How to improve diction and speech? Tongue twisters for the development of speech and adult diction

How to improve diction and speech? Tongue twisters for the development of speech and adult diction

The article tells what diction is and how to improve it.

In the modern world, people with good, expressive diction are quite easy to get used to in most areas of our dynamically developing life. Beautiful speakers are needed not only on stage, but in business, and on television, and in politics.

Steve Jobs is a wonderful speaker
Steve Jobs is a wonderful speaker

What is diction?

It is customary to call a clear pronunciation of sounds in accordance with the phonetic norms of the language. Expressive diction is the most important characteristic of acting, singers, speakers.

A clear diction depends on the level of the actual organs of speech - such organs include language and lips. In this regard, the development of expressive diction should begin with muscle training - articulatory gymnastics.

Diction shows how correctly a person pronounces words and syllables, how clearly he pronounces sounds - all this lends itself to training, improvement.

The fuzzy pronunciation of words interferes with their correct perception, and a poorly spoken phrase sometimes even loses its meaning. Distortion of sounds can greatly distract the attention of the audience, forcing them to focus on sound defects, and not on the meaning of the phrase said.

Important: it is much easier for a person with expressive diction to interest and captivate the audience. It is much easier for such a person to perform in public.

Good speaker
Good speaker

Work on diction and pronunciation

In order to get rid of a sharp “g”, a whistling “C”, a whisper “w”, in order to improve the pronunciation of words and syllables, in order for the diction to become more expressive, you will have to work a little.

For a pure sound sound, there are a huge number of exercises that have helped people become interesting, exciting speakers for a long time. Some of the exercises were already known in ancient Greece.

Work on diction
Work on diction

How to improve adult diction, a teenager?

There are special exercises to develop and improve diction. It:

  • Breathing and posture

Not many people know how much the beautifully posed speech depends on breathing and posture. In this regard, there are even special exercises:

  1. You should become straight, legs shoulder -width apart, hands should be placed on the belt. After that, it is necessary to open the mouth, and, allegedly overcoming resistance, make a slow exhalation. After training, you should complicate the exercise by reading on the exhalation of several lines of your favorite poem.
  2. You should return to the starting position, and then slowly leaning forward to take a breath. The back should be kept even, and on the exhale, start to rise and prolong the “um mm”.
  3. For a posture exercise, you should stock up on a book. The book must be placed on the head, and slowly walk with it so that it does not fall. Then add gestures, squats, more dynamic walking.
Mosque is the first step towards beautiful speech
Mosque is the first step towards beautiful speech
  • Articulation. You can read in more detail in the section below
  • The pronunciation of consonants and vowels. Examples on the correct pronunciation of sounds can be viewed in the following videos:

Video: phonetics. Setting consonants and vowels. Associate Professor BTETHTINA N.B.

Video: Setting whistling sounds in adults

Video: Correction of sound pronunciation in adults

  • Intonation

The best exercise for the development of intonation is to read by roles.

Video: Intonation (training)

  • Tongue Twisters. A large list of tongue twisters can be found in the section below
  • Acting methods. To train diction using acting methods, you should take walnuts, or pencil in your mouth, and then start slowly, verbally pronounce tongue twisters or read text
Acting methods for training diction
Acting methods for training diction

Exercises for diction and articulation

Expressive diction needs daily training of the muscles of the speech apparatus. For the development and strengthening of the muscles of the mouth, jaw, lips and tongue, special articulation gymnastics should be engaged in.

You can choose some of the following exercises in articulatory gymnastics, although to achieve a better and quick effect, it is better to perform all the exercises in turn:

  • Standing, holding your hands on your chest, should bend a little forward and pronounce a lingeringly vowel, for example, “a”, “o”, “and” as much as possible.
  • Open your mouth wide and move the lower jaw in different directions, including back and forth
  • Close your mouth, strain the tip of the tongue, and then alternately touch it to your cheeks. Such an exercise can be done and opening your mouth
  • You should smile very broadly, and then the tip of the tongue alternately touch the corners of the mouth. It is important that the jaw remains motionless, and the tongue does not touch the lips
  • You should smile broadly, opening your mouth, and then count your teeth in the upper and lower row, touching them with the tip of the tongue. The jaw in this exercise should be motionless
  • You should close your teeth and smile broadly. It is important that during a smile, teeth in two rows are visible
  • Close your teeth, and then fold your lips in a tube, stretching them in front and at the same time pull the sound “y”
  • You should open a wide mouth and pull out a sharp tongue as far as possible
Exercises for articulation
Exercises for articulation
  • Open your mouth and put a wide relaxed tongue on your lower lip
  • Open your mouth, and then lick the upper and lower lip alternately with the tip of the tongue, without moving the jaw

Important: all exercises from articulatory gymnastics should be done for about ten seconds. After a short break, each exercise should be repeated several more times.

