How to decorate a house, room, room, festive table, Valentine's Day dishes: ideas, tips, photos

How to decorate a house, room, room, festive table, Valentine's Day dishes: ideas, tips, photos

The romantic festival of love Valentine's Day must be found in a pleasant environment. How to create an atmosphere of love in the house, you will learn from this article.

Valentine's Day is a joyful holiday for all couples in love. Every year, February 14, all lovers give each other original gifts in the form of hearts as a sign of respect and love, gently calling them “valentines”.

They are preparing for the holiday in advance, choosing for this not only the corresponding wardrobe and delicious dishes, but also create a special atmosphere in the house, which has the heart and heart.

Symbols on February 14 of the Day of lovers: photo

First of all, let's look at the symbols of the festival of lovers.

  • Heart is the main symbol of the holiday. In ancient times, they believed that such feelings as love, luck, resentment and anger are in the heart. After several centuries, the opinion has changed, and now they have already sacredly believed that only good feelings, namely love and respect, can be in the heart. Such a belief remains to the present day, so the image of the heart is considered a symbol of love and various kinds of crafts in the form of a heart is given to each other not only lovers, but also schoolchildren, students, office workers, etc.
  • Lace - A few centuries ago, a beautiful lace scarf was considered an obligatory attribute of the wardrobe of the beautiful half. If the girl liked the guy and she wanted to get to know him better, then she specifically dropped his handkerchief on the floor, approaching the chosen one. The guy had to raise a scarf from the floor and return the girl. Very soon, this attribute was used by great writers in their love novels. That is why in our time they try to give a gift for Valentine's day decorated with lace or packed in paper in the form of lace. It is also used for the decor of cutlery for a romantic dinner.
  • Red Rose - The flower of the goddess of love of Venus Milos. The rose is a symbol of the love and beauty of Greece. And the red color symbolizes strong feelings.
  • Cupid - The son of the goddess of love of Venus Miloskaya. The shot of his magical arrow magical - this is a sign that in the near future a feeling of strong love will wake up in his heart.
  • Glove - This is a symbol of love and marriage, after all, not without reason making an offer to his beloved, the man asks her hand and heart.
  • Pigeons - The birds of love are always paired and remain faithful to their love for life. Pigeons symbolize fidelity and love, so they can often be seen in the form of decoration not only at the wedding, but also on the day of lovers.

How to decorate the house, room on February 14 on the Day of Lovers: Photo

There are a huge number of options for decorating a house and basically it all depends on the flight of imagination and the feeling that lovers experience for each other. But the most important rule is that all decor elements are made in the shape of a heart.

No romantic dinner is complete without candles. On Valentine's Day, you can purchase aromatic candles of red color and put them in the shape of a heart on the floor.

No name (2)

A pleasant muffled light of a couple in love will be given by a desktop lamp in the form of a heart.

And of course, inflatable balls in the form of a heart, which will certainly emphasize the atmosphere of the holiday, make it romantic and unique.

These are only the basic elements of the decor in the rooms. But in order for Valentinov to really enter your house, you need to decorate it from the door itself. On the front door you can hang a beautiful wreath made of hearts or in the shape of a heart with your hands.

And as soon as your girlfriend or guy opens the front door, she will be met by a festive path covered with petals of scarlet roses, along the edges of which candles will burn.

Such a romantic path will lead you together to the festive table, which also needs to be beautifully designed.


Decoration of the table and dishes for Valentine's Day: Ideas, photos

  • Funny little things and flowers are considered traditional attributes to decorate the festive table. But you can independently make original decorations for the table.
  • To begin with, even the simplest dishes that you will serve to the table can be designed in the form of a heart that can tell a lover about your feelings for him better than any words.
  • For example, in the form of a heart, you can serve pizza and even sushi to the table, not to mention the fact that desserts and any cake in the form of a heart will not be difficult. To do this, you will need only a mold with which you will make out holiday dishes.

  • A romantic festive menu is a great choice for the holiday of lovers. But against the background of an interesting table decor, they will look more appetizing and original. That is why it is worth paying attention directly to the table setting.

  • And how do you like the idea of \u200b\u200blove? You can buy it in a store. As a rule, they are made of all kinds of pebbles, beads, small ceramic hearts and other materials. But you can do it with your own hands. The tree symbolizes eternity and strength on the planet, so it will be very appropriate at your holiday.

