How to improve the dream of an adult, child, newborn, infant, elderly, how to improve the quality of sleep? How to restore sleep mode, establish a dream, how to sleep to sleep?

How to improve the dream of an adult, child, newborn, infant, elderly, how to improve the quality of sleep? How to restore sleep mode, establish a dream, how to sleep to sleep?

It is known that a person spends a third of his life in a dream. A good strong dream is the key to physical and mental health. The rapid pace of modern life, a huge amount of information, stress, overwork - all this prevents the body with relaxing and “rebooted” in a dream.

It is extremely important in the modern world to establish a sleep and wakefulness regime, to help the body cope with a tremendous daily load. There is an opinion that a moderate dose of alcohol or good sleeping pills helps to improve the quality of sleep, but these methods do not help to establish a strong dream. A sleeping pills can cause addiction, and alcohol makes the body spend strength on processing and withdrawal of alcohol, so that such a dream can hardly be called healthy.

How to sleep correctly
How to sleep correctly

How to improve the quality of sleep of an adult?

There is an effective way to improve sleep. To do this, just follow some recommendations. First of all, the correct situation in the bedroom will help to improve sleep. When preparing for bed, muffle the light, turn off the TV and the computer. Excessive noise or shouting of the screen does not allow the brain to rest fully. Sleep on a flat surface, it is best to get an orthopedic mattress.
Your diet is no less important for sleeping. Exclude heavy food 3-4 hours before bedtime. Saturate the body with melatonin, which is contained in products such as oats, corn, rice, barley, tomatoes. Before going to bed, eat a handful of raisins or cherries.

How to improve the quality of sleep of an adult
How to improve the quality of sleep of an adult

How to improve the dream of an elderly person?

It is very important to find out the causes of insomnia. It can be a symptom of any somatic disease. In this case, the problem should be treated, and not eliminate the symptoms.

If still insomnia and sleep disorder - a consequence of age -related changes in the body, try to follow some tips to improve and establish sleep mode:

  • Try to limit the use of sleeping pills as much as possible
  • Create absolute silence in the bedroom so that you do not even interfere with the ticking of the watch
  • Reduce daytime sleep, besides, if you sleep during the day, then no more than an hour and no later than 15:00
  • Go to bed at the same time
  • Do not eat at night, exclude caffein -containing drinks and alcohol
  • Improte the bedroom before bedtime
  • Try to breathe more fresh air
How to improve a dream of an elderly person
How to improve a dream of an elderly person

How to improve a child's sleep?

The norms of the required amount of sleep vary depending on the age of the child. So, kindergarten and younger students should sleep at least 10 hours, in high school the norm is from 9 hours, but adolescents need to restore and rest at least 8 hours of night sleep.

How to improve a child's sleep?

  • It is important to establish sleep mode. The child should go to bed and wake up at the same time (the weekend is no exception). It happens that a schoolboy can overwork and want to sleep. If you think that your child needs to sleep-let a short sleep (40-60 minutes), if not, switch his attention to any activity
  • The child should be as much as possible with natural light during the day. While before bedtime should you muffle the light
  • Before going to bed, take a child with peaceful activity, for example, reading. So he will calm down faster and relax when he goes to bed. You can also turn on his calm music or audiobook for him
  • You can take a warm bath before going to bed
  • Maximize the extraneous sounds in the bedroom (for example, the noise of transport or barking dogs from the street). Instead, turn on the noise of the sea or the sounds of the forest
  • Follow the nutrition of the child
  • Physical activity contributes to strong and healthy sleep
  • Improte the nursery before bedtime
  • Make sure the bed and pillow are convenient for the child and are suitable in size
How to improve a child's sleep
How to improve a child's sleep

How to improve the dream of a newborn and infant?

For full physical and mental development, to babies, a properly established sleep and wakefulness regime is extremely important. Dwarf should not interfere, whether it be the sounds or flickering of the TV.

Before going to bed, ventilate the room well, muffle the light, do not let the baby active. It is best to remove the toys so that they do not excite the nervous system with the desire to play or rattle. It is necessary that the child eat tightly before going to bed, so try to establish the mode so that by the evening the baby is well hungry.

You can establish an evening ritual, for example, a walk-bucket-cheat-massage-massage. In this case, the child will already know that soon after bathing you need to sleep.

