How to make a TV from a monitor with your own hands: through HDMI, Wi-Fi, with a prefix, instructions. Is it possible to use the TV as a second monitor?

How to make a TV from a monitor with your own hands: through HDMI, Wi-Fi, with a prefix, instructions. Is it possible to use the TV as a second monitor?

If you need a TV, you can make it from any old or just a free monitor. Description, how to do this, look below.

Do you need a new TV in another room, in a house for a cottage or a garage? It is not necessary to go to the store and buy new equipment. If you have an old monitor from a PC at home, then you can use it to view TV shows. To do this, you do not have to perform complex manipulations, such as the repaying of the motherboard. Everything is simple - 5 available ways. Read below.

How to make a TV from a monitor with your own hands: through HDMI, Wi-Fi, with a prefix, instructions

You can convert to a TV any display, but the only condition, the device should have a VGA input. It is not necessary to place the tuner inside the case, it is enough to attach it from above. So, here are 5 ways to remake in the TV of an ordinary monitor:


HDMI adapter and VGA input. Devices will be interconnected using a special transition wire with plugs - ordinary and for the VGA port.


Prefix Smart-TV. This method is considered the best in functionality, since you can not only watch TV shows, but also use applications, play games. The only thing is that such a device will have to be connected to the Internet. You also need to stock up on a special adapter for transmitting pictures of HDMI-VGA.

It is worth knowing: With such a connection, you will have to transmit the sound through a different channel, since the VGA is not designed to broadcast sound signals.

Therefore, if you do not want to mess with several channels, and it’s not a pity to overpay some money, it is better to buy an HDMI-VGA-MINIJACK adapter. You can connect the speakers to it and then there will be no problems with the transmission of sound.

TV tuner
TV tuner

TV tuner. Such a device is a full -fledged TV, but without a display. To make the equipment complete, just connect the monitor to the tuner and get a real TV with all its functions. The price of such a device is small, and you can choose yourself - pay you for such a device less or more. The thing is that there are 4 types of TV tuners:

  • Built -in block. It needs to be mounted in the system. It is difficult to do independently, without special skills.
  • External block. It is connected using ExpressCard.
  • Network tuner. For connection, a router is used.
  • Consol tuner. Autonomous device that is connected through the wire.

To work the first three types of devices, you will need the technical filling of the PC, since they are just a complement. Therefore, it is better to purchase a device that is autonomous and has its own fee. To connect, you just need to connect both devices using RCA cable. You can control the switching of the channels, sound and other parameters using a remote control that is attached to any tuner model.

It's important to know: If your receiver has no speakers, then it is worth connecting the speakers. To do this, there is an output for audio, or stock up on the usual Mini-Jack adapter.

In order to watch digital TV, you will also have to buy a special receiver with an RCA output, as well as HDMI and VGA.

Wires for configuration
Wires for configuration

Smartphone, iPad. From a mobile gadget, both online TV and any other content will be excellent. To do this, buy an HDMI cable and an adapter for the gadget. Connect the following:

  1. Set up the monitor and gadget on the HDMI source.
  2. Connect two devices with adapters and wires.
  3. Choose the right resolution.

You can create such a design using an adapter and a VGA interface. When you purchase everything you need, do the following:

  1. Install all components on the surface of the table. Combine them using cables.
  2. Connect the gadget to the network.
  3. Also install the speakers nearby and connect them using mini-jack.

It is very convenient if you download your favorite movie or series for the gadget in advance, and then with the help of a simple design, enjoy viewing on the big screen. This method is the cheapest and simplest.

Laptop monitor as TV
Laptop monitor as TV

Notebook. You can use your laptop or PC to view TV shows via the Internet. IPTV technology helps. In order to look at TV-air, follow the following:

  1. Download on the network and install an IPTV player on a laptop.
  2. Also download the playlist with channels on the Internet.
  3. Pour the downloaded playlist on the player in the section "Channel list".
  4. Click "Save".

Interesting: You can watch several channels at once at the same time. Such a function is supported by a modern IPTV player.

Is it possible to use the TV as a second monitor?

Above, we examined how to make TV out of the monitor. But there are times when, on the contrary, it is necessary to make a second monitor from the TV. For example, if a laptop or a PC monitor has failed. It is also possible, but the video card should be specially equipped so that it can function with several devices. You can find out if there is such a function on your device, if you inspect the panel.

Video card with several connectors
Video card with several connectors

It should have 4 connectors:

  1. VGA-extension. It is considered an outdated interface. If possible, it is worth abandoning it and choosing a digital generation of similar additions.
  2. HDMI. A new generation of video transmission and multi -channel audio.
  3. DP. Such Display Port is the most modern today. It transfers both a video with good quality and sound signals.
  4. DVI. Modern digital addition, but only works with video transmission. There is no audio transmission channel.

So, you have selected a suitable interface for yourself, connected the wire. Now, in the TV menu, select the entrance to which you have completed. Then proceed to the settings:

  • Anyway on the laptop desktop, click with the right mouse button. A window will appear, select in it "Screen resolution".
Click "Expanding the screen"
  • A new page with the number of monitors will open. So far he is only one. But you will click "Find".
Click "Find"
  • The second display will immediately appear.
The second display appeared
The second display appeared
  • Click on the monitor "2" - This is your TV and select a resolution of 1920x1080 and higher if your technique supports such a permit. Then click on an active link "Extra options"which is located on the right, a little lower.
Select the right expansion
Select the right expansion
  • In a new window, select 75 Hz - this is the maximum frequency. With its help, you can produce quick updates. In addition, the flicker of the screen will decrease. That's it - you connected the monitor.

Important: Be sure to decide on the way the image output. 4 ways will be available to you.

Select the desired image output method
Select the desired image output method
  • First - displays a copy of the image on TV. The second is extensions for the desktop, the mouse will move through both devices in such a way that the desktop will seem whole. The third and fourth-display the picture to one device.

Advice: Choose the second option "Expansion of these monitors." You can simultaneously watch a movie and work at the laptop monitor.

  • Be sure to make a choice of the main device so that on the desktop of the desired monitor, the start button and panel of the system are displayed.
Put a
Put a "tick"

Also configure the audio program:

  • When choosing a VGA, connect the speakers to the computer.
  • HDMI and DP - Audio transmission is automatically. But be sure to turn on the digital channel, setting the desired volume.

Now you know how to make a TV out of the monitor, and how to make a monitor from TV. The main thing is to stock up on everything necessary for connecting: wires, plugs and so on. Good luck!

TV from the old monitor. With your own hands. TV from the old monitor. Life in the village

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Comments K. article

  1. I liked the option with a prefix with VGA output. I, as a girl who wants to just buy and put, like this option more. Especially in the case of a summer cottage, it is even more interesting. That's just embarrasses the lack of speakers

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