How to hide and decorate the wires from a computer under the table: life, devices and original design solutions

How to hide and decorate the wires from a computer under the table: life, devices and original design solutions

In this article, we will consider how unusual, stylish, practical and interesting to hide computer wires under the table.

Home computer equipment is connected to the network with a considerable number of different wires. Due to the lack of many stationary outlets, you have to supplement this rather big set with extension cords and adapters. All these wires often interfere with working, confused underfoot. As a result, the risk of cutting off any of them increases several times. In addition, such a “web” does not look very aesthetically looking. It will be better for everyone, if the wires are carefully hidden, and how to do it - we will tell in detail in this material.

Why hide computer wires: Basic safety rules

The wires and cables that are used to connect computers are difficult. They serve not only for transmitting electric energy, but also for sending data and signals. If you look at the computer cable from the inside, you can see that it is one or more colored pairs of wires that are overlooking among themselves. This is for a reason, because such a scheme improves receiving and, of course, signal transmission.

Such types of computer wires are known:

  • wires that do not have a common screen are called UTP;
  • wires with a screen that is made of aluminum foil - FTP;
  • wires, the total screen of which is made of grid with copper, but at the same time a separate pair has their own additional screen, are called STP;
  • the wires whose common screen consists of a foil grid, and at the same time each individual pair has its own additional screen, are called SSTP or S/FTP;
  • further, the wires that do not have a common screen, but each separate pair has a foil screen, are called U/STP;
  • and completes the list of an improved model of wires, which consist of two screens. One is made of their foil, and the second is made of copper grid. They are called as SF/UTP or just SFTP.

Important: although it is worth noting that all categories of computer wires are released among other relatives of higher resistance to temperature, current and various loads, including voltage failures. But take care of the proper outlet and carrying, preferably with a fuse.

Simple rules for storing computer wires

Do not forget that a computer cannot work without wires. The laptop, of course, will last for a while, but without a charger cord it will not be enough for a long time. Cables need to be treated carefully and know the elementary rules for their storage.

  • You need to wear special silicone overlays on skeins of wires. There are colors for every taste, so it will be easy for you to choose for the interior or just the one that you like.
  • You can not twist the wires like that, they can break and deteriorate. The same applies to the traditional wiring of wires into a skeleton.
  • Remove the extra wires from the view. Hide in place all unnecessary cables that you do not use at the moment. Chargers, extension cords and adapters must have their own storage room!
  • Do not forget about the simple rules for the operation of wires and cables, regardless of their type and even the outer shell. Disconnect them from the outlet and replace the cables that have damaged isolation inside or outside. Otherwise, you and your family risk getting an electric shock if there is contact with such a wire.
  • If the wire is exposed, the risk of water getting inward increases. As a result - a short circuit and fire in the house. Do not allow liquid entering the wires. By the way, do not put water next to computer equipment. Tea, coffee and other drinks are better to drink in the kitchen.
  • Homemade rodents can get a shock and die. What is there, overly curious children can suffer!
  • And a large accumulation of wires can become not only the cause of injuries and falls, but also even more serious consequences.
  • Do not overload the carrying And take into account their possible transmission! This will protect from the breakdowns of the devices themselves, in particular, the computer.
  • Do not forget to periodically clean the sockets, carrying and wires with the technique itself from dust. In general, dust is the worst enemy of all electrical partings. And along with strangers, objects, for example, threads, feathers or other household garbage, can provoke a fire in the house.
So you can beautifully hide the wires
So you can beautifully hide the wires

How to stylishly hide the wires from the computer: life hacks and devices for their convenient storage

The same problem often arises in the house and office. There are many techniques, and there are even more wires and cables. In order to streamline them and not get confused, which cord and from what technique, we suggest using some cunning devices.