Another exercise for articulation
Another exercise for articulation

Exercises for diction and voice

There cannot be a diction expressive without the proper frequency of the voice and its emotional coloring. In order for the voice to sound bewitching, you should train diction, the timbre of the voice itself.

There are some exercises for this:

  • You should clamp the pen, pencil, etc., and then pronouncing clearly words and sounds, read texts, poems.
  • Read texts, poems alternately quickly and slowly, loud and quiet
  • Without knocking your breath, withstanding all the pauses, expressively read texts, poems, jumping on a rope or running a coward.
  • You should pay attention to your neck during a conversation, because When trying to feel it, the neck relaxes and sinks the larynx.
Voice exercises
Voice exercises
  • It should, making different sounds, beat yourself in the chest.
  • You should pronounce vowel sounds for a long time during yawning. It will also help to relax and lower the larynx.
  • You should start the morning with mooing, pronouncing "mmm mm mmm" continuously
  • You should talk smiling. The voice will change noticeably.

Important: If the described exercises repeat 10-15 minutes daily, then you can quickly notice the changes in the voice.

Video: The best exercise for the voice for the development of diction

Do I need to read aloud for the development of diction?

Reading aloud can become an important, closing exercise to work on improving diction. Reading aloud, it is easier to understand where and what problems are, what else is worth working on.

If, at the next reading, all previous errors will be taken out aloud, then you can see that each time it will sound cleaner and cleaner.

Important: for reading aloud it is better to choose white verses, multi -stage verses that are difficult to perceive excerpts of texts.

Reading aloud - Exercise for diction
Reading aloud - Exercise for diction

Tensions for the development of diction


And I'm not up to malaise.
Arkhip Osip, Osip Ohrip.


White snow. White chalk.
White sugar is also white.
But the squirrel is not white.
I was not even white.

Brit Klim brother,
Brit Ignat brother,
Brother Ignat Borodat.

The scorer bombarded Brandenburg.


The magi for the trunks in the stable with the sorcerers.

Railed Raven Voronenka.

Verzila Vavili cheerfully tossed the pitchfork.


Like on a hill, on a hillock
There are thirty -three Egor.

The messenger from the gallery burned down.

Gathered Margarita Margarita on the mountain,
Lost Margarita Margarita in the yard.


Two lumberjacks, two lumberjacks,
Two shoal -rolls honed axes
Axes are sharp for the time being,
For the time being, axes are sharp, until the time.

Grandfather Dodon in Dudal Dudal,
Dimka grandfather Duda touched.

The woodpecker treats an ancient oak,
Good woodpecker oak love.

Tongue twisters - exercises for diction
Tongue twisters - exercises for diction


Eat Fedka with vodka radish,
Eats radish with vodka Fedka.

Weekee spin the box for a week,
And Emelyn's daughter is to spin one night.


Buzzing the beetle, buzzes, but does not spin.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the terrible is terrible.


Winter morning from frost
Birches ring at the dawn.

All lakes - mirrors
From green glass.

Sonya Zina brought Buzina in the basket.


The incident with the quartermaster.

Ishak carried firewood into the village,
The donkey dumped firewood into the grass.


The cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.
I put on a cuckoo hood.
As in the hood, it is ridiculous.

Karl at Clara stole coral,
Clara at Karl stole a clarinet.
Queen Clara strictly punished
Karl for theft of Coral.

Koval forged the horse
Conb hoof of Koval,
Koval with a whip.


Sewn a cap, knitted a cap, but not in Kolpakovsky,
The bell, Kovan bell, but not in a bell-haired one,
It is necessary to cross the cap, but perekal.
It is necessary to cross the bell, but re -healing.


Do you wash raspberries?
Washed, but not washed.

Soap Mila Mishka with soap,
Mila dropped soap.
Mila dropped soap
I did not pick up the bear with soap.

