How to accumulate a student on a new phone: 5 ways to save money for a teenager

How to accumulate a student on a new phone: 5 ways to save money for a teenager

How can a schoolboy accumulate a new phone? He can ask his parents about this and they will buy him. But, smart parents will teach the child savings and savings. If the children see how the money is accumulated and what sacrifices need to go to, they will understand their price. In addition, if the child himself accumulates on the phone or another thing, then he will be more careful about it.

The easiest way to get a new phone is to ask parents to buy it. However, many parents consider a fashionable telephone novelty to be excess, and not a necessity, while a schoolboy, comparing the phones of his friends, simply does not think of himself without a new gadget. Therefore, it is worth taking the business in your own hands and starting to put off money on the phone from your own savings.

How to save a child?

In order to accumulate money, you need to decide on the amount that is necessary. If parents give a fixed amount of pocket expenses for a month or week, then you can calculate how much time it will take to achieve a financial goal.

It is impossible to save money without financial statements. It is necessary to control funds to both adults and children. Moreover, if you learn to do it at an early age, then in adulthood, financial well -being can be gained much easier.

After the schoolboy decide on the amount, you need to calculate how much he will remain at the end of the month minus income. Of course, the student’s income is minimal, but there are practically no expenses. And this is a big plus.

The child learns to save
The child learns to save

When accumulating money, it is very important to take place where they will fold. If for an adult the best place in the bank, to which you can transfer the remaining money on a month, then the child can be used for this purpose - a piggy bank.

Important: the child cannot open an account with the bank. But, he can do this with his parents. Relatives living in other cities can transfer money to such an account.

Why a piggy bank is a good idea? In addition to the child, relatives will throw money into it. You can agree with your mother and coming from the store all the little thing that remained to go to the piggy bank for delivery.

Pocket money and trifle from the store are not the best assistants in accumulation. But, the child must feel the whole “strength” of this process. To do this, he must learn to save.

Skip a trip to the cinema with friends or some other event with a paid entrance. Of course, the main thing here is not to bend the stick. Communication with peers is important to the child and if he all the time begins to skip such events, he will very soon lose touch with classmates and friends.

Important: some schoolchildren refuse school dinners to save pocket money. You can’t do this in any case. Unregular nutrition in childhood will cause many problems. Parents must control the food eating and be sure that he does not “save” the means of missing dinner.

5 ways to save money to a student

Pocket money for a child
Pocket money for a child

1. Pocket money. The money that parents give the child for pocket expenses is the main profitable article of his budget. The schoolboy, due to age, cannot get a job and therefore, pocket money is very often the only possibility of accumulating funds for an expensive purchase. Pocket money teach a child to save money, financial management and other important qualities.

Important: in Germany, the duty of issuing pocket money to parents to their children is established at the legislative level. In the event of parents of his duties, the child may apply to the “complaint” to the relevant authority and will impose a fine on parents.

2. Cash gifts. But, not only pocket money is a source of the student’s income. In most families, a child for a birthday or New Year can receive cash gifts from relatives. Such "income" does not need to be discounted.

3. Sale of unnecessary things. Probably, every child has things that he does not use. Old discs, books, designers, machine model and other things that can be sold. It is enough to photograph them and put them on ebay or avito. The income received will help to bring the time for accumulation of the desired amount.

4. House work and bonuses for good studies. Many parents encourage their children for good marks with cash bonuses. Such bonuses will become not only a good opportunity to quickly accumulate the desired amount, but also help improve their studies.

5. Earnings. A child can officially work only from the age of 14. But, this does not mean that he cannot be earned. Very often, schoolchildren master the “professions” of the stiffer of ads and promoter (distribution of leaflets). Work does not imply separation from studying at school.

How to accumulate on a laptop to a student

A child with a laptop
A child with a laptop
  • Without a laptop and a tablet, it is impossible to imagine modern life. With the help of such devices, you can learn information from the Internet and engage in self -learning. That is why schoolchildren today dream of such gadgets
  • On average, unlike the phone, the laptop costs about 2 times more. This means that the student will have to save on him longer. You can speed up the process using part -time jobs. Michael Dell, founder of Dell, still began to earn a schoolboy on collecting computers
  • He bought individual components, collected them in a single device and sold them with his margin. When his teacher found out about the amount that Michael earned in a month, she was in shock. Her salary was many times less
  • Modern schoolchildren are well versed in technology. So why not earn on their knowledge. You can also buy a motherboard, processor, RAM, hard drive and other components and collect a computer from them
The child is accumulating the money
The child is accumulating the money

Any computer store will open a discount to those who will buy computer supplies in it many times. And this will increase profit by a few percent.

