How to make a show of soap bubbles at home? Do -it -yourself soap bubbles solution

How to make a show of soap bubbles at home? Do -it -yourself soap bubbles solution

Recipes of solutions for soap bubbles. How to make giant, frozen, durable soap bubbles.

Soap bubbles do not leave indifferent either children or adults. Children screech with delight at the sight of flying balloons, and adults admire this beauty with emotion.

No wonder the soap bubbles show have become popular recently. Typically, such shows are organized for children's holidays - a birthday, graduation in kindergarten. You can also see the soap bubbles show in the circus.

How to make a solution for soap bubbles with your own hands?

If you decide to please your children with a holiday with soap bubbles, it is not necessary to invite artists. You can arrange a show yourself, it is enough to prepare for this correctly. The costs will be insignificant.

The main components for the preparation of the solution:

  • Water
  • Soap base
  • Glycerol

The ingredients are mixed in certain proportions, in this way the solution is formed.

However, before starting mixing the components, some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. It is advisable to take boiled water. The smaller the impurities of salts in water, the better the solution will be
  2. Before you start blowing bubbles, hold the solution for about a day in the refrigerator
  3. Before use, you need to make sure that there is no foam in the solution. The film should be whole, without bubbles and foam
  4. The more glycerol, the denser the bubbles are obtained. But you need not to overdo it
Soap bubbles are loved by adults and children

So, let's start cooking methods.

Method 1:

  • Take a dishwashing meals in the amount of half a glass
  • Dilute it with water. You need to take two glasses
  • Mix, and then add 2 tsp. glycerol (it can be easily purchased at the pharmacy)

Method 2:

  1. One cup (200 g) shampoo pour into a container with two glasses of water
  2. Then add 2-3 teaspoons of glycerol here. Shampoo is better to take children

Method 3:

  1. Grate the laundry soap. You should get half a glass of shavings
  2. Pour chips with 5 glasses of hot water
  3. Drink the solution until the soap is completely dissolved. The soap may not dissolve if the water is not hot enough. In this case, put the dishes with the mixture on the fire and continue to stir. Do not bring to a boil
  4. After complete dissolution, add 1 teaspoon of glycerol

Important: cosmetic soap is not suitable for the solution. It contains many additives that will not allow soap bubbles to form.

A solution for soap bubbles is made simply

Recipe for soap bubbles without glycerol at home

The cost of glycerol is funny. But if nevertheless it was not found at hand of this component, you can easily do without it. Take sugar for replacement.

Important: the sugar solution does not need to be stored for a long time. It is designed for disposable use.

A recipe for soap bubbles without glycerol:

Take 2 glasses of water, half a glass of dishwashing or shower gel, 2 tablespoons of sugar. Mix these components. Ready.

If you want to do shampoo solutionobserve the following proportions:

  1. One glass of children's shampoo
  2. Two glasses of water
  3. Six teaspoons of sugar
Animals also frolic, seeing soap bubbles

Giant soap bubbles at home

Glycerin and sugar syrup allow you to achieve giant bubbles. Due to the combination of these components of the bubble walls will be strong, such a bubble will not burst immediately after blowing.

Recipe for giant bubbles

The necessary components:

  • 800 ml of boiled water
  • 200 ml of dishwashing fluid
  • 100 ml of glycerin
  • 50 g of sugar
  • 50 g of gelatin

Cooking method:

  1. Dilute the indicated amount of gelatin in a small amount of water, it must completely dissolve
  2. After swelling, strain gelatin, drain water
  3. Dilute 50 g of sugar in gelatin, melt this mixture over low heat. Do not bring to a boil
  4. Add 800 ml of water to the resulting mixture, then a dishwasher and glycerin
  5. Mix the solution well, don't let it foam

Giant bubbles, as a rule, do not blow. They are formed under the strength of the wind with the help of sticks or hoops of large diameter.

Giant soap bubbles

Video: How to make giant soap bubbles at home?

Unprofitable soap bubbles at home

Strong bubbles are needed to build figures in a soap show. To create them, a special solution with sugar syrup is necessary.

The recipe for the solution:

  1. Sugar syrup is made per 50 g of sugar per 10 ml of water
  2. One part of sugar syrup is mixed with two parts of dissolved laundry soap
  3. After that add 8 parts of water
  4. Then add 4 parts of glycerol
  5. Mix the solution, keep it in the refrigerator

Gel soap bubbles at home

  • Gel bubbles differ from ordinary ones in that they are in the air much longer than usual. Even landing on leaves or earth, they do not burst
  • If you touch the gel bubble, it will burst
  • Gel bubbles leave behind a fat film, it can be easily removed with a damp sponge
  • For the solution, a special substance is used in the form of a gel, it is this substance that guarantees the durability of the bubbles

Gel bubbles are convenient to use on photo shoots.

Gel bubbles for a photo session

How to freeze a soap bubble at home?

Important: at -15 ° C, bubbles freeze when touching the surface. If the temperature reaches -25 ° C, then soap bubbles freeze without having time to reach the surface.

Winter is not an obstacle for fun with soap bubbles

For the solution, it is used:

  • laundry soap
  • glycerol
  • water

How soap bubbles “behave” in the cold “behave” can be seen in the next video.

Video: Frozen soap bubbles

Colored soap bubbles at home, recipe

To create colored soap bubbles, you will need food dye.

  1. Make a solution according to any of the above recipe
  2. Pour the liquid into several jars
  3. Pour a little food coloring into each jar.
  4. For each jar, use a different color

The result is a huge number of soap bubbles of different colors.

Colored soap bubbles solutions

How to make a show of soap bubbles at home?

For the show, various details will be needed:

  • Tubes of different shapes
  • Hoops
  • Sticks
  • Straw

With the help of these details, it is easy to make bubbles of bizarre shape. Hand dexterity and preliminary training will help you create an interesting show for children.

Do not forget about the suit. It will be much more interesting for children if you dress up a clown or a wizard.

To be inspired by ideas for your soap bubbles show, see how professionals do it.

Video: soap bubbles show

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