How to find out who owns the mobile phone number via the Internet: 2 effective ways

How to find out who owns the mobile phone number via the Internet: 2 effective ways

Two ways to find out personal information about the owner of the SIM card by phone number.

One of the advantages of modern mobile phones is the function of determining the number that allows you to immediately understand who is calling and whether it is worth answering the call. However, not every person enters the numbers of all his friends and colleagues in the list of telephone contacts, and even more so does not keep them in his memory.

In addition, many become objects of bullying for midnight hooligans, victims of fraudsters and all kinds of extortionists. At such moments, there is an acute desire to calculate the identities of these annoying people and write an application to them in the appropriate structures. Or, in extreme cases, to break the phone on their heads. But how to do this if you have only their phone number and no more data?

In our article you will find 2 really effective ways how to calculate a person by phone number on your own via the Internet.

Image 1. Two effective ways to calculate the owner of the SIM card by number.
Image 1. Two effective ways to calculate the owner of the SIM card by number.
  • Many people believe that without special skills and legally calculating the owner of the SIM card by the number of his phone is impossible, since all personal data of the subscribers are stored on the servers of the cellular operators and are not disclosed by third parties (the exception is the official request of law enforcement agencies). However, this opinion is not entirely true.
  • There are at least two ways to find out who owns the mobile phone number via the Internet without violating the law. Of course, none of them guarantees a 100%result, but if you are a law-abiding citizen who does not have familiar hackers, ties in cellular companies or law enforcement agencies, you do not have to choose.

Method 1. How to calculate a person by phone number: Using search engines

  • We live in the age of social networks in which millions of users communicate with each other and exchange various personal information. Many of them indicate on the pages of their mobile phone number and leave the profile open. Thanks to this, all the information from the profile (including the phone number) becomes available to people who are not listed in the user contact list.
  • Unfortunately, in almost all social networks there is no possibility of finding a user by phone number, since it is assumed that the phone number is confidential information and its owner expects that he will be hidden from prying eyes. So how can you calculate a person by phone number?
Image 2. Search for the owner by phone number through the Yandex search engine.
Image 2. Search for the owner by phone number through the Yandex search engine.
  • However, for the search you can use such search engines as Yandex or Google, Just driving the phone number you need there. If it is indicated on the open page in one of the social networks, then just follow the link from the results of the request and see who it belongs.
  • In addition, even if the search engine did not give you links to social networks, it makes sense to view other sites displayed in the search results. If this mobile phone number belongs to some fraudsters or extortionists, then there is a high probability that in one of the forums you will find more detailed information about it laid out by other users.

Method 2. How to calculate a person by phone number: Use of databases

The Internet has a bunch of different portals on which databases are posted, both mobile phones and urban ones. Moreover, not only Russian, but also near abroad. To replenish these databases, the creators of the portals also use open sources (social networks, search engines, etc.), but they often add the number of subscribers that are often stolen from mobile operators from mobile operators.

Image 3. Using databases.
Image 3. Using databases.

Therefore, unlike the first method, calculate a person by phone number in one of these bases is much higher. However, there are several very significant disadvantages here:

  • Since such bases gathered for decades, it is impossible to be 100% confident in the relevance of the information present in them. If the number was entered there 10 or even 5 years ago, then the owner could change several times, because many operators are uncleaned rarely used numbers from one subscribers and sell to others;
  • Often, such bases may contain incomplete information about the owner of the number. For example, the results of the request will indicate exclusively the name or surname. It also happens that instead of complete full name, initials are indicated (for example, V.V. Ivanov), by which the identity of the owner of the number is no less difficult;
  • Most of these sites for providing access to telephone databases require a fee or register, moreover, without guaranteeing the result. And if registration requires only your time, then not everyone will want to waste money;
  • Many sites with telephone databases are blocked today, since the information contained on them is obtained illegally and is prohibited for distribution. And despite the fact that skillful people still find loopholes, create mirrors or new sites, finding a working and worthy trust in the base is extremely difficult;
Image 4. Example use of a resource with a database of mobile phone numbers.
Image 4. Example use of a resource with a database of mobile phone numbers.

It is useless to give links to some specific sites with databases of mobile phone numbers, because they, as already mentioned earlier, are strikingly quickly blocked. And the site that worked at the time of writing this article may already be closed by the time you read it.

Therefore, enter yourself into the search line yourself Yandex or Google request " find a person by phone number"And go according to the results. First, it is recommended to try those databases that do not ask for money. Perhaps it is for them that you are lucky.

What else is worth knowing about finding a person by phone number: important nuances

It is important to remember when looking for a person by phone number:

  • So, from our article we can conclude that you can find out who owns the mobile phone number over the Internet on its own, but the chances of success are extremely small. Some information resources can offer you several other methods for solving this problem, but it is unlikely that at least one of them will be a worker.
  • Most often, various paid programs for searching for information about SIM cards are posted on them. However, these programs either work with the same databases in the public domain, either do not work at all and are posted in order to dilute naive users for money, or they contain a virus designed to steal passwords from your computer and other personal data .
Image 6. An example of a non-working program for searching for owners of SIM cards.
Image 5. An example of a non-working program for searching for owners of SIM cards.
  • Therefore, if you have not found the name and surname of your secret fan in online bases, then it is best to wait until he himself reveals his mothers his personality.
  • If you receive calls with threats or someone is trying to “divorce” you for money, the best option will be contacting law enforcement agencies. Then the police will be able to make an official request to the mobile operator, get comprehensive information about the subscriber, track it, catch and punish it.

Video: How to find a person by phone number via the Internet?

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