How to salt the mushrooms of the waves for the winter in a cold and hot way: the best recipes, tips, secrets. How to marry the waves in banks tasty: a recipe for a wave of water per liter of water. How to salt the waves and loads together, how to freeze the waves for the winter: recipe

How to salt the mushrooms of the waves for the winter in a cold and hot way: the best recipes, tips, secrets. How to marry the waves in banks tasty: a recipe for a wave of water per liter of water. How to salt the waves and loads together, how to freeze the waves for the winter: recipe

How to cook waves of mushrooms for the winter: recipes.

In shape, the mushrooms of the waves resemble young loads. The color of the body of the mushroom can be compared with another edible mushroom - a redhead. The dish prepared from the mushrooms is distinguished by a thin pleasant aroma. However, not all mushroom pickers and culinary specialists willingly send a wave to a basket to the rest of the forest living rooms. The fault of this is the bitterness inherent in the wave.

To collect these forest gifts, as well as processing, troublesome. But it is worth trying once a dish of mushrooms-wolves, as their unusual and unique taste will make you become their faithful fan.

How to process the waves before cooking and how to make delicious salty snacks from them for the winter read in the article.

How to clean the waves for salting?

  • In mushroom pickers, several more names have been stored for the waves: they are called Volzhans, Volinyans, Wolf, Wolves, Wallproofs or Wolves, mushrooms are also called their color - white - whites, pink - rubella and beautiful. Another name reveals the main secret to preparing a mushroom - a decoction, because the main requirement is the preliminary cook of the living rooms from the forest. Mushrooms are popular among those lovers of quiet hunting who know the secrets of their preparation.
How to clean the mushrooms of the waves
How to clean the mushrooms of the waves
  • The next step after collecting the mushrooms is their cleaning and preparing for further processing.
    Wallwashes in our country belong to the group of conventionally at the same time, and in European states they are included in the list of toxic mushrooms.
  • Therefore, you cannot add them to dishes in raw form. And preliminary processing should be careful and correct. Only after that the mushrooms can be eaten.
  • In early autumn, mushroom pickers bring home the harvest of waves in the baskets, which may differ in color. There are whitish mushrooms, but bright red. It all depends on the place in which spores sprouted.
  • The mushrooms prefer in places where coniferous trees, birch trees grow “settles”. Clones are often found in mixed forests.
  • You can distinguish the mushroom from others by a wavy rounded hat. On its surface there is a characteristic pattern, and the edges are woolly and shaggy.
Where the waves grow
  • Having gathered a forest crop, the first thing we proceed to sorting the waves: we send worm and spoiled specimens without hesitation and regret to a garbage bucket.

We clean the mushrooms in several stages:

  • There is a thin film on the mushroom hat of the mushroom. It is not necessary to remove it. Cleaning is that 2/3 of the length of the legs is removed. It is necessary to do this, because in this part of the mushroom the pulp is rough and fibrous.
  • After the cut on the mushroom’s leg is made, we clean the Volzhanka with a brush with rough bristles. This must be done carefully, because the wave is a fragile mushroom that crumble even with a slight pressure.
How to clean the mushrooms of the waves
How to clean the mushrooms of the waves

Do I need and how much to soak the waves in front of the salting?

  • After cleansing the waves, it is necessary to carry out their further processing and only after that it will be possible to proceed with the preparation of mushroom dishes.
  • After updating the cut on the mushroom leg, you can notice that the incision is filled with milky juice. The taste of the mushroom spoils from this juice. But this is not the danger of falling the Volzhanka juice into a dish with mushrooms.
  • Pale caustic liquid can cause severe poisoning. To neutralize the negative effects of the mushroom, the wave of the wave should be soaked before cooking or boiled.

How to soak the mushrooms of the wave?

