How to cook sugar syrup for jam, impregnation of cakes, cake, biscuit, compote for the winter, cocktails: water and sugar proportions, recipe. How to cook properly invert, caramel, glucose, raspberry syrup: recipe

How to cook sugar syrup for jam, impregnation of cakes, cake, biscuit, compote for the winter, cocktails: water and sugar proportions, recipe. How to cook properly invert, caramel, glucose, raspberry syrup: recipe

A variety of methods of proper preparation of sugar syrup.

Sugar syrup requires an accurate compliance of the proportions and strict observance of cooking rules during preparation. It is not important to make jam, compotes, cocktails or soaking cakes. Violation of these requirements leads to poor quality and unpleasant taste sensations of the finished product. Consider the methods of proper preparation of sugar syrup in this article.

How to cook sugar syrup for jam from cherries, apricots, gooseberries: water and sugar proportions, recipe

The basis for delicious jam

The cause of too sweet or fermented, moldy jam is most often the improper use of sugar and water ratio. Therefore, it is important to know the necessary proportions for different berries and fruits. For example, for jam of strawberries, raspberries, cherries, apricot pieces and some other fruits, water is not added at all, since when mixed with sugar they give a lot of juice.

For fruits with ordinary juiciness and sugar content, we take:

  1. 1-2 tbsp. water
  2. 1 kg of sugar
  3. 0.5 tsp. citric acid (if desired)

We prepare as follows:

  • Pour sugar sand into a wide, not high panel of stainless steel
  • Pour boiling water
  • We put on the stove
  • Stirring constantly, to the dissolution of grains, we bring boiling
  • Boil 3-4 minutes
  • We get rid of the foam that appears with the help of a slotted spoon
  • We pass through the gauze fabric
  • Then cook a couple of minutes without mixing
  • Before readiness, add acid, which will protect the jam from sugary

Using the classic version of the preparation of syrup for various fruits, it is necessary to observe the correct proportion depending on their juiciness and sweets.

Name of berry and fruit culture Water, Art Sugar, kg
Plum 1 1,5
Cherry without bones, cherries 1.2
Cherries with a bone 0.5 1,5
Apricots 1 1.3
Gooseberry 2.2 1,5
Pear with slices 0,7 1
Aiva slices one one
Apples with slices 1 1

How to cook sugar syrup for impregnating cakes, cake, biscuit: water and sugar proportions, recipe

Classical way

For the preparation of 500 g of syrup will be needed:

  1. 9 tbsp. sugar sand
  2. 13.5 tbsp. warm water

The main stages of the technological process:

  1. Prepare stainless steel dishes with a thick bottom
  2. We rinse it with cold water
  3. We fall asleep sugar
  4. Pour water
  5. Cook on a quiet fire, without stopping the stirring of silicone or wooden spatula
  6. As soon as the grains are dispersed, we stop stirring, bring to a boil
  7. After the formation of the foam, remove it, remove the container from the stove
  • To give specific taste qualities, add to a hot glaze to choose from:
  1. 50 ml of cognac
  2. 75 ml of lemon tincture
  3. A mixture of 10 ml of coffee and 1 tsp. Roma

How to cook sugar syrup for compote for the winter: proportions of water and sugar, recipe

Standard ratio of components:

  1. 200-350 g of sugar
  2. 1 liter of water

It is prepared very simple:

  • In stainless dishes, heat the liquid to 35-40 degrees
  • Fold sugar when stirring
  • We bring to the receipt of seething bubbles over low heat
  • Filter if necessary, pour the berries

Depending on the variety of fruits, a certain concentration of syrup is required.

Fruit name Syrup concentration, % The amount of sugar per 1 liter of water, g
Apricots (whole) thirty 430
Apricots (halves) 50 1290
Persians (whole) 35 540
Persian (halves) 40 820
Grape thirty 430
Cherry 60 1700
Plum 30-40 430-820
Sweet cherry 30-35 430-540
Apples 35 540

How to cook sugar syrup for cocktails?

