How to tie beautiful crochet female, male and children's shreds: description schemes, step -by -step instructions for beginners. How to tie the traces of a crochet simple, without a seam, with a pattern, a high heel, from squares, hexagons, openwork, crochet, with felt sole, warm, sneakers, a liver style, a Tunisian hook?

How to tie beautiful crochet female, male and children's shreds: description schemes, step -by -step instructions for beginners. How to tie the traces of a crochet simple, without a seam, with a pattern, a high heel, from squares, hexagons, openwork, crochet, with felt sole, warm, sneakers, a liver style, a Tunisian hook?

In this article, we will analyze how to create wonderful cozy traces connected by crochet at home.

Traces are almost slippers or short socks. As a rule, we wear nylon tracks with ballet shoes or open shoes when our legs freeze and shoes hard. Many people prefer the traces for being easily erased, and the legs in them always remain warm.

Our grandmothers also knitted the tracks and forced them to wear their children and grandchildren. Today, the tracks have not lost their own popularity, therefore, many needlewomen knit them with hook or knitting needles.

How to tie the tracks simple hook: step -by -step instructions for beginners

For the manufacture of these tracks, you will need the following materials:

  • Yarn
  • Hook

Execution process:

  • Tie a ring, knit a ring of 6 SBN under this. In 2 p, make 6 increases - knit 12 SBN. Knit from each with 2 p.
  • At 3 p, make an increase through C: 1 SBN, from the next from the past P, knit 2 C. As a result, you will get 18 SBN.
  • 4 r, usually knit: do not decrease and add.
  • 5 p, knit the increase every 2 s: knit 2 SBN, from the last P, knit 2 C. Receive only 24 p.
  • 6 p and 7 r knit as well.
  • At 8 p, make an increase in 3 s, get 30 p. 9 r, 10 r, 11 r also knit, at 12 p, make an increase every 4 p. Receive 36 p.
  • Having tied approximately 10 p, add 6 ps through the same gaps of 6 C. Make more than 8 p (4 p). Get 46 P. Continue to work to the place where the leg and foot are connected.
  • Knit approximately 36 p, turn the work, dial 1 p lifting, again knit 36 \u200b\u200bSBN until R. turns the work and so on.
  • Tie the heel. In order for the tracks to sit tightly on the heels, after about 8 p, add P on both sides. Do it like this: dial a lifting, knit 2 SBN from the underlying R, knit n until the end of P is unchanged. Turn the work, again make an increase at the beginning of the river.
  • When tie the desired length, reduce the P in the center of work: divide the knitting into 3 parts, count from the beginning of P 15 P, from the end of P, also 15 P. Leave them unchanged. In the center of the product, reduce P: knit the SBN, skip P, SBN.
  • The next P is knitted unchanged.
  • Fold the heel in half, connect 2 parts of the SBN: enter immediately in the upper part of the product and in the lower part.
  • Fasten the thread, cut off. Turn the tracks with the front side.
  • Tie the top of the product.

Video: Knit simple crochet traces

How to tie the traces of crochet without a seam: a scheme with a description

The next crocheting tracks option is to start work from the foot. This method has the main advantage - there are no seams in it, therefore, such a product is much more comfortable. Choose the number n in the main chain, taking into account your own leg size.

Before you start knitting, study the scheme, read carefully the description of the work. Perhaps the process will seem difficult for you. But to simplify the work, we recommend that you highlight each P with its own color. So you will clearly see where each P begins, where it ends. P, indicated in the diagram, knit together with the latter P. As a lace, take an ordinary chain knitted from VP.

Beautiful result
Beautiful result

Knit the decoration as follows:

  • Make a circle of amigurumi. Stitch 5 SBN into this ring, tighten the ring. Tie the connecting p, closed the circle.
  • If you want the tone of flowers to differ from the core itself, change the yarn to another shade.
  • Enter the hook in 1 from the past P, make 2 p lifting. Enter the hook in this p, knit SN. Then knit with the same P.
  • From the last SN, knit 2 VP, enter the hook back to the base.

How to tie the tracks with a Tunisian hook with a beautiful pattern: Description

For the manufacture of Tunisian tracks, you will need to purchase a special hook. This hook is a little longer than ordinary hooks, in addition, there is a ball on its tip, thanks to which the loops are held, do not go down from the hook.