However, if a healthy and strong night sleep is important for adults, then for infants, daytime sleep is no less important. At each age, the dream should be established, observing the behavior of the baby and based on the approximate norms of wakefulness periods.

Badging time table for infants
Badging time table for infants

Naturally, all children are different in physical development, temperament, character. Therefore, it is not necessary to strictly follow the table, it is given to familiarize yourself with the approximate time frames.

If your child is easily falling asleep, sleeps tight, and wakes up fun and active, it means that you have everything with sleep mode. Another thing is if the baby is plaxiv, sleeps uneasily, quickly gets tired - think about what you are doing wrong. Perhaps you should lay your child early or reduce wakefulness during the day.

How to improve the sleep of a newborn
How to improve the sleep of a newborn

I want to sleep, but I can’t fall asleep: what to do. How to restore sleep mode, establish an adult dream?

  • Develop sleep mode. To do this, take a rule to go to bed daily at the same time. Of course, sometimes situations arise when you are very tired and want to go to bed early or, conversely, sit up late. However, try that time deviations are no more than 2 hours
  • Despite how much you lay down, try to wake up at the same time day after day. So the body will get used to starting metabolic processes, in addition, it will be easier for you to adjust the time of evening with sleep
  • In the first two weeks, reduce sleep time by 30 minutes. For example, if you previously spilled out in 8 hours, now you should sleep no more than 7.30
  • The first two weeks after the start of the program, extend your sleep for 30 minutes. In fact, you will return to the duration of the sleep that you had before the start of the program
  • In the early days you can’t go to bed during the day
  • There are many ways to improve sleep. An indispensable assistant is daily physical activity for half an hour. The type of load and the degree of intensity are calculated individually. The optimal types include aerobic loads, such as running, swimming, cycling or an exercise bike. The main thing is that the training is at least 2 hours before bedtime
  • Be sure to exclude from the diet all caffein -containing, for example, coffee, tea, tonic drinks and foods. You can replace drinks containing caffeine. So, it is allowed to drink natural teas (raspberry, lingonberry, etc.)
  • Limit smoking. Reduce the number of cigarettes smoked for a day at least twice and do not smoke 2 hours before bedtime. Ideally get rid of bad habit
  • Limit alcohol consumption to a dose not exceeding 20 ml in terms of ethyl alcohol (400 ml of beer, 200 ml of wine, 50 ml of strong alcohol). Exclude alcohol to achieve the best result completely
How to set sleep mode
How to set sleep mode

What side is better to sleep on?

It is proved that the ideal pose for sleeping is on their backs, however, most people prefer to sleep on their side. This is due to a psychological reaction to external stimuli. In contrast to sleep on the back, in which blood circulation normalizes and all muscles relax, sleep on the right side can lead to lighting the lung and liver, and the dream on the left promises to clamp the heart.

  • If we turn to the teachings of yogis that connect the right nostril with the sun, and the left with the moon, then it can be noted that the dream on the left side leads to overheating, and the dream on the right - to hypothermia. Consequently, in hot weather, it is recommended to sleep on the right side, while when hypothermias, sleep on the left side helps the body maintain temperature

Important: sleep on the left side is contraindicated in cores in order to avoid excessive load on the heart muscle, as well as people suffering from insomnia.

  • If you have dinner tightly and feel the severity - try to sleep on the right side, so you will help the body cope with the load
  • If the dream on your side is most convenient for you, get a low pillow. It is best to sleep on a mattress that can depreciate the load
  • During a dream on the side, stretch your arms along the body
Which side is better to sleep
Which side is better to sleep

In what position is it better to sleep?

It is best to sleep on your back, as mentioned above. Advantages of sleep on the back:

  • Effective restoration of body forces
  • Relaxation of the muscles of the back
  • Removing the voltage of the spine
  • Uniform load on the heart

A dream on the back is suitable for everyone except snoring people. It is recommended for hypertension and people with back injuries or curvature of the spine.

Sleep on a flat surface (best - orthopedic mattress) and use a low pillow under your head. Make sure that the pillow does not fall under the shoulders - this can lead to pain in the neck, moreover, blood circulation is disturbed.

Sleep on the back - the best pose for sleeping
Sleep on the back - the best pose for sleeping

Where to sleep the head correctly?

The position of the body relative to the aspects of the world is important at least the posture in which you sleep. Surely you noticed that, having settled in different ways, you wake up with a headache or, conversely, you feel rested and vigorous.