Various options for a sweet component

Standard option

We prepare:

  1. 100 g - sugar
  2. 100 ml - water (filtered)

We start manipulations:

  • Boil the liquid
  • Pour into sugar
  • We interfere with the final bloat of solid crystals
  • Cool the syrup
  • Filter

The recipe for the time of Queen Victoria


  1. Sugar (small) - 200 g
  2. Water - 100 ml


  • Flunting ingredient with boiling water
  • We heat with a water bath, constantly stirring
  • When sugar grains dissolve, the syrup is ready
  • After cooling, do not forget to strain it

Original version of Rock Cendy

We purchase in advance:

  • 150 g of white and brown sugar

We prepare additionally:

  • 150 ml of water
  • 2-3 drops of essence from vanilla

The main stages of work:

  • Initially, we carry out manipulations similar to the previous recipe:
  1. dilute sugar with water
  2. mix the mass in a water bath
  • Add vanilla
  • Stir
  • Then cool
  • Filter

How to cook properly invert?

Prepare products:

  1. Sugar - 700 g
  2. Water - 310 ml
  3. Food soda - 3 g
  4. Citric acid - 4 g

Technological process:

  • For preparation, use a thick -walled pan
  • Mix sugar with hot water in it until a bulk product is completely dissolved
  • Heat on high heat, so that the mass boils
  • Add the provided portion of citric acid
  • Stir
  • Eve the syrup under the lid without mixing, about half an hour
  • As soon as the mass acquires a golden color - remove from the stove, pour soda dissolved in a small amount of water
  • The solution will foam-a normal reaction of the acid-base compound has gone
  • 10 minutes later, when the “hat” drops, move the finished syrup into a clean dish
  • Cover tightly with a lid
  • Can be consumed immediately or as necessary

How to cook caramel correctly?

Caramel syrup

Necessary components:

  1. Sugar - 150 g
  2. Filtered purified water - 150 ml
  3. Fresh lemon juice-15-20 ml

Production technology:

  • Combine sugar with fruit juice in a thick -walled pan
  • We melt using low fire so that the dry product completely dissolves
  • Next, hold on the stove for a couple of minutes
  • Then pour boiling water
  • Mix
  • Cook at moderate temperature of fire, systematically stirring to the color of light caramel

How to cook properly glucose?

The factory technology for the preparation of this glucose suspension is very complicated. It is not possible to repeat it at home. In many recipes, glucose syrup is used, which homemade cooks are successfully replaced by invert. The method of preparation, which is given above.

How to cook raspberry syrup correctly?


Product set:

  1. Raspberry - 1 kg
  2. Sugar - 2 tbsp.
  3. Water - 4 tbsp.
  • We wash the berry well
  • Pour cold water
  • We heat up to the appearance of bubbles on the surface
  • Reduce fire to medium, cook a quarter of an hour
  • Periodically remove the foam
  • Next, filter the solution
  • We fall asleep into the resulting liquid sugar. We leave the berry for the preparation of other dishes
  • We boil after boiling over low heat for 5-10 minutes
  • Pour into a clean container
  • Clean tightly
  • We use it as necessary

Why doesn't sugar dissolve in syrup?

The main errors

There are certain rules for the preparation of sugar syrup, the violation of which leads to crystallization of sugar. Small lumps appear in the solution or all syrup turns into a large lump.

The key to transparent syrup is the following preparation axioms:

  • Constantly mix the solution during cooking.
  • After the complete dissolution of sugar, further mixing is prohibited - this is one of the causes of crystallization.
  • Wipe the upper layer of the syrup remaining on the walls of the pan with a wet brush or cloth. The ingress of these residues in the solution also leads to the formation of lumps.
  • Do not forget to periodically remove foam, to obtain a transparent suspension

How to determine the readiness of sugar syrup?

Try different ways
  • Scoop the prepared syrup with a spoon:
  1. Flows around the edges with two streams - ready
  2. One - cook again
  • Place a little syrup on a spoon located on a piece of ice - the finished suspension flows with a homogeneous drop, behind which even a thin thread of syrup does not stretch
  • Tilt the container with sugar solution. Draw a strip along the bottom: if the line with jam does not spread, it is ready

Applying in strict accordance all the proportions and methods of preparing the syrup will turn out to be tasty, transparent and the necessary concentration. Any dish prepared on its basis will delight with its taste, and, if necessary, storage.

Video: Basic lessons: Sugar syrup

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