How to successfully undergo interviews, how to behave at an interview? What they ask at the interview: questions and answers when interviewing a job

How to successfully undergo interviews, how to behave at an interview? What they ask at the interview: questions and answers when interviewing a job

An article on how to successfully undergo interviews and answer questions of a potential employer.

To successfully start a career, you need to go through a number of tests. First of all, it is:

  1. Obtaining relevant knowledge and education
  2. Search for possible work options
  3. Interview
  4. Reception for the desired position

If there are no problems with the first two points, then the interview should be established to the maximum. Sometimes, having a good education, a person can sit without work for months, because he does not know how to communicate and serve himself correctly.

As a result, at the interview he is directly indicated to the door or they say the duty officer: "We will call you back." This situation can arise with any unprepared person. To avoid it, you need to prepare in advance.

What do they ask for an interview? Issues when hiring

The employer is primarily interesting to your professional qualities, your education and work experience. Few people are interested in your personal life, household chores and your dog breed, even if it is the rarest. Speak clearly in the case, avoiding excess “water” in the text. At the same time, it is very important to behave correctly:

  • Be extremely polite and correct
  • Do not argue once again. Do not find out the relationship. Your task is to get this work
  • Keep eye contact and posture
  • Correct "evasion" from the question is also the answer
  • Sometimes you can ask the employer a question. But this right is given not to use everyone, but only to people who understand human psychology well and able to "catch" the right moment

You can hear questions about your previous job, relations with future colleagues, desired wages. Also, you may be asked about what you know about the employee company.

Here is an important point: before going to get a job somewhere, try to find out about the company as much as possible. Even if the information is negative, come up with something that could go for the truth.

Do not forget that an interview is a dialogue of two equal people interested in each other's services. If the employer is looking for an employee, he is interested in you.

If you came to an interview, you are interested in work. Do not belittle yourself, do not reduce the bar. You are a personality. Do not let me crush. You have not yet been connected with the potential employer anything other than the total air in the office.

Let's move on with a specific list of questions:

  1. Tell us how you learned about our company and what position would you like to occupy
  2. Who did you work up to this point and why did you leave the previous place of work
  3. What are your strong qualities
  4. What are your weak qualities
  5. What salary do you count on
  6. How long you plan to work with us
  7. How do your relationship with colleagues/superiors usually develop? Whether there were conflicts
  8. Who do you see yourself in 5 years
  9. Do you have professional connections that may come in handy at a new place of work
  10. How do you withstand large production loads
  11. What are you doing to grow as a specialist
  12. Where can you get a detailed characteristic about you

How to take an interview: answers to questions

Examples of answers at the interview:

  1. Tell us how you learned about our company and what position would you like to occupy?
    This question can be answered freely. After your answer, the employer should have an idea that everyone and everyone know about his company. If you can quietly hint that the company is respected in society - use this: “I learned (a) about your company from the newspaper/Internet/I saw a advertising shield/advised friends. Interested in the position of a regional manager (for example). " The higher the position that you want to get, the higher in the eyes of the employer, will be your circle of acquaintances. After all, they advised you to go here, so they understand this
  2. Who did you work up to this point and why did you leave the previous position?
    Do not say that you were kicked out with a bang for abuse of authority or systematic failure to comply with duties. You can answer this: “I used to work there before. I am looking for opportunities for professional growth and improvement of my skills. Your company just provides such an opportunity. " Thus, you will flatter the employer that out of many options you have chosen precisely his company, as the most suitable
  3. What are your strong qualities.
    Feel free to declare your professional qualities, but it is too early to mention personal qualities: “I am a purposeful person and always bring the work begun to the end. At the previous workplace, you could always rely on me, as a responsible employee. I love and fulfill my duties well
  4. What are your weak qualities.
    Jewish, show flexibility of the mind, turn on logical thinking, but never betray your weaknesses. It is too early for the employer to know about them. You can answer this: “My shortcomings do not affect my professional qualities
  5. What salary do you count on?
    You can safely call the figure, 15% more than your previous wage. If you are offered a little less, you will not be upset, because even such payment is higher than your previous
  6. How long do you plan to work with us? Do not put the exact frames. Do not say: a year, two, a month, a week. It is better to say this: “In order to precisely answer your question, I need to join the team, feel the atmosphere that reigned there, evaluate whether this work will really help me to fully open up
  7. How do your relationship with colleagues/superiors usually develop? Were there any conflicts?
    If the conflicts were, especially due to the fault of the authorities, do not talk about them or do not focus. A possible answer option: “I got used to (LA) to work in a calm friendly atmosphere, where everyone treats each other as equal and respect each other's professional qualities
  8. Who do you see yourself in 5 years?
    The employer evaluates your ability to navigate in life and soberly evaluate your capabilities. Do not say that you plan to take his place, even if so. Tell me about career growth, but don't bend the stick
  9. Do you have professional connections that can be useful to you at a new place of work?
    Even if there are no one, answer what is. Perhaps these are precisely those friends who recommended this organization to you
  10. How do you withstand large production loads?
    The oncoming question is allowed: "What, overtime work or unscheduled shifts is possible?" Then let the employer get out himself. But let him know what you can and will work in excess of measures if you are paid for it. Not pure enthusiasm to eat
  11. What are you doing to grow as a specialist?
    Tell us about the courses, internships in prestigious companies, seminars, books. About anything, which would contribute to your growth. If you have not been seriously engaged in any of the above - Comer that at least study the relevant literature
  12. Where can I get a full characteristic about you?
    Lucky for those who voluntarily left the previous place of work, not leaving their unpleasant memories. If there were conflicts, or you were fired, tell us that, for example, in your former educational institution they can tell you everything about you. It is even allowed to name people who can be addressed specifically. This option in case you recently finished studying and really have not yet managed to work. If you have been working for a long time, name the place of work where you had good relations with colleagues and superiors