Execution process:

  • Dial 20 p, knit 23 r. Enter a thread of another shade (if you want to get a multi -colored model).
  • Next, reduce the p to the left. Starting knit 2 p, 2 p, the first, knit together. Repeat until you have 5 p.
  • Along the oblique line, make new 15 p.
  • Stitch the 2 triangle in strip: again begin to reduce P to 5 pieces, as last time.
  • Repeat the work again, knit 3 triangle.
  • Knit in such a way that you get an identical ornament on both sides.
  • Next, knit those 23 p that you knitted at the beginning. But these P data will now be on the other side.
  • Stitch the sole with the heel. Fold in half the product, knit the sole from the center.
  • Connect both sides with the sole.
  • Climb up from the sole - so you get a heel.
  • Tie the edges of the product.

Video: warm tracks with a beautiful pattern

How to knit traces from squares from squares: a scheme with a description

To perform these slippers, you do not need to have special skills. You just need to knit with the knitting needles of LP.

For work, take:

  • Knitting needles No. 3.
  • Woolen threads - 2 skeins in each for 100 g.

Execution process:

DIY home shoes
DIY home shoes

For one trace you will have to tie 8 squares. Tie them with a panting viscous.

  • Knit 18 p 30 p.
  • Sew them.
  • Tie a crochet with a thread with a thread that corresponds to the main shade.

How to tie the traces of hook from hexagons: a scheme with a description

  • Type a chain consisting of 6 VP, closed the ring. Make 3 VP lift, knit 17 C2N in this R. will turn out 18 C2N.
  • Make 2 VP lift, again start the hook into this base of the base, stretch the thread to 1 level. On the hook, you will get 5 p. knit these n together. You will get a PS. Knit 1 VP and so on to the end of R.
  • Stitch 2 VP lifts. Make the hook, enter in 1 arch. Exhaust the hook, knit the first 2 p. On the hook, you should have 2 p. Make N, enter again into this arch, pull the thread, knit 2 p together. In the toga you will get 3 SN with one vertex. So continue to knit until the end of R.
  • Now make a hexagon from the circle. 3 VP rise will be transferred to 5 CN to 1 P of the base. In the next arch, knit 3 SN, again 3 CN. Repeat until R.
  • Stitch in a circle of SBN 1 s in each n base. In order for the hexagon to look more clearly, in the previous P, where there were 5 CN in 3 s with a knit 2 SBN.
Slippers for home
Slippers for home

When knitting all the hexagons, sew them, then sew the insole.

How to tie the traces of crochet openwork: a scheme with a description

Take 1 skein of thread, hook, a couple of buttons as a decor.

  • Dial 8 VP, connect them, knit the sock of the PS according to this scheme.
  • Stitch further the main part of the product with a picture of the “shell”. Dial 3 VP lifting, after 1 p of the lower P, knit 2 SN, VP, 2 more CN. Continue knit in a circle of 10 r.
  • In order to get a heel, knit with straight P and reverse P (only 9 p). Do not knit 3 central p with a “shell”.
Openwork knitting
Openwork knitting
Ready result
Ready result
  • Sew the heel from the wrong side.
  • Tie the top of the product PS. When you reach the edge of the gear, knit 25 VP - this will be the basis of the tongue. Knit another 2 p PS, 1 p, knit C2N and 2 more SBN.

Sew the buttons.

How to tie the traces with a hook with a high heel: description and video instruction

Unusual traces with a high heel resemble indoor boots. They are made very easily: for one trace you will have to tie a square with a hook.

  • For manufacture, you can use yarn that you have in stock. Learn carefully the scheme and get to work.
  • Measure your foot. According to the scheme, perform a square in which one side is equal to the length of the foot. Add another 2 cm to this length.
  • Connect 2 other sides, then sew them, but not to the end. Approximately 1 \\ 3 of the total length. So you get a high heel. Remove the angle forward.
High heel on home shoes
High heel on home shoes

Such traces can also be tied with knitting needles: tie 2 squares, sew them with a similar method.

Video: crocheted high heel.

How to tie the traces of crocheted crochet with crochet: a scheme with a description

To tie beautiful tracks is easy work. It is enough to just measure the footsteps correctly and you can start work.


  • Knit 6 VP. Close the resulting chain connecting S.
  • From 1 s, knit 3 VP and another 11 CH. Finish P, introducing a hook in P, which is at the beginning of the work.
  • After 3 VP add 1 CN, after the next add 2 CN. As a result, you will get 12 pp.
  • Knit 3 P. C 4 p alternate SN: 2: 1. So knit 10 times. Stitch 2 more cn in the last n 2 r.
Knitting method
Knitting method
Ready result
Ready result


As usual, the work begins with a chain set. Next, do everything according to our description.

