How to keep a married man, lover: a psychologist, a conspiracy

How to keep a married man, lover: a psychologist, a conspiracy

Relations with a married man often force girls to fight for their happiness. Let's find out what to do to hold a married man.

If a married man is truly dear to you and reciprocates, then sooner or later there will be a desire to recapture him from a legal wife. In the fight, as you know, all means are good. To keep a married man and choose the correct tactics of behavior, valuable recommendations and tips of the psychologist will help.

Do I need to hold a married man, lover?

Due to various circumstances, many men need trusting and intimate relationships outside the family. Attention and perseverance of the strong half make women do sometimes reckless acts. It is impossible to protect yourself from a strong attraction to a married man. The most important thing is to decide for yourself whether such relationships are needed and to consider possible options for their development.

In most cases, women-lover are condemned and not supported. But in such situations you can not rely on someone else's opinion. You must analyze what is happening, draw the right conclusions and act according to your desires.

Already at the beginning of a relationship with a married man, it is necessary to weigh all the “pros” and “minuses”. You must clearly understand how you will act and what end result you want to get. To finally dispel doubts, analyze the main aspects of your relationship and figure out how to keep a married man, lover.

  • The mutuality of your desires.Who is the initiator of your relationship? Are you ready to be content with the role of a mistress or see a potential husband in a married man? Is a man going to get divorced or is he satisfied with the status of a lover? Do not allow yourself to deceive and do not nourish in vain hopes. Your desires should be mutual.
  • Moral boundaries. In the struggle for personal happiness, moral principles are fading into the background. Fans are ready to use any effective tool to achieve their goal. The most important point that must be taken into account and carefully rethought is the presence of children in your passion. After a divorce, relationships with children can develop in the most unpredictable way. Are you ready, if necessary, take responsibility for their fate? Communication with them is inevitable, and for you it will be a difficult test.
  • The depth of your desires. Faring a man from the family, think about whether you are ready to devote your life to him. You should not take serious steps to keep a married man, a lover, if for you this is just a hobby. You can destroy the family very quickly, but it is much more difficult to build new strong relationships. Very often, achieving the goal, we lose interest and do not want cardinal changes.
  • Trust for a lover. The behavior of a man who is easily ready to betray his wife should alert you. Will you become another deceived woman? Make the right conclusions on the basis of specific perfect actions of the lover. Do not trust empty words and vain promises. You must be completely confident in his intentions.

How to behave correctly to keep a married man, lover?

If your final decision boils down to fight for your lover, then you need a certain plan of action. The tips of a psychologist will tell you how to behave correctly to keep a married man, a lover.

  • Culinary tricks.Most likely a married man least needs a cook. However, a deliciously prepared dinner will not be left without attention. Try to surpass the expectations of a lover and learn to cook exquisite dishes. Having shown yourself to be a good mistress, you definitely even more to put a man to yourself.
  • Calm and comfort. The man strives where he is well. Your task is to provide him with a calm comfortable atmosphere. The lover does not need scandals and clarification of relationships. You must be contrast against the backdrop of an ever -dissatisfied grumbling wife. If you notice that one of the conversations is unpleasant to a man, then leave unnecessary questions and switch to more pleasant tasks.
  • A minimum of requests.A lover should not show a financial interest in a man. Accept gifts, of course, is nice. But your main task is to show how important and significant the presence of a man in your life is. A self -respecting man will appreciate your attention and will surely take care of pleasant surprises.
  • Warm trick and good mood.Do not skimp on sincere emotions at each of your meetings. When a man feels that you need, he will begin to spend more time with you. A warm and warm welcome always has, especially in comparison with an indifferent wife.
  • Various sexual relations.In many married couples, the cause of discord in the family becomes inferior monotonous sex. Your task is to provide a married man with complete satisfaction of all his needs. Show imagination and do not be afraid to experiment. High -quality sex will become a fat plus in your direction.
  • Be in the know of his interests.Show your interest in his hobbies and achievements in work. Find the time to listen and it is possible to suggest something, advise. If the wife is not in the know of the husband’s public life, then your position will become even more advantageous.
Behavior with married
Behavior with married

Most importantly, do not substitute a married man in front of the family with the help of various female tricks. Leaving the family should be his independent decision. Otherwise, there is a high probability of his departure to another woman.