  • The easiest way to use burki. Color labels that will designate each cable and tell you why it serves. Such a simple device can be made yourself. For this, colored Velcro or price tags on which you can write the necessary information are suitable.
  • "Take" an important mission for storing wires can clips. They are also on Velcro, which is very convenient. It is enough to choose the right place, attach the clip and stick the cable.
    • By the way, they go in plain and a little even strict design. But you can, for example, glue green leaves on them. If you need a budget option, then such leaves can be cut from ordinary plastic colored cups.
  • Save the wires that are currently disconnected will help cardboard rolls. Take a box of any size and inside fold the rolls in an upright position.
    • You can make them yourself or, as an option, use rolls on which toilet paper is wound. Please note that the cardboard itself should be dense enough to withstand the onslaught of compressed wires.
    • Also consider the size of the box so that the rolls are compactly and tightly pressed against each other. Or additionally fasten them with a stapler.
    • In each separate roll, place the folded cable and close the box. Here is such a simple organizer in the end for all chargers and adapters.
  • Chancellery clamps They can serve as holders for wires. There is one condition, a small thickness of the table or slab on which they will be attached. Great for small USB cables. You can also make a color composition.
Ordinary stationery clamps will help create a very stylish picture
Ordinary stationery clamps will help create a very stylish picture
  • Plastic fasteners They have long demonstrated their practicality. In our case, they will also be useful. They will collect several wires in one place, and they will not be confused. Fasteners are different colors and sizes.
  • "Sombrero with a lingerie fastener. " No, this is not about the hat that dresses on the head. And for a small device, which will collect three wires in one place at once and hide them under the table. Thus, the cable disappear from the view, and will not clutter the space.
  • Keep the cable will help "Balls are absorbers." This device in appearance resembles a colored tennis ball. But at the same time it can accommodate up to five meters of cable.
  • Small springs All colors of the rainbow easily group your wires in one place. You can wrap wires with such springs and just for decorating cables. Such a device looks interesting and in a new way.
    • By the way, for small wires and as a cheap option, a tube cut along a spiral is suitable. True, she does not wash the wires so tightly. But it will help to separate them into consumption groups or simply divide by value.
  • Special pendants or homemade organizers. Such a gadget can be bought in a store, attached to your table and collect the necessary wires where it is convenient for you. If you like original things, then iKEA pendants They will come to your aid, because they have a very stylish design.
  • As an option, you can adapt in such a position an ordinary folder for notebooks or make a home -made rug made of dense material. The mount can be selected from the options offered or glued to a double -sided tape.
  • All fans of creativity will like a special wire storage. The gadget is very original. Looking fun and very unusual.
Such a straightforward rug can easily be made yourself
Such a straightforward rug can easily be made yourself

How to practice computer wires under the table practical?

There should be order in everything, and the confusing mass of wires under the table interferes and wildly annoying. There are several practical ways to remove all this, and restore order and harmony in the house.

  • Wires that are located closer to the floor can easily be hidden using electrotechnical plinth. Inside it there is a space and you can freely stick several thin or one thick cable.
  • A specially made wires will help directly under the table box. You can take any box, make the necessary holes in it and place a whole carry with wires. You can look for such a gadget in stores. By the way, this device will protect from the entry of dust to the joints.
Such a box can easily be made even from the shoe box
Such a box can easily be made even with an unnecessary shoe box
  • If the apartment or house is in full swing, then do not miss the opportunity right away to mask the wires. The cable can be hidden by making a groove for them in the wall, or veil them under the wallpaper. You can put a thin plastic lid on top so that there is always access to wires. Just select the desired groove.
  • Do not like to bother - then just hide the wires at your discretion at once under the table cover. Use ordinary screws, clips, or at worst, double -sided tape. Such tricks will not bring aesthetics to your house, but it will remove the “bunch” of wires from under the table from prying eyes. You can also use a construction stapler, just use it carefully. In order not to damage the wires themselves.
  • Corrugated or ordinary hose It will also be a great option. After all, through it you can immediately stretch out several wires. They will not be confused, but stored in one place. If you do not attract a simple appearance, you can diversify it with home -made jewelry. Although it is not always appropriate clutter with excess materials near the accumulation of wires.
Even an ordinary corrugated hose will be an interesting solution to hide wires
Even an ordinary corrugated hose will be an interesting solution to hide wires

How is it interesting to hide computer wires, as part of the home interior?

