How to crochet a case for a phone: 5 models with a description and diagrams, fasteners, ideas

How to crochet a case for a phone: 5 models with a description and diagrams, fasteners, ideas

In this topic, we will consider how to crochet a case for a phone, and also offer some ideas for inspiration.

A crochet knitted cover for the phone looks beautiful, unusual and is a very convenient thing. Even if you just want to learn to crochet, then such a cover is the best way to train your hand. Therefore, we want to share the main knitting secrets in this material.

Choose the right model of crocheted case for phone

At first glance, you are very simple to choose a crochet model for a crochet. After all, you only need to guess the exact size. But not, since each person is individual in his own way, everyone has their own tastes and preferences. But, nevertheless, relying on the floor of a person, you can choose the right option.

  • Case for the child. You need to find out what he loves. Most often-it can be a character from a cartoon or some little animals. Then it all depends on your imagination and skill. Such a cover can be decorated with different details, beads and other attributes as much as possible. But this should be in the area for boys or girls.
    • That is, the guy even at the age of 7-8 needs to be attached to flowers. It would be better to be a funny minion or character from Engry Bers.
    • Girls do not be afraid to use a variety of girls. Therefore, we fasten the ears, hare tails and various shiny objects.
Version for boys
Version for boys

Important: the knitting should turn out to be tight, since the children are very mobile and will not do without falling, and the phone should remain intact.

And this is already suitable for little princesses
And this is already suitable for little princesses
  • Case for a man. Men are best suited for men tied with threads of dark shades. It will be more difficult to choose a model than a child, but it is quite possible. The main thing is to know his hobby or knit, relying on his profession.
    • It is better to exclude or remove jewelry to a minimum so that it is less striking. The best option will be if the case you have done can be worn in your pocket or backpack (bag). So the man will be more convenient.
  • Czech for a woman.Girls, like a weaker sex, prefer more delicate and bright shades. Accordingly, for the case, it is worth selecting threads of such colors. It can be beige, pale pink, mint and others.
    • Since modern women are very mobile and are often in motion, they need a cover that is fastened and revealed.
    • From jewelry flowers are suitable, which can also be tied or beaten with some kind of beads.
Stylish and simple
Stylish and simple

How to crochet a case for a phone: description, diagrams

  • Before you start crocheting a case for a phone, you need to choose the right threads. Any ones will not work, because the cover will lose its shape or the thread will take lumps. Choose threads in which Acryl, cotton or wool enters.
  • If, for one reason or another, such threads could not be bought, then you can take those that include yarn with a variety of additions. And remember - Threads should be made of dense material.
    • A cover tied from thin threads will look cute, but he will not protect the phone. And beauty in this case plays not the most important role. First of all, the phone must be protected from blows.
  • Also, before starting work, you need to find out the size of the phone. Moreover, you need to knit with maximum accuracy. After all, the thread even in the tighter knitting stretches a little. But the small cover should not work out to the small.
    • If you want to make a surprise to a person, then the size is also easy - you just need to know the phone model and his brand. It will be very simple to find the size of this phone on the Internet, because this can be diagnosed in any online store.

Important: Start and finish knitting always with crochet in crochet! This will help to keep the form and the viscous itself as tightly as possible.

B/n columns make a more dense knit
B/n columns make a more dense knit

Basic crocheting scheme for a phone cover

Despite the fact that this is the easiest way, it is also considered the most popular option. This is knitting in a circle. Its simplicity lies in the fact that after the end of the work you will not need to sew a cover, thereby spoiling its appearance.

  • First, you type a certain number of loops depending on the size of the phone so that they correspond to its width. These loops are called "air", since any knitting begins with them.

Important: different knitting can be free or too tight. Yes, and each knitter comes out in its own way. Therefore, knit literally 5 by 5 cm with the selected pattern to understand the dimensions. And remember - it holds the form better and less stretches the most just pattern from Art. b/n.