Malina called Marina Galina,
Galina Marina called viburnum.


Didn't we catch burbot on the Nile?

Our Naum is on his mind.


Pavel Pavlushka Palenoval,
Sweeted, but hesitated.

Peter the First went for a walk,
I caught the quail went to sell.

I exchangeed Praskovya Karasia
Three pairs of purebred piglets.
Pigs ran along the dew,
The piglets caught a cold, and not all.


Digging pigs, stupid, whitewash,
Polotvor with a snout from-erased,
I dug, tear, did not finish it to Nora.
Havronnya and snout so that she is snouting.

Greek rode across the river,
He sees Greek in the Rak River.
He put the Greek hand into the river,
Cancer by the hand of Greek DAP.


Lych Suka carried a badger.

Old Semyon said to his sons:
"Sow the haystack."
The sons mowed a haystack.
Old Semyon said to his sons: "Thank you."

Lucky Senka Sanka with Sonya on the sled;
Sancti clap, Sanka - sideways,
Sonya - Skok, Senka from his feet.

Tongue twisters are a great way to train speech
Tongue twisters are a great way to train speech


Only Tanya will get up in the morning.
Tanyusha pulls dancing.
What to explain for a long time?
Tanya loves to dance.

Under the tree of a grouse, a black grouse met:
"Boys, black grouse! How are your grouse?"
Teterev to a black grouse in response:
“My grouse - healthy guys,
Hello your grouse from them! "

Three magpies, three cracks
Lost three brushes:
Three today, three yesterday,
Three more the day before yesterday.


The duck on the pond began to teach her ducklings,
Ducklings do not want to swim in sight.
The duck is terribly tormented:
"Well, what of them will work out?"

Bring the corner to the corner,
Put off in the corner of the corner!

Ducklings taught a duck-mother
Search in the meadow.
Snails in the meadow without jokes
We learned to hide from ducks.


Fani has Fufaika,
Fedi has shoes.

Foca fantasized
Fedor focused
Theophanes Fenced with Theoktist.

Filin Fili has two eagle owls -
Filka and Filimonka.


Laughter letter x
Laughed: Ha ha ha!

Cracking laughter
Laughter laughed: ha, ha, ha.

The bracket boasted, boasted,
I boasted, boasted, and I went out,
Yes, and grabbed.


Flowers bloom in the flower garden.

Kutsay fox in a dress from a sitz
The torment of wheat is sown through Sitz.

Knights the Kosovica circuit appreciate.


Four black plague testimonies
Drawing a drawing with black ink.
Extremely clean!

Chok, Chok, heel,
I ran into a knot
Turned off, broke
Chok, Chok, heel.

A goose rides on a stick.
Duck - on the pipe,
Chicken on the churochka,
Bunny on a wheelbarrow,
A boy on a dog.


Six mixers of six baskets
And three shoes from a fluffy bag.

Proshkina Shavka bit Pashka;
He beats Pashka with a hat to Proshkina Shavka.


The stubble at the flash, scales at the pike.

Shchegol-minor above the thicket chirms.

The dandelion of the chipper was dandy.


Yulka was Yurkaya,
Sit on the spot Julia
I could not.


Lizard on Yalik
Apples to the fair
I drove in the box.

The yacht is light and obedient, my
I will plow the seas on it.

Yaroslav and Yaroslavna
Settled in Yaroslavl.
They live glorious in Yaroslavl
Yaroslav and Yaroslavna.

Video: how to work with tongue twisters diction and articulation // 24 vocals lesson

Engage, train your diction, and then in oratory will you will not be equal.

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Comments K. article

  1. I propose exercises for setting with clear and high -quality speech, which are applicable at home. With them you can achieve a good speech to start talking much better. I will send it in an electric way.

  2. I invite everyone to my freshly built, stably developing YouTube channel dedicated to the development of diction and sound pronunciation. On this channel you will find a lot of manuals designed both for people with poor diction, and for people with good pronunciation and even more. In the near future, I plan to record audio books of the genre of the Magic Middle Ages.
    Link to the channel: YouTube .com/Channel/UC90CEITHVVNSSHOIT6ZAIWG (Remove the gap to the link to the link)

  3. Diction problems are well known to me. I think that many have encountered this. Unfortunately, this is not corrected at school. But it doesn’t matter, you can do it yourself. There are not bad methods here.

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