How to sew a skirt on an elastic band the sun without seams and a half -one, long, on the floor, tatyanka, six -knuckle, fourklink, straight, children from tulle, chiffon, mesh for beginners: models, patterns, photo

How to sew a skirt on an elastic band the sun without seams and a half -one, long, on the floor, tatyanka, six -knuckle, fourklink, straight, children from tulle, chiffon, mesh for beginners: models, patterns, photo

Creating a variety of skirts at home.

Now many mothers recall labor lessons in order to prepare a suit for their princesses. If you are “friends” with a needle and a thread, then it will not be difficult to sew a skirt. Moreover, it can be easier than sewing skirts. Yes, this comparison is possible a little exaggerated, but in this matter everything is really madly and elementary.

How to sew a skirt on an elastic band of tulle, chiffon, nets with your own hands: models, recommendations for beginners

It is very easy to study and train for children. Even in special courses (not at everyone, because everywhere a different training program) begin with children's things. Firstly, the consumption of the material is small. Therefore, in the case of an error, you can safely redo (the expenses will be minimal). And secondly, the dimensions are small, so sewing faster and easier. Moreover, the female figure already has rounded shapes that can be able to distinguish correctly.

So, a little distracted. Let us return, at the beginning, to our skirts from Fatin. These skirts are ideal for beginner seamstresses (or just amateurs). As a rule, they are made lush, so it has the same pattern for all types of figures and different ages. And yet, it should be noted that Fatin is insanely light fabric.

What do we need to sew a fatin skirt (or nets):

  • of course, the fabric itself is Fatin
  • lining fabric - any choice, but, best, satin
  • elastic
  • oblique inhibitory (optional, it all depends on how you can beautifully process the bottom)
  • also, satin ribbons, feathers, rhinestones, beads and flowers may be needed

The material consumption depends on the following criteria:

  • length of the product
  • the waist girth
  • the number of layers (that is, the value of the pack)
Stylish models
Stylish models

Let's analyze in order how to sew a fatin skirt:

  1. Of course, we take off the measurements. We have already made a reservation that we need a waist girth (plus 2-3 cm to the seams), it is also necessary to measure the estimated length (add another 5 cm).
  2. Fold our fabric in half along the horizontal line. Then, we fold again, but already on the vertical line. That is, it makes a type, the sun.
  3. Some fold the fabric only twice. But, you must admit that it is easier to work with less dimensions. Especially if the skirt is intended for an adult and has large enough sizes.
  4. We take 1/6 of our waist and put off from the upper corner (let the point a) along the fold line down and to the side. Well, of course, we put off the length itself.
  5. It is better to make a tulle skirt in several layers, so its view will be much prettier. It is not necessary to make it too lush. Yes, and such a la packs of ballerina just look wonderful on small girls. Tie a big bow on their heads and you can marry.
  6. We cut the lining according to the same principle, but its length by about 5 cm should be less than the main fabric.
  7. It is advisable to take an elastic band wide and in tone of the skirt. Sew, stretching the gum. This is done so that you can easily wear the finished product.

Important: for children, the elastic band should not take such tight and preferably already

  1. Further, it remains only to sew our tiers of the skirt (how much you did there). The main thing is to keep in mind that folding the fabric itself, then lining material, and connect with the elastic band the front sides. Then, when the product turns out, the seams will be hidden inward.
  2. By the way, do not forget to process the edges. In this matter, it all depends on your tastes and imagination:
    • It is enough to walk around the edge and align everything well. That is, remove irregularities (if such arises).
    • It is enough for some to make an overlock carefully and beautifully (in this case, the skirt will have a standing and more pronounced shape).
    • The edges treated with a slanting box or a wide satin ribbon will look very elegant.
    • Recently, the decoration of the bottom of the tulle skirt with feathers has become very popular. As a result, very beautiful and magnificent shutters are obtained.
  3. Ready! It remains only to decorate the product itself with rhinestones, bows, butterflies or other accessories. If you want to make it more restrained, then find yourself from any decor.
Elastic skirts
Elastic skirts

By the way! Fatin skirt can be made without even resorting to the help of a sewing machine. We take an elastic band, tulle mode on the strips and simply tie them to the elastic band (tightly to each other). You can even put up several colors, or you can make the edges with wedges. And one more small advice - take a rubber net for a lush pack. And already to her, Fatin will be attached in layers.

- chiffon skirt - crazy beauty or hassle in sewing?

You can’t argue with the fact - such a skirt is very airy, delicate, romantic and elegant. But such a model has a small drawback - this is an uncomfortable cut. Beginners or those who work with such a fabric for the first time, keep in mind - the material is slippery. Therefore, it is worth it to fasten it well with pins, accurately make measurements and very carefully cut off the cut.