  • Now, according to the given scheme, tie this chain in a circle with columns without crochet (b/n). At the edges, make 3 broaches in one loop.
DNE scheme
Bottom diagram 1-2 row
  • If the phone is wide, then you can increase the number of circles. But already in the subsequent row, in these three loops you make 2 columns. That is, you get 6 loops for turning.
  • And it remains only to knit with the same columns of the b/n to the very edge of the phone. Be very careful - if you miss at least one loop, a hole is formed.
The simplest is the base scheme
The simplest is the base diagram

We knit a cover for a cat form

This is a more complex model, but it is knitted according to a similar above scheme.

  • Also dial the phone width of the air hinges (V/P) equal to the width and ties in a circle, followed by lifting to the height of the phone. But the task is complicated by alternating different threads.
  • In conclusion, we need to make a cat's ears. Here is their scheme.
  • We make the eyes according to this principle. We also use circular knitting. But the volume will need a screed.
Glack scheme
Glack scheme
The principle of creating a eye
The principle of creating a eye
  • And to make the legs and tail you need to knit according to a reduced version of circular knitting. That is, connect 3 in/p into the ring. But do not follow these loops, but knit 7 tbsp. b/n in the middle of this ring. Then knit to the desired height also with simple b/n posts. Do not forget to alternate colors for a colorful effect.
Paws and tail
Paws and tail
  • In conclusion, it remains only to connect everything together, sewing the details to each other.
But in the end you get such cute cats
And in the end, such cute cats are obtained

Stylish Crochet Czech for phone - butterfly

This cover is suitable not only for smartphones, but also for tablets.

Back cover
Back cover
  • Knit the desired size of a simple cover based on Art. b/n. Fix the last row, and from the last loop you begin to immediately knit a pen in the corner. It is enough to tie it 2 times also with simple columns. And fix it in the same place, stretching out a cut loop inside.
  • But the most important thing is a butterfly itself. It is easier to understand everything according to the given scheme.
Scheme of the butterfly
Scheme of the butterfly
  • Now it remains only to sew it to the cover itself and decorate with beads.

We make a multi -colored case for the phone - 2 options

The basis of knitting remains in a circle, but the scheme itself changes.

It is also worthwhile to understand that we leave a different color of the yarn on the wrong side, and then use it if necessary. Each row is knitted with its own color and it is necessary to return to its original position. The scheme looks like this: 2 tbsp. b/n, 3 tbsp. C \\ n, but stretched through a row.

Step -by -step scheme
Step -by -step action

You can get such a cute and interesting case.

Option 2
Option 2

We make a fastener on a case for a phone

It remains small - the upper mount itself. If the cover “sat down” tightly on the phone, then you can leave it without any ties or mounts. But most often, so that the phone does not fall out of the cover when tilted, you can use the following options.

  • Ordinary ties. Of course, the style of this falls, because this option is not under every scheme. But still you can’t stipulate him. 3-4 row from the top, before the end, but after the height of the phone, knit with the holes.
    • Just make a crochet column, and then knit in/p. Complete 2 rows of Art. b/n. And it remains to stretch the tape into the obtained holes. Keep in mind that in this case the case should exceed the height of the phone by 2-3 cm.
  • We make a valve with a clasp. This is a more solid option. In this case, you need to tie the thread in the middle and knit the desired length of the belt to close the cover. You can fix it with a button, Velcro or button.
Option with a tie
Option with a tie
  • You can close the cover just a button. To do this, sew a beautiful and large button in front, and attach the loop from behind. It can be associated with the same thread, make it out of a beautiful tape or immediately made in the process of knitting before closing.
    • To do this, you just need to let a few v/n instead of columns. And then close them in 2 rows of simple columns. Also note that the length of the loop should be sufficient to gain a foothold behind the button.
  • Lightning and buttons - These are the simplest options, but they sometimes spoil the appearance. Moreover, they can seize.
  • But there is another original option - These are magnets. To do this, take the simplest small magnets. And glue them on the inside. You can hide them by tied with a thread or sealed with felt. In this case, you can use Art. s/n.

Crochet phone cover: Ideas

With taste
With taste

At first glance, crochet a cover for a phone seems to be a very difficult task. But in conclusion, you can understand that everything is much easier. You just need to just understand the algorithm and turn on your imagination as much as possible. Crochet will enjoy both you and those to whom you will give such a charm.

Video: Crochet Czech Czech for phone

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