How to crochet gloves for beginners: video, diagrams. How to tie children's, male and female gloves: patterns, description

How to crochet gloves for beginners: video, diagrams. How to tie children's, male and female gloves: patterns, description

An article on how to properly tie female, male and children's gloves.

In the cold season, which has already occurred, you need to warm as best as possible. In addition to warm mittens in cold weather, you should have gloves.

Gloves are much more functional than mittens, but less warm, due to the fact that all fingers are separate. However, gloves can be made in such a way that they will be very, very warm.

Gloves are not only beautiful, but also convenient
Gloves are not only beautiful, but also convenient

If you have time and desire to tie gloves yourself, then our article is for you. In it, we will talk in detail about how to tie warm and stylish gloves using a tool like a hook.

But do not forget to stock up with needles, threads and scissors. After all, you will never know in advance where the error will be made and how to fix this mistake.

How to crochet gloves for beginners: video, schemes

To crochet gloves, use the following scheme. The knitting process is long enough, you will have to apply a lot of effort, but the result will please you.

Using the scheme, you can knit such gloves
Using the scheme, you can knit such gloves

At this stage it is shown how to make an arch under the thumb
At this stage it is shown how to make an arch under the thumb

In the next part of the description, you will learn how to crochet fingers for gloves.

The finished glove with non -controlled threads looks like this
The finished glove with non -controlled threads looks like this

Video: crochet gloves

How to crochet openwork gloves: description scheme

Openwork gloves are an excellent decoration. They can be worn in cool weather, but they are not suitable for severe frost - they will be very cold in them.

For autumn or spring, such gloves are the best option. They look amazing with fashionable coats and shoes. If you decide to give preference to openwork gloves, your image should be perfect in advance. Each trifle in it should be in its place.

Advice! Never and under no circumstances wear openwork gloves with sportswear. The image will come out extremely non -casual. In this case, give preference to knitted mittens.

You can tie such openwork gloves yourself!

Beautiful openwork gloves
Beautiful openwork gloves

Use the scheme below to make such a thing.

Scheme knitting openwork white gloves
Scheme knitting openwork white gloves

And here are another very beautiful gloves and a scheme for them.

Very elegant work
Very elegant work
The second scheme
The second scheme

How to crochet children's gloves: schemes

Children's gloves can be tied with a hook, it is not necessary to use knitting needles.

From adult gloves, they differ only in size and color scheme. Typically, gloves for children are made brighter, add any drawings, but this is not necessary.

Funny children's colored gloves
Funny children's colored gloves

Knitting description:

  1. Collect a chain consisting of air loops in an amount of 42 pieces.
  2. Next, tie the cuff according to the diagram of the transverse gum. Cuff height of at least 5 centimeters.
  3. Tie 4 centimeters without a crochet with blocks, save 10 loops for knitting the thumb.
  4. Stitch 2-3 centimeters to the base of the fingers. Now divide the number of loops by 4.
  5. With threads of different colors, knit each finger separately, using columns without crochet.
  6. As soon as you notice that you reached the place where the finger begins to narrow - go to decrease. In order to do this correctly and not lose the loops, tie every two columns into one.
  7. Lastly, tie the thumb according to the same scheme.
  8. Knit the second glove in the mirror reflection.

And here are another beautiful children's gloves for the girl. This model is beige.

Crochet children's gloves
Crochet children's gloves

The main work is performed according to two schemes.

Scheme No. 1
Scheme No. 1
Scheme No. 2
Scheme No. 2
Description of knitting the base gloves
Description of knitting the base gloves
How to make a finish and knit fingers at the glove?
How to make a finish and knit fingers at the glove?

Crochet male gloves: description scheme

Male gloves are distinguished by simplicity of execution, restraint and severity of style. You will not see flowers and ruffles here, but straight lines or plain covered are welcome.

Today we will knit such gloves for representatives of the stronger sex.

The finished work looks like this
the finished work looks like this

And now the step -by -step description:

1 part
1 part
2 part
2 part
3 part
3 part

And here is an example of multi -colored male gloves. The model is made in certain colors, so it does not look elaborate.

Such gloves are sewn from individual parts
Such gloves are sewn from individual parts

Male gloves of khaki colors in a bright strip is a great example of how gloves for the stronger sex should look.

Gloves are a stylish thing
Gloves are a stylish thing

If you have completed everything correctly, now you have a pair of solid male gloves. If you wish, you can tie several more copies - they will never be superfluous.

Crochet female gloves: description scheme

Women's openwork gloves are what will always be fashionable. Elegance and grace will never be rejected, so these schemes were relevant many years ago and will be relevant for decades.

Today we will teach you how to create such beauty.

Openwork white female gloves
Openwork white female gloves

Description of knitting female openwork gloves crochet.

Where to begin
Where to begin?
Part of the description 2
Part of the description 2
Part of the description 3
Part of the description 3
Part of the description 4
Part of the description 4

So, as you already understood, any gloves are knitted by about one scheme. Therefore, using it, you can knit gloves to your liking.

And we will give several interesting models of female gloves as ideas and sources of inspiration.

Beige gloves with a bow and beads
Beige gloves with a bow and beads
Long white openwork gloves
Long white openwork gloves
Short red gloves in a net
Short red gloves in a net

How to crochet gloves without fingers?

Meten gloves without fingers are also called. They get knitted simply, but they look very stylish and "expensive."

These beautiful mittens can be tied using the description below.

Beautiful mittens make pens visually more miniature and neat
Beautiful mittens make pens visually more miniature and neat

Knitting description itself:

But the schemes that will help you.

The first scheme
The first scheme
The second scheme
The second scheme

And, according to tradition, several photos of finished products!

Openwork mittens with roses
Openwork mittens with roses
Very unusual and original mittens
Very unusual and original mittens
Warm mittens for the winter
Warm mittens for the winter
Openwork blue mittens
Openwork blue mittens

How to crochet boxing gloves?

Knitted boxing gloves - you did not misheard! And such gloves can be tied with a hook. It would not be very reasonable to go out into the ring with them, but for easy training or as a decoration for a house or souvenir, such gloves will come down.

Knitted boxing gloves
Knitted boxing gloves

This is how real boxing mittens are knitted:

How to knit boxing gloves?
How to knit boxing gloves?

Video: Crochet mittens knitting for beginners

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