How to cut the claws of the dog at home? How and with what scissors to cut the nails of the dog, how to file and grind the claws?

How to cut the claws of the dog at home? How and with what scissors to cut the nails of the dog, how to file and grind the claws?

The need to cut the claws in dogs. Clipping claws at home.

How many claws do the dog have?
Why does the dog nibble your nails?

Each owner of a friend on four legs has a serious problem of proper care of him. The main responsible activity is the circumcision of the claws. Claws in a dog have a structure not typical of people.

Dog claws have its own specifics: there are four claws and four fingers on the hind legs, as well as on the front. Sometimes there is a fifth finger, but it is weaker than the rest and his claw is not big. If the fifth claw appears on the hind legs, most dog lovers recommend removing it in childhood.

Claws in the dog

When the dog spends a lot of time in the fresh air, walking along the street, the claws are growing themselves. But in winter, solid ground is covered with snow and tagging is impossible, and some dogs do not walk on the street for a long time, so a mandatory procedure for dogs is a haircut of claws.

If this is not done in time, then they can catch them, get hurt, and bend the claw.
Among many dog \u200b\u200bbreeders, dogs were noticed to bite the claws. However, many do not pay attention to this. A clear deviation should be considered if the animal rises itself to the blood.

Bloody traces of dogs

Why do dogs gnaw claws: reasons

  • The deplorable state of the claws. If they are very long, they interfere with the dog when walking. The pet has fingers, and it naturally bites them , to Get rid of pain.
  • One of the reasons for the bite of claws is the itch between the fingers. Observed with absence full hygiene, if the dog is not enough rare wash of the paws. Always after walking you should rinse the wool and paws of your pet.
  • Significant damage to the skin on the paws of the paws. The cause of the itching is caused when the paws touch the sensitive dog with a red -hot asphalt, or chemistry, which is filled with the road in the winter.
  • Perhaps the occurrence of a fungus or subcutaneous tick in a dog.
  • The absence of the necessary vitamins in the dog’s body is a separate reason for the paw bite. Incorrect nutrition of the dog, excess protein. All this leads the dog to neurosis and such consequences.

When identifying such behavior in a dog, you should definitely contact a veterinarian. He will take a scraping to presence parasites in the body in the dog. The clinic will help remove the unnecessary wool and correctly cut the dog’s claws.

Cutting claws in a dog

Can a dog cut your nails?

If you do not cut a long claw in time, it can crash into the skin and cause infection infection. Not correctly growing nails can cause chromates, And problems with the skeleton of the pet. Therefore, it is not only possible to cut the dog’s nails, but it is also necessary for a full life.

Pulp of the nail
The structure of the claw in the dog

You need to carry out the haircut procedures in a veterinary clinic, but if your dog freely lets you in such a procedure on yourself, then you can carry out a haircut at home.
Before such a procedure, you should prepare tools for haircuts and a place. If you carry out this procedure for the first time, take it very carefully to this. The subsequent fear of the puppy will depend on your actions.

The claw is white
White claw in a dog

Carefully examine each claw in front of the haircut. Only in white claws can be clearly visible. If the dark claws very carefully cut them.
After trimming, process the ending of the nails with a file. Remove uneven sections so that they do not begin to extend.
And be sure to show tenderness for the dog, not aggression. Stroke it on the wool and prepare your favorite treat.

What dogs do their nails cut and why?

Cutting of the claws is carried out by dogs that are most of the time at home. It is pointless to trim the courtyard dogs.
Dogs that lead an active image life jumps, running on solid ground, do not require trimming often, so How to do sum About asphalt. Animals that only walk on the green lawn and soft soil have rapidly growing claws sometimes bending down.

Video: How to cut the claws of claws in the dog Coppy?

Nail dog scissors - claws

To cut nails dog need prepare the following tools:
Specialized scissorsclausThey are have two varieties: scissors with sickle -shaped blades and guillotine.

The first view fits for cutting  dense and durable nails u big dogs, and have limiter, for consolidation claw. Guillotines use at pruning claws dogs small and medium rocks.


Scissors for cutting claws necessary purchase only in veterinary store. Material claws  in idealstainless steel.

Also important the size himself tool. The best option will be presence rubber gaskets in scissors. Which warn slip arms. Those most, excluding wrong and sharpness movements.
Never not try ordinary scissors cut to ogti. They are not adapted for such procedures.

Stell hemostatic means. If a suddenly touch claw or vessel, straightaway process.

How often to trim the nails to the dog?
Where do dogs cut their nails?

Frequency haircuts claws u dogs depends from:

  • Image life dogs: to ak often she is located on the street G ulya on solid surfaces and strengthening claws.
  • Breeds dogs: y decorative dogs period walks very small, a nails grow very fast. That's why frequency cutting must held with frequency one once in a week. U long -haired rocks claws hidden under hair and can intime not notice them growth. That's why haircut conduct should, how only will hear ring on paul from claws petetz.
  • AT the rest cases cutting claws held once in two months.

Haircut claws conduct how conducting procedure per a pet and for maintaining health. Conduct her should u qualified veterinarian.
But if your dog right and maybe patiently to withstand and yours care, then circumcision can easily conduct in home conditions.

The dog does not allow to cut the claws: what to do?

Habit dogs to haircut claws  occupation not from lungs.

Dog not gives cut nails, if you whensomething apply injury in the course haircuts claws. Easier to accustom to haircut small puppy.

Need carefully, without violence fulfill this procedure. If a beat dog, cause pain, a haircut will be turn each once in hellish procedure.

