How to sew a sunbed for a dog with your own hands? Ways to make a sunbed with your own hands: photos, diagrams, construction of a pattern, instruction

How to sew a sunbed for a dog with your own hands? Ways to make a sunbed with your own hands: photos, diagrams, construction of a pattern, instruction

DIY dog lovar options for a dog.

In the work "Dog heart" it was noted that the collar for the dog, like a suitcase for the deputy. The sunbat, that is, a place for relaxation, is of no small importance. In modern pet stores there is a large selection of sunbeds for dogs and cats, but not always purchased products are better than made by their own hands. In this article we will tell you how to make a sunbed for a dog with your own hands.

How to sew a sunbed for a dog: selection of size and shape

There are several forms of form, as well as design, methods for making sunbeds. It all depends on the size and breed of your dog. Please note that one of the most important stages is the presence of sides that adjoin the wall. The fact is that if you put a sunbed by the wall, then your dog can constantly wipe the wallpaper during movement. In this place they will get dirty.

Dogs do not always come with clean walks, so the walls are really dirty in these areas. In order to avoid this, be sure to consider the height of the sides. It should be equal to the width of the body of the dog. It is worth paying special attention to the size, as well as the shape of the sunbed. Now you can find both rectangular, round, and oval on sale. Watch your pet, see how he prefers to sleep. If the dog is curled up, it makes sense to sew a round or oval sunbed. If she loves to sleep on her side, straightening her paws, in which case it is best to make it in the shape of a rectangle.

DIY dog lounger
DIY dog lounger

DIY dog lounger: General recommendations

In order to sew a sunbed, you will need only two parameters: the height of the dog at the withers, as well as the length from the tail to the head, without taking into account the length of the tail itself. Actually, this is all the information that you need. Add a few more centimeters and can safely engage in a pattern.


  • To build a pattern, use paper or old wallpaper
  • Draw an oval that will correspond to the height of the withers, as well as the length of the dog's body
  • Draw a rectangle, cut into a separate piece of paper, make the sides
  • Try to let the dog lie down on this piece of paper to make sure of the correct size
  • If the sunbed is very crowded, the dog simply cannot sleep in it
  • After you are convinced of the correct size, you must transfer the image to the details, that is, to the fabric itself
  • As a filler, you can use fluff, feather, holofiber, silicone balls, foams or hay
  • Please note that the filler from the hay must be changed every year, and the feathers are knocked regularly and cleaned with snow
  • It is also worth considering that the covers should be made on locks or Velcro, so that if necessary, they can be removed and washed, because the dog can dirty his sunbed

DIY dog lounger for a dog: the instructions for sewing from foam

  • After all the markings are ready, cut the details, sew them
  • Sew the zipper and fill the filler you have chosen
  • The fact is that you can not sew the side, but make it on Velcro
  • In the lower part, at the end, you need to sew Velcro that will stick directly to the base
  • A very convenient option, especially if you need to wash a sunbed
  • Next, you can collect a sunbed. If you make it from foam rubber, then there is no need to retreat to the allowances, cut it out exactly in size
Lounger a dog for a dog
Lounger a dog for a dog

An ideal upholstery option for your sunbed will be raincoat fabric, jeans. The main thing is that the canvas is without villi and the dog’s hair does not cling to it, so that over time it looks quite neat, without pieces of wool, easily cleaned. Upholstery for sofas or cars is suitable. If you did not plan to purchase upholstery to create a sunbed, you can use ordinary old jeans. This fabric is quite dense, is well erased and will serve for a very long time.

Creative sun loungers for dogs
Creative sun loungers for dogs

Dog Ssder: ideas for manufacturing, photo

We offer the most interesting and unusual options for sunbeds.

A sunbed from a pale
A sunbed from a pale
DIY dog lounger from a sweater and pillows
DIY dog lounger from a sweater and pillows
An unusual sunbed
An unusual sunbed
Dog's lounger step by step
Dog's lounger step by step

Sewing a sunbed for the dog is very simple. Select existing options or come up with a model yourself.

Video: We sew a sunbed for a dog from improvised materials

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