How to make salty, sweet and caramel popcorn at home: the best recipes. How to cook popcorn from fresh corn in the oven, microwave, pan, multicooker: cooking features, tips

How to make salty, sweet and caramel popcorn at home: the best recipes. How to cook popcorn from fresh corn in the oven, microwave, pan, multicooker: cooking features, tips

Recipes for making sweet, salty and caramel popcorn at home.

Popcorn is considered a traditional snack that is used in time watching films. Our delicacy became known not so long ago, but for the first time the mention of the air corn was found in 1492. When Columbus arrived in America, he saw on the neck of local residents of the beads from Popcorn.

What corn is made of home popcorn from?

Not any corn variety is suitable for the manufacture of popcorn. This is a special view that contains starch and droplets of water. Inside the grain of corn is not hard, but quite soft, but the outer shell is strong and vitreous. This prevents grain damage. When exposed to high temperatures, droplets of water inside the grains boil, tearing the shell. The pulp is outside.

Corn for popcorn
Corn for popcorn

How to make salty popcorn at home: Recipe

There are many options for making air corn, it all depends on what dishes you have in stock. Special devices for the preparation of popcorn have been created, which provide an optimal and uniform heating mode.

Options for obtaining popcorn:

  • The car in hot air. The principle of operation of the device is very simple. Hot air is supplied, which affects the grains and they explode. The principle is similar to a hairdryer.
  • Boiler for the stove. This is a kind of dishwasher with a pen that needs to be constantly rotated. It turns out excellent popcorn. True, there is a high risk of handling.
  • Pan. The easiest option. Corn simply warms up in a pan with constant stirring. There is a risk of burning.
  • Microwave. An ideal device for the manufacture of popcorn. Now varieties have been created for cooking in the microwave.
Salty popcorn at home
Salty popcorn at home


  • We will prepare according to the simplest recipe in a pan
  • Pour a little oil into the pan and warm it well
  • Pour a handful of popcorn and constantly stir
  • As the grains heated, they will explode, forming popcorn
  • Sprinkle the finished popcorn with fine salt and mix
Salty popcorn at home
Salty popcorn at home

How to make sweet popcorn at home: recipe

The ideal option is low -calorie dessert. Many popcorn consider it a children's dish and that is right. He is absolutely harmless.


  • Put the pan on the fire and warm it well
  • Pour a handful of corn and cover the capacity with a lid
  • It is necessary to constantly shake the vessel so that nothing is burnt
  • When all the grains explode, you can remove the lid and mix
  • Pour a little sugar powder on top and shake corn
Sweet popcorn at home
Sweet popcorn at home

How to make caramel popcorn at home: Recipe

There are no difficulties in making such corn.


  • 250 g of sugar
  • Spoon of lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • Corn
  • 40 ml of oil
  • 1/4 cup of corn grains
  • A pinch of soda

R ecutt:

  • Pour the grains into the pan with butter and sweat a little on the fire, constantly mixing
  • Cover and wait until all the grains are opened
  • Now remove from heat and take care of the caramel
  • In a large vessel, mix sugar, lemon juice and water, put on fire
  • Stir constantly until sugar melts
  • Cook until you get a traction transparent mass with a characteristic smell of caramel
  • When everything is ready, put the popcorn on parchment paper, spreading it on a baking sheet
  • Pour your soda into caramel, the mass will bubble and hiss, it is at that moment that pour it onto the popcorn
  • After solidification, you will receive popcorn in a crispy glaze
Karamel popcorn at home
Karamel popcorn at home

How to cook popcorn from corn in the oven, microwave, pan, multicooker: cooking features, tips

Multicar is an assistant in the kitchen of modern housewives. With its help, you can easily cook popcorn.

Preparation instructions in a slow cooker:

  • It is necessary to take a dry bowl and pour approximately 20 ml of oil into it, immediately pour corn
  • Close the lid and turn on the "baking" mode for 7 minutes
  • You need to control the cracks as soon as it stops, remove the bowl from the device

And netstation for cooking in the microwave:

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of oil into a container of glass or ceramics and pour the grains
  • Shake the bowl well so that the oil is distributed with a thin layer
  • Put the grains of corn and cover with a lid, cook 4 minutes
  • Make sure that the grains do not burn, this happens in the microwave oven often

Preparation instructions in the oven:

  • Pour 20 ml of vegetable oil into the baking sheet and pour popcorn
  • Heat the oven to 180 degrees and put a baking sheet in it
  • Cook in a closed closet, decreasing heating
  • When the grains stop exploding, remove the popcorn
Popcorn at home
Popcorn at home

As you can see, everything is very simple and fast. The cost of the snack is 10 times cheaper than in the cinema.

Video: popcorn at home

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