Computer wires can serve not only for energy or data. If there are some fantasies, desires and time, then they can be used as an addition to the design of the room. This option is original and solves several problems at once: where to put the wires and how to decorate the room. Consider several options for such storage of wires and cables from the computer.

  • Wall decoration of wiresas a form of art. Do not doubt that from the wires on the wall you also get a nice pattern, flower or wood. You can arrange a small collage for pictures or family photos.
  • Stations for wires - This is a simple method for lazy personalities or just for those who do not have time to decorate the room. A decorative curtain under the table is a curtain for all wires. Moreover, such a curtain can be bought or made in the hand-made style, and there are also no restrictions in choosing its color or additional decorations.
    • By the way, if you have unnecessary, old or damaged things, then the composition of multi -colored shreds will help create an interesting curtain for wires under the table. Moreover, to create it, you do not even need to have a sewing machine. After all, multi -colored and thick threads of Muline will only complement the bright picture.
  • If you do not work at a computer table, but at ordinary furniture on your legs, then the same legs can be an excellent cache for wires and sockets. Use clamps or other devices to attach wires to the legs from the inside. Additionally, you can decorate with a home -made curtain.
    • By the way, even on a computer table you can adapt the wires like that. Just do this from the side of the wall. The wires will be collected, they will not interfere with the cleaning in this area, and will not catch your eye to your guests.
  • There is another non -standard solution, for example, old refrigerator. No, it is not necessary to disassemble the refrigerator for this, we only offered a budget option. Similar lattices can be bought at a construction store. It is enough to nail it to the wall, and behind it to hide all the unnecessary wires. They will not be visible at the table, but on the floor it will not interfere with either legs or cleaning.
A simple but practical decision to hide wires under the table
A simple but practical decision to hide wires under the table
  • Add an interesting highlight to the interior of the house - decorate the wires and sockets. The cable can easily be wrapped in a thick rope or colored ribbon. There are no restrictions in color, it all depends on the style and your imagination.
  • A very beautiful solution will be "Necklace" from wires. To make it, you just need to put on beads with a large diameter on the wires themselves. True, in order to string them, it will be necessary to either disconnect the cords themselves from the fork, or choose them with a narrow entrance. Although there are even special developments with such beads, so you can order their store.
  • From the wires, an interesting, creative panel. Using clamps, they can be given the shape of hours, locks and entire cities. Silhouettes of animals or figures in the style of abstractionism can be obtained. And you can just repeat your computer table.
  • A good life hack will be small fence for wires. True, he will close only those wires that lie on the floor. But on the other hand, it is created insanely simple - only attach such a fence to the skirting board to any mount. And children can put homemade birds or other animals on it. Yes, even just sticking colorful flowers to it.
  • You can hide not only wires, but also sockets. They should not be affordable, especially if the house has a small child. You can cover them by buying special limiters in the store, or slightly fantasizing and sewing the case. Add to such a case of pockets, and there will be an additional place for storage, such as a charger. And in this pocket it will be convenient to charge the phone near the outlet.
Such a case can easily be sewn on your own
Such a case can easily be sewn on your own
  • Boxes and chestssuitable for storing chargers, extension cords and headphones. You can make a cell inside cardboard or wood inside. Decorating such a chest under the antiquity, hang an interesting lock, and another stylish element of decor will appear in the house.
  • Hide extra gadgets, such as a router that takes up a lot of space, you can in the book. The selected book, which for some reason simply falls with dust, relieve pages and place a router there. Just do not forget to make holes for oxes. It turns out stylishly and, most importantly, on the table order. You can also cut out such safe and for carrying. Only cut it strictly in shape.
  • We want to share another life hack for decorations of sockets. Colored stickers and imagination will come in handy. Give the outlets the shape of the flowers, add the frames. Make the form of funny muzzles of animals or emoticons. Yes, they will not delight the eye for long. But every month you can change something in your decor.
  • If you have a good use of various improvised means, then make it decorative doors for available outlets. The sockets will be decorated with taste and covered from curious children and dust. In order not to be strongly spent financially, arrange with ordinary plastic bottles. They bend well, eat in every house and they can easily be additionally decorated even with ordinary varnishes or paints.
  • Hide the wires behind the picture Easier than any even the simplest option. The method is not distinguished by originality, but it stands out with practicality and speed.
Such a box with doors for wires can easily be done on your own
Such a box with doors for wires can easily be done on your own