The easiest way:

  1. In order to calculate the consumption of the material, it is necessary to consider the fact that the chiffon skirt should be lush. Therefore, it is worth taking 2 lengths of the product.
  2. That is, we take the necessary width of the material (as a rule, they are not sold very wide, so do not be cut to the measured width) for two lengths. For example, the skirt will be 1 meter long, then it is worth taking a chiffon 2 meters.

Important: the chiffon must be well smoothed out, since this is a very imaginary material.

  1. Sew the fabric on the sides. An important nuance - process the edges of the chiffon, because it tends to crumble.
  2. The lining can be made of satin material or from stapel. In general, whatever your heart wants, take such a fabric. The lining itself will be shorter than the length of the chiffon skirt. Moreover, you can even make the lower part to the knee, and the upper skirt will have the maximum length.
  3. At the top of the chiffon rectangle we make a line in which the lower thread will be weakened. Then, you need to pull the same thread and make an accordion. As a result, the chiffon and lining skirt will become the same size.
  4. Then, sew together the lining part with the main fabric. Do not forget to process the edges of the skirt. The lining is enough to pass the zigzag with a line. Chiffon can be made in two ways - an ordinary overlock or taped fabric.
    • In the first case (that is, with an overlock), the bottom of the skirt will be more air and free.
    • If you tie the fabric, then the lower will turn out more persistent. Although the fabric itself is insanely light, but when folding it turns out small waves. This is not a disadvantage, just everyone has different tastes, so consider it.
  5. You can choose an elastic band ordinary, or decorative - this is also a matter of taste, as they say. Also, its color may coincide or differ from the main tone. Fold the front side over our part of the skirt and sew it up.
    • An important point! We take the elastic band the desired length, which is equal to the girth of the waist. We sew its ends. Then, in four places (at the same distances), we roll it with a sewn rectangle (or square). And carefully (!), Stretching the elastic band, we make a line. Thus sewing the elastic band to the skirt itself.
  6. In principle, that's all. The result should be small the same folds on the skirt. If desired, you can come up with some decoration on the belt.
Stylish and light skirt
Stylish and light skirt

Option No. 2:

  • We will not delve into details, and chew every step. They already said above how to sew a tulle skirt (like the sun, but we will analyze the pattern below). Chiffon will also look gorgeous in this version, since it is very light and airy fabric.
  • But! It is worthwhile to make a pattern carefully! Fix the fabric well so that it does not diverge. It is very careful to cut out the part.
  • The lining in this case can also be performed in a circle, or you can make clearly in the figure (but not fitting).
  • The elastic band should be sewn, as in the first version with a chiffon skirt. That is, to put in some places and, stretching, prostrate.

Sun "Sun" without seams on an elastic band with your own hands for beginners: Pattern calculation step by step

Such a skirt is really like the sun for a girl. She can turn an ordinary image into an unforgettable image. Moreover, such a cut is popular, both for everyday clothes and for evening dresses. It is worth adding that this is the easiest way to sew a skirt. In principle, we examined the example of a skirt above, which is sewing on the principle of the sun (with tulle).

How to calculate and build a pattern correctly? We only need two measurements:

  • half a waist (sweat)
  • skirt length (di)
Sun pat
Sun pat

Further actions can be done first on paper. If there is no paper of the corresponding size (after all, the pattern should fully correspond to the real dimensions), then you can glue the leaves of the newspaper or magazine together. If your hand is “stuffed” enough, then you can safely begin to make a pattern on the fabric itself. To do this, it should be folded in half.

  1. Draw a horizontal line. On the fabric - this will be our fold.
  2. Point A.
  3. Three segments - the waist line (AT): left, right and down.
  4. AT is 1/3 of the size of the sweat (that is, the half -seized the waist is divided into three), from which we still take 1 cm. This is done so that the product is free to sit. Although, this effect will give an elastic band, so this action is not a strict rule.
  5. Well, we will call the other two points, respectively, AT1 and AT2. Where to put any point, it doesn’t matter.
  6. Further, the main thing is from the same points (T) we put off DI (how much you intended there) and put, respectively, points H, H1 and H2.
  7. Connect the points with semicircles. Just in case: we draw points T among themselves, we circle with each other. That's all! The pattern is ready.
Sun skirt
Sun skirt

You need to sew the Sun skirt:

  • Process the bottom. Depending on the fabric, only overlock can be dispensed with, and in some cases you need to bend the fabric.
  • Sew an elastic band on top.
  • If you plan to make a belt, then do not forget to leave a place. But, in this case, it is more convenient to make such a skirt with a seam (lightning is just inserted into it).

