How to make a screen picture on a computer: 4 ways to get a screenshot

How to make a screen picture on a computer: 4 ways to get a screenshot

In this article, we will consider how easy and simply take a picture of the screen on your computer in several ways.

Sometimes a screenshot helps to solve some problems or to perform reasoned evidence. But here's how to make it - causes some difficulties. There are several ways to make a picture of the screen on the computer, so choose the most convenient option for what. And we suggest you look at the methods of creating a screenshot of your desktop.

How to make a screen picture on a computer: 4 ways to get a screenshot

We will touch the topic a little, what is the screenshot - this is the image of your monitor with all files or folders open on it. In the operating system, there is even a built -in function for this. Therefore, the computer user receives an exact photo of what he contemplates on the screen. There are three ways to take a picture of the screen on the computer.

Standard method to get a screen picture using the Print Screen button

  • Use the key "PRTSC", Which is most often located on the left side of the button "Delete". By the way, you need to search in the top line of the keys. Sometimes it happens that it is higher, but in any case we move to the side "Backspace" (Keads with a reverse arrow).

Important: sometimes the operating system requires combination "ALT + PRTSCN". Therefore, if the button simply did not work, click these two keys. But for Windows 8 and 10 you need to clamp the key combination "Win + PRTSCN".

  • In this moment no sound accompaniment takes place! Moreover, a picture of a whole screen remains in the computer's memory. But it still needs to be extracted. And for this, go to Paint, Notepad or Microsoft Word, or maybe even photoshop.
  • Click insert into the corresponding icon in the program or press "Ctrl+V".
  • It remains only to save the screen in the desired folder, calling the appropriate name.
The location of the
The location of the PRTSC button may differ slightly on different keyboard

Using a standard Windows program, you can get a screenshot of any size

This method is more suitable for small fragments when there is no desire to shoot your entire desktop. But a whole screenshot can also be made. In use, even easier than the previous method.

  • This is a standard program "Scissors" (You can look for it through the "Start" or in the search engine). To do this, just go to the program and choose the upper inscription "Create". If you have it fixed on the taskbar, then just press the icon.
  • Choose the desired figure, which you will cut and press the purple square to save. Do not forget to indicate the right place so that you find your screenshot. Or click "Enter" And the file is saved in the installed folder, where you usually send downloads.
  • Sometimes there is no such program on the computer, so there are many of its analogues that work according to the same principle.
The program even gives small tips
The program even gives small tips

Using special programs to screech

Sometimes there is no button on the keyboard as PRTSC. Or she doesn't work. Therefore, we will talk about frequently used programs, but this is not a redistribution of their existence.

Important: do not download the first program that fall. This is dangerous by infection with viruses, and there is also no guarantee that it will be convenient and well to work.

  • Therefore, check the reliability of the programs by reading comments or ratings. We offer three options:
    • Lightshot;
    • Screenster;
    • Faststone Capture.
  • There are also a few more good options. For example, the Fraps program was chosen by Gamers in their games. A little in the second rows were Picpick, Clip2NET, JOXI screensher.
  • There is also an interesting Paparazzzi program that is used on Mac.

It is worth noting that they all work according to one principle. Therefore, for clarity, we will analyze the detailed use of the leading program of a wide audience called Lightshot.

  • It can be downloaded for free from an official source of programs. This is done for the safety of computer infection with a virus. The next step will be the establishment of the program, which is very simple to do. Then it automatically starts when the computer is turned on.
Through the programs you can adjust the size of the region
Through the programs you can adjust the size of the region
  • On the screen, it is displayed in the form of a purple feature, which is located in the upper right corner. By the way, this function can be closed and the feather will be displayed only on the taskbar. If necessary, a screenshot, press the cursor on the pen icon.
  • The display becomes pale color and it is proposed to select a fragment for the picture. Using the left mouse button, pull the square to the boundaries of the desired section of the picture.
  • Do not forget to copy the selected area - "Ctrl+C." The image must be placed in the Paint program (standard program through the Start menu) by clicking on the inscription "insert" Or hot keys "Ctrl+V".
With the program you need to save the screen through the perent
From the program you need to save the screen through the pint
  • Next, you need to save it. By the way, if you wish, you can trim or adjust the size of the picture. To save, press the upper purple square in the left corner. Or click "Ctrl+S". Choose the necessary folder or place to save the file.
  • In this case, the name of the file is indicated. While maintaining, you need to specify the JPG format. This will facilitate the way to view it in the future.
  • If you did not choose a folder, but retained the picture on the machine, then we do not panic - it is in the exchange buffer, or in other words, in the computer's memory. Then we turn to the upper left panel, which is the first to be located first, and followed by the inscription “Home”. At its opening, recent documents are displayed with which any action was performed.
The files with which you recently worked are saved in memory
The files with which you recently worked are saved in memory

A screen picture can be taken using an extensions of the browser

  • This is also provided for browsers. More precisely, for example, in Mozilla Firefox, Dropbox and Pfotoscape there is a built -in sentence about the screen of the screen, working directly in the browser. But such programs as Microsoft Ship, Shutter, Lightshoot and Webpage Screenshot Installed in any other browsers. To do this, just go into additional settings, where you include the necessary expansion.
How to enable the extension in the browser for the scree
How to enable the extension in the browser for the scree

As you can see, several methods are provided for how to take a screen of the screen. Therefore, you can choose for yourself any convenient method for using the screenshot function.

Video: How to make a screen picture?

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