What do men want from a mistress?

In order to keep a married man, a lover and maintain a light in your relationship, it is necessary to make certain efforts. Passion begins to fade away over time, and you will no longer be able to keep a married man with sex. In order to consolidate your relationship, use the advice of a psychologist.

Contrary to your desires and feelings, try not to put pressure on the man and do not limit his freedom. Nobody canceled pastime in a male company, so do not be selfish and do not reproach your lover for rest without your participation. It is absolutely pointless to be jealous of his football or fishing. Thus, you will find yourself in a losing position.

We give the desired
We give the desired
  • Give the man what he needs. He wants fun - organize a holiday. He wants silence - give him the opportunity to relax in a cozy warm atmosphere. Fuck yourself naturally and show only the sparking of emotion.
  • If a man does not want to leave the house, and you are preparing to go to a restaurant, then consider the option of a romantic dinner in a home environment.
  • Active and cheerful man will delight past pastime in a noisy company. In this case, organize a visit to interesting events. The new emotions experienced together will unite your union.
  • Learn to respect the personal life of a married man. By imposing your company, you risk it quickly to be bored. In turn, a self -sufficient personality is much more interesting to a man. Therefore, you should not wait every night at the window, sacrificing your interests.
Rejoice a man
Rejoice a man

In an interview with a married man, do not be afraid to express your point of view and voice your wishes. Thus, you will be much more interesting than a mediocre woman in love.

A man will not lose interest in your individuality if you are self -sufficient and comprehensively developed. Rather, on the contrary, he will value relationships and be afraid to lose you.

Magic conspiracies: how to keep a married man, lover?

If you are not enough advice on psychologists, then you can use the secrets of magic. A simple conspiracy will help you keep a married man and strengthen your union. It is better if a knowledgeable person is carried out by such a ritual.

Before resorting to a magical conspiracy, consider your decision and possible consequences well. The force of action of the ritual largely depends on the current situation in the family of a man.

Flower conspiracy

To conduct a ritual, to keep a married man, a lover will need:

  • flower flowerpot
  • a small formed floral plant
  • needle
  • candle
  • jasmine oil
  • a piece of lover hair

With the help of a needle, you need to depict your name and men on the candle. The names applied must be lubricated with oil. Next, the candle is fixed in the candlestick and is ignited.

The following ritual words are pronounced: « The names are intertwined, and fate will be intertwined. The elements of water, earth and fire are connected and married to heavenly forces. ".

The candle should fully burn out. In a piece of wax, it is necessary to roll up a man’s hair and place with the ground in a flowerpot. Next, it is necessary to plant a prepared plant into this Earth.

Pouring the planted flower in the future, repeat the magic words. The action of the conspiracy begins as the plant grows. Your relationship with a married man should become stronger.

Amulet conspiracy

The action of this ritual will help not only keep a married man, but also improve your sexual relations.

  • It is necessary to cut three identical circles, two of which are made of white paper and one of the foil. In the middle of the paper circle, write your names and the date of your birth.
  • It is necessary to string three circles on the woolen thread in red so that the foil is located between the paper circles. The thread on both sides must be fixed.
  • In the process, say magic words: “I connect our lives at the spiritual and bodily level. I combine our hearts and thoughts. ”

The amulet must be hidden from prying eyes. Such a conspiracy will help maintain relations with a married man.

Video: keep a man in a verified way

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  1. . I felt how our relations began to cool. Muzh began to linger from work, became colder in relation to me, began to hide the phone. In general, his behavior changed a lot ... It turned out that my husband has another family in which two minor children grow up. . It turns out, as it happens in life. Do not convey in words the pain that I experienced. And I, like many women, loved and trusted ...

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