How to find out a password from a foreign page of VK, knowing the login: methods

How to find out a password from a foreign page of VK, knowing the login: methods

In this article we will talk about how you can find out someone else's password from the VK page.

Social networks are very popular among Internet users of different ages and classes. They have already settled so tightly in our lives that it is impossible to do many things without them, and you can communicate here, or just have fun. That's just there is another side - intrigues, intrigues or just spam and any outer advertising. In this regard, accounts are often hacked, or ordinary users themselves want to find out the secrets of their friends or second halves. Let's figure out if you can access someone else's page if the login is known.

How to find out the password from the VKontakte page?

Suppose you forgot the password from your VKontakte page. It will be very simple to restore it:

  • Your task is to click on "Forgot your password" and do everything according to the instructions of the system
Forgot your password?
Forgot your password?
  • You will receive confirmation in the form of an email or phone code
  • After entering the code, the system will allow you to specify a new password

Almost every user knows this information. But you must admit that it is much more interesting to hack an alien page in VKontakte? If you know the login and you use the computer from which you have already entered, then it will not be very difficult, but think about whether it is worth it?

Often people want to hack an alien VKontakte account to check a loved one or just read other people's messages. Most often, this is done for fraudulent actions or spam.

It is important to note that each of the actions is considered wrong. And although no one will give you a fine for this, but from the point of view of morality it is very bad.

How to find out a password from a foreign page of VKontakte, knowing the login?

So, you decided that you want to go to someone else's page at all costs and thought about how to do it. There are ways to find out someone else's password and now we will tell you about them.

Method 1. See in the browser

It is important to say that the method is applicable to any browser, but we will consider the example of a mosal:

  • You need to enable password saving. This function is on the way "Tools"-"settings"-"protection"
Password saving
Password saving
  • Here we find a item "Password saving" and put a note near him
  • Now you need to make sure that the right person visits the computer and goes to his page

Then the password can be viewed using the restoration form, but it is not as simple as it was before. Now required access to mail or phone. The recovery process will be the same.

Method 2. Using special programs

An attempt to find a program for selecting a password from VKontakte often ends poorly. No, such programs exist and there are a lot of them, but only they cannot be available to all. Moreover, in order to open them, a high -quality antivirus and experience with a computer are required.

The developer of each program assures that you are guaranteed to hack someone else's VKontakte password, knowing the login. However, all that you achieve is a loss of money, because, as a rule, you need to send an SMS, and a lot of money is taken for it.

Hacking vk
Hacking vk

Moreover, this is not the worst option - you can well earn a bunch of viruses on a computer that can simply clog your computer, or even break it at all.

You can, of course, try to introduce yourself to the administrator and beg the necessary information from the person, but only newcomers on social networks usually come across such a trick.

Method 3. Sites doubles

Often for hacking pages, attackers use two-two sites. That's just to create such a site you need to know programming and be able to create sites. So this is unlikely to suit you.

Before you try to use at least one of the above methods, first think about whether it is worth doing.

Video: How to find out someone else's password from VK without programs?

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Comments K. article

  1. do

  2. The article is good, but nothing helped.

  3. Need to try. I have someone to look for.

  4. This is not good.

  5. Hello everyone !!! A familiar situation, burned for life. In marriage with her husband, they lived for 15 years, not counting that time of meetings before the wedding. I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linge from work, became colder in relation to me began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior has changed very much ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up .. now it turns out, as it happens in life. I don’t convey in words the pain that I experienced. And I, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all, after all Like many women loved and trusted ...

  6. Oddly enough, everything happened to me.

  7. Do not get rid of fraudsters.

  8. Cautious with offers to help find out the password. There are only scammers on the Internet. They only need your money.

  9. The article is good, but nothing helped.

  10. but how to find data about a person by phone number

  11. Thank you for the comments, on your advice I succeeded. So I also decided to leave his own contribution here.

  12. I would not do this.

  13. It is better not to do this. You will make muck, then they will make you. Such is life, you have to pay for everything.

  14. The owner of the page does not know anything! Complete anonymity and confidentiality.

  15. This does not work

  16. Thank you!

  17. It is wrong to interfere in other people's affairs.

  18. Thank you very much for the comments about one person.

  19. Thank you, helped!

  20. Thank you very much for the comments. So I also decided to leave his own contribution here.

  21. Thank you very much for the comments. So I also decided to leave his own contribution here.

  22. This does not work

  23. thank you for your help

  24. Do not order a selection of passwords on postal services and social networks. Then you will be the first to be opened.

  25. Row

  26. The selection of passwords is illegal.

  27. There is no password to find out legal methods.

  28. No way

  29. The article is good, but nothing helped.

  30. There was such a case. My husband wanted to check for lice. I searched on the Internet, threw me with money.

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  33. Your comment is waiting for verification.

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