How to remove the tan from the face with folk methods? How to remove the tan from the face of a cosmetologist? Scrubs and masks to remove tanning from the face

How to remove the tan from the face with folk methods? How to remove the tan from the face of a cosmetologist? Scrubs and masks to remove tanning from the face

Masks and scrubs for removing tanning from the face.

Quite often, after the beach season, the face remains not quite beautiful, uneven tan. This happens due to the use of glasses, hats, as well as bangs. Therefore, a tan can take up sections and not fully covered the face. In such cases, there is nothing left but to reduce the tan from the face. In this article we will tell you how to do it.

Why clean the tan from the face?

Please note that the tan is removed most often not only when there are some uneven or errors in Zagar on the face. After the vacation, women return to ordinary life, they find that cosmetics, tonal products, the base for makeup, are not at all suitable for their face, due to the fact that the color has changed. Accordingly, it is necessary to return the initial appearance as quickly as possible as possible.

The reasons why you should remove the tan from the face:

  • The appearance of age spots and freckles that arose due to the effects of ultraviolet rays
  • Uneven tan on the nose, cheeks, chin. That is, the skin tone differs in different areas of the face
  • The inability to use standard makeup products due to changes in face complexion
True face
True face

How to remove the tan from the face with masks?

Most often, fruit acids, as well as scrubs are used. The fact is that they injure already damaged skin, which has long been exposed to ultraviolet rays. Accordingly, if you have mature and very dry skin, we do not recommend resorting to this method. The masks with a whitening effect, as well as creams, will be an ideal option.

The simplest option is the use of folk remedies that are prepared from products available to almost every housewife in the refrigerator. For this, mainly herbs, fruits, vegetables, as well as fruit acids are used. In order to clarify tanning, fermented milk products are often used, because it is dairy and fruit acid that help eliminate the tan. For these purposes, just sour cream, kefir, as well as fruits are used. This helps to quickly get rid of age spots, freckles that performed after tanning.

We whiten your face
We whiten your face


  1. Mask with parsley. To do this, you need to take a large bunch of parsley and, together with the stems, grind in a blender until the mashed mass is obtained. It is necessary to introduce a spoonful of thick sour cream with high fat content into this mixture, about 20-25 percent. The mixture is mixed until smooth and applied to cleansed skin, which is pre -dried with a towel. Such a mixture must be left on the face for a quarter of an hour. Everything is washed off under a stream of cold water. It is advisable to make such a mask every other day to achieve a good result and lighten the skin as quickly as possible.
  2. Mask with lemon and honey. A fairly simple option, since almost every housewife in the house has honey and lemon. To do this, mix the ingredients in equal proportions and apply a soft brush to the face. Spend for 10 minutes. Everything is washed off using warm water. Next, the skin is rinsed with cold water.
  3. Mask with a cucumber. This is a fairly common option, since the cucumber is known for its whitening properties. To do this, it is necessary to cut off the ends from the fetus, wash and grind on a fine grater. Further, one egg protein is introduced into this mixture. As a result, the mass is quite fluid. Therefore, we recommend that before use the product put on a polyethylene hat so as not to stain your hair. It is also desirable to put a towel under the head. The mixture is left for 15 minutes, washed off with cold water. Do not allow the protein to dry complete, because this can provoke tightness of the skin and excessive dryness.
Cream and scrub
Cream and scrub

How to remove the tan with scrubs?

Another option is the use of a scrub. But it is used infrequently, only once a week. In order not to injure the skin, we recommend using a sugar scrub or oatmeal. Below are recipes.


  1. Sugar scrub. A common remedy that is used in order to exfoliate dead particles. This will help slightly lighten the skin and remove the sharp transition from light areas to dark. To do this, take 30 ml of floral honey, mix with a tablespoon of sugar. It should be brown or rather large, with large crystals. Next, everything is mixed. If the honey is very thick, then it is previously lowered into hot water in order to become a little slurry. After that, 30 ml of olive oil or ordinary sunflower is administered. Everything is mixed using a brush. It is applied to the face, left for 5 minutes, and after that, in a circular movement, a massage is carried out. Thanks to this, sugar crystals exfoliate dead particles that automatically lighten the skin.
  2. Scrub with oatmeal. A great option that will make it good to cleanse the skin. To prepare this scrub, it is necessary to mix the yolk of the egg with a tablespoon of sour cream and introduce a handful of oatmeal. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes so that the flakes are a little swollen. All this thick porridge must be taken in the palm of your hand and thoroughly rubbed into the skin with circular movements. Due to the fact that the flakes are a little hard, they exfoliate dead particles. They will help to make a tan uniform, as well as lighter.
  3. In addition, you can use Scrub with coffee. To do this, you can use the tea leaves that remained after preparing a invigorating drink in a Turk and a coffee machine. To do this, the resulting cake must be mixed with a soft cottage cheese until a homogeneous mass. If there is no cottage cheese, oily sour cream or cream is suitable. Paste is applied to the cleansed face. Before that, it is advisable to moisturize it slightly. Next, processing along the massage lines with fingertips, circular movements is carried out. After that, the mixture is washed with warm water, the face is doused with cold. Please note that after such a procedure, a fat film may remain. This is absolutely normal, because cream nourish the skin, protect it from moisture evaporation.
  4. From home remedies that are used to remove tanning, often use natural abrasives, such as boxes Orange. To do this, you need to dry the peel or lemon crusts a little, grind in a blender until the powder or powder is obtained. The resulting tool is introduced either into the foam for washing or kefir. This tool is applied to the skin and processing in circular movements. The action is based on the abrasive properties of citrus fruits. It is possible to get rid of the keratinized layer of the skin, as well as to lighten it a little.
Scrub with coffee
Scrub with coffee

How to remove a tan from a cosmetologist?

If you do not have time to mess with the preparation of home masks and wait quite a long time, we recommend using the services of a cosmetologist. This requires decent cash costs. But in just one session it allows you to get rid of tanning on the face. For this purpose, several methods are used.


  • Piling using fruit acids
  • Ultrasonic peeling
  • Laser peeling
  • Photo error

Depending on your type of skin and its condition, they choose the appropriate method and carry out the procedure. Please note that peeling using fruit acids is quite aggressive, so small acne and burns can remain on the face, which will need about a week for healing.


As you can see, you can remove a tan not only in salons, but also home procedures, using funds available in the refrigerator for every housewife.

Video: Remove the tan from the face

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  1. Mesolux concentrate always helps me. It helps to bleach the skin, evens out the tone and eliminates redness

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