How to make an enema to a child at home? How often to make an enema for children?

How to make an enema to a child at home? How often to make an enema for children?

How to put enemas for the child practical advice and reviews.

To relieve pain, relieve temperature, using an enema, is not a problem for a loving mother. But how to do it correctly? How to help the child without harm to his fragile body? Consider in this article.

The enema is the procedure for introducing various healing liquids and water into the rectum.

Most often I use an enemat:

  • to cleanse the body of poisoning
  • with constipation
  • in order to conduct subsequent diagnostics
  • sometimes to reduce temperature

Enemas are divided into types:

  • hypertensive - with edema, constipation
  • medicinal - for treatment, is put only after a cleansing
  • siphon - with poisoning
  • nutritional - with strong vomiting
  • cleaning - with constipation and bloating
  • masted - with inflammatory processes in the intestines

What should be the volume of enema for the child?

The volume of the procedure used depends on the age of the child:

  • 1 month - 25 ml of liquid
  • 6 months-30-60 ml
  • From 6 to a year- 120-30 ml
  • From year to two years - 200ml
  • from two to five years - up to 300ml
  • from five to ten years - up to 400 ml
  • after ten years - half liters

    In what cases can you not put enemas for children?

    Despite the simplicity of the procedure, it can only be used after consulting a doctor. After establishing the cause of the problem.

    It is forbidden to use enemas:

  • in case of violation of the process of the intestinal mucosa
  • in the presence of cracks and bleeding anal passage
  • with the formation of cysts and tumors inside the colon
  • in case of acute abdominal pain
  • with hemorrhoids
  • after surgery on the abdominal organs

    How to prepare a child for an enema. What is needed to put an enema?

    Psychological preparation of the child

  • Before the procedure, the child must be reassured. The baby's tension can lead to a clinco of the sphincter. The child can resist. And then the necessary procedure will be disrupted. Therefore, we explain to the child on the example of the toy that the procedure is painless. Nothing wrong with that.

    The temperature of the solution

  • prepare only clean boiled water
  • water temperature for the oxidative enema-25-35 degrees
  • with constipation up to 20 degrees

    Preparation of the surface for manipulation

  • cover the surface with a waterproof cloth
  • we lower any end of the oilcloth into a container for water drainage
  • we select the enema depending on the age of the child and the amount of water necessary for the procedure

    How to put an enema to a newborn child?

    Little children enemas are made with a sprint. The total such enema is 30-350 ml. Stages of the procedure for a newborn child:

  • sterilize the sprint for 10-15 minutes
  • check the absence of hot water in sprinting
  • we free the enema completely from the air, by compressing
  • we collect the required amount of water, depending on the age
  • lubricate the tip of the sprint and anal passage of the child with a baby cream or any softening pharmacy
  • we have a child on the back
  • raises the legs
  • gently introduce an enema tip into the anus 3-4 cm
  • gradually compress the sprint
  • когда жидкость в клизме закончится, не разжимая вынимаем клизму
  • combine the buttocks of the child
  • we keep a few seconds, but no more than a minute. To prevent instant fluid flowing
  • we are waiting for the urge to defecate

    How to put an enema by a one -year -old child? RSV - respiratory system virus

    The principle of the procedure is a one -year -old child, the same as the newborn. Only the child is placed not on the back, but on the left side. We take into account the age of the child when choosing a fluid volume.

    How to put an enema to an adult?

    A preschool child is carried out by an enema using a mug of Esmarch. This is a rubber container in the form of a heating pad with a flexible tube with a capacity of 1.2-2 liters.

  • For an adult child you need 300-500 ml
  • We are sure to buy a children's tip
  • We hang the filled mug at a distance of half a meter above the child
  • The child please sit on the left side and press the legs to the chest
  • Lubricate the tip with a nutrient cream
  • We extend the buttocks
  • Enter 6-7 cm into the anus
  • Open the crane on the mug
  • We lower the phone
  • Enter the liquid slowly
  • After filling the intestines with water, the child needs to lie down for several minutes, until the desire to occur

    How often you can put an enema for a child

    The course of treatment is from 1 to 10 procedures.

    Frequent use of enemas is addictive, irritation of the intestine. Leads to the inability of the child to defecate on his own.

    Why did the child go to the toilet after the enema

    Sometimes the procedure does not give the desired result with a single one. Do not be alarmed by water will not harm. Repeat the enema no earlier than six hours later.

  • Consider the recommended temperature for the procedure. If the water temperature is too low or too high, spasms in the stomach are searched. This leads to the opposite process - the feces do not occur
  • Carefully take out the enema from the anus compressed. If you will ignite the enema inside the child’s body, spasm there also occurs. The child will not be able to go to the toilet, even after the enema.

    How to put enemas for children: tips and reviews

    Oksana: I'm afraid to put enemas to my baby. I prefer to use candles from constipation.
    Lily:I made a discovery for myself that with the help of an enema you can treat children from worms. No need to drink the medicine. I did with the help of the infusion of chamomile helped.
    Marina: With constipation, she would not bother. Now there are so many laxative harmless funds in the pharmacy. Well, there are no other methods yet to undergo diagnostics. My son had to do. Very unpleasant procedure.
    Galya:My Lapul refuses to take any pills. We are saved only by therapeutic enemas. I act very quickly. We do not use often. Therefore, she did not notice anything negative.
    Svetlana: I want to share a recipe for enemas that we use when in our urine acetone. First, put a cleansing one: on a glass of water with a temperature of 21-25 degrees, put one teaspoon of baking soda. Then we put an enema with Borjomi heated up to 30 degrees. The effect is amazing. After two -day use, the analyzes are perfect. And before that they suffered for months.

Put an enema is not a complicated process. Using the basic rules, you can easily and quickly bring relief to your baby. The most important thing is not to harm the child. Be careful. Even such a simple procedure can be done irreparable harm to your baby.

Video: How to put an enema to a child correctly?

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  1. This is not the first time that my baby has a problem with a chair, I use glycerin candles glycelax. They especially for children, act well and quickly get rid of the problem, which is necessary. But the enema and the gas -free tube is the last century and not entirely safe ...

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