How to remove the smell of cat urine in an apartment, house? Remedies for the smell of cat urine

How to remove the smell of cat urine in an apartment, house? Remedies for the smell of cat urine

Having decided to start a cat, the owner should be prepared for the fact that the first time, while the animal is accustomed to the tray, and sometimes in the future he will have to face puddles and heaps left around the house in the most unexpected places.

In the case of such oversights, in no case should you scold or punish the pet, all only worsen. It is better to know in advance how to make the smell of urine of a cat from upholstered furniture, clothes, shoes and floor.

Why does the cat make puddles? Why is cat urine stinks like that?

With problems, the puddles in the apartment, usually the owners who only took a small kitten are faced with, it is either not accustomed to the tray or due to stress due to the change in the situation should be adopted to it for several days. But it happens that an adult and confidently going to the tray, the cat suddenly also begins to shit anywhere. There are reasons for this:

  • insufficient hygiene of the tray (rarely wash, rarely change the filler)
  • using the tray of too much smelling of household chemicals when cleaning the tray
  • an inconvenient tray
  • diseases of the urinary or musculoskeletal systems in the animal
  • stress
  • tags

You can find out more about why the cat stops writing into the tray and how to accustom it to it again: link

If the cat does not go to the tray, you do not need to drink on its dirty nature. Most likely, such behavior has an objective explanation.
If the cat does not go to the tray, you do not need to drink on its dirty nature. Most likely, such behavior has an objective explanation.

The most nasty thing is that when the cat has shit, even if you immediately wipe the puddle, there may be a disgusting smell. It is enough to hear it once to understand how sickening it is. The guilt of everything is the composition of the cat urine, which includes:

  1. Uric acid. These colorless crystals are not so simply dissolved. Ordinary water, alcohol cannot be removed. We need alkaline solutions, glycerin or hot sulfuric acid.
  2. Urea is a soluble sticking substance in water.
  3. Lesschrom - gall pigment that gives cat's urine.

The unpleasant odor, first of all, is due to the presence of uric acid in cat urine. If the puddle for the animal is removed incorrectly, and soon a new one forms in its place, moisture will fall, the stench will occur again.

Important: the smell of cat urine is most difficult to remove from shoes, clothes, beds, where absorbed uric acid crystals react with later a person. It is also difficult to qualitatively remove porous loose surfaces such as plastic or wood.

The unpleasant smell of cat urine is due to the presence of uric acid in it, not crushing in water.
The unpleasant smell of cat urine is due to the presence of uric acid in it, not crushing in water.

If you just wipe the puddle of cat urine with water and soap, so to speak, in a habit, urea and lessochrome will leave, there will be no visible traces of the animal’s sin.

But the crystals of uric acid will continue to exude the disgusting smell. It is necessary to immediately and carefully clean, using improvised or special store products. Sometimes such cleaning is given in 2-4 stages.

By improvised means that neutralize the smell of Cat Urina, are:

  • potassium permanganate
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • baking soda
  • laundry soap
  • dining vinegar
  • lemon acid
Means that neutralize the stink of cat urine.
Means that neutralize the stink of cat urine.

Important: with an amber from a puddle done by a cat, you can cope with the help of chlorine, whiteness, which contains chlorine chlorine. But it can damage the processed surface. Also, breathing in chlorine vapor is very harmful both to people and pets.

VIDEO: How to get rid of a cat's smell?

How to get the smell of cat urine from the couch? Vinegar and ammonia from cat urine

It is difficult to accurately answer the question why the cat shits on the sofa. But in the upholstery and foam rubber, the smell eats instantly. To avoid this, you need to make efforts.