  • Naturally, there is nothing sweeter than the kiss of lovers in the world. But if original desserts are present on your festive table, then this will only sweeten your feelings
  • By the way, you can cook original sweets for the gift for your loved one. In Europe, it is customary to give special sweets for Valentine's Day for Valentine's Day. The shelves of their supermarkets are literally littered with gift packages
  • In each country, such sweets have a different name. For example, in Italy they are called “Baci”, which means “kiss” in translation. They are made in the form of a dome of black and milk chocolate with whole nut or cherry inside. Lovers give such sweets to each other and immediately unfold them. Under the wrapper of sweets is a note with wishes in which the feelings of lovers are expressed


And do not forget about beautiful napkins. A creative approach will not hurt you here. And although for such a holiday, red or pink napkins are perfect, you can do your own way and retreat from generally accepted canons.

Fragrant burning candles, which also emphasize the particularly festive atmosphere in the house, will help you to saturate the air in the room with love.

It is worth turning on the flight of your fantasy and arrange candles in the appropriate style of style. There are many ideas for the design of candles, but your personal idea will be best.

What a romantic dinner is without a bottle of champagne. For the holiday of Valentine, it is worth thinking about beautiful glasses. They can be designed in a special way, decorating with beads, acrylic, lace, etc. All in your hands.

You just need to free yourself for a little time and realize your plan. Believe me, such a glass of glasses will allow your loved one to look at you with different eyes. You can arrange candles and glasses in the same style, which will original and solemnly complement each other.

Well, of course - flowers. They will be appropriate on the table more than ever. Despite the fact that outside the window is only February, the flowers on the table will symbolize the spring flowering feeling of love.

It is not necessary to put them in a vase. You can come up with original ideas for their arrangements that will allow you to turn your table into a fairy tale.

And look at what romantic serving on the festive table you got as a result. Beautiful plates, burning candles, garlands, original napkins, an unusual decor for champagne glasses, small boxes with gifts.

When designing a table, be sure to think about the upcoming romantic dinner. And then you will succeed unusually beautiful, original and individually.

Decoration of the hall for the day of lovers

For Valentine's holiday, restaurateurs and owners of small and cozy cafes are carefully preparing. The main question that faces them is the creation of a romantic menu and, of course, a creative solution for decorating the hall.

Designers cope with their duty not in earnest, introduce their slightly unusual ideas into business, creating a festive and intimate environment in the hall - garlands from hearts, a variety of compositions from flowers, balls and candles, etc.

Maybe you will take a few ideas for yourself?

Wall newspaper by February 14th, Valentine's Day, Valentine

On the day of lovers, it is customary to give gifts and a heart to loved ones and loved ones. And what about those of us who want to congratulate everyone at once. For example, you want to make a pleasant surprise for all residents of your entrance, or you decided to please and make a festive atmosphere to the office or beauty salon.

Your congratulations for the holiday of Valentine will undoubtedly delight neighbors, colleagues, classmates and visitors to a particular establishment. And the best way out of this position is a wall newspaper that will look appropriate on the walls of any room.

You can prepare ready -made templates that will only need to be painted with taste. This will take a little time, but it will bring people a lot of positive emotions.

Congratulations on Valentine's Day

Jewelry by February 14th of lovers and Valentine's Day with their own hands

People say: "Everything that is done with their own hands has a magical property." So why not make jewelry for Valentine's holiday with your own hands and decorate your house with original garlands and other crafts in red and white, pink and white, red-black. Or maybe you like the combination of pink and turquoise more?

For example, you can start from wall decorations. Cut the figures in the shape of a heart out of paper and glue them to the wall with double -sided tape. You can also make paper hearts in the technique of origami.

Evaluate how beautiful such a heart looks.

And how is the heart made in the technique of Kwiving the original?

There will be no great difficulties to make soft hearts that can be hung along the walls and on the window.

Or, these are such ideas.

Valentine's Day is a day of love. To reveal your feelings for a loved one, you can make a romantic gift with your own hands.

For those who are closer to their souls, there are also a lot of interesting options - a snowy walk with a hot bath and mulled house, a romantic dinner on the water or on the seashore. The main thing is to love and take care of each other! Happy holiday to you !!!


Video: How to decorate a house or room for a day of lovers with your own hands?

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  1. Thanks to the author for the interesting ideas. I will definitely use them, organize an unforgettable and romantic holiday for my beloved. All Happy Holiday Valentine's holiday !!!!

    1. I am glad that you liked it, and I hope that you will succeed. I wish you strong love and romantic mood! Happy Feast of Love !!!!

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