Sverdlovsk doctors conducted an interesting experiment: a group of people was invited to go to bed their heads in an arbitrary direction. After some time, the researchers summed up: tired people intuitively laid their heads to the east, and overwhelming and peppy - to the north.

Therefore, from the point of view of common sense, it is impossible to accurately name the direction of body location. Best of all, try to get along in different ways for several days. After a certain time, you will understand what position you are best sleeping in.

Interesting: Charles Dickens always went to bed with the compass. He believed that the lines of the earth's magnetic field should pass through the body, and always went to bed with his head on North.

Charles Dickens used a compass to determine the side
Charles Dickens used a compass to determine the side
  • From the point of view of the traditions and energy of the Earth, really a direction on North It is considered ideal for renewal and healing the body. Moreover, such a dream promises calmness and strengthening of spirituality. Family couples begin to feel attachment and attraction to each other. The teachings of the yogis argue that the human body also has an electromagnetic field, the north of which is the head, and the south, respectively, is the legs. Therefore, the position of the head to the north during sleep synchronizes the magnetic fields of the body and earth.
  • You will follow the course of celestial bodies if you lie down your head to the East.In addition to the fact that this side of the world is symbolized with the spiritual beginning, they believe that such a dream will bring vigor and luck in any endeavor. Moreover, such a dream contributes to the awakening of ambitiousness and self -confidence in a person
  • If you want to strengthen sensuality and creative beginning - sleep your head to the west.This provision brings love and can emphasize and strengthen your sexuality
  • If you are a careerist in life, you best sleep with your head southbut only in a calm mood. If you are inflated, emotional, experience anger and irritation or experience stress - it is better to refuse such an arrangement and lie down with your head to the north. In general, the south provides energy for a successful undertaking and continuing any business
  • If you want to find a goal in life, strengthen your character, find strength for a serious act - go to bed your head to the northeast.This side of the world has rigid energy, which does not allow to relax and show softness and suppleness
  • Song of the head is suitable for older people to the northwest. This position can contribute to calm, strong sleep and restoration of the body
  • If you want to liberate and get rid of excessive timidity - choose southeast
  • Southwestwill bring harmony and understanding to your family life
Magnetic field of the Earth
Magnetic field of the Earth

How much should an adult need to sleep a day for a healthy sleep?

A healthy adult needs 5-8 hours of sleep. Such a gap is explained by the quality of sleep. For example, if you overslept 8 hours as a whole, but often woke up, such a dream will bring much less benefit and necessary rest to the body than a continuous dream for 5-6 hours. In addition, the quality of sleep is affected by the time when you fell asleep. It is recommended to fall asleep no later than 22 hours.

When what time do you need to go to bed and wake up?

As you already understood, the ideal time for going to bed is 22:00. Accordingly, you need to wake up about 6 in the morning.

However, life dictates its conditions, which do not always fall into the framework of perfect sleep.

In addition, people differ in categories, depending on when they go to bed and wake up:

  • Owls - love late and sleep until noon
  • Larks - fall asleep early, get up early
  • People with two-time sleep-something between the previous two categories, and they like to sleep during the day

If you have the opportunity, you can independently determine the time for you to go to bed individually. Go to bed at different times in the evening, when you feel maximum fatigue, write down every day the time when you fell asleep and how much you woke up.

After a week, analyze your notes - and you will get an approximate hour when you better fall asleep.

There are situations when, for one reason or another, you have to sit late. Determine when it is better to go to bed in order to feel in the morning, if not vigorous, then at least not broken, you will help you online alarm clock.

What time do you need to go to bed
What time do you need to go to bed

How to go to bed early?

Even if you consider yourself an owl and are used to going to bed no earlier than 2 a.m., you can accustom your body to fall asleep earlier.