There should be at hand:

  • paper wipes or towels
  • water
  • soap
  • soda
  • vinegar
  • brush
  • spray
  • syringe
  • feng
  • a vacuum cleaner
If the cat signed on the sofa, you do not need to scold it. will help
If the cat signed on the sofa, you do not need to scold it. Soda and vinegar will help.
  1. First, it is necessary to remove the remaining urine from the surface of the sofa, absorbing them with paper wipes. The napkins need to be changed until they are vomiting, they are almost completely dry.
  2. At the next stage, the visible spot is removed from the upholstery. To do this, the place of a cat sin is washed and wiped with a brush dipped in the water, then bluffed again with napkins.
  3. After the upholstery, the sofa is wiped with vinegar dissolved in water 1 to 4. Give a vinegar solution to dry completely.
  4. The stained area of \u200b\u200bthe upholstery is sprinkled with baking soda. If the cat Urina has already been absorbed under the upholstery, soda is dissolved in water, the solution is typed in a syringe and with the help of a needle on it is inserted into the foam. Soda will react with uric acid and neutralize it.
  5. At the end of the cleaning, the sofa is blown with a warm stream of hair dryer and vacuumed.

Important: in order not to spoil the upholstery of the sofa, it is desirable to test all of the listed funds on its inconspicuous area.

Some advise fighting cat puddles with ammonia. But he is unlikely to help. Firstly, he has nothing to neutralize the components of cat urine.

Secondly, Urina Ammonia contains, and an animal treated with ammonia, due to the smell, can be overtaken as a toilet.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine on the carpet?

Carpets are not cheap, is it worth taking risks to clean them from cat urine on their own? Indeed, dry cleaning would be the best option if the cat went on the carpet once. But, unfortunately, cats often choose this element of the interior as a place for wet deeds and marks. Then you will not attack the dry cleaning.

Important: if the cat often shows the carpet, it may be better to take it out of the room for a while and wait until the animal is accustomed to the tray.

An expensive carpet can be passed into dry cleaning or treated with hydrogen peroxide with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

You can independently remove the stain and the smell of cat urine from the carpet in this way:

  1. To absorb the rest of the urine with paper napkins, toilet paper.
  2. Make an aqueous solution of perhydrol 1 to 3. Apply it first to the most inconspicuous place on the carpet to check if it will spoil the thing. It must be remembered that hydrogen peroxide corrodes. After a spray gun, spray the solution into a place stained with a cat.
  3. After waiting for 2 hours, treat the carpet with a special shampoo. Soap solution is also suitable.
  4. To prevent new puddles or marks, dissolve a couple of drops of citrus essential oil in 30 ml of water and spray onto the carpet.

How to get the smell of cat urine from the mattress?

If the cat ruined the bed, this is a real disaster! Here, many forget that it is impossible to scold the animal for such sins.

  • with the help of improvised means, absorb the remains of urine, which did not have time to absorb into the mattress
  • dilute boric acid with water in a ratio of 1 to 10
  • spray the resulting solution to the corrupted place
  • as in the case of a sofa, using a syringe with a needle, enter the solution into the mattress
  • then sprinkle the stained place with salt
  • leave the mattress in this form for several hours
  • rinse salt with running water
  • control the mattress with a foamed solution of laundry soap
  • dry the mattress
Boric acid and salt will help remove the smell of cat urine from the mattress.
Boric acid and salt will help remove the smell of cat urine from the mattress.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from linoleum, wooden floor, laminate?

Cat urine gets to the floor not only when the pet walks past the pot. "Wet legs" happen:

  • if a tray with a net without filler
  • the filler is poured little

Then the usual humid cleaning, even with a means of washing the floors, cannot be dispensed with. To eliminate the spot and smell, while not damage the flooring, use:

  • 1 to 3 solution of dining room vinegar
  • citric acid (1 tbsp. Spoon per 50 ml of water)
Wet paws and puddles from a cat from the floor are removed with vinegar or citric acid.
“Wet legs” and puddles from the cat are removed with vinegar or citric acid.

The floor should be treated with these solutions so that it remains moist, and after 30-40 minutes to wash them thoroughly.

VIDEO: How to get rid of the smell of cat urine?

How to get the smell of cat urine from furniture?

Furniture also suffers from feline marks. It is good to treat it with the same vinegar solution.

Cats often die furniture.
Cats often die furniture.