How to soak the waves
How to soak the waves

If the stage of cleaning of mushrooms from garbage and cleansing using the brush is already behind, then we proceed to the next stage:

  • Pour the mushrooms into a large container and pour in clean water. But we remember that the body of the mushroom quickly absorbs the liquid. Therefore, we reduce the time of flushing the fungus under running water. Put the mushrooms in a colander.
  • We prepare the following solution: add 10 grams of salt and 2 grams of citric acid to a container with cold water (this amount of salt is designed for 1 liter, if you have more capacity, then the amount of ingredients for the solution also increases). Make sure that the mushrooms are completely covered with liquid.
  • We leave the wave in this solution for two days. We replace water with fresh portions every 5 hours. Thanks to such repeating manipulations, you will get rid of bitterness and unpleasant taste of hotels from the forest. However, in order for the waves to open their unique taste as much as possible, they should be withstanded in the water for three days and even longer.
  • If the water is not changed during soaking, then you risk getting sour mushrooms that will turn into a real poison!
  • Again, we repeat the stage with cleaning the waves with a brush. We lay out in a colander and wait until the excess fluid is draining.

Video: Volnushki

Do I need and how much to cook the waves before salting until cooked?

  • To get rid of a bitter taste, the waves are kept in water for at least 2 days. But so that they do not cause poisoning, the mushrooms are boiled.
  • This is done in two salted waters for 5-10 minutes. You can boil the mushrooms differently: put a pan with waves on the stove.
  • When the liquid boils, reduce fire. Pour salt into the pan at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter and cook for 20 minutes. We pour boiled mushrooms into a colander so that the glass is excess fluid.
How to boil the waves before cooking
How to boil the waves before cooking

How to salt the waves for the winter in coldly correct: recipes and secrets

Compliance with the salting technology and the recipe for the preparation of waves will eliminate poisoning with these mushrooms. If we take into account all the nuances, then the prepared mushrooms will acquire the status of their favorite and tasty snacks among your households.

Advice: Experienced mushroom pickers sort the waves by color and only after that proceed to the salting of different waves separately. If the mushrooms are large, then it is better to cut them into 2 or 4 parts. Then they are evenly saturated with brine and will not differ in taste.

Advice: By soaking mushrooms, you need to fill them with water completely. Otherwise, the waves remaining on the surface are moldy. Such mushrooms, even after thorough washing, will retain a moldy taste and smell.

Cold way to salivate waves


  • about 7 kg of wolf mushrooms
  • 200 g of salt
  • 12 g of citric acid
  • 50 g of dill seeds
  • 20 g of cumin
  • several cabbage leaflets (how much will be needed in the width of the barrel)

Cooking process:

  • We clean the waves of garbage, soak for three days in salt water with the addition of citric acid. Do not forget to change the water after 5 hours.
  • Pour in a saucer the entire portion of salt, caraway seeds and dill seeds. Mix.
  • We put the mushrooms with hats down in a capacity for salting in layers (it is best to pick up a wooden barrel for salting mushrooms). Each layer of 6-8 cm, sprinkled with salt with cabled, dill seeds.
  • The final layer of the wave we cover with cabbage leaves. Put a plate or a bowl on top, which will hold the load.
  • We take out our design with mushrooms to a place where the air temperature is 0-10 degrees. The waves will ripen another month or two, and only after that it will be possible to try.

Tip: you can not allow freezing the waves in the brine, otherwise they will simply crumble. If the temperature in the room rises above 10 degrees and the mushrooms will stand in such conditions for a long time, then they will acidify.

  • Ready -made salty waves before serving on the table need to be soaked with cold water, otherwise they will be crossed.
How to salt the waves for the winter

How to salt the waves for the winter hotly right: recipes and secrets

  • If you do not have a wooden barrel, and you cannot provide suitable conditions for salting mushrooms, then you will have to refuse the classic taste of mushrooms prepared according to the “grandmother's recipe”. However, there are many other ways to prepare the waves for the winter.
  • However, you can always find other options for cooking your favorite dish. If we are talking about mushrooms-wolfs, then you can cook them hot.

You can try to pick up the waves in a combined way.


  • 5 kg of mushrooms-wolf
  • 6 tablespoons of salt (no hill)
  • 5 bay leaves and 5 currant leaves
  • 2 sheets of horseradish
  • fresh dill - about 5 g
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 liters of water

Cooking process:

  • Pour the entire portion of water on the plate into the plate. Add 2 tablespoons with a slide of salt. We wait until the liquid boils.
  • We carry out all further manipulations with pre-soaked mushrooms-wolf mushrooms. Pour the mushrooms in boiling water, stir. Cook for 10 minutes, all this time we remove a spoon of foam.
  • With the help of a colander, we take out the mushrooms from boiling water and washed under the tap.
  • We throw a peeled and cut into a grill in a pan with mushrooms with mushrooms with mushrooms (a portion of garlic into two parts so that we throw the second part to throw from above). Pour salt, lay washed greens.
  • We lay the second layer of mushrooms, sprinkle with salt again, add dill and remaining garlic. Cover with a clean towel and set the oppression. We remove the pan in the refrigerator. In a month, mushrooms will be salted and will be ready for use.

