eggs over medium heat - 10 minutes.
  • This will be enough for the shell of the eggs to remain intact.

Some housewives recommend laying thin wooden beam or a toothpick in a pan with cooking eggs. But there is no scientific explanation for this method of maintaining the integrity of the shell.

To ensure the unhindered output of internal gases, you need to make a small puncture from the stupid end of the egg. Such a manipulation can be done using a special device, known as egg Piercer (see photo) or using a button, pins or needle-van.

Be careful: try not to pierce the inner membrane of the egg, otherwise the protein will flow out in the process of cooking. The addition of salt or table vinegar to water to cook eggs will help prevent this. For 1 liter of water you will need about 2 tsp. ordinary table salt or 10-12 tbsp. l. vinegar (9%).

Important: If you cook eggs for Easter for their subsequent staining, you should refrain from the puncture.

From what age can eggs be introduced into the child’s diet read here, and the shelf life of eggs can be found here.

Video: How to cook eggs without cracking?

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  1. A rather interesting way to cook eggs, I definitely have not met this before. Thank you!

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