Clips of claws for dogs in breeds

To process haircuts claws passed perfect follow next stage:

  • Carefully accustom dog to clawFor this in the course threefour days show petetz scissors. If a dog will be news myself calmly, thank you her per diligent behavior goodies. Try it click scissors and verify calm dogs.
  • On the next stage put before dog delicacy in plate. Petetz take it in arms and click clawing near legs. Thank you per calm behavior. If a all the same dog what then scared translate her attention on the beloved her game. Through a week return to this  stage again.
  • If a your dog calmly from reacted on the scissors in the course two stages, then it's time cross in third. Put plate with goodies before a petTake it animal in arms and praise his, carefully start cutting down marigold. Cut should only tips. After procedures let go dog to stear with treats.

Training spend cutting out several claws each day. At correct and painless process through two weeks can remove plate with goodies.

How to cut the claws of pugs, spitz, that terrier, Yorkshire terrier, Beijesu, Chihuahua?

  • If a development pug passes in ideal and normal conditions residence, claws grind themselves in time walks. But some pugs not love long walks, that's why a haircut claws for them mandatory.
    A haircut held often with sedative meansWatch per pug if u him appeared heavy breath stop on the time haircut, give to him catch my breath.
  • Behavior  spitz also peculiar. But how many would he not got on the walk claws, they all equals remain on the place, so how very durable. Procedure haircuts claws spitz spend very carefully, cutting off only one millimeter.

If a tighten and miss time haircuts claws u your his small petetz, then this is will lead to growing up claw.

  • A haircut nails thatterrier very specific procedure. Start her with two -week age. The first once she is held for togo, to not injure mom at feeding weak and sharp claws. Puppies that terrier cutting claws each twenty days. AT measure growth dogs claws street once in month.
    Cut claws thatterrier should in a timely manner, to to avoid drying out nail plates.
  •   York terrier subjected procedure haircuts claws two times in month.
  • Pekingese belongs to finely thoroughbred dogs and not conditions on the walk long time, that's why should regularly cut his claws. Nails beijesov not erased about asphalt, should per them carefully track, to not it was growing up and excessive  rounding. Haircut claws u beijes can conduct cat clawing.
Cutting the claws of Chihuahua
  • Chihuahua very problematic breed dogs. Her care and hygiene very specific and require a professional approach to the veterinarian.Professional and timely circumcision claws u petetz depends  from multiple problems cO health. Procedure haircuts claws u chihuahua held once in month. Puppies once in two weeks. If a to this animal for a long time not cut claws, then they they will grow together with cornea. BUT this is will lead to surgical intervention.

Follow per those to dog not beginning herself get rid from to fire, otherwise he maybe crack and break, a in arising ranke will begin develop inflammatory process.

Video: York. Clogging claws

Video: How to cut the claws of Chihuahua correctly?

How to cut the claws of French bulldog, dachshund, poodle?

  • Claws french bulldog solid. Have they light coloured color, that's why live part claw wonderful visible and is different pink color. Veterinarians recommend cut tip claw. Cutting conduct each ten days. If a The claws are jagged , then them easily Fill. Puppies cutting claws through three weeks after birth.
  • The most important procedure in care per dachshoy a haircut claws. it provides prevention infectious diseases. When you will hear what dachshund beginning knock claws on paulit came time haircuts. First a haircut claws u dachbs must pass in early age. On the summer walks dachshund stopping nails, a in winter time this is impossible, P so haircut claws should conduct each two weeks.
  • U poodle very sensitive claws. Shorten them costs regularly. Cut must make up not more 2 mm.

Video: Poodle. Clogging claws

What to do if you cut your nails to the dog to blood?

At haircut  claws u dogs spended bloodnot stry. AT next once not costs so short them cut. For such cases in a medicine cabinet home dog breeder and veterinarian must to be basic holy hemostatic funds.
Seeing on the paw blood, straightaway process wound peroxide or iodine. If a dog beginning whine, calm down her. After deplorable procedures please her delicacy.
Try not admit such oversights again, otherwise dog flatly will be refuse from haircuts claws.

The dog broke the nail under the root what to do? How to stop the blood in the dog from the nail?

If a dog at unfavorable conditions i broke claw and beginning limp, straightaway check integrity claws.

Perform procedure step by step:

  • Carefully hold paw petetz.Consider her and hold it down dog to yourself, to she is i felt yours support.
  • If a arose bleeding wrap foot at help bandage, towels for provision pressing dressings.
  • AT case if blood not stops more ten minutes, then apply special pencil.
  • Further remove broken claw, at help scissors. Cutting painful, but will lead to fast growth new claw.
  • Root should handle antibiotic for avoiding hit infections and minimization bleeding.

How to file and grind the claws of the dog? What is the ingrown claw in the dog what to do?

Events on care per claws dogs consist not only from cutting, but and sprinkling, streeping, cutting wool around nail. For this procedures use a file. If a dog big, can adapt for stacks claws bar with sandpaperSome inventors for sprinkling nails dogs use acrylic file.
For such pets release greenadersgrinding electric cars.
If a claw dogs wr., his should immediately delete,without damage and bleeding. Grown  claws bring to traumatism  dogs and development purulent inflammation.

Nail fungus in dogs: treatment

  • The detection and treatment of the fungus in the dog should be timely.
  • One of the popular methods of treating fungus is vaccinations.
  • But the main factor in the treatment of the fungus is the breed of the dog.
  • The use of antifungal drugs is popular.
  • To reduce the likelihood of a fungus in a dog, it should provide it with proper care and nutrition.
  • Strictly observe the necessary rules of hygiene.
  • If you still observe the first signs of the fungus in the dog, immediately consult a specialist.

Video: Dog fungus. Symptoms. Treatment. Shampoo

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