Video: Salting waves hot

How to marry the waves in banks tasty: a recipe for a wave of water for 1 liter of water

The products necessary for the preparation of pickled waves:

  • 1 kg of mushrooms-wolf
  • 2 dessert spoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar
  • cloves - to taste
  • pepper (peas) - half a dessert spoon
  • bay leaf-1-2 leaves
  • onion
  • carrot
  • salt - 1 tablespoon

Cooking process:

  • We begin to pickle the mushrooms tole after preliminary soaking. How to soak the waves - read in previous sections.
  • We spread the waves in a pan with boiling water and boil for 10-15 minutes, declining fire.
  • We prepare the marinade: in the pan with the amount of water indicated in the recipe, send onion, carrots, granulated sugar. Immediately pour spices and salt.
  • We boil the marinade for 10-15 minutes, until the onion and carrots are boiling. Now you can send mushrooms to the marinad and pour a portion of vinegar indicated in the recipe.
  • We make smaller fire and leave on the stove for 15-20 minutes. All this time we do not forget to stir.
    We cook banks: sterilize them in the usual way.
  • We lay the mushrooms in sterilized jars. We fill in the jars with boiling filling and rolling up.
How to marry the waves in banks tasty

How to salt raw waves for the winter?

Video: How to salute the waves for the winter?

How to salt the waves and loads together in a cold way: recipe


  • 1 kg assorted made of mushrooms (waves and loaders)
  • liter of water
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (with a slide)
  • citron acid 2/3 dessert spoon
  • seasoning - at will

Cooking process:

  • The loads and previously soaked waves are cut into pieces.
  • We pour the entire portion of water into the pan, we also pour salt and spices here.
  • We lay the mushrooms in an enamel container or wooden barrel. Sprinkle with salt and seasonings on top. Cover with a clean towel and install the load.
  • After a few days, we fill the container with mushrooms to the very top and send it to a cool place for a month or even two. The brine as necessary to add (it may begin to evaporate).
  • If the mushrooms are covered with mold during this time, then the upper layer must be selected and rinored with hot water. After that, the washed mushrooms are again sent to the common container.

Video: How to salute the loads and waves?

Mushroom caviar of waves: recipe for the winter

To prepare caviar, we need the following ingredients:

  • according to a kilogram of mushrooms, onions and tomatoes
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 l
  • salt

Cooking process:

  • Boil the waves in ordinary water twice (15 minutes each).
  • Clean the onion of the husk. We pass through the meat grinder vegetables (tomatoes, onions) and mushrooms. Add vegetable oil and salt to the resulting mass.
  • We boil the caviar for 30 minutes and lay out in sterilized jars.
Mushroom caviar of waves: recipe for the winter

How to freeze the waves for the winter: recipe

  • The soaked and previously boiled wolf mushrooms can be frozen for the winter. To do this, the harvest of forest gifts must be laid on a colander and wait until the excess fluid is draining.
  • We pour the mushrooms on cellophane bags portions and remove it in the freezer.
How to freeze the waves for the winter
How to freeze the waves for the winter

Is it possible to salt the waves in the plastic bucket?

  • You can salt any mushrooms in special wooden barrels, containers. In their absence, enameled pots, buckets, glass containers of large volume are used.
  • A plastic bucket cannot be used for salting mushrooms. In the contents of such a container, under the influence of a salt solution, toxins will be released, which can cause irreparable harm to health.

After how many days can you eat salty waves?

  • The waves can be consumed 30-60 days after the salting starts in the cold way. If you used a hot method, then the mushrooms will be ready the very next day, and you can’t store them for more than 2 months: they will become toxic.

Wall -pickled waves hotly green: why?

When vinegar is added, the color of the fungi can change to green.

Video: pickled waves. Conservation of mushrooms

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