  • Type a chain consisting of 6 VP. Combine the chain into a circle, tie it. Thus, your tracks will turn out soft and loose.
  • Continue knit in a circle. Make sure that your work does not bend and is not like a cup. To do this, sometimes knit 2 s in 1 p. Knit the circle so that its diameter ultimately is 5 cm. Continue to knit without adding. Your product will take the necessary shape.
  • During knitting, be sure to try on. Continue knit in a circle to the place where the hole for the leg will be located. If you knit for an adult, knit about 12 cm.
  • Now change the work. Continue knitting and IP. Knit for lifting 3 VP, start performing SN in the opposite direction in a circle. Do not close the circle, you will have about 2 or 3 p.
  • Expand the product, knit in another direction until you get the desired length of the track.
  • Combine the edges of the product that are behind.
  • Decorate the product at your discretion.

How to tie crochet traces with felt soles: description with video instruction

You will have to take: to make these tracks:

  • Acrylic threads
  • Hook
  • Awl
  • Felt insole
Practical traces
Practical traces

Execution process:

  • Tie the insole in a circle of SBN. Make holes on the insole in advance with the help of an awl. To make rounding in the corners, knit 5 SBN out of 1 hole. When tie the insole, start knitting the next R.
  • Dial 2 VP for lifting. Next, knit in a circle of PS. Knit P 2 cm high: 2 p, knit a PS and 1 p, knit the SBN with a thread of another shade. Each R start with the VP and end the P connecting C to the last p lift.
  • Assume the thread to the corner of the side of the side. Stitch sock 10 PS. In order to attach P to the side, after 1 p on the side, knit in the next P, knit the connecting C, perform another 1 connecting with R. Turn the knitting, knit p ps back. At the beginning of P and at its end, add 1 PS in order to expand the foot and entrance for the leg.
  • Having tied the top of the product, start knitting the side of PS. Stitch 5 r in one and the other. To move on to the next P, knit 2 connecting C. then knitting the knitting, knit in the opposite direction.
  • In order for the tracks to sit well, in the latest R, make an decrease: knit 2 PS together.
  • On the edge of the product, knit 2 p Сator.

Video: Crochet slippers on felt soles

How to tie the traces of crochet sneakers: a scheme with a description

  • To design the sock, knit the track first with white threads. Make a ring, put it out of the ring 3 VP lift, then 11 CH. Finish R: Connect with 3 VP lift. Remove the ring, pull the tip of the thread, fix it from the wrong side.
  • Then, every next R, start knit with VP lift. Finish the circular P using the connecting with 3 p lift.
  • In 2 p, knit from each P 2 SN. The number C should increase by 2.
  • In 3 p, add SN after 1 p.
  • 4 r knit CN. Make an addition on the sides of the product: out of 1 p, put 3 SN and on the other side, also knit from 1 p 3 CN. Complete this p connecting C. Cut the thread, fix it.
  • Attach the thread of a contrasting shade to the main part after 4 p from the side of the product. Next, tie 3 VP lifting, knit P and 3 r in a circle of SN without increasing.
  • 9 r: Divide the sock from the beginning of the work, knit the tongue, then the main part of the sock. At the beginning of P, make 3 VP lift. From 1 p, knit 1 CH, then according to R 4 SN. From 11 p, knit 2 p.
  • Expand knitting, knit the tongue in the other direction. Make an addition where P begins and where it ends. As a result, you will get 15 SN. Knit 8 p, do not make an increase. If necessary, make the tongue a little longer or shorter. In the last p, to make the roundings, knit instead of 3 VP lift 2 VP. Then knit the last 2 SN together.
  • When you knit the last p, do it like this: knit SBN, 2 SN, 3 C2N, 2 SN, SBN, Connecting C. Cut the thread, fix it.
  • To tie the main part of the product, attach the thread to the tongue next on the edge. Stitch 3 VP lifts, knit 8 r cn. At the same time, add 1 C at the beginning of work, also at the end of the work.
  • The next 8 r increase or reduce the number P, given the size of your leg. Knit p s without adding. When we tie the main part of the product, cut the thread, leave the tip with which you will sew the track on both sides in the middle of the heel.
  • In order to complete the design of the trace, make a lace using long white threads. Make lacing in front the track, take the chain to the extreme S.

How to tie the traces of crochet warm: a scheme with a description

To knit the tracks, select the yarn and hook correctly. For warm socks, take warm threads, preferably woolen.

