How to delete a whole album with photos in a traditional way? How to delete all VKontakte photos immediately, individually, by moving, contacting the technical service, using special programs, introduction of scripts?

How to delete a whole album with photos in a traditional way? How to delete all VKontakte photos immediately, individually, by moving, contacting the technical service, using special programs, introduction of scripts?

In this article, we will consider how to delete all photos on VKontakte at once using simple methods and special programs.

Modern youth does not represent their being without a social network VKontakte, where various records on the pages of users are constantly added, as well as photographs. After all, it is they who help to preserve a particle of memories and tell friends about your deeds. Even if you just added photos or pictures to your page, you know that on the Internet page they will always be in the public domain.

But sometimes it may be necessary to clean your page, deleting all the photos, and deleting one picture is a very tedious activity. Therefore, today's topic for familiarization we offer to remove all photos at once with one click or in several stages.

The traditional method of deleting a whole album with VKontakte photos

Photos are a memory of all the events experienced and emotions in a certain period of life. Each house has old photo albums with photos. And some now prefer printed photos that are arranged in photo albums. But almost everyone has an Internet page VKontakte, where a huge number of photos are preserved. Some of them are open in access for other persons (it doesn’t matter, only for friends or for all Internet users), and some are preserved and available only to the page owner.

  • Regardless of what settings you set to view your surviving VKontakte photos, the fact of having a photo remains unchanged. Everyone can happen in life. For example, today I would like to share with the surrounding moments surrounding all the photos added, and tomorrow there was already a desire to erase all the preserved photos. The reasons can be different:
    • views of life have changed;
    • photo albums of surviving photographs have accumulated a lot of unnecessary information;
    • saved photos are associated with negative memories that you just want to forget;
    • tired of the photo album;
    • there was a desire to replace the photos already saved;
    • photos have lost their relevance.
  • The list is not exhaustive. After all, no one knows what a person thought and experienced at a certain moment or a gap of his life. And the real inner world of everyone does not always remain open.
  • But we will not philosophize on the need to delete the surviving photos of VKontakte. And it’s better to revise the known ways to delete all saved photographs from the social network. Indeed, the way to remove the preserved photo album differs significantly from the usual erasing of a single photo.
  • To delete a conventional album with saved photos, you need to conduct such manipulations:
    • log on your VKontakte page;
    • select item "My photos";
    • open the menu with photo albums;
    • in the upper right corner of each photo album there is an icon that is visually perceived as a pencil;
    • click on this editorial pencil;
    • below the cover of the chosen photo album that is at the very top, click the item " Delete";
    • but sometimes the page is rebooted, but only offers "Select all photos" in the upper right corner;
    • when you note them, again at the top right, but a little to the left, the inscription is highlighted "Delete";
    • that in the first, that in the gate of the case, the system will ask for confirmation of its action. If you are configured to remove the album, then press "Yes, delete."
The system will ask to confirm its action
The system will ask to confirm its action

How to delete all saved photos of VKontakte at once?

Alas, photo album "Save photos" It is not possible to delete, having carried out a number of the above actions. Since, by opening the album editing, you will see that there is no “delete” item. But do not be upset right away, this does not mean that such an album does not remove. There are several well -known ways to delete a photo album with “saved photos”. Therefore, we offer to look at each method of detailed.

Independent removal of all pictures, but separately

  • The easiest way to remove all the photos is immediately suitable only for those who have a small number.
  • You need to open each photo and press the inscription "Delete". But, if you have already preserved a significant number of photos, then delete in this way all the photos will be too long and inconvenient.
  • By the way, if you changed your mind, then there is still a chance to “restore” them.

By moving to another, new photo album

  • Another method is more real and is suitable for all those who are little familiar with the hacker methods of removal. To do this, you only need to master the option of transferring saved photos to another album.
  • Go to the menu " My photos", press again on "Pencil" And select all the photos again. After that, select the album in which you need to move the selected images.
  • After moving all the surviving photos, the album itself is automatically removed. And if you want to get rid of the photos postponed, then do a similar manipulation according to the above method. And do not forget to first prepare a new album.
  • By the way, to postpone photos, a special program in contact is often used " Transfer photo ". Go to the “Games” item on your page and enter the program name in the search.
  • If you found it, then you start, like an ordinary game with one press. After loading, select the place where the selected material will be sent. By the way, this inscription is in the right corner, but “where” is placed on the left.
Moving photos from one album to another is even easier using a special application
Moving photos from one album to another is even easier using a special application

Turning to the Site Technical Support Service

  • In general, in case of any difficulties with a social network of VKontakte, you can contact the technical support of the site. And they will already send you instructions to solve the problem.
  • If there are difficulties with such a letter, then fall below the main menu, which is in the left column. After the main list, there will be an inscription "developers."
  • You will be redirected to another page of the site. And already at it at the very top, look for the inscription "Support". Describe your desire to delete the photo and wait for a response letter with instructions or notification.

Using the relevant programs

Also, one of the effective ways to delete all saved photographs immediately has special programs. Which include:

  • VK-Robot;
  • Cleanervk.
  • These two programs require installation on a tablet or phone. By the way, you can even download using a computer. Before using all the programs from the Internet, we advise you to take care of the safety of your gadget. Check all the programs proposed in the Internet for the Internet.
  • Authorization will be required!
  • The principle of operation is, as in any cleansing and verifying programs, which are often used on a smartphone to increase its performance.
  • And you can clean not only photos, but also records, and even messages to friends. Yes, even the friends themselves will be able to scan the program. True, it will take time to verify and delete.
There are even special programs that, however, are installed only on the SMCR
There are even special programs that, however, are installed only on a smartphone

By introducing certain scripts

Another method for deleting all the preserved photos of VKontakte belongs to the method of using scripts. It is this option that will help to cope with any album not removed.

  • Go to your page from any Internet browser.
  • Click on the first photo from the album selected to delete.
  • Click the “F12” key, which will cause the desired console.
  • You can go a little different way - press the Ctrl + Shift + I key combination.
  • Then already select the line "Console". By the way, it is located in the upper menu.
  • Introduce the open tape:
    • setinterval (Delphoto, 3000);
    • function Delphoto () (
    • a \u003d 0;
    • b \u003d 1;
    • while (a! \u003d b) (
    • deletephoto ();
    • a \u003d cur.pvindex;
    • show (FALSE, Cur.pvindex + 1, Null);
    • b \u003d cur.pvindex;
    • }
    • }
  • At the end of your action, press the Enter key. The process of deleting all photos immediately depends on the number of uploaded photos. Therefore, with significant quantities, respectively, the removal will be long.
Scripts will require some skills and even hacker knowledge
Scripts will require some skills and even hacker knowledge

Important: but keep in mind that you cannot restore remote photos. The program removes them completely! Therefore, before deleting all the uploaded VKontakte photos, think carefully. Perhaps it will be enough just to close the album so that the photo is not in the public domain for other users. Do not rush to resort to such radical methods as cleaning all photos at once.

It is also worth noting that the developers of the VKontakte website are constantly underway to improve the social page. Therefore, we advise you to check it. Perhaps there will be a way to remove all the uploaded photos from the page using methods, as well as for a conventional photo album.

Video: How to delete all VKontakte photos at once?

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