Skirt half a sun on an elastic band: Pattern

The skirt of the clay or half -sun is the same name of the model. She is something similar to the Sun skirt. But, as you already guessed, this model consists of a semicircle and has at least one seam (well, making it without seams is something from the field of fantasy). She perfectly emphasizes the female figure and makes the silhouette look like a sand clock. And also, such a skirt will be an excellent addition to a daily wardrobe, and, for example, a mini - a skirt will become a wonderful evening suit.

Two sizes are also needed:

  • product length (DI)
  • half a waist (sweat)

We build a pattern. In the same way, fold the fabric in half. But! Now we do not get a circle, but ¼ from the circle. Ideally, of course, first draw on paper, and then transfer to the fabric.

  1. We put, for example, in the right corner point A
  2. From her, we also put off the points T, T1 and T2. They are calculated according to this scheme:
    • We divide the sweat by 3
    • Then we multiply this number by two
    • We take away two more centimeters (for free fit)
    • Although, if the model is on the elastic band, then you can not do this. Gum will remove extra centimeters
  3. Point T put it to the left, T1 - down, and T2 - diagonally
  4. Then (!) From the point T2 up the same diagonal, we put the point T3 at a distance of 2 cm
  5. Combine points t, t1 and t3 bent line

Important: these two centimeters are removed, since the fabric is stretched in any direction

  1. Well, now, respectively, from T, T1 and T3 we put off the length of the skirt. We get points H, H1 and H2, which we also connect a semicircular line
Skirt half -sun
Skirt half -sun

How to sew such a skirt:

  • Yes, elementary! Sit the seam (he is the only one)
  • Process the bottom. If necessary, go over the edges with an overlock (or seam zigzag)
  • Wrap the top of the skirt so that you can insert an elastic band. That is, turn out like below, but consider the width of the elastic band
  • And don't forget to leave a small hole for this action
  • After the elastic band is inserted, this hole is carefully sewn up

How to sew a skirt on an elastic band long, on the floor: pattern

The floor skirt looks very beautiful, but looks good on tall and slender girls. The option will be very interesting when under a long skirt (from translucent fabric) there will be a mini -lining. The material can be any, but preferably light enough. Then the skirt will look more delicate and refined. To make a pattern of a long skirt in the floor on an elastic band, consider several options.

  1. The Sun skirt will look great with a length of the floor. We have already considered how to make a pattern for this model. Therefore, we will not repeat ourselves.
  2. The second option, we also analyzed in detail in detail - this is a half -one.
  3. There is another way to sew a skirt on the floor that is a little similar to a chiffon skirt (also described in detail).
The pattern of the skirt is long
The pattern of the skirt is long
  • If the fabric is translucent, then it is also worth taking a lining fabric. If the fabric is not visible and dense enough, then you can refuse without lining.
  • An excellent option would be, for example, viscose. But you can take any material you like. The plus of this example is that it is insanely easy to work with such a fabric. True, when cutting, you still need to fasten the details well. She does not pour out and does not change.
    • We need to measure the waist - along it and cut out an elastic band +1 cm per seam.
    • We measure the hips (O) and add 4 cm on each side. This is done so that the skirt sits freely.
    • Well, of course, the length of the product itself (DI).
  • Cut the rectangle. For insurance, we pass the zigzag in the entire perimeter. We make an accordion on top (with a glorified lower thread).
Models of a long skirt on an elastic band
Models of a long skirt on an elastic band
  • We fasten the gum in some places to the top of the rectangle. And, stretching it, sew it.
  • It remains only to make another seam to connect the part into the skirt, and process the bottom (that is, turn it).

How to sew a skirt on an elastic band Tatyang: Pattern

This skirt is considered simple, universal and easy to sew, as well as insanely romantic and feminine. Thanks to her style, she makes the figure very beautiful and remarkably emphasizes the waist, and Berda distinguishes.

You can do without a pattern. More precisely, to do it immediately on the fabric. Even a beginner to deal with this. Only two measurements (also) are needed:

  • hip girth (r)
  • skirt length (di)
Skirt pattern
Skirt pattern
Models of the skirt of Tatyanka
Models of the skirt of Tatyanka

How to make a pattern and sew such a skirt:

  • We multiply our about 1.6. This is necessary for the formation of the necessary splendor
  • We fold the fabric in half. We put off the resulting size and our length. Do not forget about the allowances for the seams
  • Cut the rectangle and sew the seam, and also make an overlock of the edges
  • For convenience, you can make an accordion, but you can do without it
  • Fold the elastic band (sewn) with the front sides with the skirt itself. We rolling it in some places
  • And then, we stretch the elastic band very well, and makes a line. As a result, the folds should turn out by themselves due to such a belt
  • It remains only to process the bottom, to distinguish and the skirt is ready

How to sew a skirt on an elastic band sixklinka: pattern

Another model that will perfectly hide the flaws of the figure (especially if they are in the hips). And also, will be able to emphasize the elegant waist. Most often, it is made by a long midi (but no one forbids Max and mini either). It’s just that in this version it hides a little leg, giving more mystery to the image. But, at the same time, it attracts a male look.