How to accumulate a student on your phone?

In order to save on the phone, you need to not only save money, but also try to make money. You can do this in different ways. The main ones will be described below. If a schoolboy can express his thought well, then he can earn a spelling of essays for classmates.

In each class there are students who will gladly pay their comrade for such a job. And, most importantly, customers from other classes will “pull up” over time. If the school is large, then accumulate on a new phone using this method very quickly.

How to accumulate money to a student 12 years: options

Dog walking like a business
Dog walking like a business

At the age of 12, a student can already think not only about saving funds from pocket money received from parents, but also about additional earnings. There are many "professions" that a schoolboy can master. These include:

  • Surification for neighboring children. The schoolboy can look after neighboring children. Of course, he must be very responsible. Small children will not be trusted with a 12-year-old child. But the supervision of 6-9 year old breakers is just right
  • Buying products for elderly friends. If the student has elderly relatives and acquaintances, then he could buy them products and bring them home. Today, entire services are working in the field of services for the elderly. So why not earn a schoolboy on this
  • Transportation of documents. Not everyone will take the student by the courier. But, some companies can “hire” a 12-year-old person for one-time transportation of minor documentation
  • Walking dogs. But this "profession" is already perfect for a 12-year-old schoolboy. He can walk several dogs at a time at a time, saving his time and earning additional funds for buying a smartphone or tablet
  • Computer literacy training. Today everyone has computers. They are actively used not only by young people, but also by representatives of the older generation. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for them to master the computer and the Internet. Schoolchildren can help them cope with this hard task

How to accumulate money to a student quickly: tips and reviews

How to earn a child
How to earn a child

Igor. The famous investor Waren Buffett worked the first dollars at 6 years old. He bought Coca-Cola boxes and sold the bottles in a piece. Why not earn money to modern schoolchildren. You just need to think about what you can buy wholesale and sell in retail. My friend and I took copies of photographs with Bruce Lee, Sylvester Stoy, Arnold Schwarznegger, Victor Tsoem and sold them to friends. And well, by the way, they earned.

Svetlana. My son is working on snow cleaning in winter, and in the summer, digging of gardens, digging trenches, etc. Not to say that this work brings a lot of money, but it is. In addition, the son does not want to depend on me. Therefore, it earns as he can.

Video: Business Idea of \u200b\u200ba Samara schoolboy

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Comments K. article

  1. The child himself saved up the money on the phone. In the end, I bought myself a brand new Fly, we added quite a bit. Now he walks happy.

  2. No article from the Internet helped me! Because :
    1) We have no work for adolescents (the city is very small)
    2) they don’t give me money for pocket expenses at all! And to ask about it, it’s a shame.
    3) I can't work on the Internet! Since the computer is usually busy, and my vision is bad, so I can’t sit at the computer for a long time.
    And what should I do now? Sow the pillow of unforgettable dreams?

  3. Hi Alina. Firstly, since you write this comment, then the computer is free. Yes, and your vision does not bother you. Sobbing into the pillow is certainly not worth it. It's useless. If you have any hobby, try to monetize it. Nowadays, you can even sell paper crafts via the Internet. Not to mention more significant things. And even a computer is not needed for this. This can be done with even the simplest smartphone. For example, through VKontakte or Instagram.

  4. Well, in principle, there is such a Pepakura program, and with the help of it you can make different crafts from paper in likeness as cosplay costumes. My friend sold a suit of Star Wars for 20,000 rubles. And for this you will need only a printer and paper.

  5. Hello, my name is Elizabeth, I am 12 years old, I have opened my own business at school, earnings 5000 per week, I highly advise (I sell the so -called slimes (Lizuna))

  6. Elizabeth, I, too, only different products. And earnings per week 800-1200 p.

  7. The article is good, but I never accumulate 20 thousand ... I am 12

  8. The idea is cool; But I will not accumulate 50,000 (I am 12)

  9. My name is Ira, the article is good, but I can’t accumulate 25 thousand 12!

  10. some children fucked up. Phone over 50k at 12 years old.