How to hide and decorate wires at a computer table: design ideas

The problem of confusing wires has been known for a long time. To facilitate the task of their smooth entry into the interior of the house will help sets and devices that are developed by designers around the world. New items appear often, so you can buy them or make an original gift. We offer to get acquainted with some of the proposed inventions better.

  • Designers have already worked hard and came up with a set Wire Blooms For the decoration of wires and cables in the house. In the kit you will find a red bird made of plastic and green leaves of the same material. In a few minutes, your wires will turn into a flowering garden with singing birds. A lot of wires - there will be a whole green forest.
    • By the way, you can group a lot of ideas proposed above into one composition. For example, lay out a tree on the wall with wires, and fix and decorate these same cords with these clamps. We also mentioned above that even from improvised materials you can repeat the design solution. True, cutting such a beautiful bird will be very difficult.
  • A real trunk with leaves called Florafil - Another modern development. In cases where the wires could not be hidden, this decision will help to correctly fit them into the interior, turning them into a bright decoration on the wall.
    • The idea is similar to the previous option. But it looks much brighter and modern. Unless there is not enough bird. But you can “put” bright animals and at your discretion on such branches, or even make them yourself with children.
  • Cable Caps - This device in appearance resembles hooks for children's clothing. But their purpose is different, these are fasteners for USB pipelines. Having crossed the wires for these hooks, you will avoid confusing. This gadget looks very colorful and funny.
    • But that's not all. Creative developers thought out everything to the smallest detail. Looking at the “muzzle” of the hook, you will immediately understand which device the wire from. And this will not only help remove the coil of cords from under the legs, but also sort them out according to the necessary criteria.
  • Cabledrop - These are practical adhesive holders. Such holders are similar to colored colored hooks. They are attached with adhesive material. But their plus is that when peeling off, the sticky mass does not spoil the wallpaper and does not harm the furniture.
Such straightforward color mounts have long won many fans
Such straightforward color mounts have long won many fans
  • As do not try, it will not be possible to hide all the wires, and the extension cords all the more. Designers offer an original solution to this problem - extension cord Wirepod. It looks like an abstract style pattern. It complements the design no worse than other elements of the decor, and you definitely will not want to hide it.
  • "Trap for wires and cables" It is a ring with recesses of different sizes and diameter. Suitable for different types of wires. It is easily mounted in your desktop. The material of the table can be different - both wood and plastic. The device will collect charging and computer cables in one place. But be prepared to drill a hole in the table.
  • An extension cord in shape "Donut". This spherical device will wrap the wire along its axis, and a special recess is intended for this. Thus, you can adjust the length of the cable yourself. And the gadget looks interesting, and easily fits into the interior.
  • The novelty from the Korean designer deserves attention - Takayaki. In fact, this extension cord, but, like any Asian product, acts as a high -tech gadget. Functionality is not made, and its appearance looks very impressive. The sockets have the shape of balls that are painted by Chinese ornaments.
    • But that's not all. Such balls are illuminated at night with multi -colored lights and look unusual in the dark. If you understand in detail, then the gadget will surprise even an experienced expert. These balls can move into two hemispheres. This is done so that you could wound a long wire and avoid the confusion of the cables.
    • And if you completely remove the upper part, you get an additional charger for numerous devices that allow wireless charging. The extension cord can serve as a stylish nightlight, as an additional and pleasant bonus.

Computers, televisions, tablets, telephones and other modern technology have long been included in our lives. All this “arsenal” is connected using wires. If you show imagination, spend a little time, then these cables will become not only a functional device, but also a full -fledged complement of the interior. Just buy or make the necessary devices. And if you think globally, it is better to hide the wires in the wall or under the baseboard during the repair.

Video: How to originally hide the wires from a computer under the table?

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