How to reduce the pulse at home quickly: tips, folk prescriptions, drugs and tablets. What to do with a high pulse: tips

How to reduce the pulse at home quickly: tips, folk prescriptions, drugs and tablets. What to do with a high pulse: tips

Instructions for reducing the pulse at home.

The frequency of heart contractions per minute for a healthy adult should be 60-80 beats. If this is a newborn, then the number of shocks per minute can be 140. For children 6-7 years old, this is 100 beats per minute. But it often happens that a person has a rapid pulse. In this article, we will tell you how to reduce the number of heart contractions in various ways.

What to do with a high pulse: tips

It is necessary to evaluate your physical condition. If you go to the fifth floor without shortness of breath and a serious deterioration in the condition, then everything is in order with your health. If you climb the stairs, while on the third or second floor you have shortness of breath, dizziness, then you need to do your health. You are shown physical exertion, enough 30 minutes a day of slight physical exertion to normalize your condition, as well as improve heart function.


  • A great option for reducing heart rate is weight loss. It is proved that people with excessive weight, that is, suffering from obesity, observe a rapid heartbeat.
  • Often the heart beats in people with hypertension. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor your pressure and reduce it.
  • If the number of heart contractions is increased and due to the use of a large number of spices, as well as salt, it is necessary to abandon their use. Replace spices dried herbs.
  • Try to get less nervous and take sedatives. Melissa, valerian, tincture of motherwort is suitable. These substances are easy to purchase in a pharmacy. They really soothe with a long, constant reception.
Reduce the heartbeat
Reduce the heartbeat

How to reduce the pulse at home quickly: methods

You can reduce the pulse using Valocordin, Validol or Corvalol. It is enough to put the validol tablet under the tongue, dissolve it. After 30 minutes, the pulse will slow down a little.

Unusual ways to reduce the pulse at home:

  • For these methods, you do not need to take any drugs or significantly change your lifestyle. It is enough to perform a few simple manipulations. Lie face down, lie in this position for about 20 minutes.
  • Lie on your back, put the index fingers on the eyeballs, while closing your eyes. Massage them for half a minute. Such manipulation will help reduce the pulse.
  • Call the gag reflex. Enter two fingers in the throat and wait for the appearance of several vomiting. Such manipulations allow you to excite the nervous system. Immediately your pulse will become more frequent, and then it will slow down significantly.
  • Another interesting and unusual option for slowing the pulse is the excitation of the vagus nerve. You need to take a deep breath, close the nose and mouth, try to exhale. Thus, the voltage in the head will appear. What will help reduce the pulse.
Reduce the heartbeat
Reduce the heartbeat

How to lower the pulse at home quickly: folk recipes

You can reduce the pulse using folk methods. For this, decoctions of herbs, healing plants are used.

Folk recipes:

  • Take the usual several times a day bee Nectar. It will help reduce heart rate. It is advisable to take it on an empty stomach and before bedtime. To do this, a teaspoon of honey is diluted in a glass of boiled water. Drink on an empty stomach or before dinner 40 minutes before meals.
  • Rose hip. The decoction of these berries reduces the heart rate. These fruits improve the work of the kidneys, are diuretic.
  • Black currant. These fruits also reduce the number of heart contractions per minute. Therefore, we recommend that if there is a strong rapid heartbeat, there is black currant. Chernival mountain ash is ideal.
  • Another option to reduce the pulse, as well as blood pressure, is the use of drugs that reduce blood pressure. We recommend a decoction of hawthorn. It is advisable to use not grass, but the fruits themselves. They are preparing jams, as well as a variety of compotes, goodies. Such fruits significantly reduce heart rate.
Reduce the pulse
Reduce the pulse

Preparations and tablets for lowering the pulse: List

Review of drugs:

  • Containing membranestabilizing substances: Fleminide, propaphenon, etacitazin
  • Betlocks: Bisoprolol, acubutolol, metoprolol, healing, atenolol, betaxolol, Timolol,
  • Calcium channel blockers and calcium ions: Amiodaron, Drondarone, Ibuleid, Sotalol, Dofeilid
  • Cardiac glycosides: Corglycon, digoxin, calanide
Pulse tablets
Pulse tablets

If you have chest pain, a rapid heartbeat, tremor, dizziness, we recommend calling an ambulance or contacting a hospital. Perhaps there are problems with the cardiovascular system that require immediate intervention of doctors.

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  1. I think it’s better not to resort to any means, not knowing the reason ... I thought that the hearts were problems, and the root cause of everything turned out to be menopause. For this reason, she did not drink anything “cordial”, only Alanin and infusions of Borovaya uterus took. Gradually, the attacks of the rapid heartbeat ceased, and there are no more tides ... They also finished terribly

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