  11. Everything was already obsessed with the dough and on phones. Take it better for sports, talk to your friends live or read books. Develop your intelligence. The mind should be released from the crowd, not a gadget.

  12. I am 14 and I also started to save on the phone, though not for 25-50 thousand (very expensive), I want to save on a phone that costs 4.5 thousand ... A good article, but I do not think that many will want to go to work at work Some simply do not have such an opportunity, well, about pocket money you are right and about gifts of money too. And for assessments and cleaning, they don’t pay many, as my parents are saying ”this is your duties to study well and get out at home.”

  13. I am 14 and I also started to save on the phone, though not for 25-50 thousand (very expensive), I want to save on a phone that costs 4.5 thousand ... A good article, but I do not think that many will want to go to work at work Some simply do not have such an opportunity, well, about pocket money you are right and about gifts of money too. And for assessments and cleaning, they don’t pay many, as my parents are saying ”this is your duties to study well and get out at home.”

  14. i am 11 years old and a month of 500 rubles was going to buy a phone from the Honor company costs about 12 thousand, well, to save 12 thousand in 2 years is too long. Many people will say that I am sitting at the computer, but so I walk and sports I am engaged (light athletics) so it is still a profit from the New Year and the birthday, the city (village) is not for us to work small, and if you say that you write for example a homework for 50-30 rubles, then they will tell you “what are you foolish?” The article is good.

  15. Ilya, I have the same! I also go to athletics, I am also 11, and I also live in the village. But you go around the village, look for ads there, ask your neighbors. I am making a gift to my mother (I want to buy a new phone for her, just thank you). I am engaged in freelance, looked for and it turned out that the nanny was required, called, said that I was 12 (she lied a little), agreed to sit. And about the home still, try, few.

  16. I need to accumulate 5 KO I want Samsung Jay 1. I think this article will help me.

  17. I myself earned on a new computer and a new phone is not so cheap, in general, the price of 100k rubles, I have been accumulating for a very long time

  18. I agree

  19. And what should I do? I want to buy a new phone to mom (I need 5-10 K somewhere) I don’t get feeding money, I can’t go earn extra money (school for 6 lessons and circles almost every day) is a good article, but ...

  20. I have read a few comment and think:
    1. write that you can not on the computer, but on the phone, upload it to Instagram and Vkontakte, but what? Now here on this site 75% of adolescents want a martphphone and a person of this only on this site read this article.

  21. Hello!
    Parents do not give pocket money for a week/month or for good studies, only for dinners at school, but I don’t want to “put it off” (and most often there is no cash, only a map, etc.). And it will not work to work, in our area there is no such work, but I am not yet 14. Therefore, the only income is money from the holidays, etc.
    Is it worth considering the idea of \u200b\u200bmonetizing any hobby? I draw, and as people say, pretty good, but I don’t like it myself, so far I just think about it.

  22. I want to accumulate on a new computer, but this is impossible in our city

  23. All schoolchildren are accumulated on phones, and I am studying ... (I want to take language courses in the UK)

  24. Hi all! I want to accumulate 20 thousand rubles, but I don't know how. I want myself a laptop. Please advise ways to make money on the Internet. I will be very grateful)

  25. Hi all! I am 10. Yes, this is not enough. I want to say who does not want to walk dogs there, etc. It can just sell lemonade, jelly, cookies, jam, a slime there. This is a very good profit. Everyone is buying up on a day !!!!!

  26. I am Evita, 12. I really want an iPhone XR, I have such plans, from school tables I thought that for 6 months I can accumulate 6K rubles, in November birthday, for a birthday they usually give me 12-15 thousand. And for the New Year I will ask my parents to pay the remaining money. It would be nice if any work, but at my age it is unlikely

  27. I am 13 kapets and I really want a new phone there Huai or there Samsung for 15k at least but all this. Options are not suitable because I live in the village and there is no earnings not on DR, not for the New Year, even in the village, it’s not a single work, but there is no pocket money either and I’m trying to find sites to everyone so far.