How to answer uncomfortable questions at an interview?

Unknown issues are a favorite part of all potential employers. It is on it that they determine the hidden sides of the potential employee, which he did not mention in his resume.

  • One of the most inconvenient is the question with a request to tell about yourself. People begin to get nervous and most often talk about their hobbies, views on the world order and relatives. In order to avoid embarrassment, tell 3-4 sentences in general terms about your qualities and a few words about a hobby
  • Often women are asked about her personal life, whether it will hinder work. After all, there is a certain danger that a woman can go on maternity leave or sick leave. Reply firmly what does not hurt
  • The next question is the question of achievements. Do not talk about the first place in inter -school competitions in length. This is unlikely to apply to your current work. Talk about how they grew up professionally. Restrained, of course
  • This may sound strange, but some employers are sincerely interested in your zodiac sign. And if they do not like him, you will be pointed to the door. Stupid, but this also happens. Do not lie when answering this question. If you were refused, thank and silently leave the office. A serious company will never be interested in such things

How to successfully undergo an interview to a leading position?

Job Interview.
  • For an interview for the post of leader should be prepared in advance. You must leave behind the impression of a person who knows and confident and your actions. Choose a suitable suit, be sure to make sure that the tie is in harmony with the boots
  • Although now it is no longer relevant in everyday life, business etiquette dictates its rules. If you are a woman, do not dress vulgar or very bright. Select restrained colors in clothes, makeup, manicure
  • You should look confident, calm. Show emotions in those situations in which it is appropriate. Gesticulating, but not too active. This speaks of excessive emotionality. Always finish the phrase, don't interrupt
  • It is important for anyone else to show yourself from the best side. Try to show as many qualities as possible that the leader should possess. Your potential employer should understand with you from an interview that you are a reliable person. Employers cannot criticize the interview at the stage of the interview. This also needs to be taken into account

Questions for an interview for a leading position

Employers love to ask future managers:

  1. "Tell us about ways to improve the efficiency of the department that you led in the past position." - Even if you are a so -so leader, do not rush to declare this. Remember the situations in which you showed the initiative successfully and benefit. Tell us about them
  2. "What methods of motivation of employees do you actively use?" - This question should be answered very deliberately. Do not rush to talk about raising wages. There are other no less effective ways
  3. “Tell us about your most serious mistake at work. What lesson did you learn from it for yourself? " - Do not deny the presence of this error. Then the employer will immediately decide that you are lying and you can’t see the desired position. If there was some huge disaster in your career, do not mention it. Tell us about a serious problem and how you deftly overcame it
  4. The question of finance and your desired wage. Do not call a specific figure. Tell me that you are ready to work for the fee offered by the company
  5. When asked about improving professional skills, the answer is given above in the article

Questions for interviewing the head of the sales department

The main list of possible questions asked at the interview is given in the article above. However, there is a possibility that the employer wants to actually make sure of your sales skills. He can ask the following questions:

  1. "Try to sell this pen right now." - A fairly banal question, but it is he who fully cut the skills of sales of the candidate. Include your creative thinking in this matter
  2. "You came across a very displeased and scandalous client, calm him down and sell something." - This task is much more complicated. Even every fourth will not cope with her. As a rule, the employer himself plays the role of a capricious client, so the candidate will have to act very carefully and smoothly to act as a sales head. The client needs to be reassured immediately, to speak with him as polite as possible. Listening to your polite calm tone, the buyer will switch to him himself
  3. “You are very strongly overloaded with work. There are many orders, employees do not have time. Everyone wants to go home, no one wants to stay at work until late. How do you motivate your subordinates to work? " - Say what has acted effectively from the experience of previous years

Questions for an interview for a sales manager

The sales manager is located lower than the head of the sales department. Requirements for it are presented below than to the latter. Most likely, the employer will not ask you to simulate the situation, but will ask the following questions, in addition to the main ones:

  1. "Evaluate the level of your knowledge of sales on a scale from 1 to 10." - Speak as it is, but sometimes it is allowed to increase the bar a little. But only in that case, if your sales skill is not very high
  2. "What are the main qualities that the sales manager should possess." - Here you will need your logic. It is better to prepare for this issue in advance. Remember your best qualities and qualities that you lack to become a successful seller. Name them
  3. "Why should I (the employer) should take you to work?" - One of the most provocative questions. Talk about sales, about your successes in this area. Make yourself

    Questions for interviewing the administrator

The administrator must be able to talk with people and solve the arising controversial situations. Its main qualities: sociability and ability to quickly find the right decision.

The employer is right to ask you about communicative skills. No sales are interested in him, because for you the main thing is consulting in matters of maintenance and monitoring the activities of employees.

Questions for the interview to the employer

Oddly enough, you can and even need to ask questions to a potential employer. The main thing is to understand at what point you need to do this. Above the article shows several options similar to issues

Do not ask the employer about his personal life, do not invade his personal space. No one will like it. On your part, questions about career growth, work schedule, vacation, weekend are possible. The question about the award and the direct question about the salary will not be correct.

Interview test when applying for a job

Testing when hiring is carried out by employers quite often. Especially in cases where the company is interested in accepting the most suitable employee, and not a person from the street.

There are two types of tests:

  • For testing professional knowledge
  • To test general knowledge

Tests for testing your professional knowledge contain questions directly about your profession and related areas. To prepare for such a test, think that at your work it succeeds or does not work out at all. Read about this a book or articles on the Internet. A good help will be a seminar or a detailed video course.

The test for testing general knowledge is very similar to ordinary school testing. You need knowledge of school subjects and a wide horizons. Of course, the employer will not ask you to solve the most complex tasks from the exam, but the level of your knowledge should be the corresponding position that you want to get.

How to successfully undergo interviews: tips and reviews

To successfully undergo interviews, comply with the following requirements:

  • Fuck yourself a little restrained, but not constrained
  • Never sit on your foot and do not cross your arms on your chest
  • Talk to the employer on equal terms
  • Tell us about your best qualities as a specialist
  • If the employer’s question seems too personal to you, if possible, translate the topic or ask a counter question
  • Follow your speech. The pronunciation should be competent
  • Your clothing sets the general tone of the conversation and creates a certain impression of you. Take the choice of clothes seriously


Marina, 31 years old, Ufa

I was an interview in a solid company for the position of accountant. It was difficult, I was constantly covered with tricky questions. Only the innate sense of the interlocutor and the suit helped, oddly enough. On that day there was a strict white pencil skirt, the jacket was more or less strict, also white. Blue blouse. Makeup is natural. All the time of the interview, my future employer carefully evaluated me, my image. Judging by the fact that they took me right after the interview, she liked everything.

Irina, 24 years old, Moscow

It was difficult for me to find a job in Moscow, but I was used to fighting to the end. My self-confidence helped me get the position of office manager with a large company. I briskly answered questions, did not pour water. " Since childhood, I am shy, and at that moment fear paralyzed so much that I ceased to be afraid at all. But then, after the interview, she doused the cold later. She showed herself confident and had to correspond to this opinion about himself in a new place. Now there is no trace of shyness.

How to successfully undergo interviews: video

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Comments K. article

  1. Not all people can behave confidently and liberation at the interview. I personally, always nervous. It was visible. This is probably why they didn’t take me. I did not go further than the interview. In the end, I began to fight with my uncertainty and took advantage of the service of a test interview after this successful experience, I understood my mistakes. I tuned in to a positive result, and on my second attempt I was still hired.

  2. Good article, useful.

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