The concentrated solution of potassium permanganate is also suitable, one that has a saturated color. Only before processing them a significant section of furniture, it will be necessary to check if it will be painted.

How to get the smell of cat urine from clothes?

To derive the smell of urine or tags of a cat from clothes, it is necessary to extend it in this way:

  • for 1 hour, soak clothes in ordinary washing powder.
  • stick manually and place in a washing machine
  • directly to the drum of the machine add vinegar and food soda, at the rate of 50 ml and 3 tbsp. tablespoons for 5 kg of linen.
  • separate clothes in a suitable mode for her.

Important: washing with vinegar and soda not only removes the spots and the smell from the urine of the cat, but also make natural fabrics softer and relieve electrostatics. But brightly colored synthetics is better not to wash. Only dry cleaning will help.

Clothing dressed by a cat is washed with vinegar and soda.
clothing is washed with vinegar and soda.

How to get the smell of cat urine from shoes?

If the cat was caught hot, wash the shoes so that there is no smell of urine in it, it will be easy.

  1. Napkins or toilet paper absorb fresh puddle.
  2. The laundry soap is rubbing. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of shavings are placed in 3 liters. water and foam.
  3. Thoroughly wash the shoes in this solution, and then under running water.

Important: if the crime committed by a cat was disclosed by the smell, spoiled shoes should not only be washed with soap, but also carefully wiped the vinegar diluted in water diluted in water.

Did the cat bother the shoes? It needs to be washed with household soap!
Did the cat bother the shoes? It needs to be washed with household soap!

And so that the cat does not go to this shoes again, citrus essential oil is dripping on insoles or tea bags are placed inside the shoes.

How to get rid of the smell of cat urine in the house, apartment?

If the apartment retains the smell of cat urine, most likely, unnoticed spoiled places remain, or cleaning by the cat is not carefully done carefully.

Search for cat puddles using a black light lamp.
Search for cat puddles using a black light lamp.

Dry puddles from the cat is not always easy, especially if it shows for furniture, in a pantry, other inaccessible places. Lucky if the sense of smell leads to them. Otherwise, you need a black lamp.

  1. In the apartment or house in the evening they turn off the light.
  2. The lamp shines through the place where the cat could put together.
  3. Crystals of cat urine will be overstated in bright yellow color.
  4. They process a place with a puddle suitable for it.
  5. In order to refresh the air in the room, use the aroma lamp, special deodorants or any freshener from the store.

How to neutralize the smell of cat urine: means

If the budget allows you to buy a professional tool to eliminate the smell of cat puddles, this is great. The problem will be solved quickly and without unnecessary effort.

Important: the secret component of such tools is enzymes, or enzymes that can destroy the crystals of the most caustic component of the cat’s urine - uric acid. If they are not in the composition, the product is not of high quality, it does not eliminate the stink, as declared by the manufacturer, but only neutralizes it.

Means to neutralize the smell of cat urine.
Means to neutralize the smell of cat urine.

When choosing a remedy for spots and smell of urine of a cat, you need to consider the following:

  1. Some are universal and suitable for different types of surfaces, for example, tiles, parquet, furniture, including soft, skin. These include Urine Off Cat and Kitten, Zoosan, Complete Pet Stain & Odor Remover, Bio-G.
  2. For cleaning carpets from cat puddles and marks, there are separate products - zoovorsin, Cleansan, others.
  3. An instruction is attached to each of these products. Cleaning is necessary in line with it, otherwise the effect of enzymes may not manifest itself.

VIDEO: How to remove the smell of cat urine from a sofa, carpet, shoes and clothes!

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  1. the husband put a new laminate, and the cat is in the person ... I already wanted to expel the cat! No. I turned to the Internet, found the Duftaflor tool - until my husband returned from work, and the cat did all his affairs, my floor with this means. how nothing was)

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  3. We also have many animals at home and there are also problems with animal odors. Smalloff tool helps us perfectly to derive all these smells, including the smell of marks. The product is very affordable.

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