  28. i want myself a new gyro scooter, it costs 8 k.

  29. I noticed that everything is mostly my peers. I am 12 years old. I wanted to accumulate on the iPhone, but I have no smartphone under 14 years of age is not allowed by my parents. I think by 14 I will accumulate on the iPhone. Time of wow. Well, I have accumulated 2 thousand over the past year, I cleaned the house 10r one room with floors))

  30. Hello, I read the article, I know these ways, but my mother gives me 100 rubles a week, I was already tortured how much I will have been accumulating 10 thousand, roughly speaking 1 year and 5 months, as if little, I am 11 years old but I do not know How can I work quickly, at least in 2 months.

  31. I am 12 years old, I want to accumulate at least 50k until August 2022 ... From the age of 8, I really, really want a dog, recently my parents have thought about these, but alas, they don’t have so much money (I want Corgi, they cost an average of 70 -80 thousand). And on August 14, I have a birthday, and it would be cool if I have accumulated the right amount before this time, and my parents would invest a residual amount ... Now I sell unnecessary goods on Avito, my parents rarely give money, but they also have to save it. I also want to start earned up with stiffening of explanations, and walk the dogs. Mom gives 100 rubles every week to school to buy something in the buffet. I'll start to postpone this money))

  32. Input captcha is the simplest and most reliable type of earnings on the Internet. In order to earn money, you need only a computer and a keyboard. The meaning of the input of Kapchi is that there are many pictures that cannot be recognized automatically and are ready to pay for recognition. All you need is to enter the text from the picture (from captcha).
    To start working, you just need to register in the captcha service, and then click "Start working"

  33. Hi all! I am 13 years old, at the end of 2022 14. I really want to accumulate myself on an iPhone x, since it seems to be still sold, well, it is aesthetically very beautiful

  34. I am Lisa, I am 11. I really dream of the iPhone 11 Pro. Among all the iPhones, it is the most profitable and aesthetic to me. As for the money for NG or DR, I can’t help but spend it, taking into account what they give a maximum of 5-6 thousand. Father began to give a trifle much less often than in past years. About the distribution of leaflets, etc. I won’t even think (only if in the summer) because I have an artist+2 shift in the lyceum. A very good idea of \u200b\u200bunnecessary things. For the purpose of 52k, a very good business. Thank you for your attention. 🙂

  35. I am 13 years old and I want to accumulate on the tablet. Moreover, it’s not some kind of trinket there, but for something sensible .. in general, at first I wanted an iPad, but on average they cost 100 thousand ... That's why at least something normal .. and yes, I saw a comment where the person wanted Buy a phone for 50k, and below there was another comment “Quite Children fucked up, phone for 50k” .. I want to scold who wrote it! Why are the children fucked up?! Why then make phones so expensive if you can’t buy them?! Well, if it was written there, “I will ask my mother to buy me a phone for 50k,” then it’s okay, but if the child wants to accumulate himself !! There are no words .. Okay, now about me. Although what about me? I live in a fairly big city .. There are no complaints. I will consider pasting leaflets, and by the way I will make my idea - you can make plush toys and sell, a friend is engaged in this and going to sell an average of 1000 rubles. Well, thanks for the ideas, I'll go look for "work" :)

  36. Pocket money is not given to me, they do not give money for the holidays, and the lessons and cleaning are my responsibilities. I need to save 22 thousand, but this is not possible

  37. hello, I Varya and I am 12 years old for the summer we moved to the farm I want to save 7 thousand on a new phone, pocket money is not given to me and so I do beads and decided to sell jewelry both my ideas and to order please tell me or the application where you can sell it all

  38. I accumulated 13 mini at the age of 12. It costs 63990 for a second

  39. the article is good but will not help me, they don’t give me pocket money at all, even if I ask myself. For my birthday, they give me a maximum of 2 thousand, for the New Year they also do not give anything. In general, I had only 2 phone over my 13 years and now I don’t have a phone, but I have it very rarely once a week I live somewhere in a queen 5 km from Moscow, but to get to Moscow time in order to find a job I need to spend about 200 rubles per day on the road 120 rubles Elka there back and 120 rubles on the metro, but I have nowhere to take the money for the road shorter, so I can’t accumulate on the phone for 6k

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