How to remove subcutaneous fat from the abdomen: practical tips, exercises

How to remove subcutaneous fat from the abdomen: practical tips, exercises

The tummy suddenly grew up, and soon summer? Do not hold on to your favorite jeans anymore? Did you hang a barrel above the trousers? So it's time, probably, to think about how to remove fat from the bottom of the abdomen, and we will tell you how to do this.

Most men believe that a small stomach decorates them. For women, this is a reason for constant stress. In fact, such an attitude to fat is wrong and it would be worth getting rid of it. Let's find out how to do it.

How to remove subcutaneous fat from the abdomen: tips

Be active

If the folds hanging on the sides sting you in depression, then think, maybe it's time for you to change your life? At the weekend, you should ride a bicycle or go to the pool. You will be surprised because your sensations will be beautiful, and excess fat from the sides will disappear for sure.

Twist the hoop

Buy a hoop with massage balls to effectively remove fat deposits. While you twist it, then gradually the fat will break and dissolve. This will allow the muscles to tone and tighten it.

Proper nutrition

This is one of the most important components and without it it is impossible to lose weight.

  • It is worth removing fried and fatty from the diet, and instead there are more vegetables and fruits. It is better if you eat them fresh.
  • Ginger and cinnamon cope with fat very well. They stimulate metabolism and fat does not settle on the sides.
  • It is also useful to drink teas on herbs - chamomile, lemon, fennel, mint.
  • In addition, it is worth eating more fermented milk products. This helps to improve digestion and allows you to remove harmful substances from the body.
  • And most importantly - eat small portions. For women-250-300 gr, for men-300-350 gr.

Drink clean water

Try to adhere to the normal mode of water consumption. This is very important if you want to quickly remove fat from the abdomen. Remove all sweet drinks from the diet. Every day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water.

Abdomen massage

The massage of the abdomen will make invaluable effects on getting rid of subcutaneous fat on the stomach. You can make it with your hands together with the use of creams and gels, a washcloth in the shower or a hard towel. But the best contribution will give massage with water streams when you take a shower. At the same time, alternate cold and hot water.

Exercises for burning fat from the abdomen

How to remove fat from the abdomen?
How to remove fat from the abdomen?

Be sure to do different exercises that help burning excess fat. For the abdomen they are most suitable:

  • Bike - Rotate your feet, lifting them up, as if you were rolling on a bicycle
  • Vertical scissors - Slowly raise your legs up. They should be straight and at an angle of 90 degrees
  • Twisting - Lie down on your stomach and stand in a pose, as if you would make push -ups. Then pull the legs one at a time to the chest and straighten back.
  • Twisting sitting - Sit down and rest your hands from behind. Bend your legs sharply and press to the chest, and then extend
  • Twisting from the chair - Sit from the edge of the chair and pull your knees to your chest

Each exercise is required at least 20 times. Before starting the next, always do 20 jumps.

As you can see, the recommendations are very simple and they are actually effective. Try it all yourself and make sure that fat will leave.

Below in the pictures, see the exercises that remove fat from the abdomen. Choose acceptable for yourself and do!

Video: How to remove subcutaneous fat from the abdomen?

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Comments K. article

  1. All in fat burning is very simple. Find yourself the activity that will be in joy) Dancing, for example, or maybe a run to anyone more. It would also be nice to adjust the power supply and I also added L-carnitine SportExpert (1800mg per serving there) before training. It’s quickly all superfluous, now it remains to finish off the desired relief, and I will be satisfied)

  2. The stomach for many girls is a problem area. No matter how much losing weight, the fat leaves last. Now I changed the approach to nutrition and the ratio of BJ, added special. Exercises and began to drink turboslim day to night. The fat burning process went faster, and where I need.

  3. I make a vacuum, the appropriate nutrition, wraps. I also smear the cream gel corrector of the figure of Horsfort. It will accelerate the process and helps to more likely remove extra centimeters

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