Necessary measurements:

  • product length (DI)
  • half a waist (sweat)
  • half hips (wn)

How to make a pattern:


It is worth noting right away that only one wedge is shocked (and it is cut too). More precisely, only half of the wedge. She then applies to the fabric bent in half. Although this is a matter of taste. You can immediately cut a whole wedge. In the future, they are sewn, so take into account the allowances for the seams.

  1. Put the point T. at the top
  2. From it, we lay down our length (point H).
  3. Also, from point T, we also lower the size of the hips (where they are) and draw a point B.
  4. From these three points we draw horizontal lines to the sides. And we calculate the width of the wedge.
    • At the waist TT1 will be 1/6 sweat. But! If the skirt is on the elastic band, then make 1/5 from the size (or just add 1 cm, if it is superfluous - remove it) so that you can easily wear it.
    • For the hips, the calculation is the same. Only initially add 2 cm to the initial measure so that there is free fit. And also divide by 6. We put down the resulting number and put the point B1.
    • Then, connect the points T1 and B1 and continue this line until the intersection with the bottom line (H1). But we measure our length of the skirt (TN) and put on the same line the point H2.
  5. Next, we will do the recess of the waist. We lay down from point T 0.5 cm and put T2.
  6. This is already a matter of taste-you can slightly expand the wedge (for the desired value of 3-5 cm). In this case, put the H2 from point H3. We combine with point T. And then, from it we set aside the length again and put the H4.
Sixclinka model
Sixclinka model

How to sew:

  • 6 such wedges were cut out and sewed them together. Do not forget to process the edges of the product.
  • We make the top so that you can insert an elastic band. Do not forget about the hole for this purpose, which is then sutured.
  • We process the bottom of the skirt. As a rule, for such models they take a denser fabric, so you need to get it only once (do not forget about overlock).

How to sew a skirt on an elastic band fourklinka: pattern

This model from the previous option differs only in the number of wedges. Therefore, we will not go through the whole process again, we will indicate only the difference. This also applies to a skirt with eight wedges (or other number).

  • Our measurements are sweat and shave for this number (number of wedges). That is, take ¼ of the size. But do not forget about the allowances for the seams so that the skirt is easily dressed. Then, with an elastic band, it pulls up to the size of the size.
Four clinking model
Four clinking model

How to sew a skirt on an elastic band straight: pattern

I want to say: "Elementary, Watson!" We described a similar model above, but this option will be even easier. There can be any fabric, but it is best to take a stretch.

Only two measurements are needed:

  • hip girth
  • length of the product
Skirt pattern
Skirt pattern
Right skirt on an elastic band
Right skirt on an elastic band

The pattern can be done directly on the fabric, only take into account the allowances for the seams. Although, correctly draw on paper.

  • Draw a rectangle that will correspond to our sizes
  • Fold the fabric in half, apply the template and cut out
  • Sew the seam, process the edges with a line of zigzag
  • Wrap the bottom and top. But do not forget that you will need to insert an elastic band at the waist
  • By the way, it is very convenient to do with a pin
  • Fixed the elastic band, sewn the hole and ready

How to sew a child’s skirt for a baby for a girl: a pattern, tips

In principle, the pattern of the children's model differs from the adult option only in size. Therefore, we will not delve into this issue in detail. After all, the most popular options are described in detail in detail. We can only give some tips and recommendations.

  • For children, the option on the elastic band will be perfect. Moms will understand me why
  • Of course, the most successful options will be the models of the Sun, half a sun, Tatyanka and tulle skirts
Gum skirt
Gum skirt
  • The color scheme is better to take bright colors. After all, childhood is very fleeting, so let the little princesses have more bright colors. And in pastel or classic shades, they will still have time to walk around
  • And for children's models you can give free rein to imagination and imagination in terms of scenery
  • Also, we are not afraid to add various ruffles, bows and enlarges

How to sew a skirt on a wide decorative elastic band?

The work on the decorative elastic band does not differ. Therefore, on which option you put your eyes, feel free to take and create. We examined more than one option on how to sew an elastic band. Therefore, we will not “chew” in detail. Just summarize:

  • they removed the measurements and cut off the required length
  • sewn the elastic band among themselves
  • put on top of the skirt, fastened in some places and stitching
  • the main condition is to pull the heap itself well

And what a model or fabric will already be will not matter. We provided your choice with the main and most popular options. Therefore, create and wear health!

Video: Elastic skirt in half an hour: Creating at home

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