  • Get up at the same time every day (including the weekend)
  • Prepare for sleep correctly (how to do it - read above)
  • Ensure convenience to your body: the less clothes - the better. Natural fabrics (linen or cotton) are optimally suitable for sleeping
  • Listen to soothing music or audiobook
  • Try to develop some habit to give the body a signal to sleep. It can be a reading of a book, a glass of kefir before bedtime or a quarter massage
  • Turn off all electronic devices an hour before bedtime - computer, TV, radio
  • Cut or turn off the lighting in the house, you can leave a dim nightlight
  • In no case do not doze off in the evening
  • Try to perform a breathing exercise: inhale for 4 seconds and exhale for 8 seconds. This helps to relax the body
  • Drink warm chamomile tea or mint tea
  • If you are disturbed by loud sounds from the street, turn on a small fan or, for example, the sounds of rain or wildlife on the phone
How to go to bed early
How to go to bed early

How to sleep less and get enough sleep: polyphesis sleep

They started talking about a polyphesian dream for a long time, but not everyone understands what exactly the principle is. The thing is that it is possible to sleep 3-4 hours a day. The main thing is not one time to sleep, which is harmful and has nothing to do with rest, but several times during the day.

There are several types of polyphesis sleep, and they are not suitable for everyone. How to choose the right mode for yourself, calculate the time and duration of sleep you can learn more here.

The main thing, remember that to maintain the regime of polyphesis sleep, you need a serious occasion and strong motivation. The plus of such a dream is that you have been released in a day for several hours of time free of sleep. Minus - the regime must be strictly adhered to, otherwise it will not be polyphesis sleep, but simply ordinary poor quality, which can lead to overwork.

Polyphesic sleep
Polyphesic sleep

Is it harmful to sleep a lot?

It would seem that if you sleep a lot, you can get enough sleep, finally. However, not everything is so simple. They noticed how after a long sleep you felt weak, fatigue and felt completely broken?

It turns out that a lot to sleep is as harmful as little. If, with lack of sleep, absent -mindedness appears, immunity is weakened, then with excess sleep, memory and performance suffer first of all.

According to studies conducted by Harvard scientists, a lot is harmful to sleep. With constant long -lasting sleep, its quality deteriorates, and this promises health problems.

Sleeping without a pillow is useful or harmful, and how to sleep on a pillow?

A dream without a pillow not only leads to discomfort, it can also give a number of other problems:

  • Snore
  • Coughing because of saliva
  • Unpleasant sensations when leaving the back of the head
  • The development of osteochondrosis
  • Deterioration of cerebral circulation

Sleeping without a pillow is unambiguously useful for newborns and children up to a year. Adults are recommended to sleep on a low pillow. It is important that only the head is on the pillow, do not go to it with your shoulders.

How to sleep on a pillow correctly
How to sleep on a pillow correctly

Is it useful to sleep during the day?

In addition to polyphesis sleep modes, adults are recommended to refrain from daytime sleep. To feel vigor and strength to conduct business, it is important to correctly establish a night sleep.

What to do if it is hot to sleep?

In the summer season, many are faced with sleep disturbances due to heat. Of course, the easiest way out is air conditioning, but not everyone has the opportunity to make such a purchase.

  • Open the windows at night
  • Turn on the fan
  • When the fan is on, it is imperative to keep the windows open for air circulation
  • Do not lay bedding from synthetics, give preference to natural fabrics
What to do if it is hot to sleep
What to do if it is hot to sleep

Is it useful to sleep on the floor?

It is useful not to sleep on the floor, but simply on a solid surface. Such soybeans bring special benefit to people who have problems with their backs, have suffered a stroke or undergo a rehabilitation period after injuries.

In principle, the correctly selected orthopedic mattress will perfectly cope with such a task.

How to improve sleep with folk remedies?

If you do not believe in a regime or are simply an adherent of traditional medicine, I offer you some means that will help improve sleep.

  • Infusions and decoctions of lemon balm, valerian, motherwort, mint
  • Pillow stuffed with hop cones
  • Aromatherapy - pink oil and lavender will help sleep tight
  • Herbal tea made of mint or chamomile
Folk remedies to improve sleep
Folk remedies to improve sleep

Mood for a calm healthy sleep

All of the above recommendations should help you improve sleep, which will favorably affect all spheres of your life. You will be easier to cope with stress, you will have strength and energy to achieve the goals and implement plans.
If you adhere to recommendations, follow the mode, and there is no improving sleep, be sure to contact a somnologist who will help you cope with serious sleep problems.

How to sleep correctly, video

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  1. Our son was talking in a dream, to be honest very scared. +To everything else, he had a very troubled dream, and the process of falling asleep simply exhausted me and my husband ... They decided to try to give sedative children's teas and baby the formula of Mishka Calm. It worked. We have been sleeping calmly for 2 months already, which is very happy ... I hope this fate will no longer return to us))

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