  • Type VP. Knit in a circle P, using SBN. In total, tie the 6 circular R. Each next circle expand, adding S.
  • When you reach 7 p, stop adding, continue circular knitting.
  • Having reached the place where the foot bends, start knitting only a semicircle.
  • As soon as you notice that you got the length of the product, close the P, sew the product.
Warm tracks
Warm tracks

Decorate these tracks with decor, also crocheted or pieces of fur.

How to tie the traces of crochet the peepork style: a scheme with a description

These tracks consist of 7 squares. They are interconnected in a special scheme. The size of the product will depend directly on what a square you have.

Knit squares using the following scheme.


1 p and 2 r knit one color with a thread. Next, knit 3 p with a thread of a different color. The next 4 r knit another thread.

During operation, connect the resulting squares as shown in the diagram. You can first make only 7 squares, then connect them. The diagram is shown by arrow on how to connect the squares.

How to tie the female crochets: a scheme with a description

For these tracks, you will have to take:

  • Threads - 100 g
  • Threads (a different color for tying the product)
  • Hook
  • Button - 2 pcs.


For women
For women

Work process:

  • Dial 20 VP, knit around this chain of 8 P Using SBN. Add at 4 p.
  • 9 r and 10 r knit the SBN.
  • Starting from 11 p and ending with 15 r, knit the SBN. In the center of the toe evenly remove 4 p.
  • Next, tie the strap. Type a chain consisting of 15 VP. *On the 1st side, knit R SBN, the last p of this p is kniting 4 SBN. Next, knit on the other side of the chain: 1 r SBN. Expand the work. Starting from to another, repeat the knit 2 times.
  • The resulting strap tie the other thread P, consisting of SBN. Sew it to the main detail. Also sew a button.

How to tie men's traces: a description scheme

To tie men's tracks as easy as female. Here, take into account what size your man has. We give an example of traces for a teenager (35 size).

  • Dial 24 VP. Tie a chain in a circle.
  • Make a connecting P, 3 VP lifting, then knit 2 SN in 1 p and 2 p. Next, knit SN in each P from the moment when you get the top with 3 p. Hitch them 2 CN, the following 3 too. As a result, it will turn out 6 p. Next, knit again in each P. But the last 2 P, knit with a double knit.
  • Connecting P, P of Raise, and the next 3 p, knit SBN. Change the thread, take a smaller hook. At 4 p, knit n through one, pass every 2 p. So you get a boat.
  • Tie 2 P SBN, knit all P. Leave at the junction of P 1 P. Take a thread of another shade, count 9 ps on both sides of the middle of the toe. At 18 p, attach the thread, knit 1 r.
For men
For men
  • Stitch 5 p, reduce in each p 1 p along the edges, cut the thread.
  • Return to the left P on the heel, knit a few P, combine a dark insert at this time and form a rise. If necessary, in one P, make a decrease. At the end, process the edges of the product with dark threads.

How to tie the traces of crochet children's: a scheme with a description

Warm, home and comfortable tracks are always good. Especially when they are connected for a beloved child. The size of this model is 30, the length of the foot here is 19 cm.

The size of the sole can independently adjust, you only have to change the number of loops or rows.

  • Dial 20 VP. At the beginning of 1 r, knit 2 SBN in 2 p. Then knit 7 SBN, 1 PSN, 8 SN.
  • In 19 p, knit 2 SN, and in the last P, knit 5 identical S. The other side of the main chain, knit symmetrically in the first side. When finish knit 1 p, knit 2 SBN in 1 p, connecting with 1 p of this r.
  • 2 R Start Knit with VP, then knit 2 SN, 2 SN, 1 SN.
  • Begin the front of the work: 2 SN (5 times) in 1 p. Complete the p
  • 3 r knit CN. On the toe of the products and on its heel, make an addition. Wait 5 times: 1 CH, 2 CH ...
  • 4 r knit CN (do not add, do not decrease).
  • In 5 p, reduce the front P and the rear p.
  • Dial 3 VP, skip 1 p, knit CN. In the middle of the transmit, the track knit 2 CN (only 3 times) with one vertex. When you approach the end of P, skip the last P, knit the connecting with 3 p lift.
  • 6 p, knit identically 5 r. Only in front, remove 2 p.
  • 7 r knit, like 6 p.
  • 8 r knit the SBN. Only in front 2 times knit 2 CN with one vertex.
  • Decorate the tracks with flowers. Come up with your discretion. You can tie them with other threads or the same.

Table of female, male and children's sizes of traces and detachments for crochet knitting

The process of crochet traces is the same as knitting socks. Therefore, the set of loops here will be identical.


Video: Signs - Crochet slippers for beginners

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